n zum Inhalt Welcome to Salzburg Information for Migrants 2 A cordial welcome As the appointed councilor of the provincial government, it is both a concern and a commitment to me to be aware of the needs and concerns of people with a migration background in a particularly careful way and with the necessary respect. This includes first of all the dialogue and the appreciative interaction between people which is based upon European values. In this process, it appears to me that the following points should be emphasized in order to bring us closer to these goals: W Integration through the promotion of language W Integration through improved educational and occupational opportunities W Integration through concrete life in community - socially and in a good neighborly relationship, door to door and house to house To me, integration does not only take place through discussion and congresses but also through shared activities of Austrians and non-Austrians. In this interpersonal way, the one or other prejudice and fear of contact will be broken down. This requires first of all that the „Natives“ and the „Migrants“ approach each other openly and begin to converse and initiate it without prejudice. It also requires first of all that people each respect the other differing ways of life, cultures and attitudes in observance of human rights and respect for fundamental values and rights of freedom within the European Union. Integration in this sense is not so much adaptation as it is far more a form of dialogue. This dialogue will not always be free of conflicts; even more importantly, it calls for the respect of our collective values like democracy, rules of law, freedom of opinion, esteem of human dignity. It is also clear to me that this will not all happen without hurdles and that not only the government carries the responsibility. Each person must accept responsibility for him or herself and the other and creatively shape his or her life. In the end, it has to do with the attitude along the lines of „Give honor to your child and your child will give honor to you“ (from Nigeria). This applies to every age bracket and every station in life as well. Tina Widmann Appointed Councilor of the Provincial Government n zum Inhalt PER MAUSKLICK ZUM GEWÜNSCHTEN THEMA 3 Contents Everyday Life in Austria 5 General Info 6 Living 8 Leasing Agreement 9 Working 11 School 13 University 14 Vocational Training 15 Car & Job 16 Education, Culture, Sport 17 German Courses 21 Taking independent action 23 Child Care 24 Social Security 25 Socially insured 26 Health Issues 27 Expecting a Baby 28 Addresses 29 Crisis Help Lines 30 Authorities 31 Advice on Migration 32 Glossary 34 In the Federal Province of Salzburg, 530.000 people live in 203.000 households in 118 municipalities. 84.000 people who live in Salzburg are not Austrian citizens. That is 16% of the population, in the city of Salzburg 22%. The largest group of non-Austrians (42%) comes from former Yugoslavia (28.000), followed by Germany (14.000) and Turkey (6.800). Around 1.200 asylum seekers live in the Federal Province of Salzburg. Imprint Publisher: Provincial Government of Salzburg, Department for Culture, Society, Generations, Salzburg, Schießstattstraße 2 Text: Mag. Franz Erwin Eiersebner Chief Editor: Mag. Franz Erwin Eiersebner Editor: Dr. MMag. Manfred Oberlechner Graphics: Advertising Agency Huber-Gürtler Photo credits: Maislinger, Ingram Publishing, SAGIS, Archive Advertising Agency Gürtler, Projekt Photos, © Robert Kneschke (alle Fotolia.com) Revised: Dezember 2010 4 n zum Inhalt 5 Everyday life in Austria living, dwelling, shopping, working,... With the entry into Austria, normal everyday life begins. Looking for work and a place to stay is most important. Attention should also be paid to the necessary „official visits“ like registration of place of residence, changing the automobile registration, and, as the case may be, health insurance. n zum Inhalt 6 General Information ...upon arrival in Austria - for some, not much change, for others, almost everything is completely different A person who comes to Austria and wishes to stay permanently will by necessity need to first get to know and directly involved with this country. The person who doesn´t speak the German language or has no community to fall back on will have more difficulties here or be more challenged. Online-Info e vantage of th Also take ad ice Citizens Serv .at www.help.gv The reasons why someone comes to Austria are very different. There is the group of those who come to Austria as asylum seekers for reasons of political harassment. They have quite another set of starting factors than those who „move abroad“ for economic reasons and usually take this step with much consideration or even planning. What is common to both is that they usually have to build up a new existence from nothing. It is precisely these beginning stages which are the difficult stages. There are also many people who come here for the purpose of studying and then pull up their tents again. Some do decide after their study period to actually stay here for good. Integration policies concern themselves most of all with all the demands and interests of those people who wish to develop a life-long perspective and life-long plans permanently in Austria. These policies face the challenge of supporting these people in such a way that they are able to achieve a firm standing community-wise, economically, socially and individually and, in addition, feel at home in this country. People feel at home when they understand and are understood, when they are recognized and respected. We know from social research that people feel more secure when they are wellinformed. This brochure is meant as a small contribution to this end. In this sense, take advantage of the rights which you have as migrants. Use the many non-governmental advisory centers which are available to you, free of charge. n zum Inhalt 7 Step by Step …basics at first - concisely for the first weeks in Austria Orientation Moving house When someone arrives in a foreign country, then the first priority is orientation. Use your private network for this most of all and then the appropriate advisory centers as well as the brochure services of the Federal Province. 3more: page 30f. By the third days following the move, at the latest, one must register the change of residence in the residential municipality. In addition, the automobile registration papers need to be revised. 3more: page 8 + 15 Finding a place to live Social Coverage Locating a place to stay is not always an easy task especially in the city of Salzburg. The best approach is still the housing advertisement pages in the Salzburg daily newspapers and the property options of the banks. 3more: page 8 The person pursuing legal employment is simultaneously socially insured. That means health, unemployment, pension and accidence insurance. 3more: page 26 ff. Looking for work Driver´s license The person who migrates from the EU area has free access to the labor marketplace. Those belonging to third country need a work permit in addition to the visa. 3 more: page 9 Driver s licenses from outside the EEA are valid in Austria for only 6 months. They need to be re-issued. 