St. Brigid Young Adult’s (20’s and 30’s Single or Married) – JULY 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday June 29 The GOAL of the Young Adult Group is to connect YOU to Christ, His Church, and a faith-filled peer community! We hope you feel welcome, and encourage you to jump in & get involved! Ultimate Frisbee 5:30-7pm at Liberty Station 5 Mass at 5:30pm 6 Ultimate Frisbee 5:30-7pm at Liberty Station 12 13 Ultimate Frisbee 5:30-7pm at Liberty Station Neighbors in Need--Serve Dinner to the Homeless at St B’s from 5-7pm in the Hall Mass at 5:30pm 19 Mass at 5:30pm 20 Ultimate Frisbee 5:30-7pm at Liberty Station 26 Mass at 5:30pm **Monthly DINNER SOCIAL** Meet 50+ young adults & enjoy a homemade dinner in the ministry center after the 5:30 Mass. A $5 donation is greatly appreciated! 27 Ultimate Frisbee 5:30-7pm at Liberty Station Neighbors in Need--Serve Dinner to the Homeless at St B’s from 5-7pm in the Hall Wednesday Thursday June 30 July 1 New People WELCOME Reception at 7pm in the Ministry Center & dinner after Evening of Franciscan Reflection—Praying the Our Father Backwards! At 7pm in the Hall Summer Bible study at 7-8:30pm in the Ministry Center (large and small group) Fr Barron—Catholicism DVD Series: Word Made Flesh, The Mystery of the Eucharist at 7:15pm in John Paul II Room 7 Into the Deep- School of Prayers Series: “Discernment” with Fr Steve Callahan at 6:30pm8:30pm in the Parish Hall 28 2 3 Goretti Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Church – 5:30pm confession/adoration, 6:30pm Mass, 8pm speaker and social. 8 9 HAPPY 4th of JULY! 11 Ladies’ Breakfast at 10am12pm in the Ministry Center 15 16 17 29 18 Explorer Day--for men at 9am-3pm at St Francis Seminary at USD Men’s Breakfast 9am at Crown Point St Vincent de Paul 4-6pm Help serve dinner to the homeless BONFIRE at Crown Pt at 7-10pm 22 Summer Bible study at 7-8:30pm in the Ministry Center (large and small group) Theology of the Body at 7:15pm in the John Paul II Room (meet at 7pm in the ministry center for food) Summer Bible study at 7-8:30pm in the Ministry Center (large and small group) Theology of the Body at 7:15pm in the John Paul II Room (meet at 7pm in the ministry center for food) 4 10 Summer Concert and Cocktails at 6:30pm in the Ministry Center Summer Bible study at 7:30-8:45pm in the Ministry Center (large and small group) Theology of the Body at 7:30pm in the John Paul II Room (meet at 7pm in the ministry center for food) 21 Into the Deep- School of Prayers Series: “ Priest, Prophet & King” with Chris Hulburt at 6:30pm8:30pm in the Parish Hall Saturday Adoration at 6-7pm in the Church Summer Bible study at 7-8:30pm in the Ministry Center (large and small group) Theology of the Body at 7:15pm in the John Paul II Room (meet at 7pm in the ministry center for food) 14 New People (and tenured) WELCOME Reception at 7pm in the Ministry Center and dinner after Friday 23 24 25 Hike at Mt Woodson at 9am or carpool at 8am from St Brigid parking lot Salsa Lessons and Dancing at the Marriott in La Jolla at 7:45pm-10pm (meet in the hotel loby and get free entry if you enter before 8pm Happy Hour at PB Cantina at 7-9pm 30 31 **The Ministry Center is located on the North Side of the Parking lot inside an iron gate with fountain **Join the St Brigid Young Adult Group on FACEBOOK! All people in their 20’s and 30’s, married or single are welcome to all events! Contact the person hosting the event and then just show up! St. Brigid Young Adults (20’s and 30’s, Single or Married) JULY 2015 Event Details Contact: Carrie O’Loughlin the Young Adult Leader at or 858-483-3416 To be added to the Weekly E-mail list, please visit our website and ‘Join our Email List’ SPIRITUALITY AND EDUCATION: Monthly Goretti Group Mass & Speaker Fri, July 3rd – Confession/Adoration 5:30pm, Mass 6:30pm, Speaker 8pm - Come learn about living a life of purity and chastity at Our Lady of the Rosary, 1668 State St, San Diego, CA 92101 Contact John Rumpza at Summer Bible Study Wednesdays at 7pm in the Ministry Center! Are you looking to grow in your faith and meet new people? Do you want to put your faith into ACTION? If you answered YES to either of these questions then join us for our weekly bible study. We read the upcoming Sunday readings, and talk about how they apply to our lives. We will have a large group and small group option as well. Contact Sean at 619-316-6996 for more info. Theology of the Body Wednesdays at 7:15pm in the John Paul II Room Come discover what it means to live authentically as son/daughter made in the image and likeness of God. His mystery is unveiled through the body and spousal love, which directly connects with the deepest desire of our human hearts, to love and be loved. This study is for anyone longing to know and celebrate their unique purpose in life! Contact Kendra for more info at Adoration and Music Wed, July 8th at 6-7pm in the Church Soak in Christ’s love and joy while sitting in front of him in the Blessed Sacrament. There will be light music playing in the background so COME and be still!! Ladies Breakfast! Sat, July 11th at 