D P G Updated: Aug. 15, 2012

Updated: Aug. 15, 2012
Volume 19 Issue 1
Mrs. C. Perkins, Principal
Website: www.howesoundsecondary.bc.ca
Ms. Ji Ai Cho, Vice-Principal
Email: hss@sd48.bc.ca
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Aug. 20 Online Booking opens
for Counsellor Appts.
Sept. 4 School Opens
Sept. 11 PAC Mtg. 7 PM
Sept. 14 Photo Day
Sept. 21 PRO-D Day
Oct. 2 S1 Interim Report
Oct. 4 - Two Events
6:30 pm - Gr. 11/12 Grad
Transition Parent/Student Mtg.
7:30 pm - Dry Grad Committee
Oct.8 Thanksgiving Day
Oct. 9 PAC Mtg. 7 pm
Oct. 11 Parent Teacher
Conferences 5-8 pm
Oct. 19 Pro D—NO School
Oct. 23—26 Grad Photos
Oct. 30 Fall Fiesta Concert
Nov. 1 Photo Retakes
Nov. 1 Dance 7—10 pm
Nov. 2 PRO D-NO School
Welcome back! 2012-2013 promises to
be an exciting year in senior secondary
school. Howe Sound welcomes all of
our new students from around the world
to our International program and, in particular, we welcome our new Grade 10’s
who are entering senior high school.
Howe Sound Secondary along with
many other schools in our district is
about to embark on an exciting journey
into project-based learning (PBL).
Many of our teachers are attending a
three day Symposium in Whistler and
we look forward to a year filled with excellence culminating in many public
presentations of learning (POLs) from
our students. Please check out the following website to learn more about project-based learning: www.bie.org/about/
what_is_pbl We are aiming for excellence in all areas of school and have
high expectations for our students.
The next three years are geared specifically toward ensuring your child is ready
for the world beyond high school. For
information about the Ministry of Education’s Graduation Program, we high recommend you take a look at the following
website: http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/
Our professional teaching and support
staff work collaboratively as teams
across a variety of areas including:
academics, athletics, arts, service,
special education, trades, the Vancouver Community College (Chef’s
Training) program, and Kwantlen Polytechnic University (Carpentry) program. There is truly something for
everyone at Howe Sound Secondary.
Throughout the year, we constantly
update events and activities on our
own school website: http://
howesoundsecondary.bc.ca/ Almost
everything Howe Sound can be found
Please feel free to contact me at any
time, should you have questions, concerns, or need assistance with your
child’s education.
Mrs. C. Perkins
Nov. 6 PAC Mtg. 7 pm
Nov. 12 Remembrance Day Stat
NO School
Nov. 20 Report Card Mailout
Dec. 12 Winter Gala
Dec. 21 Last Day of Classes
before Christmas Break
August 20th Starting at 9 AM
Online booking begins
You will find the system very easy to use and it will take only a
few minutes to setup your account, your children and your appointments. To register for an account,
click "REGISTER" tab.
38430 Buckley Avenue
P.O. Box 99 Squamish, BC V8B 0A1
604 892-5261 tel / 604 892-5618 fax
Email Address: 1st Letter of their first name AND full last name@sd48.bc.ca
Page 2
Daily Schedule 2012 -13
Monday—Thursday Bell Schedule
Warning Bell
1st Class (78)
Class Change
2nd Class (95)
(includes REBEL)
8:55 – 10:13
10:13 – 10:20
10:20 - 11:55
11:55 – 12:32
Warning Bell
3rd Class (76)
Class Change
4th Class (75)
Parent Teacher Interviews
There will be two parent-teacher interviews
this year from 5:00—8:00 PM
October 11
April 4
Note: School will close one hour early on the
above dates to permit the teachers time to
prepare for the meetings.
Student Counsellors
Semester 1 & 2
Ms. G. McCormick
12:37 - 1:53
1:53 - 2:00
2:00 - 3:15
Semester 2
Mrs. C. Cunneyworth
As you can see school ends at 3:15 pm and
students should not plan on being able to start
employment before this time.
Friday Bell Schedule
Warning Bell
1st Class (51)
Class Change
8:55 – 9:46
Class Change
Warning Bell
Magnetic Qualities
Use the enclosed fridge magnet to keep
up-to-date and in touch with us.
9:46 – 9:53
2nd Class (66)
(includes REBEL)
3rd Class (49)
4 Class (50)
Ex-Block (65)
School Photos
School Photo day will be on Friday,
Sept. 14th. Students will bring home an
information package prior to this date.
