2014 3rd Quarter - DH PACE Careers

Tempe, AZ
Reaches Safety
page 6
3rd Quarter 2014
DH Pace Company, Inc.
DH Pace
Receives Award
from Target
page 5
Kansas City
Divisions Place
in Corporate
page 9
DH Pace invoiced sales increased in
the first half of 2014 by 16%, or just
over $19 million to over $138 million.
This growth is all the more impressive
when you consider how competitive
our markets are where we have to
fight aggressive competitors for every
sale and customer expectations are
continually rising.
Over the last several years, our
ability to control expenses, re-invest
those savings back into the business
to enhance our competitive position
and finding ways to improve customer satisfaction has fueled the growth
we enjoy today. These factors will
continue to be essential ingredients
for our success going forward.
Congratulations on a great start to
2014 and let’s keep working together
to build a successful future.
Highlights of the quarter include:
Bi-State joins DH Pace. In the
2nd quarter, Bi-State Loading Dock
Specialists, Inc. located in St. Louis,
Mo., joined the DH Pace Family of
Companies. Bi-State has served the
Eastern Missouri, Central and
Southern Illinois marketplaces with
distinction since 1979.
Bi-State is an industry leading
dock equipment sales and service
organization and is an authorized
distributor of the complete line of
Kelley brand loading dock solutions.
Left to right: Scott Tindall, Kent Bazzell, John Willen, Dawn Eichhoff,
Steve Chiaurro, Don Remaly, and Mike Chiaurro.
I am very excited about the addition
of the Bi-State team and the opportunity to represent the Kelley brand
throughout our new territory.
Facility opening in Athens. In
early June, we opened a facility
location in Athens, Ga., to support
our local market operations.
Safety update. So far in 2014, we
have made a small improvement in
our safety record. Hand injuries
continue to be a leading cause of
incidents. We recently implemented
an enhanced work glove program to
improve our results in this area. We
still have a long way to go to achieve
our safety goals as an organization.
We need everyone’s help by thinking
and acting safely every hour of every
day and encouraging others to do
Thank you for your ongoing
efforts in serving our customers and
representing our organization.
Did you know that if you are enrolled in the voluntary critical illness
insurance that you can receive $100 for your wellness exam?
If you are one of the 170+ employees that are enrolled in
the voluntary critical illness insurance through Unum, you
have a wellness reimbursement benefit that will pay you
$100. A list of Health Screenings that qualify for the $100
wellness benefit is listed on the form that you can find on
Ultipro under Myself – Benefits – Information and Forms –
Voluntary Wellness Claim Form.
A few of the screenings that qualify are the blood test
for glucose and cholesterol which are also required for
employees on the company health plan to receive the
wellness premium rate. You can benefit twice from having
the wellness exam – lower insurance premium and $100!
If you are not on the company health plan, but have the
voluntary critical illness insurance, just have one of the
screenings listed on the form and turn in for reimbursement to Unum as indicated on the form.
If you have questions regarding the $100 Wellness
reimbursement, you can contact Unum at 1-800-635-5597
Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern
Time. To find out if you are enrolled in the Voluntary
Critical Illness insurance, go to Ultipro – Myself – Benefits –
Current Benefits and look under the plan column for
Voluntary Critical Illness.
$100 Savings Per Month for
Employee or Employee and
Child OR $180 Savings Per
Month for Employee and
Spouse or Family
In order to receive the wellness rates for next year
both you, and your spouse covered on the company
medical plan as of July 1, 2014, must participate in
the wellness steps beginning July 1, 2014. These
steps and deadlines are outlined on the next page’s
Wellness Premium
Savings Per Month
Please note below the significant requirement change for the July 2015 Plan Year.
Biometric outcomes for both you and your spouse (if spouse is enrolled on the company medical insurance plan) will
be used to determine your eligibility for the wellness rate. If your biometrics are out of range, then you must participate in
a health action alternative. If your spouse’s biometrics are out of range, then he/she must participate in a health action
alternative. If either you or your spouse is out of range on your biometric and fail to complete a health action alternative,
then your family will not earn the wellness insurance premium rate for
the 2015-2016 Plan Year.
