Fun Training Camp with England Internationals Serena Guthrie & Jo Harten Serena and Jo are key players in the England squad and also play for New Zealand ANZ teams, Northern Mystics and Waikato Bay of Plenty, respectively. The Training Camp is supported by Jersey Netball and is packed full of fun based activities, games and prizes with expert coaching from Serena and Jo. A tournament will be taking place on the second day. Current School Years 6-9 Wednesday 22 & Thursday 23 July 9am-3pm Gloucester Hall, Fort Regent £30 per day Fun Training Camp Application Form Child’s Name: School Year: Home Address: Post Code: Telephone Number: Mobile Number: Email address: Emergency Contact Name & Telephone Number: Medical Conditions: Playing Positions: My child is attending the following course(s): Year 6 – 9: Wednesday 22 July Year 6 – 9: Thursday 23 July Can children please wear suitable sports clothing and footwear and bring plenty to drink and eat for lunch and break times. For further information please contact: I consent to my child’s participation. I undertake to see that my child is provided with the required clothing and equipment where appropriate. To the best of my knowledge, my child is medically fit to participate in the activities involved and I undertake to inform you in advance of any alteration to this position. ONLY TICK IF APPLICABLE: I DO NOT consent to photographs being taken of my child for use in promotional material or media purposes. I enclose a cheque for £30 / £60 (please circle) made payable to ‘Serena Guthrie’. Please return together with this form to: 11 Les Hoummets, La Rue Horman, Grouville, Jersey, JE3 9EL. Parent/ Guardian’s Signature Date
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