Please do your best to ensure attendance on this day.
Block Pattern:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Page 3
$18.00 for student Fees
& $7.00 for a lock (if required)
Grade 12’s:
Will need to bring $65.00 for
Commencement Fees
**Check the District &
School websites for School Bus
Schedule in late August**
Gr. 10 Students
8:55—9:25 AM Gr. 10 Assembly
10:20 AM Gr. 11/12 Bus Pick Up
Schedules & Lockers
Student Agenda Books
All students will have the opportunity to receive a
student agenda handbook. The book contains the
school calendar, school policies, the student conduct code and space to keep track of homework
assignments. Many teachers require their use for
regular classes. It is our sincere wish that students will use this book and that parents will monitor its use.
Semester One
Course Changes
Students may change up to one course
the first week and a half of school, until
Sept. 14, upon consultation with their
11:00—11:30 Block A (HM RM)
11:35—11:50 Block B
11:55—12:10 Block C
12:45—12:30 Block D
12:40 pm Buses Depart
Parent Advisory Council
The first PAC meeting will be held on Tuesday,
September 11 at 7:00 pm at HSS.
Subsequent meetings will be on the second
Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Dry Grad 2013 Parent Mtg.
Attention all parents of grade 12's.
The Dry Grad Committee needs your help to
make the 2013 Graduation Dry Grad
weekend a success.
Please come to an organizational meeting
on Oct 4— 7:30 PM in the library.
Page 4
Guidelines for Dropping Courses
Students can discuss course changes with their counselor within the first two weeks of each semester.
If a Grade 12 student wishes to drop a course after the second week, the following procedure will be required:
The parent (s) should be involved in and in agreement with the decision as the first step
The student should then discuss dropping the course with first the teacher, then the counsellor.
In cases of questionable reasons, or if the request is later on in the semester, the student must meet with the
Principal to have his/her request approved.
Students are not permitted to drop a course during the last month of each semester.
Students in grades 10 & 11 will NOT be able to drop courses.
If any grade 12 students are allowed to withdraw from a course, they will not be allowed to have a free study block or
be unsupervised in the MPR. All students need to register and complete a DL course.
Students should be aware that to be eligible for Honour Rolls Grade 12’s MUST have a minimum of 6 different
courses. To be eligible for Passport to Education Grade 12’s MUST have a minimum of 5 different courses.
Attendance on Quiz, Exam, or Test days
You must be present!
If not, your excuse must be valid (i.e. medical)
A note or phone call from your parent/guardian must be received on the day of the test/quiz/exam AND deemed
valid by the teacher
If, and only if, the excuse is deemed valid by the teacher, a make-up test/quiz/exam may be allowed
If you have an excused absence, you must be prepared to write the test /quiz/exam upon your return to school at
a time that is convenient to the teacher.
If you know you’re going to be away on the day of a test/quiz/exam and you have a valid reason, you should
make arrangements to write the test/quiz exam ahead of time or at a time selected by the teacher.
If students do not meet these conditions, they may receive a zero on the test.
Attendance Policy
At Howe Sound Secondary, we believe that regular attendance and punctuality is fundamentally important. To increase the probability that students will succeed, we expect you to:
attend 100% of the time except for illness or emergency. An absence can only be excused by a parent or
arrive at classes on-time, prepared to learn. Students should not request permission to leave classes except for
illness, or in an emergency situation. Where possible, appointments should be scheduled outside of school
remain in their classes for the first 15 minutes and last 15 minutes of each block.
have parents/guardians inform the school in advance by telephone, 892-5261, or in writing, when late, or when
discuss any absence with teachers. Missed work and assignments are the responsibility of the student. Makeup opportunities may be provided at the teacher’s discretion. Students may receive a Fail if they miss classes
and do not make arrangements with their teachers for missed time and/or work.
sign out at the office if required to leave during the school day. We expect the parent/guardian’s written permission for early dismissal. In cases where written permission is not provided the office staff will phone to obtain
verbal permission from the parent/guardian.
If lates and absences become habitual, a parent/guardian will be notified in writing and should this behaviour
continue removal from the class and/or school may result.
Page 5
In order to ensure the safety of your child please advise us of any life
threatening condition.
If your child is anaphylactic or diabetic please notify us by
Friday August 31st AND drop off updated medication to the school
office before start of this school year. Please ensure this is clearly
labelled with your child’s name on it.
Thank you for helping us to ensure the safety of your child in the
upcoming school year.
Mrs. C. Perkins, Principal