Our Wellness Coordinator, an employee of CBIZ (our benefits
consultant), will have access to you and your spouse’s confidential
results. No employee of DH Pace will ever have access to any biometYou must act
rics health information. Contact the Wellness Coordinator if you need to
know your biometric outcomes or have questions concerning them. Her
NOW - as wellness
contact information is listed below.
activities must be
We have, and will continue to invest in, several programs and tools
to help you with reaching your goals. The Cigna website provides
completed prior to
several great tools and resources to help you on your health journey.
10/2014 for the
Log in by using your username and password, scroll over the Manage
7/2015 plan year.
My Health tab and click on My Health Programs and Resources. You can
also click on the EAP icon on the homepage that will link you to several
health and well-being informational resources. The wellness coordinator
is also available to guide you to the various resources.
Please use the checklist on the next page to help guide you in
completing the wellness steps in order to qualify for the wellness rate
for the 2015 plan year.
For questions regarding the process to obtain the wellness rate, please review page four for information and/or
contact our Wellness Coordinator at DHPaceWellness@cbiz.com or 816-480-2347, or your Corporate Human Resources
Department at 816-480-2618.
Note: If it is unreasonably difficult due to a medical condition for you to achieve the standards for the wellness rate
offered under this program, or if it is medically inadvisable for you to attempt to achieve the standards for the wellness
rate offered under this program, call the Wellness Coordinator at 816-480-2347 and she will work with you to develop
another way to qualify for the wellness rate.
Wellness Program STEPS: To be completed now to earn the Wellness premium rate for the
for the July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 Plan Year
• If spouse is on the company health insurance plan
Routine preventive doctor office visit to
include screenings listed on the Preventive
Care Exam Verification Form.
Steps For Completion
Start Date/
Due Date
Call your doctor 30 – 60 days
prior to July 1 to ensure
appointment availability, and
then schedule your appointment
sometime between July 1, 2014
and September 30, 2014.
Start Date:
July 1, 2014
Please check with your doctor’s
office on their requirements for
lab work.
• If spouse is on the company health insurance plan
Submit a Preventive Care Exam Verification
Form completed and signed by your doctor to
your Wellness Coordinator at
(Note: Doctor must complete BOTH pages)
Verification form can be found
on Ultipro in the What’s Up
Log on to www.mycigna.com
after completing your lab work
• If spouse is on the company health insurance plan
July 1, 2014 to complete the HA
Completion of the Cigna on-line Health Assessment questionnaire.
Note: Use same username and password as
last year. Spouse must register by creating
their own username and password to complete
their HA questionnaire.
Must be within NIH guidelines in all four categories:
Blood sugar (glucose) <100
HDL Cholesterol = or >40
Total Cholesterol <240
BMI <30
If out of range in any of the NIH guidelines listed above:
1) Submit evidence documented by
physician of falling within NIH
guidelines, OR
2) Have continuous engagement with a
Cigna Health Coach to make progress
toward your goal, verified and
documented by Cigna, or participate in
one of the health action alternatives
announced by the Wellness
Note: Both you and your spouse
must have completed the lab
work and have access to your
results prior to completing your HA
Your Wellness Coordinator, an
employee of CBIZ, will be able to
confirm if you are NOT within the
acceptable range outlined and
answer any questions you may
Dial 1-855-246-1873 to speak
with a Cigna Health Advocate, to
schedule a telephonic
appointment with a Cigna Health
Coach, or enroll in one of the
health action alternatives by your
Wellness Coordinator. You’ll
work with your Health Coach to
create and make progress toward
a goal.
Health Advocates available 24/7
Health Coaches available
Monday–Friday: 9AM – 9PM
Saturdays: 9AM – 2PM
(All Time-Zones)
Due Date:
September 30, 2014
Start Date:
July 1, 2014
Due Date:
October 15, 2014
Start Date:
July 1, 2014
Due Date:
October 15, 2014
Note: Lab results
must be entered in
the HA to be
counted as
Start Date:
July 1, 2014
Due Date:
October 15, 2014
Start Date:
As soon as you
become aware you
have not met the
NIH guidelines or no
later than
January 1, 2015
Checklist for
Due Date:
April 30, 2015
Completeting the steps by the due dates in the chart above will make you eligible for the wellness rate effective July 1, 2015.
For questions regarding the process to obtain the wellness rate, please contact our Wellness Coordinator at
DHPaceWellness@cbiz.com or 816-480-2347 or your Corporate Human Resources Department at 816-480-2618.
