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JCI Values
That faith in God gives meaning and
purpose to human life;
That the brotherhood of man transcends
the sovereignty of nations;
That economic justice can best be won
by free men through free enterprise;
That government should be of laws
rather than of man;
That earth’s great treasure
lies in human personality;
And that service to humanity
is the best work of life.
The JCI Prayer
We affirm our conviction that
faith in God gives meaning and
purpose to human life.
May the good Lord guide us
in all our undertakings.
The Mission
To provide development opportunities
that empower young people to create
positive change.
his year marks the 35th year of JCI Manileña.
We are nothing but excited for this year’s challenges. Together
with 15 ladies of the Board of Directors headed by President
Karen Romarate, JCI Manileña takes off for 2015.
We take a different vibe from the usual souvenir program and
envisioned a magazine that will showcase JCI Manileña, our
sister chapters, external offices and partners, families and
friends. Let me take you through the new Induction Souvenir
A look back through the time our chapter was institutionalized
35 years ago gives us the chance to commend the success
and the women leaders who set the standards for what JCI
Manileña stands for. See how the seasoned and new blood
Manileñas unite in making a dream come true for the chapter
and its aspirations for the community year after year.
Immediate President Althea Peñalosa gives a recap on her
P.R.I.M.E. year and takes a bow as she passes on the leadership
to a young, fine woman, President Karen, who bravely pilots us
to greater heights.
And now President Karen highlights the flagship projects of the
chapter, and is determined to transform them into programs
with an end result in mind to create positive change in her
own little ways, a legacy to leave. Together with 14 beautiful,
graceful and intelligent young women, she finally takes the front
seat to lead us all to a soaring high Manileña ADVANCED.
So seat back, relax, and
maybe have yourself a few
drinks while leafing through
the pages of The Magazine.
Chenny Galano
Souvenir Magazine Head
and Editor
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
“Your members have distinguished themselves as
captains of governance and industry, individuals
who have a lasting impact on society.”
y warmest greetings to Junior Chamber International Manileña as you hold your 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies.
Benigno S. Aquino III
Republic of the Philippines
Your members have distinguished themselves as captains of
governance and industry, individuals who have a lasting impact on
society. This event is a time to reaffirm your commitment to nation
- building and revitalize your organization as new officers transition
into their respective roles. May this event galvanize the Jaycees,
enable you to create more initiative to realize equitable progress,
and allow you to serve as examples of excellence and compassion
for the Filipino people.
The Philippines is transforming into a hub of advanced, progressive
and sustained business and economic growth, but obstacles
still remain on straight and righteous path: Vestiges of corruption
heave their last desperate attempts to return to the old ways, and
the culture of hope that we have engendered is under threat by
negativists and those who stand gain from a system of greed, selfinterest, and transactionalism. As always, our solidarity is a source of
strength as we reach for the fulfillment of our collective aspirations.
May our partnership yield steadfastness, empower our countrymen
to face challenges with courage, and motivate them to share more
meaningfully in our mission of reform and prosperity.
I wish you a productive insightful celebration.
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
“The JCI Manilena’s strong support for women
empowerment is most inspiring, and speaks well of the
organization’s priorities and hierarchy of values.”
reetings to the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Manileña
as its officers and members prepare for the Induction Ceremonies
of their Board of Directors!
As an organization dedicated to providing young dynamic
professionals with expanded opportunities for personal growth and
skills development, the JCI is constantly evolving to meet the needs
of changing times. Over the years, it has successfully contributed
to the success of thousands of youthful career professionals and
entrepreneurs with an eye to helping shape not just their own
destinies, but that of their communities and countries as well.
Joseph Ejercito Estrada
City of Manila
The JCI’s all-female chapter Manileña proves yet again the depth
of JCI’s commitment to constantly building on its strong foundation
of inclusive development. The women’s sector has made massive
strides in most all sectors of societal pursuits, whether of a public
or private nature. Their access to skills development opportunities
impact greatly on their success and can, in turn, further spur our
nation on the road to progress.
The JCI Manilena’s strong support for women empowerment is
most inspiring, and speaks well of the organization’s priorities and
hierarchy of values. I have every confidence that it will be immense
importance in furthering the cause of women as partners in the
great task of nation building.
Congratulations and Mabuhay!
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
“Connect your Local and National Organizations with
the future. Care for the future of our world by meeting local
community needs through JCI Active Citizen Framework
ear JCI Manileña Members;
Please accept warm greetings!
It is my great honor to be able to address you in this manner for the 2015
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies. This is a great
occasion as we prepare for and begin the very momentous year of 2015.
Ismail Haznedar
2015 World President
Junior Chamber International
This year will be a remarkable one as the JCI Movement celebrates 100
Years of Impact. On all levels, from your Local Organization of JCI Manileña
to your National Organization of JCI Philippines to the international level,
we can leverage this opportunity to expand JCI’s influence and impact as
we seek to unite all sectors of society for sustainable impact.
I am eager to witness what JCI Manileña will accomplish in the next year
with your strong 2015 leadership and dedicated and passionate members.
I encourage you to view this year as a year of connection. Expand the
connections between the international and local levels. Remember and
be inspired by the connections between the past and the future. Aspire to
increase the connections between JCI members and active citizens from
all sectors of society.
Expectations are high for this next year, and I have great hopes that JCI
Philippines will be at the forefront of creating positive change and uniting
all sectors of society. Commit to the building of a prosperous future.
Connect your Local and National Organizations with the future. Care for
the future of our world by meeting local community needs through JCI
Active Citizen Framework projects.
I wish you a joyous celebration of the 2015 JCI Manileña Induction and
Turnover Ceremonies and many smiles as you take great action!
