APRIL 2015 Basketball - More Than “Just A Game” Sobbing in the locker room with my teammates after a heartbreaking tournament loss will always be a vivid memory. I was a senior and I wasn’t ready for the season to come to a sudden end. In that moment, I realized I will never again get to represent Louisville and play with my teammates who were by my side since elementary school. As an 18 year old, I viewed this as the end of a journey, rather than a stepping stone in the path of life. My career as a Lady Leopard was over, but what the game taught me will forever live on. To me, the definition of basketball is more than just a game. It is through basketball that I have learned leadership, accountability, discipline, and diligence. It is through basketball that I have built friendships that will last a lifetime. It is through basketball that I have learned how to persevere through challenges. It is through basketball that I have learned dedication and friendly competition. As an 18 year old, it was basketball that prepared me for life as an adult. From the time I was a young girl, I aspired to be a Lady Leopard. From dribbling my first basketball in the base“TO ME, THE DEFINITION OF BASKETBALL IS MORE THAN JUST A GAME. IT IS THROUGH BASKETBALL THAT I HAVE LEARNED LEADERSHIP, ACCOUNTABILITY, DISCIPLINE, AND DILIGENCE.” ment to many driveway games with my dad and friends, from YMCA teams to middle school teams, from camps to one-on-one private lessons in the hot summer sun, basketball was a large part of my life. The many years of playing basketball with my teammates were unforgettable. The finest moments were cutting down the nets continued on page 4 1 Coach’s Corner Expectations = Sacrifice ? DO YOUR EXPECTATIONS EQUAL YOUR SACRIFICE? On game day expectations are always high. Everyone on the team expects to win, start, and be the leading scorer. These are all great expectations players should have, but is their something more to being a great basketball player than expectations? Anyone that is playing at a high level will tell you that being a great basketball player requires great sacrifice. It requires hours of hard work in the gym when no one else wants to be there because it is too hot. It takes countless hours of dribbling and shooting when you would rather be out with your friends. It takes setting goals that normal people think are unrealistic and then reaching those goals. A sacrifice is a loss or something you give up, for the sake of a better cause. Nothing in this world worth anything comes without hard work and sacrifice. It is a nice start when every member of a team has high expectations, but the great teams have athletes that take it one step further and make sacrifices for the team. The expectations for the 2015-2016 Lady Leopard Basketball Season are high. Coaches, parents, fans, and athletes all expect to be great! I guess the real question is how great can we be? I cannot be prouder of how we finished the 2014-2015 basketball season. Winning our last 6 out of 7 games and almost knocking off the number one team in the state in the tournament. However, the 2014-2015 season is in the past and with each season’s end, you are one step closer to playing your last basketball game as a Lady Leopard Basketball player. How will you be remembered as a Lady Leopard Basketball Player? We have a very talented group of athletes returning this year, but talent and expectations can only take us so far. I encourage each and every Lady Leopard Basketball Player to set your goals high this summer. Then make the sacrifices needed to meet those goals, not only for yourself but more importantly for the team! WILL YOUR EXPECTATIONS EQUAL YOUR SACRIFICE? Coach McCully ☺ ANNOUNCEMENTS 7th GRADE LADY LEOPARDS 8th GRADE LADY LEOPARDS 2014-2015 2014-2015 9-9 19-0 The seventh grade girls finished the year with a 9 and 9 win loss record. Coming into the year I had real no expectations because I had nothing to compare this coaching endeavor to, as this was my first year as a girls’ head coach, and it was their first time playing together as a group of 15. When we started the year, I spoke to the girls about the one thing that was in there control, EFFORT. I reminded them daily that 100% effort was expected and if that was not being given, they were hurting the player standing next to them. After our first game against West Branch, I knew scoring was going to be our biggest challenge. So my focus became play good defense, and hopefully we could score enough to gain some wins. As I told the girls after that game, the West Branch coach said that will be the best defense we will face all year. If we were able to hold our opponents to under 30 points, it usually translated into a victory. So as the season progressed, we kept the same theme