Jaycee Academy of Smart Initiatives for Empowerment JASMINE APPLICATION Send to: JCI INDIA, National Headquarter, 2nd floor, Ami-kalash, Ami Complex, IC Colony Road, Borivali(W) Mumbai-400 103, Ph: 022-28913355, 28912354. E-mail: prgns@jciindia.in Name of the Applicant Standard Sex Date of Birth Female Male Name of the Sponsoring LOM Zone Area Application for South North Postal Address of applicant City Phone (Bus) with STD code Pin Phone (Res) E-Mail :* State Mobile* Mobile Web Site : Which profession you wish to take as future career & why: Name of the School/Institution You are presently studying Other Information When did you attend Local level Leadership 21st Century program / Empowering Youth What are your hobbies What is your understanding by Junior Chamber? What is your expectation in this program (Brief in two lines) Have you attended JASMINE before, when? Please send this application along with DD of Rs. 1500/- in favor of “JCI INDIA”, payable at MUMBAI to JCI India National Head quarter address. Application along with DD must reach at NHQ within 10.04.2015. Declaration to be signed by the Applicant I here by declare that my ward/child is attending the above program of JCI India by our willingness to participate. He/She does not suffer from any ailment or communicable disease. We will not hold JCI India or its representatives solely or individually responsible for any sort of injury or ailment that may cause during and after the camp. We understand that this camp is organized in good interest of the overall development of the youth. Signature of Parent/Guardian Signature of the Zone President Date Signature of the applicant Signature of sponsoring LOM president
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