3more: Page 16 German courses Kindergarten / School Migrants who do not speak adequate German but who want to reside in Austria permanently must sign the Integration Agreement, which means supplying evidence of German proficiency by way of a test. 3more: page 21 n zum Inhalt Compulsory attendance during the last kindergarten year 9 years of compulsory school 3more: Page 13 and 24 8 Housing ...finding a „roof over one´s head“ and paying attention to „formalities“ Housing is found through acquaintances, daily newspapers and residential building cooperatives. Before signing the rental contract, think not only about the rent but all the other additional costs. Inform yourself well. Housing Aid ides Province prov The Federal income. dependent on housing aid ilding grants Residential bu t-Str. 1 nny-v-Lehner Salzburg, Fa Immigrants who wish to live (or reside) in Austria need a settlement or resident permit. This does not apply to those belonging to the European Economic Area and Switzerland For entering Austria, a visa may be required depending on the country of origin. Tourist visas do not entitle to take up employment. Looking for housing. There are two options in looking for lodging: advertisements from the daily newspapers and lodgings from residential building cooperatives. The person renting an apartment will have to sign a rental contract. The tenancy rights advisory center of the Chamber of Commerce can assist in questions of tenants´ rights. Registration verification. For the registration of housing, one needs a form (www.help.gv.at) with the signature of the landlord or lady. After registration, one is registered on-line and receives registration verification. Radio & TV. The person who installs a radio and a television in the household must pay a fee to the GIS (Fee-Info-Service). Those persons with marginal income can ask for the fee to be waived. The application form is found at www.orf-gis.at .You can get information at 0810 00 10 80 (at local rate). The person who wishes to install a SAT satellite must have the agreement of house management. Registration obligation. Every time you change your place of residence, you are obliged to report your new place of residence: Where: Municipal Office for Housing When: within three days (from taking up residence) How: with travel passport In the city of Salzburg, registration for housing is done at the Citizens´ Service Center (Mirabell Palace) or Office of Registration at St.Julien-Strasse 20 n zum Inhalt 9 Leasing Agreement ...the law protects the tenant The person who designs a leasing agreement should do it in such a way so that no unnecessary risk is taken. That is why the following facts should be known: Short-term Agreement. In the case of a temporary leasing agreement, the law requires a minimum duration of three years. This duration must be noted in the leasing agreement. The landlord may not force the tenant to sign a rental contract with a duration of one year or two years. If a lease with a short duration is signed nonetheless, then this agreement is automatically considered a permanent agreement. This protects the tenant. However. Certain cases are excluded from this protective time period: 1. Flats which are leased out by charitable organizations, 2. Company housing, 3. Leasing agreements which do not last longer than half a year, 4. Flats which are leased temporarily as a secondary residence, 5. Flats in a house with one or two families. Terminating an agreement. Tenants can withdraw from a 3-year agreement. The tenant has the right to terminate the leasing agreement already after one year. He or she must observe the 3-month termination period. Both agreement partners can terminate a tenancy amicably at any time. After 3 Years. If a leasing agreement is neither dissolved nor renewed after the contracted (3-year) period, it is automatically renewed for a further three years. If it is not dissolved after another three years, then it is valid for an indefinite period of time. The tenant then has a permanent lease agreement. A landlord can dissolve a permanent agreement before the agreed-upon lease period only for important reasons. Examples of an important reason could be, for instant: 1. A tenant does not pay his or her rent despite reminder. 2. The flat is being used in a clearly detrimental way. 3. The tenant no longer has need of the flat. 4. The flat is passed on to another without permission. n zum Inhalt Generally, leasing agreements are contracted for a period of three years. This is what the law provides - as protection for the tenant. The drawing up of leasing agreements is subject to fees. Realtor fees Beginning Sept ember 1, 2010, the realtor fees am ount to 2 month s’ rent with rental contracts of mor e than 3 years an d unlimited contracts. Otherwis e, a month´s re nt. 10 Accreditation or the recognition of foreign-earned education Vocational qualification A person who wishes to work in Austria in a specific profession needs to be qualified for this by completing vocational education. A professional qualification which was not earned in Austria will be accepted in Austria as a rule if the particular education (school diploma, degree, studies): a) was completed in a EEA state or in Switzerland and is recognized or b) formally accredited or authorized by an Austrian authority (accreditation). This applies to Austrians and non-Austrians alike. An accreditation is only then necessary and will only be undertaken if the training for a profession or labor is obligatorily linked to having a degree or training credential. What is the process? The person who wishes to have his or her profession accredited must provide all papers and documents in original or in legal or notarized form or, as the case may be, translated by a legally authorized translator. Various ministries, institutions and authorities have jurisdiction for the recognition process. They offer detailed information at: W secondary school diplomas and study degrees: www.bmukk.gv.at Wp rofessional credentials: www.bmwa.gv.at Wp rofessional credentials in health care professions: www.bmgfj.gv.at Explanations of terms and for better understanding Accreditation is understood as the recognition of foreignearned examination results and diplomas. An equal footing of educational degrees is established with the recognition. A recognition procedure is used with so-called third-country citizens or courses of study. In exceptional cases, a professional authorization may be the result (EEA citizens, Swiss and privileged third-country dependents). To clarify There are many vocations and occupations which may be practiced without formal professional qualification or education. Advice: AMS (0662) 88 83 VeBBAS Association (0662) 87 32 48 - 0 n zum Inhalt 11 Working ...in Austria, the residence and work permit is required in advance Immigrants who wish to Within the EU and EEA (including Switzerland), citizens have the right to work in Austria without a work permit. There are transitory requirements for new EU citizens (Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary) which have validity until 2011 or as the case may be, 2013. That means that persons from these countries need a work permit or work concession. work in Austria