Basketball Camp - Wimberley Independent School District

Basketball Camp
Dates June 1st-4th
Location: Bridges Gym
Grades 3-5
Grades 6-8
Have fun while learning and improving fundamentals of
basketball. Practice drills, play games and enjoy contests under
instruction of Wimberley Lady Texans Head Coach Ted
Dydalewicz and Staff.
Fee: $60.00 First Family Member
$ 45.00 Each Additional Family Member
Lil’ Lady Texan Basketball Camp
Lil’ Lady Texan: ____________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Phone Contact: _________________________E-mail address: ___________________________
Alternate Emergency Name/Contact Number: __________________________________________________.
Grade going into next year__________
T-Shirt Size__________
I give my permission for , _________________________________________________,to participate in the Lil’ Lady
Texan Basketball Camp and will not hold the Wimberley Lady Texans Basketball Team, it’s coaches, or the
Wimberley Independent School District liable for any accident that may occur during the course of this camp.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________Date:____________
Return this Form by May 28th, 2015
Wimberley High School
100 Carney Lane
Wimberley, Texas78776
Attention: Coach Ted Dydalewicz
E-mail the form back to
Any questions or concerns please call me @512-633-3933
Return along with check made payable to WHS Lady Texan Basketball,
Check #_______
_____ Cash
Late Registrations Will Be Accepted on the Day of Camp