I I t a I \ KERALA SIATE CO.OPERATTVE FEDERATION rON TISHERIES DEVELOPMENT UTD. (A Government of Kerala Undertaking) Thfir;;;;li;ffi;: nrvanenthamlram - t595 009. KERAL,A vv, vlJ Kamaleswaram, Manacaud P.o., t4iWP ' Fax Fax:0411-2457752 rax:w : 041t L-t+) t t )t Phnrre.MT I ) 451 l'7 2. 2457 7 56 2458606 Zr+)6OUO U577 245'l'lto, 56, l1Z, l7 2, l 2457 Phone:M7 Phone:M7I-2457 --mail:rnatsyafed@ Web:www.matsyafed.org MATSYAIIED asianetindia.com MFED/D1/4786t2014 t6-04-20ts NOTICE INVITING TENDER (e-Government Procurement) TENDER NO. MFED IET IDl/ 4I2OI5 The Managing Director, Matsyafed, Thiruvananthapuram invites online bids from the Registered Bidders of PWD, CPWD, Irigation, Harbour Engineering Department and Kerala Water Authority. 1 2 J 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. o . . e r Name of Work Estimate Amount GAC) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Tender Submission Fee Period of completion Classifi cation of Bidder Tender Documents Brid:submission start date Last Date of receipt of Tenders Date of Openins of Tenders Modernization of Fish Market at Anchal, Kollam P.ls.41,46,5671- Rs. 1037004 Rs.5000/-+250 (VAT):Rs.5250/6 months PWD 'B' Class Reeistration Can be downloaded from the web site www.etenders .kerala. gov.in 20-04-2015 at 10.30 AM 05-05-2015 up to 4.00 PM l1-05-2015 at 11.00 AM Tender documents and tender schedule may be downloaded free of cost from the e-GP Website www. etenders. kerala. gov. in. A bid submission fee of Rs.5250/- shall be remitted as online payment All bid/tender documents are to be submitted online only and in the designated cover(s)/ envelope(s) on the e-GP website. Tenders / Bids shall be accepted only through online mode on the e-GP website and no manual submission of the same shall be entertained. Late tenders will not be accepted. The Scanned Copies of Registration certificate duly attested by the Superintending Engineer/ Executive Engineer, PWD, Kerala, Preliminary Agreement, Tender Documents duly filled, epaymqnt form duly filled in and EMD exemption certificate (if any), scanned copy of VAT registration and Pancard shall be submitted online. The bids shall be opened online at the office of the MANAGING DIRECTOR, MATSYAFED at Kamaleswaram, Thiruvanthapuram on 1l-05-2015 at 11.00 AM, in the presence of the Bidders/ their representatives who are present at the above address. Ifthe tender opening date happens to be on a holiday or non-working day due to any other valid reason, the tender opening process will be done on the next working day al same venue and time. Online Tenders / bids are to be accompanied with a preliminary agreement executed in Kerala Stamp paper vyorth Rs.500/-. Tenders / bids received online without the scanned copies of Registration certificate duly attested by the Superintending Engineer/Executive Engineer, PWD, Kera-la, Preliminary agreement, e-payment form duly filled in and Technical Bid Documents duly filled in will not be considered and shall be summarily rejected. Further details can be had from the NIT or from the Office of the MANAGING r DIRECTOR, MATSYAFED, THIRIIVANANTHAPIIRAM, during working hours. MATSYAFED shall not be responsible for any error like missing downloading by the Bidder. of schedule data while Online Payment modes: The tender document fees and EMD can be paid in the following manner through e-Payment facility provided by the e-Procurement system: State Bank of Travancore (SBT) lnternet Bankine: lf a bidder has a SBT internet banking account, then, during the online bid submission process, bidder shall select SBT option and then select lnternet banking option. The e-Procurement system will re-direct the bidder to SBT's internet banking page where he can enter his internet banking credentials and transfer the tender document and EMD amount. il. National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT)lf a bidder holds bank account in a different bank, then, during the online bid submission process, bidder shall select NEFToption. An online remittance form would be generated, which the bidder can use for transferring amount through NEFT either by using internet banking of his bank or visiting nearest branch of his bank. After obtaining the successful transaction receipt no., the bidder has to update the same in e-Procurement