NEWSLETTER - Jane Ryan Elementary

Jane Ryan Elementary School
April 2015
Dates to
April 3 & 6 - No School
April 9 - 5
th Grade Orientation
at Madison
April 9 - Father’s Club Meeting
April 13-17 - Spring Vacation
April 21 - B
ook Fair
April 24 - Movie Night
April 29 - 5th Grade Visit Madison
Is Art Education
The following is excerpted from
an article written by Andrea
Mulder-Slater and found at http://
important.shtml. Although it was
written for an audience of teachers, it offers an important message
to children and parents about the
importance of art in education.
Do you have ne
photos or fun fa
cts you
would like to se
e in
the newsletter?
Please contact
Jen at
“It is always disturbing to hear
of yet another set of district policy
makers doing away with arts education in the schools. Trouble
is, many hold the misconception
that art is a superfluous, isolated
subject when, in fact, nothing
could be further from the truth...
Teaching your students about art
is a good idea—here’s why:
• It’s been proven that early
exposure to visual art, music,
or drama promotes activity in
the brain.
• Art helps children understand
other subjects much more
clearly — from math and
science, to language arts and
• Art nurtures inventiveness as it
engages children in a process
that aids in the development of
self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, and self-motivation.
190 Park Lane, Trumbull, CT 06611
(203) 452-4400
Is Art Education Important?
(Continued from page 1)
“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t
say any other way – things I had no words for.”
– Georgia O’Keefe
• Participating in art activities helps children to gain the
tools necessary for understanding human experience,
adapting to and respecting others’ ways of working
and thinking, developing creative problem-solving
skills, and communicating thoughts and ideas in a variety of ways.
“Drawing is one of the most important activities you and
your students can do. Drawing not only provides the basis
for other creative activities - like
painting, sculpture and printmaking - but it also provides a
direct link with reading, writing
and especially mathematics. The
connection between drawing
and geometric shapes and
measurements simply
cannot be denied. And do you know what else? Drawing is the single most accessible form of art available. All
you need is a pencil and a sheet of paper. Here are some
quick art ideas you can implement right away …
• Hand out paper and invite students to draw circles of
all sorts, letting them overlap. Next, they can color
in the shapes that appear—taking care not to let two
shapes touch one another…
• Have your students imagine there is a hole in the wall.
What is lurking behind the wall? Talk about it. Ask
them to draw it…
• Try having your students draw their names in big
blocky print with pencil on paper. Next, encourage
them to fill the paper with all sorts of designs using
markers, crayons, or oil pastels…
“One of the most important lessons you
can teach your students is that more often
than not, a mistake is not a mistake—it’s
a happy accident. Illustrate this idea in
an eraser-free art-making session during
which students are encouraged change a
“mistake” into something else. No erasing allowed! Turn a boat into a sunfish or
change a lion into a raspberry bush.
Before long, going with the flow
will become second nature for your
students.” And for our children!
Did you know…
There is a growing body of scientific evidence linking performance in math with
the arts. One example is the “Mozart Effect”, in which students were found
to perform better on tests shortly after listening to Mozart’s music. Who knew!
The Principal’s Pen
Happy March!
Happy April and Happy Spring!!
We are enjoying a few warmer days and some well needed outside time.
On March 25th we kicked off the Kid’s Marathon where all children had
an opportunity to run around the building. (Hopefully, the field will be
ready for us soon.) I do have to say I slept well that night with lots of laps
around the school. Thanks to the Wellness Team and all the volunteers who are
supporting good health and exercise at Jane Ryan.
BINGO was a fun family night for all. There were lots of smiling faces! Thanks to all who volunteered to make it a successful event.
Fourth and fifth graders have started the SBAC testing, and I am proud of each and every one of
them. They have shown great effort and concentration as they tackle the computer based assessment. I thank the team of staff who made sure technology was ready to go and who support our
students on a daily basis.
The fifth graders participated in the Invention Convention and it is always amazing how they target a “problem” and invent a “solution”. The judges were very impressed with their presentations.
I am hopeful that our spring vacation will include some spring weather. I wish you all a peaceful
Easter and Passover.
Again, thank you to so many for what you do to support our school!
Mrs. Bolton
Did you know…
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The cheetah is the world’s fastest land animal. They can run 70 mph, which is as fast as
cars drive on the highway. The cheetah can reach its top speed in just 3 seconds!
Words from the PTA
Jane Ryan PTA
Open PTA Positions. The PTA has the following positions open:
1st Vice President. T
his person sits on the PTA Board and is responsible for coordinating
Teacher Appreciation Week.
2nd Vice President. T
his is a 4th grade parent who observes the current 2nd VP who is in
charge of planning and coordinating all 5th grade activities.
Recording Secretary. This person takes minutes at our meetings...this role can be shared by
more than 1 individual.
Gift Wrap. W
e need someone to chair our largest most successful fund raiser of the year...
there is someone available who is happy to guide the willing candidate(s)!
It has been our experience that it is more fun to sign up for something with a friend!
Officer Installation. Save the date for the PTA’s end-of-year Installation Dinner scheduled
for Thursday, May 28th at 6:30 p.m. at Carl Anthony’s in Monroe.