need two „papers“: the resident or settlement authorization and the work permit. Persons eligible for asylum do not need a work permit. All other foreigners who wish to work in Austria must fulfill certain requirements and receive verification. The settlement authorization alone is not enough. Migrants who wish to work as employees in Austria in any case need a) R esident or, as the case may be, settlement authorization and b) W ork permit (according to the Foreigner Employment Act) Jurisdiction. The decisions regarding applications of the Foreigner Employment Act are made by the AMS (Arbeitsmarktservice or Labor Market Service).The legal foundation for the authorization of foreign labor force workers in the Austrian is the Foreign Labor Act (AusIBG). Self-employed. The person who wishes to be self-employed or start a business can obtain the necessary legal information from the Chamber of Commerce. Note: There are specific entrance requirements for key employees and seasonal workers. Accreditation. In Austria, certain professions (for instance, nursing) can only be carried out with a vocational accreditation. For this, see page 10. Child care provision. Fathers and mothers have the right to pursue a part-time job until the child enters school. This provision exists only if the company has more than 20 employees and the employment status has lasted longer than three years. n zum Inhalt Legal work! A person who w entitled to soci orks legally is al insurance which is most im portant in case of illness. The person who wor ks illegally is liabl e to prosecutio n and is not cove red by insuranc e either. 12 Educational Options All Austrian school levels and school types in an overview Teachers Training College University College Vocational examination 11. After vocational practice Secondary and diploma examination 13. 12. University of Applied Sciences Secondary school examination Vocational training high school Upper level secondary school 10. 9. Institute for kindergarten or social pedagogy 18. Vocational training middle schools 17. Vocational apprenticeship and vocational school (dual system) PTS 2 BVJ 8. 16. 15. 3 14. 13. General educational high school 6. New Middle school 1 Primary school upper Level 5. 4. 3. Elementary schools, primary schools 2. 1. 12. Special schools 7. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. Pre-school level (group, class) School level Compulsory schooling Year of life 1 Model tests, 2 Polytechnic schools, 3 vocational preparatory year There are specific educational options for children with disabilities and in need of special pedagogical assistance. After compulsory schooling, there is a permeable system for pursuing higher qualifications. 3More about this at: www.bmukk.gv.at. Note: In Austria, it is possible to learn about 260 trades (with a training duration of 2 to 4 years.) Source: www.bmukk.gv.at (2010) n zum Inhalt 13 School ...compulsory school is mandatory, secondary schools are an option The person who lives in Austria has compulsory education. That means that children must attend a school for nine years from the age of 6 (compulsory school). The compulsory school consists W said simply - of the attendance of: W elementary schools, middle schools and polytechnic or lower-level secondary school, W secondary schools, upper level or other vocational training schools (4-5 years). After compulsory education, other further educational options are available. Compulsory program. Parents are responsible to see that children attend school. They can be punished in fact, if the children do not go to school. A school year starts with the beginning of September of each year. Parents are notified in writing about the compulsory education of their child and invited to the school with the child for a talk. Attending school in Austria is free of charge. The only costs which incur are for the children´s working materials and for school events (for instance, outings). In Austria, religious education is offered. Parents can take their child out of religion education. With 14, the pupil can take him or herself out. Austria for longer than 6 months is required to go to school. This is called compulsory education. It lasts nine years in any case. Education. Parents are expected to enable the further education of their children (trade, technical college, university are examples) if they have the ability for this and pursue their education ambitiously. Apprentices receive apprentice compensation during their training. School events. Besides instruction, schools offer school ski courses, special week-long courses... Encourage your children to take part in these. It promotes the sense of community at school and the integration of your children. n zum Inhalt School service Everything abou t school and ation can be fo und at www.landesschu lrat.salzburg.at continuing educ 14 Studying at University ...at the end of a long educational road is the UNI or the University of Applied Sciences The universities are also accessible for non-Austrian citizens as long as they fulfill the admittance requirements. German language competency is significant here as The university is an important factor in advancing professionally parallel to vocational training schools. Tuition fees. Non-Austrian students are required to pay tuition fees unless they have equal status with Austrians. Admittance. Admittance to a regular course of study has the following prerequisites: W general university-level qualification W specific university-level qualification for the chosen field of study W German language competency Tuition financial aid. Students receive a scholarship when the parents have only a marginal income and the students can give evidence of academic progress. Foreigners, asylum-eligible and those without nationality who have equal status with Austrians also receive a scholarship. well. The graduation degree (Matura) from a high school serves as evidence for the general university-level qualification for bachelor and diploma study programs. Persons without a graduation diploma, however, can take an exam to qualify to study in a particular program. Those who have specialized in a trade have the option to take the vocational graduation examination. The person who wishes to pursue a doctoral program must provide evidence of completing a Master´s or diploma program. If the applicant has earned a foreign title of access, the equal status of this access title in regards to one of Austrian titles of access is to be examined and, as the case may be, accredited. 