A God Moment

the caregiver
Sept./Oct. 2014
Vol. 18, Issue 4
Personal Christian Care - Stephen Ministry at Hope Lutheran
A God Moment
Max left from New York City and traveled for several
hours in the rain. His windshield wipers worked
tirelessly as he headed toward a business meeting in
Philadelphia. Sometime around midnight, Max got
hungry and stopped at a roadside diner.
Max seated himself at the counter, alongside an
elderly man with drooping shoulders, wearing tattered
clothing. Max was moved by the presence of this
individual, who looked as though he had walked too
many miles in his lifetime. “Pretty nasty weather out
there, isn’t it?” said Max attempting to make some
conversation. The response was a grumble under the
breath. The old man seemed to be too despondent
to engage in dialogue. Max finished his meal and just
before he left, he turned to the waitress and asked,
“How much for a baked apple?”
“Two-fifty,” she responded.
“Here,” said Max, pulling out three singles. “This
should cover the price of the apple and your tip.” Then,
pointing to the elderly man, Max said, “Now, please
give it to that man and just say, ‘It’s on the house.’"
The waitress gave Max a warm smile and said, “Sure,
will do.” And with that, Max turned and left the diner.
As he traveled, Max thought about the gesture he
had just made. “Why a baked apple?” he questioned
himself. “Why didn’t I buy him a cup of coffee?”
Max pondered this seemingly illogical overture and
delved into the workings of his mind until he came
to a conclusion. “A cup of coffee from a stranger to a
stranger may be a sweet gesture," he reasoned, “briefly
noticed, but quickly forgotten. Whereas a fresh-baked
apple might jostle the old man out of his stupor, even
if only momentarily, and maybe even allow his spirits
to be lifted.” Max was satisfied with his reasoning as he
continued on the long and narrow highway.
The night wore on. The endless white line became a
challenge as Max struggled to stay alert and awake. He
spoke out loud to the darkness but it was to no avail.
His body was giving way, and despite all his efforts, the
lull of sleep called to him. He was on Interstate 295
going south, when a huge Mac truck hit him on the
side, pushing him off the edge of the road. Perhaps in
the light of day, with different weather conditions, Max
might have been able to handle the car and maintain
his position on the highway. But now, Max’s car skidded
and slid into a ditch. At first Max was shocked. Within a
few moments, he was unconscious.
In the dark of night, with torrents of rain pouring
down, cars just zoomed by. No one seemed to notice
the accident on the side of the road. Finally, after
some time a young man driving by spotted Max’s car.
He stopped and made his way towards the wreckage.
The young man sized up the situation. He figured that
with the weather being so bad, even if he managed to
call 911, it would take a great deal of time for someone
to arrive. Since he lived so close by, he decided to take
Max, still unconscious, to his own home. There he
would call for help.
Shortly after arriving in the stranger’s home, Max
regained consciousness. He opened his eyes to an
unfamiliar face.
“My God,” the stranger said,"‘that was some fall you
and your car took! It was sure hard getting you out of
that wreck and into this house, but I tell you, buddy,
you were mighty close to death there! Now sit up and
eat something my wife made for you.” Max looked at
the plate set down in front of him. Sitting on a glass
dish was a fresh-baked apple.
Passing on a kind gesture, enabling another’s spirits
to be lifted-these are good deeds. The word "God" is
contained in the word good. When good is done, God
is present and when God is present, miracles occur.
From…“Small Miracles” Extraordinary Coincidences
from Everyday Life by Yitta Halberstam & Judith
Hope Lutheran Church • Fargo, ND • fargohope.org/stephenministry
Stephen Ministries International—stephenministries.org
“Chit Chat”
with Linda J
Crafted Means More Than Pinterest
Into today’s world when we think of the word "crafted" we think of Pinterest, the guru app
for crafters on-line! However, a verse in the Bible uses the word "crafted" in a different
“We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared
beforehand that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10.
Our abilities, personalities and physical
features are no accident. God has crafted
each of us just the way He wanted to. Paul
wrote that we are God’s workmanship. The
Greek word for workmanship is poiema,
from which, of course, we get our word
poem. Poetry is a beautiful expression
of thought, carefully structured and
meticulously worded. The meter of each
line and the choice of each word come
together to maximize the meaning. And
these things don’t just happen by chance.
They are the product of the poet’s skill,
intention and detail.
