CLEMENTIAN Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Vol. XX 13 September 28, 2014 The prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel introduced a new insight. It is not only the nation as a whole that must make moral choices and suffer their consequences. Every person must decide to obey or disobey the word of God spoken in the Law and the prophets; and every person must take the consequences. In that sense, judgment belongs to the one who makes the choice, not to the God who accepts it. We are fair or unfair to ourselves. Both prophet and evangelist remind us that no choice is definitive except the final one. The son may say one thing now and do another later. In fact, most of us have played both the first son and the second: we have made commitments we have not kept and kept commitments we had not made. Our lives are always in the making through the process of decision. Yet we shape ourselves gradually into one consistent pattern of obedience or disobedience by the choices we make. The gospel, echoing many an Old Testament passage, suggests that it is not we alone who are affected by the outcome. In the parable, the man is father to both sons. In the story of Jesus, God is parent to the chief priests and elders as well as to the tax collectors and prostitutes. He sends the word of salvation to them both. We can imagine the father standing at his door awaiting the return of both the sons he sent to the vineyard. And only one appears. Whatever our past choices, today’s message is clear: now is always the time to repair and believe. No one is so urgent about our decision as the God who has given us both the choice and the power to make it in Christ Jesus. “Do I indeed derive any pleasure from the death of the wicked?” Do I not rather rejoice when he turns from his evil way that he may live?” (Ezek 18:23). Our readings for next weekend, October 4 and 5: Isaiah 5: 1-7; Philippians 4: 6-9; Matthew 21: 33-43 Worship Book #943 DAILY MASS READINGS Mon., Sept. 29 – Prv 3: 27-34; Lk 8: 16-18 Tues., Sept. 30 – Prv 21: 1-6, 10-13; Lk 8: 19-21 Weds. Oct. 1 – Prv 30: 5-9; Lk 9: 1-6 Thurs, Oct. 2 – Eccl 1: 2-11; Lk 9: 7-9 Fri., Oct. 3 – Eccl 3: 1-11; Lk 9: 18-22 Sat. Oct. 4 – Eccl 11: 9—12:8: Lk 9: 43b-45 SUNDAY COLLECTION Stewardship Needed Over/Under Sept. 21 $ 4,990 $ 6,784 $ (1,794) YTD $59,502 $67,840 $ (9,238) Charities $147 IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR – BACK TO SCHOOL, AUTUMN, FOOTBALL AND SAINT CLEMENT LOTTERY CALENDARS – COMING SOON! CALENDAR WINNERS Sept. 17 – Dorothy Mathews, #356 Sept. 18 – Doug & Cyndi Atterbury, #292 Sept. 19 – Ray Herdman, #509 Sept. 20 – Sam Imler, #249 Sept. 21 – Mary Casto, #194 Sept. 22 – Thomas Pastovic, #784 Sept. 23 – Brian Horvath, #311 CCA NEWS On September 17th, Father Matthew Reese, our Diocesan Vocations Director, visited Cathedral Catholic Academy and held a Holy Hour for all of our students in Kindergarten through grade 8. It was an enlightening experience for students and teachers alike. We sang in Latin, the traditional language of the Church. He stressed the importance of making time to be silent in order to listen to what God might be telling us. In our world today, where we are bombarded with noise and bells and technology, that is not always an easy task. However, we must make time to LISTEN. We sat in silence for ten minutes listening--to see if God is speaking to us. We also held Benediction to the Blessed Sacrament. This experience was a wonderful way to start the school year! -- Mrs. Rose Batzel, Principal BASKET OF CHEER We are going to be chancing off a basket of cheer and are asking parishioners to consider donating a bottle of wine or liquor. You may put your donations on the tables at the entrances of the church or drop them off at the rectory. Thank you for your consideration. PRE NEWS Both Sunday morning Religion Classes and Sacramental Preparation Classes are going well! It is a joy to meet with our youth and watch them embrace the love of Christ! It’s also a pleasure to see our candidates meet and often exceed the service requirement of their preparation. They are providing an excellent