3More about this at: www.bmwf.gv.at Accreditation. It is also possible to have foreign degrees accredited. A foreign degree is then considered equal to an Austrian degree. ÖH. This is the abbreviation for the Austrian Students Union. It is the representational institution for students. This office offers comprehensive information regarding study programs and about social insurance for students. The ÖH in Salzburg can be found at: Salzburg, Kaigasse 17 (0662) 80 44 - 6000 www.oeh-salzburg.at n zum Inhalt 15 Vocational Training Apprenticeship and occupational training schools - all free of cost About 40% of youth in Austria learn a trade upon completion of their compulsory schooling. At present, there are about 270 recognized vocations (see www.bmw.gv.at). Attending a vocational training school is free of charge. Training for a vocational profession is an option for all those who have completed the 9-year-long compulsory schooling. The person who doesn´t have a middle school degree can go back and finish it. The AMS has detailed information. Vocational training - the Vocational Schools. The apprenticeship takes place in the company and in the vocational school (dual training). The apprentice works in the company and is a student simultaneously. The training period has different lengths depending on the vocational sector (2 to 4 years). Young people who do not complete the vocational training can go after a partial qualification. The person who undergoes vocational training receives apprentice compensation. Chamber of Commerce will Relevant vocational training completed abroad can be accredited. The following institutions provide support in order to make the correct vocational choice: apprenticeship or middle and high schools - follows the (9-year-long) compulsory schooling. The person who comes from a foreign country can have his or her specialized training recognized. The AMS and the assist further in this. W Labor Market Service W Chamber of Commerce See list of addresses. Full-time schooling. Besides the apprenticeship, vocational first-stage training can be gained in full-time schools. These include vocational training middle schools (as in technical and trade specialized schools, commercial schools...) vocational training high schools (as in commercial academies) and the schools within the health care system. n zum Inhalt Apprentice Information Exchange Online www.wko.at/le hrstellenboerse www.berufsinf o.at/lehre 16 Auto and Job ...transportation for the commute A person who needs his or her car to reach the place of employment can receive financial aid. Flat-rate allowance for commuters The flat-rate allowance is applied for at the Tax Authorities Office. The amount of flatrate allowance depends on the distance of the commute. Info: www.help.gv.at The automobile commute allowance In addition to the flat-rate allowance for commuters, persons who rely on an automobile to reach their place of work can receive an automobile commute allowance. This is applied for at the Federal Province of Salzburg offices. Info: www.salzburg.gv.at/soziales Import from a foreign country The person who changes his or her place of residence from abroad to Austria and has the permanent residence here must reregister his or her automobile in Austria. An Austrian license plate will be issued to the person involved. The person who does not comply with registration must expect an administrative penalty. In addition, the license plate may be removed on the spot. Changing the address when moving in Austria The person who changes his or her place of residence must change the automobile registration within a week. This change is taken care of by an insurance agency. Changes of address within the district of residency are without charge. In all other cases, a new registration must take place. There are fees for changing the registration of the automobile. Requirements for change of registration: W a utomobile registration slip W legal residency card Driver´s license Driver´s licenses from countries outside the EEA are valid in Austrian for only 6 months. They then need to be re-issued. In addition, a practical driving test must be taken. n zum Inhalt 17 Education, Culture, Sport ...a federal state with many opportunities Culture, sport and adult education are „capitalized“ in Austria. That means that you are an important part of Austrian social policies. Many of these activities are supported by the Salzburg Federal State and carried out and activated by cultural, sports and educational organisations. The culture of migrants has its place here too. Check out the contacts and information at the central offices. Many of the migration organizations manage their own cultural groups and preserve their own culture this way in Austria. This was clearly evident in 2009 as well at the Cultural Festival in the Mirabell Palace under the auspices of the State (Department of Popular Culture). Take advantage of the numerous opportunities for adults and adolescents offered by the Alpine Clubs. More information: www. alpenverein.at You will find almost everything in a nutshell in this section to make your free time more exciting. Detailed information is not feasible within this framework due to the sheer diversity and amount of options. Take advantage of the information on the homepage. It´s important to say that the institutions and opportunities are available for everyone - active and passive. Primary contact addresses Cultural Department of the Federal State Literature, exhibition, music, theater, film, traditions, monument preservation, popular culture, cultural initiatives... Salzburg, Franziskanergasse 5a (0662) 80 42 - 2067 kultur@salzburg.gv.at www.salzburg.gv.at Adult Education in the Federal State of Salzburg Information about adult education institutions, public libraries, further education data bank Salzburg, Schiessstattstrasse 2 (0662) 80 42 - 56 10 erwachsenenbildung@salzburg.gv.at http://bildung.salzburg.at Sport - House of Sports Detailed information about competitive sport, amateur sport, sport associations... Wals-Siezenheim, Oberst-Lepperdinger-Strasse 21 (0662) 8042 - 2524 sport@salzburg.gv.at Summary Adult Education Institutions More information: www.eb.salzburg.at n zum Inhalt There are many opportunities in the Federal State of Salzburg in the area of adult education and cultural activities. 18 Federal Province and its people 8 million inhabitants in nine federal provinces Austria is made up of nine federal provinces with a total of 8.1 million inhabitants. The capital of Austria is Vienna. The Federal Province of Salzburg is one of the nine federal provinces. It has 530.000 inhabitants. Austria is a small country and stretches along the eastern offshoots of the Alps. The area amounts to around 84.000 square kilometers. Austria has been a parliamentarian republic with 186 representatives in Parliament since 1918. Prior to this, Austria was an empire. In 1907, voting rights (for men) were introduced. The right to vote for women was introduced 10 years later (1918). Austria joined the United Nations in 1955 and the EU in 1995. Extensive information about Austria and the political system can be accessed at www.austria.gv.at. In 2008, the segment of people with a foreign place of birth and/or foreign citizenship in the Salzburg Federal Province was around 18%. n zum Inhalt 19 The population with foreign citizenship in Europe Segment of the population with foreign citizenship from the total population 0.0 – 2.4 % 2.5 – 4.9 % 5.0 – 9.9 % 10.0 – 14.9 % 15% and more No data available Source: Eurostat 2007 n zum Inhalt 20 Integration Agreement Basis Requirement The integration agreement requires that non-EU country citizens have a good command of the German language if they intend to reside in Austria permanently. For this reason, verification is required - at the A2 level of the European Qualifications Framework. Those this concernsThe integration agreement only concerns non-EU country citizens who have arrived in Austria after 1.1.2006. Those excluded from the integration agreement include: W children who were not yet 14 years of age when the visa was issued, W those persons by reason of their advanced age or their health condition, W „key employees“ and their family members. 