In the same way, God crafts each of us by
using his skill to shape our personalities
and give us the abilities and appearances
he has chosen for us. No one is created just
like another because no one has the same
purpose God has given each of us. Paul
also tells his readers that God’s purpose
isn’t something He dreams up along the
way. God prepared his purpose for us long
ago, “before the foundation of the world.”
(Ephesians 1:4).
When we feel prideful because we’ve
accomplished a lot, we need to realize
where our abilities came from. On the other
hand, if we’re confused or discouraged
because we can’t seem to discover the
meaning for our lives, we can rest assured
that Almighty God has a divine purpose for
us. Either way, we can remember that God
is the poet, and we are his poems.
“In my mind there
is no doubt that
those who use
their talents to
serve the Lord will
truly enter into the
joy of the Lord.”
Zig Ziglar
“God does not love us because we are
valuable. We are valuable because God
loves us.”—Fulton J. Sheen
“The One Year Daily Insights” with Zig
Ziglar and Dr. Ike Reighard
Ask Forgiveness, Pick Yourself Up and Try Again
God prefers that we make an effort, even
if we should initially fail. He will eagerly
forgive out mistakes in the hope that we
will learn and grow from them.
We may be sure that perfect chastity
— like perfect charity — will not be
attained by any merely human efforts.
You must ask for God’s help. Even
when you have done so, it may seem
to you that no help (or less help) than
you need, is being given. After each
failure, ask forgiveness, pick yourself
up and try again. Very often, what God
first helps us towards, is not the virtue
itself, but just this power of always
trying again. For, however important
chastity (or courage, or truthfulness, or
any other virtue) may be, this process
trains us in habits of the soul, which are
more important still. It cures our illusions
about ourselves and teaches us to depend
on God. We learn that we cannot trust
ourselves even in our best moments, and
that we need not despair even in our
worst, for our failures are forgiven.
The only fatal thing is to be content with
anything less than perfection.
Prayer: “Heavenly Father, please forgive
the reruns of our sins. We pray and
promise to live up to your standards,
but we can’t do it by ourselves. With
your help we will try to change our dark
ways so we can look our heads up into
the light and become the people you
know we can be. Amen.”
“Treasury of God’s Virtues,” from C.S.
Lewis, “Mere Christianity” (1943)
Daily Trials
Come to Me When Difficulties Are Weighing You Down
"Even though there is no relief in sight, our
troubles are actually light and momentary,
from an eternal perspective. Your problems
feel so heavy because you have given them
too much power. Each time you focus on
them and forget about me, you empower
them a bit more. Even small objects placed
very close to your
eyes can obscure
most of the vista
before you. I want
you to put your
troubles down long
enough to view the
vast expanse of Life
that is spread out
before you-all the
way into eternity!"
"The best way to lay
your problems down
is: Bring them to me. Unburden yourself by
pouring out your heart to me, for I am your
Refuge. As you release your woes to me
(even temporarily), your vision improves
and you can see me more clearly. Linger
with me while my Light shines powerfully
into your heart. This Light illuminates
the knowledge of the Majesty and Glory
revealed in my Face. This is eternal Glory
that outweighs all your troubles."
“Our light and momentary troubles are
achieving for us an enternal glory that far
outweighs them all.” 2 Corinthians 4:17
“Trust in Him at all
times, O people;
hearts to Him, for
God is our refuge.”
Psalm 62:8
“For God who said,
‘Let light shine out
of darkness,’ has
shone in our hearts
so as [to beam
forth] the Light for
the illumination of
the knowledge of the majesty and glory
of God [as it is manifest in the person and
is revealed] in the face of Jesus Christ (the
2 Corinthians 4:6 AMP
The “Jesus Lives—Seeing His Love In Your
Life” book is written from God to you!
HopeCare Transitions
We are a growing congregation and
from time to time that means staff
transitions. First, a big “thank you” to
Ann Seczko for her years of coordinating
HopeCare Ministries. She has poured
out countless hours caring for people
in need. Ann is stepping away from
her HopeCare duties but will continue
to work as South Campus Hospitality
Coordinator. Make sure to tell her
“Thank you!” when you see her.
The HopeCare Coordinator position
has been filled with a familiar face
at Hope Lutheran. Jessica McEvers
will be stepping into the HopeCare
Coordinator position. Her knowledge
of Hope Lutheran, her passion for
caring for people and her faith will be
a tremendous blessing to the people of
Hope Lutheran. When you see Jessica
say, “Thank you!”