of demanding a perfect effort and playing for each other. With this theory, we were able to gain one of our most improbable wins when we faced Minerva. Down 26-12 entering the fourth, I told the girls that we were going to play that last 6 minutes with a perfect effort and that we would need to double our score plus two and hold Minerva to zero just to tie. Giving up was not an option. As we all witnessed, the team rallied together, and we came away with one of the most exciting wins of my coaching career, a 29-27 This season brought a lot of unexpected events this year! We had two ice events, one that canceled a scrimmage, and numerous school closings that canceled practices and rescheduled games. However, along the way the girls found a way to stay focused and finished 19-0 and became NBC Champions, finishing their MS career as back-to-back NBC Champions finishing with a 37 & 1 record. Lady Leopards Summer Camp (Going Into Grades 1-8) is Monday, June 8th Thursday, June 11th. This will be for girls going into grades 1-8. The camp registration forms will be given to your athletes teacher to hand out during school. All registration forms are due by May 20th. Elementary and Middle School Open Gyms (Going Into Grades 5-8) Open gyms will be @ Louisville Middle School. We are still working on the dates and times. We will have a meeting for all middle school athletes to pass out schedules. Notebooks will be handed out at the first open gym. If you cannot make it and would like a summer notebook, please contact Coach McCully. If you are a current 4th or 5th grader and you would like a schedule, please e-mail Coach McCully at the e-mail below. Open gym schedules will be available in May. Middle School Meeting (Going Into Grades 7-8) We will be holding a basketball meeting in April to handout summer schedules and go over important information. Please be sure to listen to the announcements for further information on the meeting. If you cannot attend for some reason, please contact Coach McCully for important information that was given out at the meeting. Middle School Louisville League (Going Into Grades 7-8) We will be holding our middle school league at Louisville Middle School on Tuesday evenings from 6:308:30. We will be playing schools from around the area. A schedule will be given to the players when it becomes available. We will either have one mixed team of 7th and 8th or we will have one 7th and one 8th. It will all depend on how many girls are able to make it on Tuesday evenings. We will be asking the girls to sign up during the middle school meeting. Middle School Eastern Ohio Camp (Going Into Grades 7-8) Eastern Ohio basketball camp for the middle school will be Sunday, June 28th - Tuesday, June 30th. We will pass out information about the camp at the middle school meeting. We will leave from the High School on June 28th early in the morning. We need drivers. If you can help transport, please e-mail Coach McCully. High School Meeting (Going Into Grades 9-12) We will be holding a basketball meeting towards the end of April to pass out summer information and schedules. If you cannot attend for some reason, please contact Coach McCully for important information that was given out at the meeting. High School Green League (Going Into Grades 9-12) We will be playing at Green High School, both JV and Varsity, every Monday night in June from 5:00-7:00. High School Jackson League (Going Into Grades 9-12) We will be playing at Jackson High School, both JV and Varsity, every Wednesday night in June from 5:30-7:30, except Wednesday, June 24th which is the day we leave for Eastern Ohio Basketball Camp. High School Eastern Ohio Camp (Going Into Grades 9-12) Eastern Ohio basketball camp for the high school will be Wednesday, June 24th - Friday, June 26th. I will pass out information about the camp at the high school meeting. We will leave from the High School on June 24th early in the morning. We need drivers. If you can help transport, please e-mail Coach McCully. E-mail Questions To: mccully@louisville.sparcc.org continued on page 4 2 The girls’ success started back in the summer! We had great attendance at all of the open gyms, instructional days, and basketball camp! I cannot lie that when the season began, there were some lofty expectations, and I wanted to make sure I did not make a mistake! I wanted to make sure all of the girls showed growth, learned the “new” offense and played to the best of their abilities, and they did! Two of the things that this group of girls did really well was get the rebound and get the ball out in transition. There were many games that we just out hustled teams and beat them down the floor! Some statistics from this season: The girls scored 814 points to our opponent’s 404 points! Our average margin