Newsletter #6 J. N. Burnett Newsletter February/March 2015 Phone: 604-‐668-‐6478 Trustee: Jonathan Ho Email: Principal: Mr Bert Wiens Website: Vice-‐Principal: Ms. D. MacDonald Early Warning: 604-‐718-‐4007 Vice-‐Principal: Ms. A. Davidson __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WELCOME TO… ...Amanda Powell, who has joined the Modern Languages Dept to teach French and ELL for Ms Chen, who has taken a leave of absence. … Bernadette Borres, who has taken on the role of Career Information Advisor and is in the Burnett Counselling Centre on Tuesdays and Thursdays and alternating Wednesdays, helping students with Career and Post Secondary choices. SECOND SEMESTER START UP … Our second semester start was very smooth. All course change requests were considered before the first week of the semester. However, it is important to note that students are asked to select courses for both semester one and two (8 courses) during program planning in the Spring prior to each new school year. Our timetable is then built and staff put in place for the year to accommodate the selections students made at this time. INTERIM REPORTS -‐ SEMESTER 2 PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES Our second semester interim reports will be going home on Wednesday, April 1. Parent/teacher conferences are held on Wednesday, April 8 (2 – 4pm) and Thursday, April 9 (2 – 4pm and 6 – 8pm). Parents/guardians are able to sign up online once again. For more information, please visit our website @ PARENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Upcoming PAC meetings: April 2, 2015 May 7, 2015-‐AGM to elect next school year’s slate of PAC officers. School Planning Council representatives were selected at the February PAC meeting. Thank you to Natasha Hillier, Sholeh Salehi, and Suzy Buckley for volunteering their time to help determine the school goals for the upcoming year. Please join us on April 2, 2015 at 7:30pm in the school staff room for the next PAC meeting. We will be reviewing recommendations for the criteria for the PAC Legacy Scholarships given each year to Grade 12 students. If you would like to help on the review committee, or would like to help with judging the Grad presentations in May, please contact Stephanie Nomellini at 604-‐241-‐9812 or Look for the Call for Nominations for the PAC Executive in the next newsletter. PAC LEGACY SCHOLARSHIPS All interested Grade 12 students are invited to apply for the Burnett PAC Legacy Scholarships. Please encourage your Grad to discuss with their counsellor this fun and unique way to leave their mark on JN Burnett School as well as being eligible for a cash scholarship. Parents will jury presentations in May (time TBA). Watch for announcements at school and in the newsletter for the date. CONGRATULATIONS! …to Grade 9 student Andrea Toth who received a Silver Medal in Squash during the Canada Winter Games in Prince George. … to our Science students who competed at the Association of Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (APEGBC) bridge building competition at Lansdowne Mall. Stanley Huang from Ms. Jessa’s Science 8 Incentive class won 3rd place in the grade 10 and under category! OUR VERY OWN MATH CHALLENGERS BC WINNERS… Join me in congratulating Burnett’s Grade 9 Math Challengers: Shawn Chang, Joseph Chien, Kate Lu, Yean Shu, and Sean Rong, in placing 4th as a team at the recent inter-school math competition held at UBC. Sean and Kate also got medals in the individual competition, placing 5th and 6th overall. The team has secured a spot at the annual Provincial competition to take place in March or April. Stay tuned for an update! CONFERENCE DAY Our second Conference Day of the year was on Thursday, February 26, 2015. The themes for the day were Social Responsibility, Healthy Living, Goal Setting and Career Awareness. Students attended informative presentations that focused on building an awareness of local, global, and environmental issues and concerns that enable students to find the resources and means to make a difference in the home, community and world at large. We were fortunate, this year, to host a program offered by Live Different, called Have the Courage to Connect. This team delivered a powerful multi-media presentation and concert that had the potential to enable students to discover and embrace their abilities to overcome pressures and to build connections, character, and confidence. We are very excited about the potential outcomes of this program and we look forward to the energy and change it may bring about. Students also attended presentations whose messages focused on the themes of the day. Specifically, Grade 11 students attended a presentation offered by ICBC Road Sense where Heather Charlton shared her personal experiences with impaired driving. In addition, Graeme Hamilton from the District School Board office discussed all the Apprenticeship Programs offered for students in Richmond. Moreover, our Grade 8 class was fortunate to attend a concert and presentation delivered by Rachel Ashley, a victim