system for completing the process of bid submission. Bidder should only use the details given in the Remittance form for making a NEFT payment otherwise payment would result in failure in eProcurement system. As NEFT payment status confirmation is not received by e-Procurement system on a real-time basis, bidders are advised to exercise NEFT mode of payment option at least 48 hours prior to the last date and time of bid submission to avoid any payment issues. to following guidelines: Single transaction for remitting Tender document fee and EMD: Bidder should ensure that tender document fees and EMD are remitted as one single transaction. NEFT payment should done according i. il. Account number as per Remittance Form onlv: Account no. entered during NEFT remittance at any bank counter or during adding beneficiary account in lnternet banking site should be the same as it appears in the remittance form generated for that particular bid by the e-Procurement system. Bidder should ensure that tender document fees and EMD are remitted only to the account number given in the Remittance form provided by e-Procurement system for that particular tender. Bidders must ensure that the banker inputs the Account Number (which is case sensitive) as displayed in the Remittance form. No additional information like bidder name, company name, etc, should be entered in the account no. column along with account no. for NEFT remittance. ilt. Onlv NEFT Remittance Allowed: RTGS payments, Account to Account transfers, State Bank Group Transfers (GRPT) or Cash payments are not allowed and are treated as invalid mode of payments. Bidder must ensure that the banker does NEFT transaction only irrespective of the amount and specially instruct the banks not to convert the payment type to RTGS or GRPT. tv. Ag!a@:BiddershouldensUrethattheamountbeingremittedisneither less nor higher than the amount shown in remittance form. UTR Number: Bidders should ensure that the remittance confirmation (UTR number) received after NEFT transfer should be updated as it is, in the e-Procurement system for tracking the payment. vt. One Remittance Form per Bidder and oer Bid: The remittance form provided by e-Procurement system shall be valid for that particular bidder and bid and should not be re-used for any other tender or bid or by any other bidder, Any transaction charges levied while using any of the above modes of online payment has be borne by the bidder. The supplier/contractor's bid will be evaluated only if payment status against bidder is showing "Success" during bid opening. MANAGING DIR"ECT TERMS AND CONDITIONS The controctor's scope of worh covers Modernizotion of Fish Msrhet of Anchql, Kollom District. E.M.D by woy of on line poyment. of similqr worhs done by the controctor ond the completion certificqtes issued by the competent outhorities should qlso occompory ih" tender. The detqils The contrqctor shqll give full fqcilities for the inspection ond testing of the moteriqls by the Monoging Director, Motsyofed or his representotiue. T.he decision of the Monoging Director , Motsyofed shofl be finor os regords the quolity of moteriols qnd worhmonship ond sholl be binding on the controct. The mqteriqls suppried shourd be of good quority qnd shoil meet the requirements qnd stondqrd specificotions ond ore to be got opproued by the Mqnqging Director /his representotive. The controctor sholt use only motlriols of opproued mqhe ond quolity in the worhs . The controctor hos to submit q detoiled oction plon for the worh qworded to him in qccordonce with the time of completion oi specified in the tender. 7. The rotes sholl be firm ond not subject completion of the contrqct. to fluctuotions of ony dote till the The controctor hos to mohe his own qrrongement for storing of the moteriols for which Motsyofed shoil prouide open spqce qrone. The sofe custody of the moteriols sholl be the responsibility of the controctor till the worh is orur. po*", will be mqde ovoiloble qt one point in the site ond the controctor sholl corry out further extension if required. The electricity chorges during construction period sholl be remitted by the controctor. 9. Should q need orise for ony odditionol items of worh not covered in the tender schedule of worh ond the intents of the specificotion here in, the rotes shqlt be either be deriued from the tender or sustoined by q detoired rote onorysis. 