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
“With your firm resolve to uphold our values, and your
group’s active involvement in uniting all sectors of society
to create sustainable impact, there is no doubt that JCI
Manileña is poised to play a major role in giving honor to our
beloved organization’s 100th Year Anniversary in 2015.”
ONGRATULATIONS to Junior Chamber International (JCI) Manileña, a
reliable partner in community leadership, on the occasion of your Anniversary
and Induction Ceremonies on 8 February 2015.
Your induction this year promises to be an occasion that will propel your
organization to greater heights as the outgoing officers, led by Batch Tides
President Aya Peñalosa, and incoming officers, led by Batch Legacy President
Karen May Romarate, and your members are committed to leave behind a legacy
of sustainable impact in the communities where you are engaged.
Marc Brian C. Lim
2015 National President
JCI Philippines
Outgoing President Aya and her fellow officers did an exceptional job, and set the
tone for what your distinguished group has to offer for needy communities. We
expect Pres. Karen to continue this legacy of excellence that is already apparent
in her first few months in office as the Incoming President.
Throughout our organization’s history, JCI has played a key role in creating
positive change around the world. With your firm resolve to uphold our values,
and your group’s active involvement in uniting all sectors of society to create
sustainable impact, there is no doubt that JCI Manileña is poised to play a major
role in giving honor to our beloved organization’s 100th Year Anniversary in 2015.
With your proven readiness to answer the call to serve, your group remains a
force to be reckoned with in terms of affirming our founding ideals through the
execution of projects and programs which utilize JCI’s Active Citizen Framework.
In doing so, we are able to get to the root cause of the problem, create impact,
and are able to measure the results of our initiatives.
It is, therefore, fitting and proper for us to be confident in accepting the challenges
of the 21st century, because as proud JCI Members, we know by heart that JCI
is and will always be the global leader of young active citizens.
As you mark this special milestone, let me gently remind you not to keep
your sights set on the JCI Values that we all share as proud members of this
organization. I wish you all the best for your continued success!
Mabuhay JCI Manileña!
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
“Each team is composed of individuals with unique and diverse
personalities, learn to focus and encourage each other’s strength and be
tolerant of each other’s weaknesses.”
aayo nga adlaw sa inyo nga tanan!
Congratulations to 2015 President KAREN MAY Q. ROMARATE and to the Officers of JCI MANILENA, as
you hold your 35TH Induction and Turn-Over Ceremonies.
As officers and members of your local organization, each one plays a big part in the worldwide call to
impact especially now that JCI is celebrating its 100th year. Ours is an organization that has a rich history
and being a part of these inspired, active, and young citizens, we should be proud and honored.
Eon C. Tiu
2015 National Executive Vice President
JCI Philippines
As another year has come to pass, I salute 2014 President ALTHEA MARIE PENALOSA and the team for a
great year in 2014. To President KAREN MAY Q. ROMARATE and the entire 2015 team, I am certain that
you will face 2015 with an unwavering commitment and the tenacity to create an impact. Each team is
composed of individuals with unique and diverse personalities, learn to focus and encourage each other’s
strength and be tolerant of each other’s weaknesses. For a team to achieve great things, it is always
when things are done together as a whole. I saw a quote that says, “The way a team plays as a whole
determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t
play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.” This same principle stands true for JCI – your organization,
my organization, our organization.
Continue to be an inspiration to many. Be blessed so you may be a blessing to others as well.
Inspire Greatness. Let us keep moving forward for our future!
“It is in our hope that we will continue our commitment in serving our
community. It is not an easy feat especially when we consider the years
that your chapter has been in existence, serving humanity and producing
active citizens in the Metropolitan of Manila.”
y warmest greetings and felicitations to all the officers and members of JCI Manileña as
you hold your Induction and Turnover Ceremonies with the theme: Manileña Advancing Diverse Values and
Aspirations that Nurture Communities towards Economic Development (Manileña ADVANCED).
The JCI Philippines National Officers are doing its best to give you, our JCI Members what you truly
deserve as part of this organization---more training and national projects that will cater to the development
and enhancement of the various skills you already possess as individuals, as entrepreneurs and as citizens
of this country.
Hegem C. Furigay
2015 National Treasurer
JCI Philippines
It is in our hope that we will continue our commitment in serving our community. It is not an easy feat
especially when we consider the years that your chapter has been in existence, serving humanity and
producing active citizens in the Metropolitan of Manila. To the incoming 2015 Board of Directors headed by
President Karen May, thank you for accepting the challenge. Indeed, it is such a great honor and privilege
to be a witness to your worthwhile endeavors.
Participate. Be active. Let us involve ourselves in the activities in our LO whatever way we can and create
a positive change. This is after all, the very essence of your membership in JCI. Truly, we only get to learn
what JCI is, if we try to grab the myriad of opportunities offered to us.
To all the JCI Philippines’ members, let us continue celebrating the best of brotherhood and friendship
throughout the country. I hope this event will strengthen our resolve and commitment to the cause of
Let us continue the legacy in creating positive change! Maraming Salamat at Mabuhay ang JCI Philippines!
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
“Let us work together in expanding the membership,
developing programs and maximizing resources in training our
members into becoming better leaders in the community carrying
with them the JCI Values of faith in God, brotherhood,
economic justice, respect for laws, and service to humanity as
we know that earth’s great treasure lies in human personality.”
would like to send my warmest greetings to President Karen May
Romarate and to all the members of JCI Manileña as you celebrate your Induction
and Turnover Ceremonies. Congratulations and may you continue to grow as a
local organization in membership and programs. The work and impact of JCI
Manileña have always been in the forefront and continue to make a difference
in the community. Your hard work and dedication to the JCI Mission and Vision
have inspired many of the other local organizations and my salutation goes to all
the officers and members who have been instrumental in the growth of your LO.
