@ TCAL UNTYER.5Iry ANANTAPUR JAWAHARLALNEHRUTECHNOLOG ANANTHAPURAMU- 515OO2A.P.(rNDrA) EXAMINATIONS BR,ANCH NOTIFICATION FOR RECOUNTING,CHALLENaEVALUATION& PHOTOCOPYOF ANSWERSCRTPTS i January 201'5Exominotions MCAlft SemesterRegulor& Supplementory I i & 2013 only) (to. studentsadmiftedin 20O9,2OlO,2O1'L,2OL2 of onswerscript vqluoiion/Photocopy The condidoteswho wish to opplyfor recountingof theorv externql morks/chollenge fee on or before olongwith the qttestedstotementof morkswith necessary to their Principals shoufdsubmitthe requisitions ?5.O5.2075. ) There is no recountingfor laborotoryexternol. for eachtheory externolis Rs.10O/-. F The procassingfeefor recounfing(non-refundoble) . vsluqtionis Rs.10,000/ - per subsect ) The f ee f or chollenge F The fee for photocopyof onswerscripts is Rs.1500/- per subject. from studentson or before lhe abovedote ond forword the s sre ?equestedto occeptthe applicotions Further the Principol stotementond seporote so os to reoch the Universitypositivelyby 02.06.2015 olongwith consolidoted opplicotions voluotionond photocopyof onswer for oll the studentswho hoveoppliedseporotelyfor necounting,chollenge DDs/Cholfons script. The demonddroft is to be drown in fovor of the Registror,JNT University Anontapur,doted not loter thon Z6.O5.ZOL5andpoyableot Anontopur.Poymentcqn qlso be modethrough chollon(5BI) A/c number32950804752(Power Jyothi Account), doted nof loter thon 26.05.2015. Pleose suPer scribe the "MCA cover as Code>". Jonuory 2015 Exoms<RC/CVIPCAS><ColJege <Yeor)<semester)<Regulotion> Regulor& Supplementory in the website ondphotocopyof the onswerscript ore avoiloble voluotion ondopplicotion formsfor chollenge Theguidelines in the website. is ovoiloble Theopplicotion for recounting under"UniversityExominotions". Applicotionsreceivedofter the due dote ond demonddraft / challondoted other thon the doie mentionedin the notificationsholl be summarilydecloredrejected ond the processingfee in caseof recountingwill not be refunded.The principofsorerequestedto notethe someondoct occordingly. fnconplete applications,applicationswithout dd/challan and attested statenent of mark, applicationsnof forwarded by the respectivecollegeprincipals will be reiected without any intination. , Dofe:06.05.2015 of Evoluotion
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