5-Year Time LimitVerification of the A2 language level is to be provided by presentation of a certificate (ÖIF or ÖSD) within 5 years from when the certificate of identity is issued. VerificationIt is not enough to attend a German language course. Verification of German language knowledge at the A2 language level must be provided. This verification is not necessary with: W compulsory school attendance (5 year minimum) and positive completion of the course for „German“, W positive completion of the course for „German“ at the A2 level at a foreign school. Further exceptions are listed in § 14 Para 4 and 5 NAG. VoucherConcerned persons and their relatives (marriage partners and children) may receive assistance (a voucher for at least 50% of the course costs, a maximum of E 375.- and E 2,50 per hour). The voucher must be redeemed within the time period. More Information www.integrationsfonds.at www.bmi.gv.at n zum Inhalt 21 German Courses Knowing the language is mandatory by law – and essential for moving ahead professionally The development of language is of decisive importance for an active community and intercultural life, for the contact to authorities, for moving ahead professionally and for visits to the doctor. Language is thus the key to integration and what opens the doors. It facilitates the admission process for professional training schools. The person who masters the German language will not need to give up any of his or her professional goals. Integration Agreement. In addition, there is the duty of learning the German language within five years for those persons who wish to settle in Austria (Integrations Agreement). Assistance. For these reasons, there is an extensive program to stimulate the process of learning the German language for persons with migration background. Courses are also provided for persons who can neither read nor write (alphabetization courses). The most important centers to find assistance are: W Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF) in the context of the Integration Agreement (offered as a voucher), Good knowledge of German, spoken and in writing, is the key to professional development and integration in society. The mastery of a language is also important for the W AMS (Labor Market Service) in connection with vocational advanced training, W Federal State of Salzburg in the context of the Education Check, the early education of the Kindergarten Section (Rucksack Projects) and the Migration Center (how Mama learns German), W Municipalities (mostly in cooperation with adult education institutions). Course Providers. German courses can be attended within the free market as well as from the adult education institutions (like the Adult Education Center and Salzburg Educational Institute, WIFI, bfi) independent of the assistance. Be aware of possible differences in price and quality. The complete list of providers can be found on the homepage: www.salzburg.gv.at/migration n zum Inhalt self-confident interaction in daily life. 22 Becoming an adult Fully responsible for business transactions Free discretion on things one is entrusted with Making promises which are to ones advantage Legal transactions which are typical for the age dealing with insignificant daily routine matters From birth Free discretion on ones own income Free discretion on ervice rendered Religious freedom of choice From the age of 7 From the age of 14 n zum Inhalt From the age of 18 23 Taking independent action ..already, in some cases, at the age of 14 Children under 18 cannot decide for themselves without the declared or implied permission of their parents (legal guardian). They are represented by their parents. When children enter business agreements regardless, these can be retracted by their parents. The legal capability of children/adolescents is decided according to their age. If they are not legally capable, they require a legal representative. Children less than 7 years of age Children less than 7 years of age are not legally capable - with the exception of transactions typical for their age. Children between 7 and 14 Children are not legally capable at this age. An exception would be legal transactions which are typical for the age in insignificant daily routine matters (like buying a snack). They may, however, make a promise which is to their advantage. Additionally, children from the age of 14 may take independent action in court. They are able to appeal to the court themselves in cases of strife within the family - especially in questions of child-raising and education. Neither lawyer nor money is required for this. Children between 14 and 18 The regulations for children up to 14 apply to adolescents between 14 and 18. Besides these, adolescents are allowed to make independent decisions. Among these are: 1. With things given to them to do with as they wish (i.e. books), 2. their income from their job, as long as their livelihood is not put at risk, 3. the signing of employment contracts like summer jobs (excepting apprenticeship contracts), 4. managing ones own bank account, 5. determining their outlook on life (religion) In general, one is considered to have come of legal age with the 18th birthday. However, children already decide many things for themselves at 14. Adolescents 18 and older At 18, a person comes of age - with all the rights and responsibilities. Adolescents are allowed to marry at 18 without parental consent. A person can only marry at 16 when the future marriage partner is already 18. A minor partner, however, needs the consent of the court and the parents. Parental consent can be superseded by the court when there are no justifiable objections. It should be observed that an agreement added to the marital contract is only possible if the subject is legally permissible and certified by a notary. n zum Inhalt Protection of minors Adolescents m ay be out without an acco mpanying adul until 11 P.M, and until 12 m Saturdays and idnight on holidays. t 24 Child Care ...infant daycare, kindergartens, daycare centers for the compatibility of family and employment Institutions for the care of children are important for parents and children. Parents can go about earning an income easier. Children learn the German language playfully. Suggestions child to ible for your Make it poss on as garten as so attend kinder e your u will facilitat possible. Yo ent ge developm child´s langua ing so. trance by do and school en Attendance in a child care institution is especially important for the social development and preparation for attending school. For children with a non-German native language, attending kindergarten facilitates the learning of the German language in a creative way. See the pamphlet: „One Child, Two Languages“. Opportunities. Salzburg has a highly developed network of institutions for children and youth. Some of these institutions are: W Infant care centers (1 - 3 years) W Kindergartens (3 - 6 years) W Day parents (1 - 16 years) W Groups for school children W Mixed-age groups W Youth centers (from about 14 years) There are kindergartens in practically every municipality of the federal province. Information material. The city of Salzburg offers an overview of all the child care institution including the fees and reductions in the brochures: „Little child – where do you go?