of severe bullying in her youth. Now at 19 years of age, Ashley has constructed an anti-bullying tour called, “No Time for That”, where she shares her experiences and songs that she has written to empower youth to overcome bullying and to build self-acceptance. Students also had the opportunity to look at development of career alternatives with the help of Junior Achievement, covering a wide variety of topics related to building financial awareness. Thanks to our team of planners: Mr McDonnell, Mr Lee, Mr Anderson, Mrs Fackler, Mrs Zuccolo, Mr Gomes, and the Admistrative team, all of whom have worked hard to help me put together an event that should once again proved to be very memorable and a wonderful learning experience for all involved. DRY GRAD EVENT JUNE 12 HOMESTAYS NEEDED TOP TEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD VOLUNTEER FOR DRY AFTER GRAD 10. you’ll feel good! 9. Everyone has something to offer 8. A little goes a long way…does not have to be all or nothing; any time you can spare is GREATLY appreciated. 7. It takes a village…we need some serious manpower (150 volunteers, ideally) 6. Your child will benefit!-‐-‐-‐we can create the BEST grad celebration ever! But we need your help. 5. You’ll be setting a great example. 4. It’s a way to meet other parents at Burnett. 3. No volunteers means no party. 2. It’s not work, it’s fun! 1. If your child is not in Grade 12, they will be before you know it!! Next meeting: April 8, 2015 For more information please contact Barb Buchsbaum at or Sarah Banno at Prizes for Dry Grad The Prizes subcommittee for the Dry Grad Planning Committee is looking for prize and/or cash donations to be used for the Dry Grad event in June. All donations are welcome and appreciated! Companies that donate will be recognized in the Richmond papers. Contact Julie Lum at for more information. Interested in opening up your home for a rewarding experience… SCHOOL PARKING LOT Our school parking lot is increasingly becoming a concern for us. Too many students are being picked up and dropped off at school, and the traffic in the parking lot is creating some safety issues. Please encourage your son/daughter to walk to school to help ease the traffic congestion in the parking lot. Besides, it is a much better way to travel from a health perspective as well as an environmental perspective. The International Student Program allows overseas students to enter Grades 8 through 12 at selected Secondary Schools in Richmond. The program gives overseas students the opportunity to study alongside Canadian students in the BC public education system. As a Host Family, you will have an opportunity to welcome into your home students from around the world. Your family will have a profound influence on the students’ study abroad experience. Both your family and the students you host will ideally gain a mutual understanding and respect for each other’s culture and world-view. In addition to economic renumeration, your record, your reward will be the realization that your commitment to host international students will, in some small way, contribute to global understanding the world peace. Our homestay program is the ideal setting for this type of experience. If you are interested in learning more about our hosting program please contact: Karen York, Homestay Coordinator International Student Program Richmond School District 38 Tel: 604-295-4303 PE CHANGEROOMS As we begin Semester 2, we again want to remind all students NOT TO BRING VALUABLES TO THE PE CHANGEROOMS. Theft is an issue in every school, and the PE change rooms can be easy targets. If you have valuables, be sure to leave them in your regular locker. The PE staff works very hard to ensure security down by the gym, and we try to keep the cage door to the change rooms locked during class time, but no system is foolproof. Please do not bring anything of value to the change rooms, and then you will not have an issue where something important to you was taken while you were participating in PE. Similarly, if you are going to need to leave PE early for an appointment or an athletic contest, the PE staff will not open the cage to allow students to change early. Speak with your PE teacher about the need to leave early, and the teacher will allow you to take your clothes back to your main locker so you will be able to access them when you need to. REPORT CARDS COURSE PLANNING FOR 2015-16 Semester 1 Final Report Cards were sent home with students on Wednesday, February 18th. Please be sure to ask your child for theirs, and if you have any questions about the marks they have received, please ask them and/or contact the teacher. With the Program Planning process well underway, it is important to remind students of the need to be careful with course selections for next year. Please be sure to complete the Course Selection sheet you were given on Conference Day (Feb 26th) and return it to the office by March 6th. Students are encouraged to look at the Program Planning booklet online at m%20Planning%202014.pdf. GRADUATION