example of how all Catholics should be active in service. We hope you will join us in our upcoming projects! As I write this, I am awaiting dates for jewelry making, crochet classes, and fundraising events, all of which are currently being planned. Please watch the Communication Center bulletin board near the stairs to the Social Hall and for information and dates as they become available! Speaking of dates, due to Oct. 5th, Marian Celebration with Bishop Mark at St. Benedict’s Church, the ninth grade Confirmation Preparation Session has been rescheduled. We will now meet on Oct. 19th. Based on the responses from the online information session, we will meet from 1-3 in the Social Hall. If you have not yet submitted your attendance form, please do so. Also, the Reconciliation Preparation Retreat for second graders has been moved to Nov. 9th in the Social Hall. We will meet with parents and students from 9:15am-11:30am. This also gives you extra time to complete your scrap books, which I look forward to seeing! Students in grades 1,5, and 9 will be having Safe Environment sessions during PRE classes on Oct. 12th. They will be bringing home letters with more information this Sunday. Please check their folders. I would also like to meet with PREP next Sunday, Oct. 5th at 9:30 in the Adult Ed Building. Please try to attend this BRIEF and IMPORTANT meeting! We are still looking for young musicians to join our children’s choir. You are welcome even if you sing with another group! Finally, I hope you remembered to pick up the name of one of our K-12 graders to pray for this school year. As always we appreciate your prayers and support. May God Bless You, Mandy Vigna, DRE Saint Clement Parish Family offers our sympathy to the family of J. Roger Corcoran; and to Jim and Evelyn Haggerty and Mary Bidelman on the death of their sister-in-law, Rita Haggerty. Please keep them in your prayers. A LIFETIME OF SERVICE, A MOMENT OF THANKS Next weekend, October 4th and 5th, we will take up a special collection for medical and retirement needs of our active and senior diocesan priests. Your generous response will provide relief to the men who bring us closer to Christ through worship, service and community. Please use the special envelope provided. Thank you. SUPER BOWL TICKETS Take a chance on winning a Super Bowl Package for 2 or $10,000.00 in cash! Tickets are available at all the entrances to the church and at the rectory. Flyers advertising the ticket are also available in the church if you can help spread the word by displaying it somewhere. For each 5 tickets you sell, your name will be put into a drawing to win $500. Also, the seller of the grand prize will receive $500. Ticket sales are going well, but we have a long way to go! Our goal is to sell all 5,000 tickets this year!! If everyone purchases or sells a few tickets, we can do it!!! Life Matters-Marriage: It is not licit, even for the gravest reasons, to do evil so that good may follow or to make into the object of a positive act of the will something which is intrinsically disordered, and hence unworthy of the human person, even when the intention is to safeguard or promote individual, family or social well-being. Life Matters: While many today readily acknowledge the dignity and value of human life after birth, they seem to think that ascribing dignity and value to live before birth is a throwback to outmoded religious beliefs, having no place in our modern scientific world. Yet it is science that is proving them wrong. Science shows us the humanity and personhood of children in the womb who, far from being inert and passive tissue, actively direct their own development. Life Matters-Religious Liberty: I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day. No one should think that this invitation is not meant for him or her, since “no one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord”.