“ and „Child Care“. Register. On the federal provincial homepage (www.salzburg.gv.at) you can find a list of all the child care institutions including opening hours. Fees. The last year of kindergarten before compulsory school is free of charge for 20 hours, but also mandatory to this extent. Registration. Registration for a child care space usually takes place in the spring of a year (February/March). Ask at your local municipality about options and costs of child care. n zum Inhalt 25 Social Security Social insurance and social assistance, family and resident building grant... Austria is a social state. That means that person are insured against the most common and severe crises in life (illness, unemployment, accident, old age/pension) with a mandatory insurance. In addition, there are many family-promoting state benefits. n zum Inhalt 26 Social Security …with a strong social insurance, family support and social aid In principle, every citizen, whether Austrian or a person eligible for asylum is responsible to take care of his or her own costs of living. In emergency cases, the state provides insurance coverage, assistance and social coverage - as a kind of social protection. Brochures all description of A complete applicats including social benefi the n be found in tion offices ca hild“ arents and C brochure „P rg, ince of Salzbu (Federal Prov airs) of Social Aff Department Austria is a social state. That means social risks in life (unemployment, illness, accident,...) one is legally and thus governmentally insured. It works this way: the worker who earns more than E 374,02 (2011) per month is automatically insured against illness, accident, pension and unemployment. That explains why one does not need to do anything about this since the employer must take care of all the necessary formalities. Marriage partners and children are included in the insurance coverage without making extra payments. The person who earns less than the above amount is able to insure him or herself more reasonably. Basic insurance. Those persons who are not able to support themselves on their own can receive basic insurance. This is only made available to persons who have limited income and do not possess assets. Comprehensive information is offered by the online-expert: www.bmask.gv.at as well as the District Authority or, in some cases, the Salzburg Magistrate. Applications for basic insurance can also be submitted to the unemployment office. Housing assistance. There is the possibility in Austria for those with low income recipients to receive „housing assistance“ (Federal Province of Salzburg, Housing Assistance) Contact address: Salzburg, Fanny-v-Lehnert-Str. 1 (0662) 80 42 - 0 Family benefits. In addition to the previously mentioned benefits, families with migration background have the following family-related benefits, provided they have children - from birth until the completion of the vocational education of the children. These include primarily: WC hild care assistance W F amily assistance W E ducational assistance WT ax advantages like a child deductible W S ole-provider deductible W S ole-parent deductible n zum Inhalt 27 Health Issues ...a person who is sick will be treated even those who have no money The person who is legally employed in Austria and earns more than E 374,02 (2011) a month is health insurance. This is because a portion of every employee´s salary is automatically deducted for health and accident insurance. The „formalities“ are taken care of by the employer so that one doesn´t really have to do much about it oneself. As soon as one is insured, one has claim to all benefits of health and accident insurance. A person is immediately given the so-called „e-card“ with which one claims the benefits. Children are insured along with their parents. A marriage partner is also insured without a fee if children are being cared for in the household. They receive their own e-card. Treatment of illness. The person who is sick and needs a doctor will be treated free of cost. For this, one must present the e-card. This should generally always be in ones possession. In choosing a doctor, be aware that not every doctor is able to charge the treatment to the health insurance agency. The health insurance agency does not pay for every service. You will have to pay certain treatment yourself. Please ask your doctor before being treated. Medication. A deductible (E 5,10) is required with every medication - the only exceptions are persons with marginal income. These persons are able to apply to the health insurance agency for a waiver of the prescription fee. A person who is sick goes Immunizations. A person who wants more information about immunizations besides the ones in the mother-and-child pass should refer to www.bmfg.at. costs are covered by the General practitioner and specialist. The person who is sick first goes to the general practitioner (also known as practical doctor). If necessary, he or she will refer you to a specialist (like skin doctor, eye doctor, gynecologist) or to the hospital. The general practitioner is available without prior appointment during practice opening hours - with a specialist, one has to make an appointment. Emergency. When there is an emergency, patients can go directly to the hospital without being transferred first. Psychotherapy. There are specific regulations for psychotherapeutic treatment. Address your questions directly to the health insurance agency. n zum Inhalt to the general practitioner first. He or she is the one who decides if a specialist needs to be consulted. The insurance. Medication is not free of charge. General health information is offered by the GIZ of the Regional Health Insurance Agency. Attention Giving the e-ca insurance slip to is criminal and rd and health someone else results in paying punitive damag es. The doctor is pe rmitted to char ge for costs if a se t appointment is not held. 28 Expecting a baby …Maternity leave and maternity allowance eight weeks before and after the birth In the province of Salzburg, 99% give birth in a hospital. There is also the option of an ambulant birth with an earlier discharge. A person who wants to deliver in hospital should register at hospital in the 6th month of pregnancy. This is not compulsory, however. In Austria it is possible for the father to be present at the birth of the child. The mother is allowed to have the newborn with her all the time or part of the day. Mothers who wish to give their child up for adoption can also have their child anonymously. Employment ban. Women are not permitted in any case to work during the last eight weeks before delivery and eight weeks after the birth. Maternity allowance. During the time of the employment ban, women receive the so-called maternity allowance. The amount of maternity allowance is determined