As we celebrate the 100th year of JCI as an organization, I invite JCI Manileña
to continue and strengthen efforts in providing development opportunities that
empower young people, especially the members, to create positive change in
support of our vision to be the leading global network of young active citizens.
Let us work together in expanding the membership, developing programs and
maximizing resources in training our members into becoming better leaders in
the community carrying with them the JCI Values of faith in God, brotherhood,
economic justice, respect for laws, and service to humanity as we know that
earth’s great treasure lies in human personality. Let us push for members to
imbibe these values with the trainings and programs that will be implemented for
the year 2015.
Steve Allen C. Tycangco
2015 Area Vice President
Metro Area 2
As the AVP for Metro Area, I humbly ask for JCI Manileña’s officers and members’
support by actively participating in Metro Area projects and programs as this
would serve as a venue for us to grow our camaraderie and brotherhood as one
JCI and most importantly to share and learn from one another on how we can
improve our efforts as a local organization in achieving our goals. Let us start
seeing our work in our own local organizations as part of an ecosystem that
creates impact in the world. Let us start moving as one in our JCI Mission and
Vision and be instrumental to achieving positive change in our community.
In the recent JCI World Congress in Leipzig, it focused on the importance of
collective action to create impact in the community and how we should focus on
creating impactful projects in our communities. Let us do projects and programs
based on the most important needs in our community. Let us give not based on
what we want to give but based on what is needed of us.
In line with your theme, “JCI Manileña ADVANCED: Advancing Diverse Values
and Aspirations that Nurture Communities towards Economic Development”,
together, let us BE BETTER. Let us BUILD as ONE.
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
“There is no doubt, that with leaders guided by incoming
President Karen may Romarate, great things are ahead for
JCI Manileña this year!”
n behalf of the officers of Metro South, I would like to congratulate
JCI Manileña on its 35 years of outstanding leadership!
To outgoing President Althea Marie Peñalosa and the 2014 Board of
Directors, congratulations for a job well done! It is without question that
you have set a high standard for your organization and made a positive
impact in JCI and in the city of Manila.
Chai Talag
2015 Regional Vice President
Metro Area 2 - Metro South
To the incoming 2015 Board of JCI Manileña, my best wishes to you as
you create legacy programs during your term. There is no doubt, that with
leaders guided by incoming President Karen may Romarate, great things
are ahead for JCI Manileña this year!
As your Regional Vice President for 2015, please know that I will always
be with you in this journey and will be of support to your local organization
in whatever way I can. As our National Theme this year stresses, “I AM
FOR POSITIVE CHANGE”, my hope is that we will continue to make a
positive impact in every person we come in contact with and in every
community that we serve for a better Area 2 and a better JCI.
Congratulations and God bless!
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
“Believe that you are the future leaders of your communities.”
015 marks the 100th year of the JCI movement in the world. That means we are literally
standing on the edge of time. We are both the end of the 100 years and the beginning of the
next 100 years. What we do now, and how we act as JCI organizations will have a huge impact
on the future leaders of our cities.
Believe that you are the future leaders of your communities. And trust that JCI Manila will work
closely with you to build a stronger JCI for both of our organizations... for the benefit of our
Congratulations to President Karen Romarate and the 2015 JCI Manileña Board of Directors!
Let our partnership produce a legacy of results for the benefit of our communities!
Steve G. Baltao
2015 President
JCI Manila
We will Do Better.
ear President Karen May Q. Romarate and JCI Manileña members
I will send you message from JAPAN for your ceremony and party.
I would like to congratulate you on your 35th Anniversary of JCI Manileña as sister of JCI
Moriguchi Kadoma. This year is also going to be a memorable year when JCI stared just 100
years ago. In addition, our JCI Moriguchi Kadoma had our ceremony for the 10th anniversary
last year. I will never forget that day when you, JCI Manileña, 2014 president Althea Marie P.
Peñalosa and Members, came to Moriguchi City, Osaka, JAPAN and had special dinner with
But I have to apologize for not taking part in your ceremony because JCI Project of Moriguchi
Kadoma will be held in our community on this same day.
Thank you for inviting us, JCI Moriguchi Kadoma.
Best wishes for your continued good health, happiness, and success.
And promise that our good relationship as sister chapters will continue forever.
Tsuneyuki Takeuchi
2015 President
JCI Moriguchi Kadoma
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
“Through communication and idea sharing betwen JCI Manilena and JCI
Bali that has been built over the years, we found a true friend in twinning who
has the will and knowledge to make a positive change between our organizations
and the community.”
t gives me special honors and great pleasure to congratulate you and your board of director for the 35th
Induction and Turnover Ceremonies of JCI Manilena and the official begining of your year as the leader of JCI
Manilena. Your BOD’s and your election to this reputable organization reflects the faith of the members of your
organization, above all, you personally, as well as in your vision and sincere ideas and commitments to ensure
further postive change and benefit for your members and the community around your organization.
Nyoman Adi Wisatya
2015 President
JCI Bali
Through communication and idea sharing betwen JCI Manilena and JCI Bali that has been built over the years,
we found a true friend in twinning who has the will and knowledge to make a positive change between our
organizations and the community.
Our engagement in twinning is invaluable important ever since we did the twinning. For this year, JCI Bali remains
a stable and reliable partner and friend of the JCI Manilena, focusing on the activities to create a joint project or a
change member between our organizations. Also, we expect to strengthen a member to member communication.