of victory was 21 points! Our largest victory was by 50 points over Alliance, and our smallest victory was by 6 over West Branch in the tournament. We played our traditional NBC Schedule, as well as non-league opponents Massillon and Jackson. As we expected because of our talent level, a lot of teams jumped into a zone against us, so we had to learn to find the soft spots and make good shots! Our average team floor shooting percentage was 34%, and our average team foul shooting percentage was 48%! Coach Evans 8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach 7 LADY LEOPARDS SPEAK OUT Sabryna Benzel I am really looking forward to the 2015-16 season! Summer this year is going to be really important to our game and success this coming season. If everyone works hard and completes their notebooks, we are going to be a difficult team to beat. I am looking forward to the amount of girls that will be coming to our summer workouts. The more time we can put in during the summer, the better the whole team will be by the start of the season. I am also really excited for EOBC!! It is a great time to bond as a team, and many friendships are made during this camp. I think that we are going to have a great year with the amount of girls moving up to the high school team. We also have no one graduating, so we will be able to build off of the team that we have now. I am most excited about getting to play with the new girls joining the high school team! The strength that we have as a team should lead us to a NBC Championship, and more, for the 2015-16 season! Youth Teams End Season - “The Future Looks Brigtht” Sarah Lairson This team of ours has the potential to do great things in the upcoming season. This belief of mine has come from the tightlyknotted friendships we have, the strengths that each individual brings to the table, our workethic, and the passion that my teammates and I possess. The practices have just begun for us Lady Leopards basketball players, for our off season is full of a notebook outline from Coach McCully, open gyms, and summer camps. To reach our potential is only possible with our summers containing long hours in the gym, countless shots, dribbles, passes, and pick-up games. Our heart and love for the game are what sets us apart from the rest, and our dedication will position us for achieving greatness. Above: 3/4th Grade Travel Team Grades 3-4 Travel Ten Lady Leopards played in the 2014-2015 4th grade girls youth basketball League at Barberton High School. They finished their season 6-8, making it to the second round of the tournament at Barberton. They also competed in the Lake HS shootout tournament where they went 2-2 in a pool play tournament. It was a great season for the girls. They worked very hard and are all excited for next year. Coach Weaver Abby Beaver After working together to achieve a winning season and accomplish many team goals, it has left the Lady Leopards with a strong foundation and a common goal for next season. It begins with winning the league and ends with two victories in Columbus. The support of our fans and community will help us reach our goal. To improve as a team, it is going to take each person to put forth the time and effort in the off-season to become a stronger player. We need to take advantage of the gym time, summer league, and lifting. It is important to work together during this summer, but it is also essential to work on the notebook as an individual. We are only going to be as good as our dedication and determination. 6 Above: 6th Grade Travel Team Congratulations to the 6th grade girls on their basketball season this year. The Lady Leps went 6-2 in the Barberton league this year and lost in the semifinals to Barberton. In the Minerva tournament, the Lady Leps went 4-0 and took home the trophy. The whole season was a success, all the girls improved from beginning to end and had a great time developing their skills. Overall their seasonal record was 10-2. “These girls put a lot of heart In to the sport and the outcome was very rewarding,” says the two coaches of the team.” I want to wish these girls the best of luck in their future basketball careers with a great Louisville program. Go Leps!!! Coach Bast Above: 5th Grade Travel Team 3 continued from page 1 - Basketball - More Than “Just A Game” as NBC Champions in 2006 and 2007, a feat that was dreamt about since middle school and that finally put Lady Leopards Basketball back on the map. As much as I would give anything to play as a Lady Leopard one more time, I am proud to return to the program as a coach. It is my hope that these young ladies will experience all that basketball has to offer and, in turn, will continue the tradition of Lady Leopards Basketball. Kelsie Harmon Class Of 2007 continued from page 7 7th