[1] The Lord does not disappoint those who take this risk; whenever we take a step towards Jesus, we come to realize that he is already there, waiting for us with open arms. Pope Francis, USCCB Life Chain - Sunday, Oct. 5th, 1-2 pm, Broad St. near Sheetz - peaceful, prayerful end to abortion. Pub blic Square e Rosary - Saturday,, Oct. 11th, Noo on – St. Clement C Church C parking lot rain or shine - bring a chair. c Plea ase come e and d join us as we invoke Our O Lady'ss intercession at this time in our worrld. MAR RIAN CELEBRATION N he Marian Celebration will be e held on n Th th Sunday, Octo ober 5 at a 3:00 PM M at Saintt Ben nedict Chu urch. The theme is “Mary, ass the New Evan ngelization n”. Bishop p Mark will be the t princip pal celebrrant. This Mass M fulfillss your Sunday obligation. o . Ann nual Prolife e Breakfast – Saturrday, Oct.. 18th, 9 AM, Holy Na ame, Ebe ensburg Inte ernational Speaker and Associate off Priest for Life, Dr. Alveda a King, (Niiece of Dr.. Marrtin Luther King) - co ost - $9.00 - advance e sale es, 288-2530. BABYSITTER A Parish Fa amily is in need of a reliable e indiv vidual to provide after schoo ol care forr their two children, age es 9 and 11, 1 in theirr hom me. Ho ours are Monday through h Thurrsday from m 3:15 to 5:30 5 PM and Fridayss 1:15 5 to 5:30 PM M. Call Gina at 525--2380. SA ANCTUAR RY LIGHT Th he sanctua ary light th his week is from Sam m and d Ruth Mo orello, in memory m of Lou and d Ade ele Morello o. If you would d like to do onate, ple ease fill outt the form belo ow and retturn in the collection n basket. The $10 che eck may be made e pay yable to Saint S Clem ment Chu urch. The e requ uests will be b on a first come ba asis. Nam me __________________ __________________ Inte ention________________ ___________________ PRAYE ER OF PO OPE FRAN NCIS FO OR THE SYNOD ON O THE FAMILY F On Octob O ber 8, 20 013, Pop pe Franciss ann nounced that in October O 2 2014 there e wou uld be an Extraordinary Genera al Asse embly of the t Synod of Bishopss on topicss rela ated to th he family and evan ngelization n. Pop pe Franciss provided d this pray yer for the e Synod of Bishops B on n the Fa amily. A worrldwide da ay of Pray yer for the e Synod of Bish hops is pla anned for Sunday, Septembe S r 28, 2014. Jesu us, Mary and a Joseph h, in you y we con ntemplate e the splendor of true love, to you y we turrn with trust. Holy y Family of Nazareth h, grant that our families too t may be place es of communion an nd prayer, autthentic sch hools of the e Gospel and d small domestic Churches. Holy y Family of Nazareth h, may families never aga ain perience violence, re ejection an nd exp diviision: may all who have h been n hurt or andalized sca find d ready co omfort and d healing. Holy y Family of Nazareth h, may the approaching Synod S of Bishops B make us once e more mindful of the sacred dness and inviolability i y of the fam mily, and d its beautty in God’ss plan. us, May an nd Joseph h, Jesu graciously he ear our prayer. HOUSEK KEEPER TH HE LIFT MINISTRY Thank you for f your co ontinued support s off the Lift Ministry y. The October Birth hdays are: Octtober 12th Ann na Pioli Laurelview Village, Room m 510 1000 0 Vista Lan ne Dav vidsville, PA A 15928 Octtober 26th Arle ene Gradw wohl Arbutus Park Manor M 207 Ottawa Sttreet Johnstown, PA A 15904 Octtober 30th Barb bara Boltz Mea adow View w Nursing Center, C Ro oom 114 1404 4 Hay Stree et Berlin, PA 155 530 “If you y want to lift l yourself up, u lift up soomeone else.” Stt. Clementt Parish rectory is in need of a parrt-time ho ousekeepe er – 6-8 hours pe er wee ek – hours and dayss are flexib ble. Dutiess incllude lightt houseke eeping (va acuuming g, dussting, etc.) and laun ndry. Please call the e rectory at 255 5-4422 if interested. W will have the Bllessing of Pets nexxt We Satu urday, Oc ctober 4th at 11:00 AM A on the e fron nt steps of the Churc ch. NEW WS FISH FRY F SSS. Gregory y & Barnab bas will hold d a Fish Fry y on Friday, Oc ctober 3rd from f 4:00 to 7:00 PM M in th heir social hall in Daisytown. Fish F fried or bak ked, fried shrimp. Walk in - Take-outss only y. PE ENNY PIE SOCIAL The St. Cllement Parissh Family congratulates c s n Concannoon on being selected as a member off John the 2014 2 Class of Catechisst Magazinee Honorees. Johnn was nominnated by Sistter Dolores Partsch, P CSJJ and was one of only 24 nom minees out