Hoping that soon we will have an opportunity to meet in person and exchange views to strengthen the bonds of
our organizations. I reiterate the assurances of my highest consideration and wish you success and prosperity on
the personal and professional levels
“JCI Manilena did a successful job in promoting equal access to education
through Road to Success: Pabaon Higher Education Program.”
ongratulations to JCI Manilena! This is the 35th Anniversary of JCI Manilena which marks the great and
inspiring contributions of the Chapter to the society over the past 35 years.
JCI Manilena did a successful job in promoting equal access to education through Road to Success: Pabaon
Higher Education Program. Not only does she provide the high-school students with financial assistance and
mentorship, she also helps out-of-school youths to continue their education and pursue their dreams by earning
a College degree. This project is unique and meaningful.
Parco Wu
2015 President
JCI Island Hong Kong
I do appreciate the work of JCI Manilena and we will continue to support the Chapter with our greatest effort.
Once again, I hereby expressed my warmest congratulations to JCI Manilena for her 35th Anniversary. I believe
it will be another successful year for the Chapter in 2015 with its Board of Directors led by the President, Karen
May Quiocho Romarate.
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
John Sohn
for Individual Development
Stevenson Van Derodar
for Community Development
Ramon Fuentebella
for International Affairs
JCI Philippine-New York is privileged and proud to maintain its collaborative efforts with JCI
Manileña over the years. We look forward to another year of sharing ideas and achievements
between our chapters. Cheers to you and to 2015 as we
W0RLD and
live the JCI Mission.
Leilanee Olaño
Secretary has a proud legacy of developing leaders that create positive
“JCI Manileña
(vacant) In JCI Spirit,
change in the community.”
Assistant Secretary
Fanny S. Cano
Assistant Treasurer
JCI Mem. Margaret M. Quimosing
Mary Reggie Torrejon
ear Fellow Jaycees 2015
and Friends,
Philippine-New York President
Carmencita Mia F. Taylor, Esq.
Legal Counsel
Greetings from NYC!
On behalf of JCI State
York, it is my honor and pleasure to congratulate JCI Manileña President Karen
May Q. Romarate
and the 2015 Board of Directors on your 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies. JCI
Zultan Bermudez
has a proud
legacy of developing leaders that create positive change in the community. I am sure that
Past President
of thethis
Boardexceptional tradition in 2015 as you strive for Advancing Diverse Value Aspirations that
you will continue
Nurture Communities
towards Economic Development.
Presidential Advisers
Jocelyn Bernal-Ochoa
JCI Philippine-New
is privileged and proud to maintain its collaborative efforts with JCI Manileña over the
Bel Molina
years. We look forward to another year of sharing ideas and achievements between our chapters. Cheers to
you and to 2015Board
as we
all UN1TE F0R A BETTER W0RLD and live the JCI Mission.
Margaret M. Quimosing
2015 President
JCI Philippine-New York
Gary Abasolo, Esq
Krizteen Dulay-Concepcion
Rene Goicochea
Richard Rillera
Vivian Velasco
Founded 1963
Incorporated 1972
“In line with the 100th Anniversary of the JCI Movement, and JCI
Philippines’ theme of creating positive change, JCI Manileña has been among
Junior Chamber International Philippine-New York
the forefront of empowering women and providing development
An Affiliate opportunities
of the New York Statefor
Jaycees, the United States Jaycees and Junior Chamber International
P.O. Box 634 Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163
young active citizens.” •
y warm and sincere congratulatory greetings to the incoming officers and members of JCI Manileña,
led by my batch mate Legacy president Karen Q. Romarate, as you celebrate the 35th anniversary of your
organization, a milestone to be worth commemorating.
Kudos also to your outgoing president, Althea Marie Penalosa, for having set the tone and create an impact not
just for your chapter, but for your community as well.
In line with the 100th Anniversary of the JCI Movement, and JCI Philippines’ theme of creating positive change,
JCI Manileña has been among the forefront of empowering women and providing development opportunities for
young active citizens. I commend everyone’s noble efforts and contributions in all your activities and projects for
your community.
Aries B. Balanay
2015 President
JCI Makati
We, the awesome officers and members, in JCI Makati are united with you, and will continue to support your
chapter’s endeavors with your theme: “Manilena ADVANCED”.
Once again, congratulations to JCI Manilena! More power to your chapter.
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
“This is only the beginning of your journey, and I pray that God’s mighty hands will
always keep you standing firm in the midst of challenges.”
y warmest greetings to you, JCI Manileña, on your 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies!
This is another milestone for your Chapter as you have overcome the challenges you faced in the
previous year. I would like to extend my congratulations to the outgoing President, Aya Penalosa and
to her 2014 Board Members, for your dedication and perseverance in your term as the President and
Board Members of JCI Manileña. May your leadership be a legacy to the next and the future presidents and board members of your Chapter.
Abigail A. David
2015 President
JCI San Juan Pinaglabanan
I would also like to congratulate the incoming President, Karen Romarate and her 2015 Board Members. This is only the beginning of your journey, and I pray that God's mighty hands will always keep
you standing firm in the midst of challenges. May He also bless you and your Board Members with
Wisdom, Patience, Prudence and Love in all of your endeavors for your members, community, JCI
and the country. JCI San Juan Pinaglabanan is always at your back to support you.
As this transition commences, we are witnessing the first step for positive change.
To the new President and Board Members, uphold the JCI Values, Prayer, Vision and Mission. Mabuhay and God bless us all!
“As your sister chapter we are looking forward to working with you on joint projects that
will create positive impact in our respective communities.”
n behalf of JCI Pateros Balut, I would like to congratulate President Karen May Q.
Romarate and the rest of the incoming Board of JCI Manilena on your 35th Induction and
Turnover Ceremony.