Joan Rondano
Kristine Vitola
Diana Inesta
Did you know…
The oceans cover almost three quarters of the earth. If all the ice in glaciers & ice sheets melt,
the sea level would rise by about the height of a 26 story building.
Father’s Club News
Jane Ryan Father’s Club
With the Spring thaw upon us, the Jane Ryan Father’s Club (JRFC) has been busy planning
various activities for the students and parents. Also, due to the success of the Super Bowl
Breakfast, the JRFC has made the following contributions to the school:
• Supplemental math learning materials
• Reading books and website licenses for Kindergarten and 1st Grade students
• Three microscopes, game wheel and microphone
• Purchase of 30 Chromebooks soon to be delivered
• Upcoming ‘Staff Room Makeover’
Through parent involvement, we can make a difference for our school by holding successful
events that help Jane Ryan gain additional resources that enhance the learning experiences of
our students. Below you will find a list of upcoming activities at which we hope to see you or
your children.
Upcoming Jane Ryan Father’s Club events...
JRFC School of Rock Benefit Concert – Plans are being finalized for a concert featuring
two bands, The C-Sides and Scratch, that will benefit Jane Ryan. The C-Sides are a local
band that includes two current Jane Ryan dads, Andy Carlson and Chad Rhodes, among its
members and Scratch features Jane Ryan dad Greg Lippert. The bands are a favorite among
many Jane Ryan parents. The event will be taking place Saturday evening, April 25th, so be
sure to look for more information on what is sure to be a fun night of enjoying music with
your Jane Ryan neighbors. Please note, this is an adults-only event.
Trumbull Fathers Club Golf Tournament – Final touches are being placed on this
year’s Fathers Club golf tournament. This year’s event is the twelfth annual “School’s Out”
golf tournament and benefits Trumbull’s Elementary Schools. The tournament is held at
Tashua Knolls. Jane Ryan had its consecutive streak for most participants snapped last year.
Let’s show our Jane Ryan Lion spirit by having the most participants at this year’s event.
More information and sign-up sheets will be distributed closer to the event’s May start date.
Did you know…
A typical 190-pound golfer will burn 431 calories per hour — assuming he or she is
walking across the course instead of riding a golf cart.
Father’s Club News
Upcoming Jane Ryan Father’s Club events continued...
Father’s Night Out – The Spring Father’s Night Out will take place Friday evening, May
8th, at the firehouse hall on Meadow Road. This is a great opportunity for the dads to enjoy
a catered dinner, adult refreshments and get to know one another.
School Camp Out – Building upon last year’s return of this school tradition the Fathers
Club is organizing a school camp out. The camp out will take place either at the end of May
or in June during which Jane Ryan families pitch their tents in the school’s schoolyard and enjoy an evening under the stars. More information will be provided closer to the event’s date.
School Movie Nights – The next movie night will be held in April. Admission is free and
refreshments can be purchased. Have your children bring a blanket so they can camp out in
front of a movie with their friends in the school’s cafeteria.
These are just some of the events that the Fathers Club is currently planning. We welcome the
thoughts of all Jane Ryan dads. Come join us at one of our general meetings. The meetings are
held the second Thursday of every month during the school year in the Jane Ryan library. They
begin at 7:30 and usually last an hour or less.
Go Lions!
Co-President: Joe Peddle –
Co-President: Tim Honychurch –
Vice-President: Tim Farrelly –
Treasurer: Don Crecca –
Secretary: Jim Clausi –
Did you know…
A newborn kangaroo is about as long as a paper clip.
Pride Corner
At Jane Ryan Elementary School, students practice
Jane Ryan Pride. To show Lion Pride is to:
Be Respectful,
Encourage Others,
Do Your Best
Students were recognized at our recent “PAWS” for Fairness
event during which they taped our newest video: “56 Ways to Be
Fair”. This can be accessed on the Jane Ryan website. We encourage you to watch this with your
child(ren) and engage them in a conversation about how they show their Jane Ryan PRIDE. Ask them
about how they earn PRIDE points, the PRIDE flag, and the overall standards of Jane Ryan PRIDE.
Connecting how PRIDE can also be shown in your home and the community will also be beneficial
in reinforcing these expectations. Keep a look out for our next video “50 Ways to be Trustworthy”
coming soon to the website!
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Did you know…
When a lion walks their heels do not touch the ground.
Newsworthy Happenings
Lion’s Pride
Garden Group
Accredited Monarch Waystation
We are pleased to announce the Jane Ryan Lion’s Pride Butterfly
Gardens have been accepted as an official Monarch Waystation by
the Monarch Watch conservation group.
Each year hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies migrate from Canada
to Mexico and back but their delicate habitats are shrinking. The monarchs
require both host plants, milkweed for their larvae and nectar plants for food
and energy. Our Monarch Waystation provides areas with these plants as well
as other resources like water and rocks to sun on. It also gives
a place for other declining species like bees and bats.
Hopefully we will be able to see more and more monarchs come to visit Jane
Ryan providing both beauty and education for all.