10am-12pm in the Ministry Center Come join other spirit-filled women to grow closer to Christ and build friendships!!! We will meet at 10am for a light breakfast, a short talk and discussion. This will be a potluck (first names that begin with A-L: bring protein- eggs/bacon/sausage and first names who begin with M-Z brings fruit, pastries, juice, etc.) so if you are able to come contact Cullen at or 240-381-6308 Explorer Day—for Men Sat, July 18th at 9am -3pm at St Francis Center at USD Have you ever thought about the possibility of becoming a priest? Has anybody ever said to you, “Hey, you’d be a really good priest?” Or do you know someone who you think would be interested in the priesthood? We are excited to announce the upcoming Explorer Day 2015! All men who are interested in the priesthood are invited to join us on Saturday, July 18th. We'll meet from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Francis Center on the campus of USD. There’s no cost to attend and we would love to see you there. Explorer Day is a chance to learn more about discernment, and to learn more about the priesthood. You'll meet our seminarians, see where they live, and hear the story of how two of our seminarians made the decision to enter our program of formation. During this inspiring day, we'll also gather in prayer and listen for the Lord’s call. For more information, please call Fr. Pedro Rivera, Director of Priestly Vocations at (858) 490-8385 or write to Men's Breakfast Sat, July 18th at 9am for Breakfast, discussion and football ! What makes a great man? One that possesses virtue, courage and strength!! Come hang out with other Catholic men that are striving to be great! We'll meet at 9am at 3850 Lamont St. for breakfast, a solid discussion, and play some football at Crown Pt. Contact Chris at 909-518-6883 or SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES: Serving Dinner to the Homeless Mon, July 13 & 27 from 5-7pm in the Parish Hall Help serve dinner to 100 less fortunate people at our own at St B’s hall. From 3-5pm you can help set up and prepare food; from 5:30pm-7:30pm you can help serve dinner, converse with attendees and clean up! Help is needed at both shifts, so come for one or both! Just show up or contact "Mo" Sturtevant at 858 270 5416 for more info! Your time and donations (any cloths, toiletries, etc) are greatly appreciated! St Vincent de Paul Sat, July 18th from 4-6pm Help serve dinner to the homeless at St Vincent de Paul’s Village. Meet at 4pm in the main reception area of St. Vincent de Paul Village, located at 16th and Imperial. RSVP to Rob at 619-813-9199 SOCIAL OPPORTUNITIES: CYAS—Ultimate Frisbee at Liberty Station (Cushing and Roosevelt) Mondays at 5:30pm Join us for some fun playing ULTIMATE Frisbee every Monday! Join our Facebook group: Catholic Young Adult Sports of San Diego. Contact Nathan 619-415-3024 / or go to New People Welcome Reception Tues, July 14th at 7pm in the Ministry Center Are you new to St B’s Young Adults? (Even if you’ve been around a while, we’d love to have you!) Come to the parish Ministry Center (enter through the courtyard between the Church and Ministry center, look for the sign) to be welcomed into the community and to me et others in the group both new and tenured alike. We will then head out for dinner. RSVP to Carrie at Bonfire at Crown Pt Sat, July 18th 7-10pm at Crown Pt Park Come on out for a bonfire to meet new friends while enjoying snacks and great fellowship. We will have the S’MORES and drinks so bring your favorite snack to share and a friend too! We will be at a fire pit at Corona Oriente and Crown Point Drive at the bay facing Sea World. To find the exact location go to: (insert St.B's group Facebook page) or call Amy at 619-729-7978. Happy Hour at PB C antina Thurs, July 23rd at 7-9 pm Join other young adults to end the work week and enjoy happy hour together at PB Cantina ---1466 Garnet Ave! Email Biz at with any questions or just show up! Hike at Mt Woodson Sat, July 25th at 9am Get ready for a great hike at Mt Woodson ! We will meet at the trail head at 9am for a beautiful hike or if you want to carpool meet at St Brigids parking lot at 8am! Bring snack and at least 2 liters of water! Contact Matt at or 208-680-0694 for more info! Salsa Dancing at the La Jolla Marriott Sat, July 25th at 7:45pm-10pm Come on out for a great night of fun dancing the night away at the La Jolla Marriott- 4240 La Jolla Village Dr, La Jolla, CA 92037. Meet in the lobby at 7:45pm! Lessons start at 8pm and if you show up before that admission is FREE! Contact Danica at 951-858-6568 or **The Ministry Center is located on the North Side of the Parking lot inside an iron gate with fountain. **Join the St. Brigid Young Adult Group-San Diego Facebook page and follow us on Twitter @StBYA. **FOR OTHER YOUNG ADULT ACTIVITIES HAPPENING AROUND THE DIOCESE GO TO WWW.YAMSD.ORG and @SDYAM. If you are 40+ check out the 30s/40s group or the San Diego Catholic Adult Community at Young Married Couples contact Gayle Heyman or 720-839-6975 and join .
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