Myla S. Dalmacio
2015 President
JCI Pateros Balut
As your sister chapter we are looking forward to working with you on joint projects that will
create positive impact in our respective communities.
May JCI Manilena continue to produce young and beautiful active young citizens that can
contribute to our advocates.
Again congratulations and continue to inspire others.
“I wish you all a fruitful and successful year of leadership.”
y warmest greetings to JCI Manilena as you hold your 35th Induction and Turnover
Ceremonies. To the new Directors and Officers under the vibrant leadership of 2015 Local
Organization president, Ms. Karen Mae Romarate, I wish you all a fruitful and successful
year of leadership. May you always be blessed and guided by our Almighty in implementing
your plans not only in your local community but in the entire JCI Philippines as well. Rest
assured always of our support for your noble endeavors.
Michael Jun L. Moises
2015 President
JCI Iloilo, Inc.
More Power!
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
Her Story
Looking back 35 Years
ago when JCI Manileña
came to be
The Junior Chamber International
Manileña is a non-profit, non-stock
leadership development organization
composed of young entrepreneurs,
businesswomen, aspiring politicians
and committed socio-civic workers
which aim to develop and enhance
leadership capabilities of members
and communities, including but not
limited to socio-civic activities. It was
established in 1980 and has remained
committed in embodying the highest
ideals of the organization by promoting
the cause of Jayceeism throughout the
country. JCI Manileña owes its beginning to the
Board of Directors of JCI Manila when it
passed a Board Resolution to organize
a new lady chapter in April 10, 1980.
Then JCI Manila President Ricardo D.
Nicolas tapped Misses Joji Ubaldo, Trini
Valenciz and Beth Daswani, members
of the defunct Bathaluman Jaycees, to
organize the new lady chapter, which
was named Manileña Jaycees.
On May 10, 1980, the first organizational
meeting was held and an interim set of
officers were elected. A month later,
June 29, 1980, the Charter Board of
Directors was elected. The organization
was recognized when it was chartered
on July 9, 1980 during the Metro Manila
Chapter Presidents Meeting.
Eager to explore the world of Jaycees,
JCI Manileña actively involved itself in
developmental projects for the chapter,
its members and the community. It
started with a vision. It will not end
with the realization of that dream.
That vision is living and responsive,
ensuring to become faith in the long
run, answerable to the call of the times.
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
Presidents Circle
A Tradition of Excellence
1980-1981 Josephine Ruivivar- Ubaldo
1981-1982 Asuncion Sundario-Martinez 1982-1983 Janet B. Blancaflor Degmair
1983-1984 Melita Sta. Maria- Thomeczek 1984-1985 Vivian Icasiano- Milan 1985-1986 Luzviminda S. Vicencio 1986-1987 Rhaegee T. Tamana
1987-1988 Cynthia Ronquillo 1988-1989 Maria Antonia Gabriel 1989-1990 Victoria Lopez 1990-1991 Rosemarie Montanye
1991-1992 Maria Lourdes Abella
1992-1993 Margaret Tan 1993-1994 Susan Mondano
1996-1995 Maria Arlene Garcia
1997-1998 Gemma Sapnu
1998-1999 Bernadette Bernal-Barrion
2000 Maria Eleanor Tanteo
2001 Jessica Gozum
2002 Anne Michelle Brusellas
2003 Rosalinda T. Ngo
2004 Aileen Siy - Jao
2005 Anna Katrina Barrios
2006 Jeanine N. de Jesus
2007 Eilleen B. Esteban
2008 Sheila C. Jaucian
2009 Ma. Fatima B. Nubla
2010 Ma. Amabella G. Nabablit
2011 Odessa D.C. Bernardo
2012 Milanie A. Thomas
2013 Lizle H. Hilario
2014 Althea Marie P. Peñalosa
2015 Karen May Q. Romarate
ions to
Dir. Stephanie So,
Dir. Sharah So and
JCI Manileña 2015 BOD!
Hegem C. Furigay
2015 JCI Philippines
National Treasurer
Senator No. 72632
is about having a pretty mind, a
pretty heart, and most importantly
a beautiful soul.
Clockwise: Atty. Odessa
D.C. Bernardo, 2010
General Legal Counsel
2011 President, JCI
Manileña, 2012 AVP - Area
2; Sheila C. Jaucian, 2008
President, JCI Manileña
2011 RVP - Metro South;
Ma. Fatima B. Nubla, 2009
President, JCI Manileña;
and Ma. Amabella G.
Nabablit, 2010 President,
JCI Manileña
Congratulations to the 2015 Board of Directors of JCI Manileña
to the
of JCI Manileña, Inc.!!!
May the Good Lord bless
you and guide you in all your
undertakings this 2015!
Lawrence C. See
Senator No. 72442
2015 Induction Committee
Induction Chaiman and Program Head
Sponsorship Head
Sponsorship Committee
Souvenir Magazine Head and Editor
Souvenir Magazine and
Marketing Committee
National/International Relations Head
Nat-Rel Committee
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
IPP Aya Penalosa
The Woman in her PRIME
My theme JCI Manilena at its P.R.I.M.E.. was indeed
perfect as it was a prime year for our chapter. P.R.I.M.E stands
for Positive Reinforcement of Individuals to Meet Excellence,
Through individuals or our members, their talents and
resources, we were able to develop opportunities for positive
change and thus, we achieved excellence evidenced by awards
we received during the area conference and national conference.
P.R.I.M.E was successfully achieved with the 5 key areas namely:
Projects, Responsibiity, Involvement , Members and Enjoyment
guided by the priniciples of JCI Pihlippines 2014.