Grade Season victory. As a coach, you hope you have the ability to get your athletes to be selfless and focus on the team first. I believe I was able to get these young ladies to do just that. No matter how small their role in the game, each girl did what was asked for the good of the group. I will always remember this team as one that never backed down from a challenge and one that believed that the whole was greater than the sum of its parts. Thank you for a great season and I really look forward to having the opportunity to work with you over the coming summer months and next season where I hope you will build on what I taught you this year: PLAY FOR THE PERSON NEXT TO YOU BECAUSE THEY ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON ON THE TEAM. Team members were: Special thanks to Chad Weaver for his help at practices and his willingness to record all of our games so I could see what we were doing well and what we needed to work on. He also put together the DVD of the girls that they received at their awards night. Jerry Fresenko 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach 4 X-TREME CLUB TOTALS 2014 SHOOTING BALL HANDLING 1, 000 Shots Made 5 Hours Hannah Ohman - 1,040 Kayla Gibson - 1,075 Bethany Haskell - 1,304 Brooke Weaver - 1,512 Megan Dorosky - 1,727 Cassidy Kiko - 1,928 Hanna Lautzenheiser - 2,179 Brooke Flanigan - 2,287 Karli Redinger - 2,335 Alexa Oberster - 2,465 Morgan Cole - 3,032 Sabryna Benzel - 3,922 Kayla Gibson - 4 hrs. 20 min. Hannah Ohman - 4 hrs. 35 min. Alexa Oberster - 4 hrs. 45 min. Hailey Miller - 6 hrs. 40 min. Erin Hahn - 7 hrs. 59 min. Hanna Lautzenheiser - 8 hrs. Morgan Cole - 8 hrs 45 min. Sabryna Benzel - 9 hrs. 5 min. . 5, 000 Shots Made Karli Miller - 6,059 Emily Fresenko - 6,151 Erin Hahn - 6,171 Izzy Rich - 6,310 Maggie Galentine - 6,637 7, 000 Shots Made 10 Hours Brooke Weaver - 10 hrs. 35 min. Emily Fresenko - 11 hrs. 22 min. Brooke Flanigan - 14 hrs. 20 min. Megan Dorosky - 14 hrs. 50 min. Emma Ramsey - 14 hrs. 50 min. 15 Hours Karli Redinger - 17 hrs. 05 min. Karli MIller - 19 hrs. 12 min. Jenna Agnone - 7,532 Hailey Miller - 7,695 25 Hours 10, 000 Shots Made Emily Shea - 23 hrs. 45 min. Alex Beaver - 25 hrs. Cassidy Kiko - 28 hrs. Kaitlyn Kennedy - 10,375 Emily Shea - 10,961 Sarah Lairson - 12,930 Alex Beaver - 20,000 Abby Beaver - 25,000 Maggie Galentine - 29 hrs. 49 min. 30 Hours Abby Beaver - 30 hrs. Sarah Lairson - 30 hrs. Jenna Agnone - 32 hrs. Bethany Haskell - 34 hrs. Izzy Rich - 35 hrs. 30 min. Kaitlyn Kennedy - 44 hrs. 35 min. Great job to all of the players listed above that put so much time into their game this past summer! Keep up the hard work! - Coach McCully Above: Grades 1-2 Summer Campers & Coaches Elementary/Middle School Basketball Summer Opportunities Once again it is time to start gearing up for summer basketball. The Lady Leopards will be holding their annual summer youth basketball camp for girls in kindergarten through eighth grade at Louisville High School starting Monday, June 8th - Thursday, June 11th. The schedule is as follows: Girls entering grades 1-2 will go 8:30-9:30. Girls entering grades 3-5 will go 10:00-12:00 Girls entering grades 6-8 will go 1:00-3:15 The Lady Leopards Basketball Camp is designed to teach the fundamentals of the game of basketball. Through the use of station work, contests, 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, and 5/5, the campers will be taught how to become better dribblers, shooters, passers, finishers, defenders, and rebounders. We want all campers to learn about the game and have fun doing it. All campers will receive a T-shirt and another camp item to be determined. A camp brochure has been distributed by your daughter’s teacher at school. The deadline for registration will be Wednesday, May 20th. We will accept late registration and registration at the door but we cannot guarantee that your athlete will receive any camp items. Another great opportunity for any players that are going into grade 7 and 8 is Eastern Ohio basketball camp. This is an overnight camp in which girls go to work on their skills and compete against some of the best competition in the state of Ohio. We divide the girls up into teams when we get to camp. Each team is then coached by a member of the Lady Leopard Basketball coaching staff. If you are interested in more information please contact Coach McCully. We will also be holding open gyms throughout the summer at the middle school for any girls entering grades 4-8. You can come to as many as you would like. Schedules for open gyms will come out closer to summer. If you are interested in any of the above opportunities or have questions please contact Coach McCully by email at: mccully@louisville.sparcc.org 5
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