www.jarmancentre.org.uk THE JARMAN CENTRE SOCIETY 2015 The Jarman Centre is the county’s own residential centre for guiding members, which has indoor accommodation and campsites. It was opened 25 years ago and is within a lovely woodland estate of 18.5 acres. Having successfully achieved our indoor refurbishment we have now turned our attention to the estate where much work needs to be done to save, maintain and improve the woodland. We also want to create many more activities within the woodland for our guiding members and other users to enjoy. The lottery has been running since 2009 and is registered in accordance with the 2007 regulations with South Cambs District Council. 50% of all incoming money is paid out in prize money and 50% is kept to help the Jarman Centre. 1. 2. Each person may have as many numbers as they like, which are allocated to them on receipt of payment to the Society. You can also purchase membership for other family members and friends but all named number holders must be 16 or over. You do not need to be a member of Girlguiding Cambridgeshire East to join. The Membership Year runs from 1 April to 31 March and the fee is £12 per number per year. It is renewable before 1 April each year. You may join at any time during the year, but your first year’s payment will still be £12 regardless of the month you join in your first year. You may pay the fee by cheque or fill in the standing order form below. Membership will be cancelled if not renewed by the due date. A reminder is issued in the Girlguiding Cambridgeshire East e-News. 3. Your allocated number/s will be confirmed by email if you have supplied this information. 4. All winners receive their winnings by cheque and the results are published in the Girlguiding Cambs East e-News, that all adult leaders receive, and in the Jarman Centre’s quarterly e-News. 5. A number is drawn on the first working day of each month when at least two people are in the County Office. There is a prize of £30 for each complete 100 members in the Society at the time of each draw. 6. Twice a year, in June and in December, there are additional draws where the prizes are higher, calculated to make the prize money up to 50% of the income to the fund at that date. 7. All winners’ numbers are entered straight back into the next month’s draw. The first draw of the year takes place in April 2015. Please send applications for membership to: Girlguiding Cambridgeshire East, 3 Quy Court, Stow cum Quy, Cambridge CB25 9AU. Application for Annual Membership to the Jarman Centre Society to be paid by cheque (If you held a number in 2014, you need only sign your name and date it, and add the subscription) Applicant’s Name If you are not a guiding member, insert name of Leader or Unit you know: Address Postcode E mail Signed Date I enclose a cheque for £____ made out to ‘Cambridgeshire East Guides Jarman Centre’ to cover____ number/s in all draws made between April 2015 and March 2016 at which point I will need to renew my membership. (Please attach an additional sheet of paper for further applications) OR Application for Membership to the Jarman Centre Society to be paid Annually by Bankers Standing Order Please pay the sum of £___ (in words £________________) to CAF Bank for the credit of ‘Cambs East Guides Jarman Centre’ (Sort Code: 40-52-40, Account no: 00017752), by one payment on ____________ (date) and thereafter annually on 15 March until I advise you otherwise, from the following account: Applicant’s Name If you are not a member, name of Leader or Unit you know Address Postcode E mail To Bank plc Branch A/c No Sort code Signed Date Girlguiding Cambridgeshire East is an operating name of The Guide Association Cambridgeshire East. Registered Charity No. 300716.
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