We were able to successfully implemented Manileña Flagship
PROJECTS and even organize successfully bigger fund raising
projects like movie block screenings and award winning projects
like Rise Up. Also, we successfully started new partnership with
other local communities, GK Onyx Manila and Fabella Hospital
, Local Government Unit namely Department of Health, and
private entities namely American Chamber of Commerce,
Philippine Chamber of Commerce, Ateneo de Manila University
Realizing our RESPONSIBILITIES, we believe in the importance
of a framework in which our organization greatly adheres to.
We were 100% compliant to the training requirement set by JCI
Philippines to our members.
As INVOLVEMENT of members is the true measurement of
success of our activities, I am proud to say for the first time in
history of Manileña, attendance in our General Membership
Meeting (GMMs) had a minimum of 20 members attendees
from the 1st GMM until the very end. Likewise, for the
President’s Circle Dinner attendees, I proudly say that it was the
1st time that most of our Past Presidents got involved again.
I believe that the MEMBERS are the most important key area
of successfully achieving PRIME. We were able to successfully
increase the no. of members, solidified and sustained the interest
of members. I am proud to say that we have now a new breed of
members, young, vibrant and more beautiful Manileñas and we
are proud to say that we are Manileñas.
Sustaining the interest of members is the key challenge for the
involvement of members and we were successful in inculcating
positive attitude and ENJOYMENT of every aspect of JCI to our
members. We were able to establish camaraderie with each other
and enjoy working together in all our activities. The attendance of
my members from the kick-off party last January 2014 until our
Teambuilding and Christmas Party last December 2014 was full
proofs that we are happy to be in this organization.
Of course, above achievements are not only my success but it was
the success of my 2014 Board of Directors, as well as all Manileñas.
I would like to thank everyone for their trust and full support for
the whole year of 2014.
Now, as 2014 had been a PRIME year for JCI Manileña , I am happy
and confident to pass the medallion to our 2015 President, Karen
May Q. Romarate as she leads the JCI Manileña ADVANCED
to greater heights with a new breed and faces of 2015 Board of
Congratulations to 2015 President Karen May Q. Romarate and
her Board of Directors!
She is on for
Greater Heights
Looking back, I never thought
that I would be in this position.
I have been a happy member of
JCI Manileña for a couple
of years now but I was never
prepared to become the chapter’s
President. However, as I have
realized how much more I can
do and how many more people
I can help if I were to lead this
organization, I have finally
decided to take up this challenge.
With the theme, “Manileña
ADVANCED: Advancing Diverse
Values and Aspirations that
Nurture Communities towards
this year, I aim to take JCI
Manileña to greater heights. We,
the Manileñas, acknowledge
the importance of nurturing
communities towards achieving
economic development. We are
looking forward to helping these
communities grow by inspiring
and educating them, and by
giving them opportunities for
development. The growth of such
communities would not only
significantly contribute to our
nation’s growth and development,
but would also have an impact
to the rest of the world. Thus,
during my term, I would focus on
community development and on
providing business opportunities
Karen May Quiocho Romarate LO President
Karen, July 20
Communications Arts Graduate Miriam College K. Romarate Residences, Property Manager
KMQR Events Management PR
and Marketing Firm, Managing Director Dance Avenue Studio, Managing Director
for the communities. Not only that we
would implement different projects,
rather, we would implement sustainable
programs to achieve our long-term
goals. Livelihood programs, alternative
learning systems, and sustainable
community projects, are just some of
the routes we plan to take to reach our
I am blessed to be given a chance to serve
with my Board of Directors. Like me,
these ladies are born leaders, driven by
their goals, and have a heart for charity. I
have personally chosen them according
to their strengths and I am happy that
the rest of the chapter members have
agreed with me. My Board and I have
committed ourselves to working hard
towards the achievement of our chapter’s
goals. This year marks our 35th year and
we recognize the role our predecessors
have played in building this chapter
and taking it to where it is now. Thus,
we promise to lead this organization to
the best of our abilities and we pray for
God’s grace as we soar higher.
The JCI Manileña 2015 Board of
Directors is officially on-board and is
now ready for take-off. Join us as we
take our journey through Manileña
ADVANCED; and together, let’s create
positive change!
Sharah So, Agnes De Guzman, Janine Bacsa, Chenny Galano, Bong De Ramos, Jam Santos, Karen Romarate,
2015 Board of Directors
Aya Penalosa, Royce Salen, Joam De Guzman, Honey Cruz, Stephanie So, Angel Villaronte, Shen Sol
Jamela Bernabe Santos
Executive Vice President
Jam, July 5
Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
Entrepreneur, registered and certified real estate broker
REBAP Real Estate Brokers Association of the Philippines - Greenhills
Moonleaf Holdings, Incorporated
Royce Kamille R. Salen
Roycie, April 25
Masters in Technology Management
BA Public Administration
University of the Philippines Diliman
Business Consultant, Fuji Xerox Philippines, Inc.
Partner/Consultant, Merits Consulting
Faculty, Meridian International College
Freelance SEO/Content Writer
Events Specialist
Althea Marie Pajarillo Peñalosa
Immediate Past President
Aya, May 16
BSC Major in Business Management
De La Salle University
Senior Business Development Manager
InterContinental Manila
Holiday Inn & Suites Makati
Maria Imelda De Lara De Ramos
Executive Treasurer
Bong, January 10
Diploma in Culinary Arts & Technology Management
Center for Culinary Arts, Manila
Pinky’s & Julie’s Trading, Traditional Food Corporation
Candyman Incorporated, Candymaker, Inc.
