Jackey`s Creek Plantation HOA, Inc.

Jackey’s Creek Plantation HOA, Inc.
“ it’s not just a neighborhood, it’s our home”
Edition 1 ▪ 1st Quarter ▪ 31 March 2015 ▪ From the Board of Directors
1st Quarter 2015 Highlights:
Understanding the Home Owner’s Association Concept:
Annual Meeting held on 28Feb15 at the Leland
The homeowners association is the cornerstone of a planned
residential community. It brings continuity and order to the
community, it preserves the architectural integrity and it
maintains the common elements. Properly run, the
association promotes the concept of "community" and
protects the neighborhood's property values.
Board of Directors for 2015-2016 elected:
Vera Martin, President
Mary Jo Jackson, Vice-President and
Architectural Committee Chair
Linda Holway, Secretary
John McMahon, Board Member
Board resignations:
Rick Bonnett, Treasurer
Joy Bonnett, Board Member
New Street Signs. Take a look around and you’ll be
able to easily see the street names.
New Property/Lawn Maintenance. Hopefully
you’re seeing edging of center common property,
weed spraying, and pruning. Spring has sprung and
we’re cleaning up our neighborhood. Join in the fun
(see Rules & Regulations on reverse side)
Legal Review of Declarations/Covenants, By-Laws,
and Rules & Regulations. New HOA Attorney
completed review on 13Mar15. No revisions
New HOA Address:
2013 Old Regent Way, Suite 150
Leland, NC 28451
New E-Mail Address:
New Website: www.jcphoa.com
Newsletter Created
Home Owner Dues
Quarterly Payment Schedule
2Q15 $50
3Q15 $50
4Q15 $50
due 30Apr15
due 31Jul15
due 31Oct15
With membership comes certain maintenance obligations,
financial responsibilities, and a commitment to abide by use
restrictions and other rules of the association. To a degree,
it necessitates individual conformity for the good of the
The association's responsibilities may be limited to basic
maintenance functions or they may be expanded to include
sophisticated and extensive upkeep of the property as well
as delivery of special services to individual homes (e.g. back
door trash pickup). To be successful, its officers and
directors must uniformly and fairly govern the community,
and it must have a reasonable level of participation by each
of its members over time.
Operating a homeowner association carries with it many of
the very same duties and responsibilities as overseeing any
other business. Serving as a board member is a valuable and
rewarding experience that should be undertaken by those
who see it as an opportunity to serve their fellow neighbors
while protecting and enhancing the assets of the community.
It is serious business, but also a task worth doing well in
order to safeguard the investments of all.
The Jackey’s Creek Plantation Rules and Regulations have
been in effect since 6Jan05. The Board of Directors voted
not to change the Rules and Regulations in 2015 in order to
allow all property owners the time to ensure compliance.
Please review and make sure your property is in compliance
with the Rules and Regulations (see reverse side) by
15Apr15. Shortly after 15Apr15, the Board/Architectural
Committee will tour the neighborhood and will note
properties that are not in compliance with our Rules and
Regulations. Letters will be issued to properties requiring
action. If you have questions, please write to the new email address referencing your address in the subject line and
your question/request. Please allow a minimum of 5 days
for acknowledgement/response.
Thank you to those who pay
their dues once a year. Annual
payment minimizes the HOA
book keeping cost.
Rules and Regulations, effective date 6 Jan 2005
Any violation of the Rules and Regulations by any owner, their guests or tenant will subject the owner to fines, frequency, and amount
to be determined by the Board of Directors; however, not to exceed:
1st offense:
2nd offense:
Warning Letter with specified time to bring into compliance to be issued by Architectural Committee.
If there is failure to comply with initial Architectural Committee request, a letter from the HOA attorney will be
sent. The homeowner will be fined legal fees, minimum of $150, along with a $50 per day fine until violation is
No dwelling, wall or other structure shall be commenced, erected or maintained upon any lot without prior approval, in writing, by the Board
of Directors or the Architectural Committee which is empowered to act for the Board of Directors. All requests for exterior additions or
alterations must be submitted in writing and approved by the Board of Directors or Architectural Committee. Exterior alterations include,
but are not limited to additions, storage buildings, garages, walls, fences, swimming pools, and painting and/or repainting exterior surfaces.