10. The controctor hqs to complete the worh in the time schedute giuen. ln the event of the controctor fqiling to complete the worh in oll respects in the monner stipuloted in the contrqct within the prescribed time the Monoging Director, Motsyofed shotl houe the right to terminote the controct ond to tohe possession of the worh ond moteriqls in its then stote. The Monoging Director, Motsyofed sholl olso hqve freedom to enter into ony controct with other tontroctors or porties for the execution of the botonce worn. The odditionot expenditure incurred by Motsyofed in this exercise olso shoil be borne by the controctor. Such omount sholl be deducted from the qmount poyoble to the controctor if sufficient, ond if not it will be compensoted by the controctor' port poyments will be issued ofter meqsurement ond certificqtion in by the pqssed representotive (Engineer) Motsyofed. Retention omount of loo/o of the up mohe omount from eoch pod bill witl be deducted from eoch bill so os to qgreed PAC. Retention omount the omount of retention plus security to lOo/o of bill. will be poid olong with the finol The The security deposit will be refunded completion of the worh. to the controctor qfter 12 months of The Monoging Director, Motsyofed or his representqtiue sholl hove power to withhold ony poyment if the worh or ony port there of qre not being corried out to his sotisfoction. The contrqctor sholl not qssign this controct or sublet ony portion thereof to ony pqrty whotsoever without prior opprovql of the Monqging Director, Motsyofed in writing. 16. 17. The contrqctor sholl be responsible for ony occident; dqmoge or injury coused to ony of his employees during the execution of the worh ond sholl hold Motsyofed blomeless in respect thereof ond olso in respect of ony cloims mqde by ony persons in the employment of the contrqctor for ony reoson whotsoever. The controctor sholt be responsible for qll structurql or decorotive domoges coused to the building or to the property of Motsyofed / Locql body ond oil'the domoges coused by him sholl be rectified ot his cost. tf the worh is not completed with in the stipuloted time, fine sholl be imposed if the deloy is on the port of the contrqctor. The Monoging Director, Motsyofed or his representotiue sholl be ot liberty to object ond require the contrqctor to remove from the worh persons employed by the controctor for the worhs, who in the opinion of the Mqnoging Director, Motsyofed or his representotive misconduct himself or is incompetent or negligent in the proper performonce of office duties qnd such persons sholl not be ogoin employed upon the worhs without the permission of the Monoging Director, Motsyofed. All tool qnd other qllied qccessories will hqve to be prouided by the controctor of their own cost. 22, qt his Scoffoldins wherever necessory will hove to be provided by the controctor own cost. Arrongements for woter will houe to be mode by the controctor of their own cost. Rotes for the cement worhs such os concrete, mosonry ond plostering etc inclusive of curing, wotering etc. os required. is 24. every doy to ovoid occidents' ln The controctor should cleqr the site of oll debris lqbour to mointqin the is not done, Motsyofed moy engoge necessqry cqse this cleonliness qnd debit qtl or port of the of the premiser ond removollf debris, expenditure incurred from the controctor' 50les rqte os per the tqx, income tox ond worher's welfore fund of theeoch bill. pi"r"iiirj from rules of the posed qmount will be deducted No seporote poyment service Tox opplicoble sholl be borne by the controctor' sholl be mode on this occount by Motsyofed' 27. the time mentioned in the The worh should be completed in oll respects within tender notice. The controctor hqs to complete the worh without cousing ony hindronce to the other worhs being done in the premises' to be used moy be prepored ond 29. The detoils qnd mohe of the moteriols submitted qlong with the tender' 30. 6 months time' The worh should be completed in oll respects within 31. qre tentqtive ond moy uory os per site The quontities shown for the items quontity of condition. No odditionol rote sholl be ollowed for the excess/lower execution.
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