Agnes Marie Ramos de Guzman
Director for Trainings
Aggy, June 24
AB Psychology Graduate
Miriam College
Bayan Telecommunications, Inc,
Human Resources Account Manager
Jan Joakima D. Medina
Vice President for Internal Affairs
Joam, January 20
Communications Arts Graduate Miriam College Event Host, Jive Entertainment Company
Physical Education Instructor ,
Meridian International College
Senior Dance Teacher/Choreographer,
Movement Dance Studio
Hiphop Dance Teacher,
Pasig Youth Development Center
Janine Ramos Bacsa
Director for Indivual Development
J, March 16
BS Psychology Graduate
De La Salle University Manila
Proprietor, Props Tools and Cosmetics
Professional Hair and Makeup Artist
Business Development Manager, IMPLICOR, Total HR Solutions
Angelique F. Villaronte
Director for Recruitment
Angel, June 21
Bachelor of Science in Commerce
Major in Management Corporate Focus.
Assumption College
Module 1 Pro: facial, beauty & fashion.
Photography Makeup for Professional Makeup Artist.
Maquillaque Professionnal
Flight Attendant, Cebu Pacific Air.
Chenny Fernandez Galano
Vice President for External Affairs
CFG, Aug 3
AB Communication Arts and Advertising
Miriam College
Managing Partner,
TROTTER Travel & Tours
Sales and Business Development
Partner, Corporate Television
Sharahmae Ng So
Director for Community Development
Sharah, January 30, 1991
Bachelor of Fine Arts Major in Information Design Minor in Chinese Studies
Ateneo de Manila University
Primo Media and Design Inc.,
Alist Global Corp.,
Apartment 8 Clothing
Thrift Market, Haute Lifestyle Inc.,
Lightworks Optoelectronics Philippines Inc.
Bachelor's Pad Clothing, Events Playbook
Lucienne Grace Calma Sol
Director for International/
National Relations
Shen, October 17
Master of Science in Management
University of Asia & the Pacific
Marketing Manager, Stars Travel, Inc.
Freelance Fashion Stylist Freelance Makeup Artist
Jenifer Go Uy
Vice President for Operations
Jen, Feb 13
Bachelor of Science in Commerce,
Major in Business Administration
University of santo tomas
Jason Manufacturing
Philippine Corporation
Falcon Yarn Manufacturing Corp.
Maria Honelyn S. Cruz
Director for Special Projects
Honey, January 15
AB Communication Arts and
Miriam College
Fashion Styling
School of Fashion and Arts –
SOFA Design Institute
Managing Director,
Topmanila Clothing
Freelance Advertising
Producer for Multi-Media
Stephanie Ng So
Director for Business and Government
Steph, June 21
University of Asia and the Pacific
President, Lightworks Optoelectronics Philippines Inc.
Managing Partner, A-list Global Corp.
Marketing, Primo Media and Design
Marketing, Thrift Market
Operations and Sales, Apartment 8 Clothing
Operations and Sales, Haute Lifestyle Inc
Marketing, The Bachelors Pad Clothing
Events Director, Goodfellas Productions
The C elerio
The Celerio Makati Apartments
For inquiries and reservations please contact 09175544822
or send us an email at
Both ends meet:
Seasoned and New Manileñas towards Greater Heights
By: Melanie Hilario
Most often, the Induction and Turnover
Ceremonies imply the passing of the
torch to the incoming leadership of an
organization. But for JCI Manileña, such
ceremonies are viewed rather differently.
Tonight’s event is not just a turnover
ceremony; it is not just a rite of handing
over the reins to the new batch of young
leaders. This is a glorious opportunity for
us to come and work together. This is a
time where we ensure that a meeting of the
minds and the heart happen.
For years, JCI Manileña members have
established the Local Organization as
one of the most active Chapters that
create positive change in society. The
foundation built since 1980 has continued
to strengthen JCI Manileña. It is therefore
necessary for Manileñas to understand the
importance of staying true to the vision and
mission of the JCI organization, go back to
the basics of the Chapter to understand the
goals and objectives that have been set,
and find ways on how to push ourselves
forward towards achieving excellence and
creating positive change. And it is through
the continued connection with our Manileña
sisters that we better understand our need
to achieve a common goal. Each Manileña
must realize the importance of Tradition and
Innovation. Seasoned members are given
the chance to guide the new members to
ensure the continuity of the JCI Manileña
legacy. The new members are also able
to infuse additional ideas that would
propel the organization towards achieving
excellence in serving others and creating
positive change in society. The different
perspectives, expectations, learnings,
and skills will fuse together to come up
with programs that can create sustainable
impact in the community.
The success of an organization depends
on its membership base. Members are
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
needed to come up with plans, to prepare
for the projects, to implement the activities,
and hopefully be able to sustain the
successful programs of the group. For
35 years, JCI Manileña has consistently
kept the Local Organization active in the
community. Moreover, the JCI Manileña
leaders have been able to sustain the
interest of the members to remain involved
in all the activities held by the Chapter. In
2014, under the leadership of Pres. Aya
Peñalosa, the P.R.I.M.E Teambuilding
activities were introduced to the Manileñas.
This program became a venue to discover
the strengths, personalities, values, and
skills of one another. This year, Pres. Karen
Romarate stays true to the commitment
of every Manileña President to look after
the needs of its members. This is, once
again, a testament to the ideals of JCI
Manileña that the Induction and Turnover
Ceremonies provide an opportunity for the
previous and present leadership to bond
together and achieve the desire to be
Manileña ADVANCED.
This is an exciting moment in the JCI
Manileña organization. It is a moment to
recognize our achievements for the past
years and embrace the inevitable changes
that will challenge our Chapter as well
as our members to become better than
before. We have been primed to take
on the challenges together and we will
advance to greater heights!