All service utilities, fuel tanks, clothes lines and wood piles should be enclosed within a wall or plant screen approved by the Board of
Directors or Architectural Committee to preclude from causing an unsightly view.
No fences shall be permitted without approval of the Board of Directors or Architectural Committee.
Residential Purposes:
All lots shall be used for single family residential purposes only.
No obnoxious or offensive conditions shall be allowed to exist upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may become an
annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.
Lot Maintenance:
All improved lots must be properly maintained. In the event any lot owner fails to keep the premises free from weeds, underbrush or refuse
piles, unsightly growth or unsightly objects or tools, after notification, the Board of Directors may correct the situation at the lot owner’s
Owners of unimproved wooded lots shall maintain the cleared shoulder lot as necessary to provide a neat, trim appearance.
Owners of any lot, whether improved or unimproved, shall take precautions to preclude the washing or erosion of soil onto adjacent lots,
common areas or streets. If the lot owner fails to do so, the Board of Directors may correct the situation at the lot owner’s expense.
Object not permitted on any lot include, but are not limited to:
Play furniture, swing sets, toys and similar type items. If these items can be placed in backyards where they are not offensive to
neighbors, they will be permitted.
10. All garbage and trash shall be kept in containers and stored in garages or backyards concealed from view except the night before or on
garbage collection days when containers may be placed near the street for collection. Containers shall be returned to garages or backyards,
concealed from view, the same day after collection.
11. No trailer, motor home, camper, boat, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or any other outbuilding temporary or permanent shall be used
as living quarters on any lot.
Recreational/Other Vehicles:
12. No boat, camper, trailer, motor or mobile home, or similar type vehicle shall be permitted to remain on any lot or on any street without the
written consent of the Board of Directors. In addition, boats must be removed from driveways within 24 hours of use unless approved for a
longer period by the Board of Directors
13. No truck or other vehicle in excess of one (1) ton capacity shall be permitted except as may be permitted in the above Recreational Vehicle
rule. Utility trailers will not be parked in the front yard, nor side area unless hidden from view.
14. No inoperable vehicles or vehicles without current registration and insurance are permitted. No vehicle repairs can be made in driveways or
other visible areas.
15. Extended or overnight parking in the street is not allowed nor in the owner’s yard not specifically designed for parking.
Speed Limits:
16. Drivers are to cautiously drive on all roads throughout the community and obey the speed limit of 25 miles per hour.
17. No animals other than domesticated dogs, cats and other household pets may be kept or housed on any lot. No pets may be kept, bred, or
maintained for commercial purposes. All pets shall be properly constrained at all times. No pet owner shall allow their pet to roam
unattended off the pet owner’s lot. Pet owner’s shall clean up after and remove all litter/scat via poop-scoop, etc. Any damage caused by
pets will be the responsibility of the pet owner.
TV/Radio Antennas/Satellite Dishes:
18. All requests for satellite dishes or antennas must be submitted, in writing, to the Board of Directors or Architectural Control Committee to
obtain approval for placement and size of the dish(es) or antenna(s).
Window Coverings:
19. All drapes, curtains, or other similar materials hung at windows visible from the outside shall be of a white or neutral background material.
No offensive materials/designs are allowed.
Exterior Lights:
20. All light bulbs or other means of illumination installed in any fixture located on the exterior or any building should provide predominately
white light.
Owners must obtain written approval from the Board of Directors prior to placing or displaying any signs or advertising of any kind on or
near any lot or in any common area or street with the exception of a “For Sale” sign placed by a real estate agent contractually bound by
the owner. Should the owner wish to sell the property herself/himself, a sign similar in size and shape to a realty company sign may be
used/displayed in the same fashion without prior approval from the Board of Directors.