Ann Seczko
1. What plant sprang up miraculously to give shade to the prophet Jonah?
2. What woman used mandrakes to gain a night in bed with Jacob?
3. Who used rods of poplar, hazel and chestnut trees to make genetic changes in
his sheep?
4. What kind of tree did the weary Elijah sit under?
5. What plant had such a bitter taste that it became a symbol for sorrow and
6. What, according to the New Testament, produces the smallest seed of any plant?
7. Which book mentions the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valley?
8. What mythical creature eats grass according to the book of Job?
9. What is the only book of the Bible to mention the apple tree?
10. What kind of tree did Zacchaeus climb in order to see Jesus?
11. What tree was a symbol of grace, elegance, and uprightness?
12. What kind of wood was Noah’s ark made of?
Answers Below
Answers to Bible Trivia
1. A gourd (Jonah 4:6)
2. Leah (Genesis 30:14-16)
3. Jacob (Genesis 30:37-39)
4. A broom tree (1 Kings 19:4)
5. Wormwood (Proverbs 5:4; Amos 5:7)
6. Mustard (Matthew 13:31)
7. Song of Solomon (2:1)
8. Behemoth (Job 40:15-22)
9. Song of Solomon (2:3)
10. A sycamore (Luke 19:1-4)
11. The palm (psalm 92:12; Jeremiah
12. Gopherwood (Genesis 6:14)
Bible Trivia…The Biblical Greenhouse
Jessica McEvers
Calendar for September/October 2014
Sept 4
Sept 4
Ministry Enrich. 7:30-8:30pm
Sept 4
Leadership Mtg 5:30-9:30pm
Sept 18
Sept 18
Ministry Enrich. 7:30-8:30pm
Oct 2
Oct 2
Ministry Enrich. 7:30-8:30pm
Oct 2
Leadership Mtg 6:30-8:30pm
Oct 16
Oct 16
Ministry Enrich. 7:30-8:30pm NC - LC
LC = Learning Center
CR = Conference Room
Linda Jemtrud
Eunice Thorson
Tracy Osman
Denise Peterson
Sandi Striden
Christy Meier
Mark Larson
Gail Nelson
Ministry Enrichment Schedule
Reading Preparation:
(In Volume 2 training manual)
Sept 4
Eunice Thorson
Spiritual Enrichment
Sept 19
Denise Peterson
Lost and Found Ministry
October 2
Christy Meier
Caring for those with Cancer
October 16 Gail Nelson, The 5 Stages of Divorce
Journey Counseling
Module 25- Providing Spiritual Care
Addiction Support
Module 20- Hospitalization
Module 23- Ministering to those experiencing Divorce
Welcome Tracy, Laura and Katie to Stephen Ministry!
Leadership Team
Pastoral Advisor
Pastor Mike Toomey
701 235-6629, x212 (w)
Team Coordinator/Referrals
Kim Youngquist
701 235-6629, x221 (w)
701 238-4234 (c)
Congregational Awareness
Ministry Enrichment
Connie Carlsrud
701 238-7618 (c)
Gin Mason
701 235-3652 (h)
Alyce Johnson
701-277-3639 (h)
Glenn Nelson
701 361-6665 (c)
Caregiver Newsletter Editor
Linda Jemtrud
701 261-8321 (c)
Small Group Facilitators:
Stephanie Elsner
701 239-4172 (c)
Mark Larson
701 238-3054 (c)
Priscilla Smith
701 367-2933 (c)
Jessica McEvers
701 235-6629, x320 (w)
Happy Birthday
Tracy Osman
Laura Reynolds
Katie Gjerde
Stephen Ministry at HopeFest
Sunday, September 7, 4:00-8:00pm, South Campus
Stephen Ministry will be at
HopeFest with a table just
inside the South entrance. We
will have a coin toss again, in
addition to a guessing jar, and
a possible Minute to Win It
game. Thank you to those who
have filled sposts to volunteer
at our table. We still need
volunteers in other areas so
please consider helping. Sign
up at fargohope.org/hopefest.
WANTED: Items for a Silent
Auction basket sponsored
by Stephen Ministry. Please
bring things related to a
family fun night or date
night theme. THANK YOU!
Sept. 17
Sept. 22
Oct. 5 Oct. 10 Oct. 27 Mark Larson
Chuck Olson
Kim Youngquist
Kelly Humble
Sharon Jensen