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
Soaring High
By: Melanie Hilario
For the past 35 years, JCI Manileña has proven
its ability to create positive change in its serviced
communities, continuing to focus its support
for women, children, and the environment. Any
project implemented by the Chapter always
included the objective of addressing the needs
of its targeted beneficiaries, a strong evidence
of the desire of JCI Manileña members to care
for its community and ensure that the assistance
given is for the long-run.
In the previous years, JCI Manileña, through
the able leaderships of its Past Presidents and
their respective Board of Directors, were able to
introduce and execute highly relevant projects
that every JCI Manileña member can happily
claim to be a triumph of creating positive change
in society. Awards and accolades may serve as
such testaments to the ability of JCI Manileña to
respond to the needs of its serviced communities
and even how the Manileñas align these activities
with the objectives of the JCI organization.
Aided by the vision and mission of the JCI, the
Local Organization has been able to maintain its
relevance to all its stakeholders since the creation
of JCI Manileña in 1980. Through the years, JCI
Manileña was able to clearly identify and focus
on its serviced communities, build the Chapter’s
identity, and make our programs known within
the JCI community. The Manileñas feel a sense
of satisfaction for being a part of the JCI, through
JCI Manileña, an organization pushing for the
creation of positive change in society. With the
burning desire to be of service to others, the
members utilize their knowledge, skills, and
various resources to see what JCI Manileña
can do further, expanding our programs and
exploring all areas of opportunities.
JCI Manileña members have been pushing the
Chapter to achieve greater heights through
our flagship projects and turning them into
sustainable programs. The Pabaon Program, for
instance, has been implemented by JCI Manileña
since 2007. In 2014, this program was further
enhanced by the partnership with Concordia
College to provide college scholarships to
deserving high school students. This is now
known as the Pabaon Higher Education Program.
Aside from the Pabaon, JCI Manileña has been
able to successfully sustain the implementation
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
of the following programs for the past years:
Oplan Bayanihan, WE CARE Medical Mission,
Lena Manileña, Wear LOVE Everyday, JCI
BizNet, and the adoption of the Happyland
community, to name a few.
This year, Pres. Karen, supported by her
2015 Board of Directors and the entire JCI
Manileña membership, will continue to pursue
the creation of highly sustainable programs for
the Chapter. The above-mentioned programs
shall be continued by the incoming leadership.
Furthermore, several of these existing activities
will even be elevated to a higher level for this
year. Some of these programs are highlighted
• Inspired by the success of the RISE
UP: The Girl Rising Campaign in 2014, JCI
Manileña will be launching The Search for
Girl Rising in the Philippines.
• Meanwhile, Oplan Bayanihan was
established to allow Manileñas to volunteer
in assisting victims of natural calamities.
This project will be developed into the
Oplan Bayanihan Movement to ensure the
sustained source of support in terms of
relief goods and funding.
• The Wear LOVE Everyday T-Shirt
initiated last year will also be expanded into
a T-Shirt Drive for 2015.
• Activities will be lined up to ensure
that Lena Manileña continues to become
the Official Ambassadress of Inter-cultural
Relations of JCI Manileña to the world.
• The
communication with the residents of our
adopted community, Happyland, shows
the commitment of JCI Manileña to pursue
programs that will properly attend to their
• JCI Manileña also aims to strengthen
the JCI BizNet program that will allow
the exploration of business opportunities
among JCI members.
These are only a few of the programs which JCI
Manileña intends to pursue for the long-term.
With the recent growth in active participation of
JCI Manileña members, this is definitely seen as
an opportune time for the seasoned and new
members to work together to achieve greater
heights for the Local Organization.
Brought to you by:
RVP Toffer`
Congratulations JCI Manileña!
JCI Manileña is now ready to take off and soar
JCI Manileña 35th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies
Congratulations to
JCI Manileña
2015 Board of Directors
FROM your brothers in
jci manila
2014 board of directors
100th Anniversary of the JCI Movement Yearlong
Celebration to Commemorate 100 Years of Impact
February 8, 2015 – Local action. Global impact. The JCI
movement started on October 13, 1915 by one active
citizen who had a passion for positive change. Since then,
millions of other young active citizens have united together
to create sustainable impact in their community. As each
year of the JCI movement has passed, we become one
step closer to better communities and a better world. Join
us in celebrating 100 years of impact.
JCI and communities across the world will unite together
to celebrate 100 years of impact from November 2014
through November 2015. Interactive activities, impactful
projects, and engaging events will be organized at the
local, national and international level to celebrate the 100th
Anniversary of the JCI Movement.
International celebrations include Project Impact 100, a
campaign to empower young people and their communities
to positively impact the lives of 100 individuals by
taking grassroots action to create positive change.
Communities will also take part in a global screening of
the JCI Documentary: 100 Years of Impact, currently being
The JCI 100th Anniversary celebrations will demonstrate
how the founding principles of the JCI movement continue
to unite young people across the globe today. As we
remember our past and embark on a bright future, the
celebrations also aim to empower even moreyoung active
citizens to take ownership of the future in their communities,
countries and world sustaining the JCI legacy of impact.
Connect with JCI, an organization that has inspired 100
years of impact and that will continue to empower and
activate young people across the globe for another 100
Congratulations from:
Carlo Ybanez
RVP Hubert Qua
EVP Dec Del Rosario
Lower Ground, SM Megamall, Mandaluyong City Philippines 632.634.1171
3rd Floor, Glorietta 5, Ayala Center, Makati City Philippines 632.501.3230
Congratulations to the 2015 Board of Directors of JCI Manileña
From Kerwyn Ang
Congratulations to the 2015 Board of Directors of JCI Manileña
From Nino Namoco
2015 Board of Directors of JCI Manileña!
From Kerby Chua
Senator No. 67434
Pateros, Metro Manila
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