TRANSITIONS Grade 12s should have completed their Grad Transitions interview on the February 26th Conference Day. If you have not already done so, you need to see Mrs. Musani ASAP. This document and the interview must both be completed in order to graduate. Do not let this slip past you. THE JNB ARC GALA INCENTIVE SCREENING Next year’s Grade 8s had the opportunity to apply for our Incentive programs in Humanities and Math, on March 3rd and March 5th, respectively. Teachers will be making decisions regarding which students have qualified for the program and informing the selected applicants in May. We look forward to working with next year’s class and anticipate interacting closely with them at the Orientation Day on Friday, May 29th from 10:0012:30pm. CAREER CENTRE NEWS The JN Burnett Animal Rescue and Care Club (ARC) will be hosting a Gala Dinner fundraiser at Burnett on Saturday, April 18th from 6:3010:00pm. This event features a Jamaican buffet dinner, entertainment, incredible door prizes and a raffle draw for an artisan jewelry box. ARC students will be celebrating 20 years of fundraising, education, and rescue work to support domestic and wild animals in need. Tickets are $45 and are available from Linda Sakai at the front office. Important Information is available: • Richmond Dist. Career Centre news: • Ms Hudson’s facebook page for important info and updates-- erCentrenews • Around the School: student announcements, Bulletin Board • In the Career Centre-Drop by to see the Career Advisor, Ms Hudson, Mondays(all day), Tuesday(all day) and Wednesday mornings Grade 12 students:…applying for Post Secondary Studies 2015? Be sure to check your admission, scholarship, housing and document deadline dates carefully. Deadline dates vary. Scholarships Check the Career Centre News-many scholarships are available. Important Dates …to April 30/15-SFU self-reporting dates Mar 31/15-UVic self-reporting closes Apr 30/15-SFU self-reporting & add/switch deadline Langara College Course Planning Sessions Grade 12 students---have you applied to attend Langara College in Sept 2015? If so, consider attending a Course Planning Session. These sessions fill quickly quickly so arrive early to ensure seating. Due to the large number of students wishing to meet with a counsellor/advisor, the Langara Counselling Dept requires that new Arts and Science students attend a Course Planning Session before receiving individual assistance. You are advised to start your educational planning early. Note that additional sessions will be added in upcoming months: Important Langara Dates April 30, 2015 PSI Interim Transcript Deadline to ensure grades can be processed in time for course registration in June. May 31, 2015 Secondary School Interim Transcript Deadline: students who have not filled out the PSI form by April 30 will need to submit an official interim transcript (stamped or sealed by school) by this date. Early June 2015 Students can log in to their myLangara account to activate their registration date and time. (Course registration begins June 22 and continues until the start of classes) July 15, 2015 PSI Final Transcript Deadline: students who missed the April 30 Interim Transcript deadline must fill out the PSI form by July 15 August 1, 2015 Secondary School Final Transcript Deadline: all students who have not filled out the PSI form must provide Langara with an official BC Ministry of Education final transcript indicating graduation. Students who have not provided proof of graduation by this date will be dropped from classes. August 15, 2015 Fee payment deadline for registered courses: students who have not paid their fees by August 15 before 2100 hours (9pm) will be dropped from their registered courses. September 8, 2015 First day of classes VPD 2015 Info Sessions No need to register. Information sessions are held in the auditorium of the Justice Institute of BC Police Academy. The JIBV is located at 715 McBride Boulevard in New Westminster. For info see Post Secondary Information Sessions Our local colleges and universities frequently host information events on their campus to promote their programs to prospective students. Visit the links below for information session details. Capilano: for=277& Kwantlen: Douglas: BCIT: Langara: ation-sessions/index.html VCC: U of A Online Chats All sessions will be held from 7-9pm MST. For dates, visit ngPage.aspx OPEN HOUSES Kwantlen (KPU) Cloverdale (Trades) Open Houses For dates, visit Preview week at Corpus Christi College March 18-20 Email recruiter to register: Western University March Break Open House 2015 To register visit: Thompson Rivers University (TRU) Open House, Kamloops BC Students, friends, and families are invited to attend the TRU Open House if they are interested in or have applied to the university. This is an opportunity to attend information sessions, do tours of the campus and residence, and to attend workshops and seminars to learn about the available programs. For further information visit:
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