by the average salary over the last three months. Those who are self-insured (with marginal employment) receive E 7.91 (2010) per day. Mother-Child-Pass. In Austria, an examination program is offered free of charge during the time of pregnancy (from the 16th week of pregnancy to the 25th month of life). The results are written down in the Mother-Child-Pass. An immunization pass is also part of the Mother-Child-Pass. A mother receives the Mother-Child-Pass from her doctor at the time of the first examination in the 16th week of pregnancy. Financial aid. With the birth of a child, the parents receive family financial aid and a child care stipend (for the youngest child). Note: The child care stipend is available in the full amount only when the MotherChild-Pass examinations are completed. More about this in the brochure: „ParentChildTarifs“ and „BabyPamphlet“. Parent Counseling Center. With the birth of a child, you will - already at the hospital - receive every kind of information that you need from the Parent Counseling Center. First off, however: when a child is born, he or she is given a birth certificate. This is issued by the office of the municipal in which the child is born. Family Counseling. A person who wishes support in partnership and parenting questions can take advantage of the Federal Province Family Counseling Center free of charge. More Page 31. n zum Inhalt 29 Addresses It just takes a knock on the door or a call Brochures are only able to inform. True assistance is mostly found at the counseling centers and funding agencies. This is where one can also find all the crisis centers and crisis help lines, just in case. These centers work for their customers free of charge. n zum Inhalt 30 Crisis Help lines .. when it´s urgent In principle, every citizen, whether Austrian or a person eligible for asylum, is responsible to take care of his or her own costs of living. In emergency cases, the state provides insurance Violence Protection Center 0 800 222 555 around the clock in several languages www.haltdergewalt.at/frauenhelpline/ Emergency number for women (0662) 88 11 00 Mon., Tues., 9 - 11 A.M., Wed. 2 - 7 P.M., Thurs. 6 - 9 P.M. frauennotruf.salzburg@aon.at coverage, assistance and social coverage - as a kind of social protection. Center of protection against violence (0662) 870 100 office.salzburg@gewaltschutzzentrum.at Info-Center-Salzburg Salzburg, St.-Julien-Straße 20 (in the Kiesel Building, 3rd upper level) (0662) 80 72 – 32 30, 32 31 ics@stadt-salzburg.at Emergency numbers ent 122 Fire Departm Police 133 scue 144 Emergency re kids-line 0 810 234 123 free of charge from landline, 10 cents from cell phone, daily 1 - 9 P.M. kids-line@ts142.at Crisis Intervention City of Salzburg (0662) 43 33 51 Pongau (064 12) 200 33 around the clock pms.krise@promente.at krise@promentesalzburg.at möve- sexually-abused children 0 800 80 80 88 kinderschutz@die-moeve.at Emergency number for the hearingimpaired 0 800 133 133 Text message and fax emergency number Victim emergency number 0 800 112 112 around the clock www.opfernotruf.at Ö3 - worry number 0 800 600 607 around the clock www.orf.at Get help fast - for kids 147 around the clock (free of charge) Pregnant and in need 0 800 300 370 around the clock aktionlebensbg@utanet.at Pregnant and desperate 0 800 53 99 35 around the clock pms.krise@promente.at krise@promentesalzburg.at Telephone counseling 142 around the clock www.ts142.at n zum Inhalt 31 Authorities ...and public services AMS Labor Market Service Employment facilitating, information on employment, ensuring survival during unemployment (unemployment stipend, welfare assistance) professional qualification Salzburg (0662) 88 83 Bischofshofen (064 62) 28 48 Hallein (062 45) 80 4 51 Zell am See (065 42) 73 1 87 Tamsweg (064 74) 84 84 www.ams.at ams.salzburg@ams.at Addresses: page 22 Social Agencies Advice in questions of governmental assistance in the social welfare offices of the district supervisory centers and the city of Salzburg Flachgau (0662) 81 80 - 5905 Lungau (064 74) 65 41 - 6504 Pinzgau (065 42) 7 60 - 6712 Pongau (064 12) 61 01 - 6204 Stadt-Salzburg (0662) 80 72 - 32 30 or 32 31 Tennengau (062 45) 7 96 - 6014 www.salzburg.gv.at Addresses: page 26 Federal Province of Salzburg Residential building grants Salzburg, Fanny-v-Lehnert-Straße 1 (0662) 80 42 - 37 05 www.salzburg.gv.at Federal Province of Salzburg – Family Counseling Counseling Line: (0662) 87 12 27 Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10 - 12 A.M. Mon. - Wed. 2 - 3 P.M. Tues. 5 - 7 P.M. Legal Advice, Thurs. 2 - 4 P.M. In the information centers By prior telephone appointment (0662) 80 42 - 54 21 City of Salzburg, Schwarzstraße 21 Flachgau, Neumarkt, Mattsee Tennengau, Hallein Pongau, Bischofshofen, St. Johann Pinzgau, Mittersill, Saalfelden, Zell/See Lungau, St. Michael, Tamsweg Gynecological Clinic, Müllner Hauptstraße 48 Exact times and locations at www.salzburg.gv.at/themen familie@salzburg.gv.at At the regional courthouses City of Salzburg Tues. 8 - 12 A.M. Hallein Tues. 9 - 11 A.M. St. Johann Tues. 8 - 10 A.M. Zell am See Tues. 9 - 11 A.M. In der first-love-ambulanz Gynecological Clinic, Müllner Hauptstraße 48 Mon. 4 - 7 P.M: (no prior appointment needed) (0662) 44 82 - 25 08 Zell am See Hospital Wed. 3:30 - 5:30 P.M. (065 42) 777 - 25 10 n zum Inhalt Education Sub sidy Federal Province of Salzburg Salzburg, Rainer strasse 27 (0662) 80 42 - www.salzburg. 36 07 gv.at/soziales 32 Advice on Migration …see the brochure „gut beraten“ Afro-Asian Institute Information for students from Africa and Asia, Salzburg, Wiener-Philharmoniker-Gasse 2 (0662) 84 14 13 – 12 Mon. - Thurs. 9 A.M. - 1 P.M. www.aai-salzburg.at BiBER Education Information Service also for migrants of all ages Salzburg, Imbergstraße 2 (CORSO) (0662) 87 26 77 – 22 Hallein, Mauttorpromenade 8 (062 45) 700 50 80 Bischofshofen, Kinostraße 7a 0664 170 43 38 Radstadt, Stadtplatz 16 0664 170 43 38 Saalfelden, Leoganger Straße 1 0650 62 111 78 Mittersill, Lendstraße 14a 0650 62 111 78 Tamsweg, Friedhofstraße 6 0660 65 30 145 www.biber.salzburg.at B.I.K. - Supervisory School Authority in Salzburg Information, advice and coordination regarding issues of schooling for parents with migration background Salzburg, Mozartplatz 6 (0662) 80 72 – 29 61 www.stadt-salzburg.at Office for Equal Opportunity Regional attorney for non-discrimination issues for Salzburg, Tyrol and Vorarlberg, Innsbruck, Leipziger Platz 2 (0512) 34 30 32 ibk.gaw@bmgf.gv.at www.bmfg.gv.at Federal Provincial Office for Women´s Affairs and Equal Opportunity Women Promotion and Equal Opportunity, legal advice in all municipalities Salzburg, Michael-Pacher-Straße 28 Salzburg (0662) 80 42 - 40 41, 40 42 Abtenau (0662) 90 42 - 34 05 Altenmarkt (064 52) 67 92 Bischofshofen (064 62) 61 80 Bürmoos (062 74) 600 3 Hallein (0662) 88 07 23 - 11 Zell am See (065 42) 73 0 48 Tamsweg (064 74) 82 73 - 19 www.salzburg.gv.at/frauen bff@salzburg.gv.at Self-help-groups Salzburg, Engelbert-Weiß-Weg 10 (0662) 88 890 - 18 00 Jeden Di - Fr 8 - 11 Uhr www.selbsthilfe-salzburg.at IBF – Intervention Center for those impacted by trafficking in women, Vienna, Floragasse 7a (01) 7 96 92 98 www.lefoe.at n zum Inhalt Asociaton Menschen.Leben Supplier of