Want to start a monarch butterfly garden of your own? Visit the National Wildlife
Federation at to take the pledge and get a
free butterfly garden starter kit.
Book Fair
The P.T.A. will be hosting a Book Fair on
Tuesday, April 21st to help students stock
up on their Summer Reading. All Books
will be Buy One, Get One Free!
Did you know…
Many butterflies can taste with their feet to find out whether the leaf
they sit on is good to lay eggs on to be their caterpillars’ food.
Newsworthy Happenings
Jane Ryan
Reflections Winners
The first place Reflections winners
from Jane Ryan were honored at
a town wide awards ceremony at Frenchtown School
on March 10. Pictured in the photo are (back row)
Elizabeth Clark, Catherine Xie, Mrs. Bolton, Elise
Heyman and (front row) Jonathan Kubie, Alex
Morelli, and June Hammel. Alex Morelli and
Jonathan Kubie have also been selected to be
awarded at the State Level!
Teacher Appreciation Week
We at Jane Ryan are incredibly lucky to have the most
amazing staff! In recognition of all their hard work and
caring, we will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation
Week from May 4th to 8th.
Plans are currently in the works for fun festivities each
day that week. One of the most popular is our raffle of
fabulous prizes. Please consider donating an item to the
raffle or sending in a monetary donation and the TAW
shoppers will pick something out. Donations may be
sent in an envelope marked “TAW Raffle”. Thank you in
advance for your generosity and support!
If you are interested in participating or would like more
information, please contact
Maura Rhodes at or
(203) 556-8039.
Did you know…
The current world record for the number of tennis balls held in a dog’s mouth is 5.
Newsworthy Happenings
Jane Ryan Girl Scouts
Father Daughter Dance
The photograph features the following
Scouts: Ellie Holmes, Kylee Murray, Grace
Pisinski and Lia Esposito.
Maritime Aquarium Sleep-Over
In March, the Jane Ryan 4th Grade
Girl Scouts participated in a sleepover at the Maritime Aquarium. They enjoyed
an educational behind-the-scenes tour of the facility as well as games,
crafts and the experience of sleeping among the sea creatures!
The photograph features the
following Scouts: Gabby Pavlov,
Abigail Chiodo, Izabella Neiger,
Libby France, Kayla Barbagallo,
Anabelle Baratta, Maddy Peddle, Dena Raccioppo, Carly
Rhodes, Colleen Baker, Gabby
Presutto, Katie Levine, Abby
Leonzi, Christina Tamorria &
Alyssa Lalli.
Did you know…
The State of Florida is bigger than England.
Support Jane Ryan
The School Store: New Novelty Items!
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 9th
Thursday, April 23rd
New novelty items will be available plus basic
school supplies such as pencils, pens, erasers
and glue sticks. Think of the School Store if
you’re looking for a little something to send in
to the classroom for a birthday. Special birthday
pencils are available!
Please contact Jen Kane at with any questions.
All-School Spring Clean Up
The Lion’s Pride Garden Group invites you to
join us for the All-School Spring Clean Up on
May 2nd from 12pm-4pm.
Bring your gloves and grubbies as we spruce
up the school grounds after this long winter.
Interested in joining the group or have any
questions please contact
Megan Watson at
or 203-268-4138.
Did you know…
Broccoli is technically a flower. The green florets on the stalks are actually
immature flowers, and if left to grow, open into tiny yellow flowers.
Support Jane Ryan
Jane Ryan School Parents Facebook Group
Spring Clothing Drive. The Spring Clothing Drive is
scheduled for the week of April 20th. A flyer will go home
before vacation and IVolunteer times will be available for
folding and delivery.
Bridges to Bridgeport. The Bridges to Bridgeport event
to package supplies for Bridgeport students is scheduled
for Friday, May 8th, from 6:00p.m. to 9:00p.m. in the
Jane Ryan cafeteria. This event is a wonderful opportunity
for students to help other students. It is also a great social
event for working parents who may not always be able to
attend school events scheduled during the daytime.
Please direct any questions regarding these and other
KOOL events to Anne Marie Martini, KOOL chairperson,
Did you know…
A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out..
Support Jane Ryan
Free Money for our School from Target!
Register your Target Credit or Debit REDcard
and Target will donate 1% of your REDcard
purchases made at Target or to
Jane Ryan Elementary School. Last year, Target
donated over $800 to our School through this
Please register your REDcard today at
Join Stop&Shop’s A+ Program by registering
Jane Ryan Elementary School to your Stop&Shop
Rewards card. A percentage of sales will be
donated to help fund our children’s education.
Jane Ryan School code: 06186
Remember to save your “Box Tops for Education”
and send them in to school attached to the
collection sheet that was previously sent home
(this is extremely helpful) or in a baggie or
envelope. Our last submission of box tops has now
earned Jane Ryan $600 in funds!
For more information, please contact
Ann O’Sullivan at
Did you know…
Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
Some Fun
Happy Spring! Help Bumbles the Bee find his way
through the stem maze to find the yummy flower!
Did you know…
Spring fever is real! In the Spring, when the temperature rises,
blood vessels expand and some people get an energetic feeling.