of o thousandss who was recoognized forr his enthuusiasm andd dediccation as a catechist and his passionatee engaagement in parish p life. John enliveens his highh schoool classes with w video, acctivities andd discussionss while making faaith relevant to today’s teen. t Thankk you, John, for evverything yo ou do for ouur parish andd b a sppecial energy y and enthussiasm to ourr for bringing Parissh Religiouss Education Program! P Stt. Anne’ss Confratternity of Christian n Mothers will be b holding g a Penny Pie Socia al e’s Churc ch Hall, Woodland d at St. Anne enue, Moxxham, on October O 5th from 1:00 0 Ave PM – 4:00 PM. Admissio on is $1.25. THE LOST ARTT OF DRES SS Th he Notre Dame D Clu ub of Cen ntral PA, in n con njunction with Bottleworks, will w present th, the October 9 Hesburgh Lectture Seriess eve ent: ”The Lost Art of Dress." Linda a Przb byszewski, visiting professor from f the e Univ versity of Notre Dame, is the t Guest Lec cturer. The lecture wiill be FREE and open n to the t genera al public; it will be held h at the e Bottleworks at a 6:00 PM.. BING GO bak ke sale on Friday,Oc ct.3, from 3:00 3 to 6:00 0 PM. The costt for the barbeque b will be $6 6. The e proceed ds from the fund draiser will dire ectly bene efit the resid dents of th he home! CASH BASH B F FAUSTINA A: MESSEN NGER OF DIVINE MERC CY SS. Gregory y & Barna abas Altar & Rosary y Society will hold a Bing go on Oc ctober 19thh from m 1:00 to 3:00 3 PM. Doors D open n at noon.. Cosst is $10 (9 cards-20 games). g SS. Gregory & Barnab bas will ho old a Cash h th Bash h on Octo ober 18 frrom 7:00 to t 9:00 PM M in their t socia al hall in Daisytown. Doorss ope en at 6:00 PM for din nner. $150 drawing g eve ery 15 min nutes; 9:00 0 PM draw wing is forr $500 0. Cost is $10 which includes dinner,, snac cks, beer and soda a. Please e call the e pariish office @536-6818 to pu urchase a ticke et. Only 350 availab ble. Th he First Ann nual St. Be enedict Oktoberfest O t th h will be held on Saturday y, Oct. 18 at the St.. Ben nedict School Hall, 2310 2 Bedfo ord Street.. Doo ors open at a 6:00 PM M – Music c by Rosie e and d the Jamm mers from 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM. $25 per perso on include es food, soft s drinks,, com mplimentary draft be eers and samples s off seassonal and d craft beers. b V Valid ID iss requ uired. Doo or prizes, In nstant Bing go Tickets,, 50/5 50 Drawin ng throug ghout the evening.. For tickets, t co ontact 266--9718, ext. 501. Th he Presby yterian Home H of Greaterr Johnstown Au uxiliary is sp ponsoring this year'ss "Pum mpkin Patc ch" fundra aiser. The "P Patch" will be set s up & ready r to go g @ the home, h 787 7 Gou ucher Stre eet. The dates are e Fridays,, Satu urdays and d Sundays on Sept. 26, 2 27, 28, Octt. 3, 4,5 & Oct. 10,,11,12. The e times off ope eration will be 11:00 0 AM untiil 6:00 PM.. Therre will be e a chick ken barbe eque and d Fa austina, the movin ng, live production p n perrformed by b actress Maria Vargo V and d dire ected by Leonardo o Defilippiis of Saint Luke Producttions, will be b presented at JFK K ditorium, Saint Fra ancis Univ versity on n Aud th Thursday, November 20 0 at 10:0 00 AM and d 0 PM. The event is sponsore ed by Lay y 7:00 Stew wardship Foundatio on and Sa aint Franciss Univ versity. Exxperience firsthand the life and d message of Saint S Fausttina whose e persona al enc counters with w Jesu us have inspired i a worrld-wide devotion to Chrisst’s Divine e Mercy. This drama d also o brings au udiences a rive eting mod dern story that makes Divine e mercy remarrkably relevant and urgent for our world tod day. The program p iss filled with h all the elem ments of professiona p al theaterr, runss 90 minuttes, and is suitable fo or ages 13 3 and d up. Admission iss free-will offering; tickets t are e nee eded for admission. a Limited free f ticketss are availab ble at Britz B & Associates A s, Hollidaysburg g, PA, 10:00 to 4:00 PM M, ough Thurrsday and d at Saint Monday thro ncis Unive ersity, Cam mpus Minisstry Office e Fran durring busine ess hours while w supplies last.
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