german courses ore asylum-seekers Bad Vöslau, Hauptstraße 38 (0222 52) 508 248 12 office@menschen-leben.at Coordination Offices Federal Province of Salzburg Department of Migration Dr. MMag. Manfred Oberlechner Mag. (FH) Jehona Ramadani Salzburg, Fanny-v-Lehnert-Straße 1 (0662) 80 42 – 36 74 migration@salzburg.gv.at City of Salzburg Information, advice and projects for migrants Mag. Daiva Döring Salzburg, Schloss Mirabell (0662) 80 72 – 22 96 integrationsbeauftragte@ stadt-salzburg.at City of Hallein www. menschen-lben.at Information and advice for migrants Mag. Gerlinde Ulucinar Yentürk 5400 Hallein, Schöndorferplatz 1 0664 45 41 071 iku@hallein.gv.at 33 Federal Province School Authority School information for migrants Salzburg, Mozartplatz 10 (0662) 80 83 – 3013 www.landesschulrat.at LEFÖ – Latin American migrants Information - Education - Mentoring Vienna, Kettenbrückengasse 15 (01) 58 11 88 1 www.lefoe.at ÖAD – Austrian Academic Exchange Service Information for foreign students Salzburg, Akademiestraße 20/2 (0662) 80 44 – 49 00 annemarie.eder@sbg.ac.at Orient Express Women information service and specific advice related to forced marriage and female circumcision Vienna, Hillerstraße 6 (01) 7 28 97 25 www.orientexpress-wien.com Austrian Integration Fund Information center for asylum-entitled persons Salzburg, Kranzlmarkt 1 (0662) 80 72 - 22 93 every Thurs. 9:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. (upon appointment) www.integrationsfonds.at Forum Family Federal Province of Salzburg Center for Family Activities www.salzburg.gv.at/forumfamilie W Flachgau 0664 82 84 238 Elixhausen, Untergrubstraße 3 W Tennengau 0664 85 65 527 Hallein, Mauttorpromenade 8 W Pongau 0664 82 84 237 St. Johann, Hauptstraße 67 W Pinzgau 0664 82 84 179 Zell am See, Saalfeldnerstraße 10 W Lungau (064 74) 82 73 - 14 Tamsweg, Hatheyergasse 2 Stop FMG Austrian platform against female genital mutilation Vienna, Schenkenstraße 8 (01) 401 10 – 36 35 www.stopfgm.net VeBBAS Public employment-related advice for foreigners including advice on achieving academic recognition (0662) 87 32 48 – 0 www.vebbas.at V.I.E.L.E. Information for foreigners in the context of intercultural education Salzburg, Rainerstraße 27 (0662) 870 211 www.verein-viele.at n zum Inhalt Settlement regarding settlem ent requirements Hotline (01) 53 126 35 57 www.bmi.gv.at www.salzburg. gv.at/th emen 34 Glossary AK - Chamber of Commerce The Chamber of Commerce represents all employees with employment-related issues. GKK - Regional Social Health Insurance Social Insurance The person who is not independently employed is insured by the GKK except those with marginal employment. Those persons who are employed are required to make compulsory insurance payments. In return, they receive compensation for unemployment, sickness, Occupational injury... Elementary School Accreditation Everyone must go to elementary school. These are the first four school years (beginning with the 6th year of life.) Accreditation is the formal recognition of vocational training or an educational program which was completed in another country. District Supervisory Center Municipal Office Social Welfare Office The district supervisory center is responsible for regional administration tasks. This includes, for instance, social assistance, driver´s license. The administration of the Salzburg city community is called the municipal office. This is the department which decides about the claims for basic insurance and welfare. BIZ Secondary school UNI After elementary school, one can attend secondary school. This is completed by passing the Matura (secondary school examination) and then one can attend university without further entrance exams. It is only possible to enroll at the UNI (University) if a person has a secondary school degree or admissions authorization. Social Assistance Residential Building Cooperatives as a rule rent and sell state-supported housing. AMS The AMS (Arbeitsmarktservice or Labor Market Service) offers support to people looking for employment like information on jobs, work connections, financial payments in case of unemployment. The BIZ is the vocational information center of the AMS. Third countries All countries which are not part of the EEA including Switzerland are considered third countries. GIZ Insuring survival for Austrians, EU citizens and recognized refugees. The GIZ is the health information center of the Regional Health Insurance Agency. n zum Inhalt Residential Building Cooperatives 35 Notes Further Infos: www.help.gv.at n zum Inhalt WILLKOMMEN IN SALZBURG – INFORADIO DOBRODOŠLI U SALZBURG – INFORMATIVNI MAGAZIN SALZBURG’A HOŞGELDINIZ – BILGI RADYOSU ����� ���������� � ��������� – ��������� WELCOME TO SALZBURG – INFORADIO Powered by Land Salzburg „Welcome to Salzburg“ Wednesday at 7:06 P.M. the frequency for Radiofabrik “Willkommen in Salzburg”-– every jeden Mittwoch um 19:06 Uhr auf denat Frequenzen der Radiofabrik Wednesday the month: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian - German 1. 1. Mittwoch im of Monat: Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch – Deutsch 2. Mittwoch im Monat: Türkisch – Deutsch Wn a cross the Federal State of Salzburg with Salzburg-AG Cable (CableLink) 2. Wednesday of the month: Turkish German im Kabel der Salzburg-AG (CableLink) im ganzen Land Salzburg 3. 3. Mittwoch im of Monat: Russisch – Deutsch Ww orld-wide via Livestream at radiofabrik.at Wednesday the month: Russian - German n weltweit via Livestream auf radiofabrik.at 4. Mittwoch im Monat: Englisch – Deutsch 4. Wednesday of the month: English - German Wn 9 7.3 andund 107.5 MHz in Salzburg city and outskirts 97,3 107,5 MHz in Stadt Salzburg und Umgebung EINE REDAKTIONSGRUPPE VON FRAUEN, DIE NACH SALZBURG ZUGEWANDERT SIND, GESTALTET JEDEN MITTWOCH EINE ZWEISPRAAN EDITORIAL GROUP OF WOMEN WHO MIGRATED TO SALZBURG PRODUCE A BILINGUAL BROADCAST EVERY WEDNESDAY WITH INFORMATION AND CHIGE SENDUNG MIT INFORMATION UND UNTERHALTUNG FÜR NEO-SALZBURGERINNEN. DIE REDAKTIONSGRUPPE FREUT SICH ÜBER ENTERTAINMENT FOR NEO-SALZBURG WOMEN: THE EDITORIAL GROUP WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS AND LANGUAGE VARIETIES! (send an E-Mail to: NEUE MITGLIEDER UND SPRACHVERSIONEN! (E-Mail an: willkommen@radiofabrik.at). WEITERE INFOS UND ALLE SENDUNGEN ZUM willkommen@radiofabrik.at). 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Besuch den Basisworkshop, wo du basic workshop, where you will learn everything there is to know about radio and conduct alles own überbroadcast das Radiomachen lernstabout und mach deine eigene Sendung – über Kultur, über deine Heimat, your about culture, your homeland, about politics or music - almost über Politik oder Musik – außer Werbung ist fast alles erlaubt... Programm und alle Infos: radiofabrik.at. anything besides advertising is allowed... Program and information: Radiofabrik Verein Freier Radiofabrik - Verein Freier Rundfunk Salzburg, Josef-Preis-Allee 16, 5020 Salzburg, Tel: 0662-84 29 61. Rundfunk Salzburg, Josef-Preis-Allee 16, 5020 Salzburg, Tel: 0662-84 29 61. VIELFALT IST KULTUR DIVERSITY IS CULTURE VARIEDAD ES CULTURA COK CESITLIK KÜLTÜR´DÜR RAZNOLIKOST JE KULTURA VARIETÀ È CULTURA
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