Congratulations DH Pace!
The DH Pace’s National Accounts Group for Target received the “Partner Award of Excellence” from Target. DH Pace received this award based on the hard work and dedication from each of our departments over the
past year for delivering best in class customer service from New Construction, Parts Supply, Core Team,
Customer Support, Inventory Management, and Facilities.
To receive the Partner Award of Excellence is a significant achievement in satisfying their steep expectations
each and every day. Given the vast number of suppliers that the Target store has, makes this award even more
significant. The relationships that we have built as a team with Target over the years, demonstrates what we, as
a group, can accomplish. Congratulations on this prestigious award! National Accounts Security Solutions
Richard Adams and Chirsty Orr.
National Accounts - Construction
Chris Hargraves, Jonathan Mulroy, Aaron Decker, Kim Lauer, Ryan Middleton,
Elizabeth Adams, and Debbie Holley (Crystal Jones not present).
National Accounts - Facilities
Mike Maloney, Ryan Galemore, Michael Garten, Daniel Smith, Chad Schmidt, Drew Reno, Courtney Ruberto (Target’s Facilities
Specialist), Tara Rowland, Leslie Procter, Jodie Richert (Target’s Asset Manager; doors, fixtures, and finishes), Jamie Jackson, Brooke
Dressen, Anita Smith, Stacey Orr, Valerie Kessler, Robbie Carlson, Dawn Hupp, Dustin Binder, Carey Krovatin, Juanita Lagos-Benson
(Target’s Facilities Specialist), Catherine Deauville, Angela Arcuri, Sara Troll, and Brad Thomas (Stephanie Smith not present).
Arizona Division Reaches Ten Year Safety Milestone
In a time where workplace safety and employee retention is of the utmost importance, one DH Pace division
has consistently created a culture of working safe. That division is Arizona, comprised of approximately 70
employees, was recently recognized for achieving an all-time Company safety record. The Arizona Team
has, thus far, logged more than 1.4 million man hours, and 10 years with no lost time incidents. Arizona
reached this record spanning from May 2004 to May 2014.
This safety milestone is a direct result of Arizona’s employees’ ongoing commitment to safety awareness and
practices. The local Safety Committee, established to promote and recognize the critical impact of working
safely, meet on a monthly basis to identify safety issues and to implement practical solutions to ensure everyone goes home at the end of the day incident free to their families.
Congratulations to our Arizona Division for their efforts in achieving this impressive 10-year milestone! Once
again, thank you Arizona for a job well done and exemplifying a safety attitude to make each job a safe and
productive work site.
Customer Posts Drive New Business!
Many of you know that our customers love to give us feedback about the great job you all do every day. There
are many websites and opportunities for them to post their feelings about how we do our jobs. Below is a list of
resources where you can encourage your customers to post positive feedback about our products and services.
• YP.com
• Dex.com
• Kudzu.com
• AngiesList.com
• Yelp.com
• Facebook.com
• Twitter.com
• Plus.Google.com
Process Improvement...
Coming to a Division Near You!
To improve the company’s efficiency and effectiveness in the execution of its business processes, DH Pace’s
Process Improvement department is heavily engaged with employees throughout the divisions.
Below are just a few of the projects that the Process Improvement team has accomplished this quarter:
1. Creation of a Balance Due Document. This solution met a growing demand from our Commercial Overhead Door customers. Instead of billers having to manually manipulate Baan invoices, the Balance Due
document automatically calculates and displays all current dollar information (invoices, credits, and debits)
related to the job in a clear and concise manner. Thanks to Ben Kramer, Kevin Dunn, Miles Rush, and
Sheldon Huyck!
2. Development of the Facilities Management SharePoint Site. To make the process of submitting and
managing facility requests at the new Olathe building easier for both employees and the Facilities
Management committee, Julie Batista developed a solution in PaceNet. While its initial usage was for the
new Olathe building, the site was designed to accommodate employees at any of our locations.
3. Implementation of Blue-Beam Revu Software. After thorough research and testing within the EDS-Local
and Special Markets divisions, Rod Landreth identified software to replace the legacy PDF editor program
that was causing increased frustration among users due to its constant problems. Its integration with
PaceNet will allow for greater leverage of its functionality as we look for additional solutions regarding
electronic document storage.
A few of our many projects in development include the following:
Baan special pricing
Inventory transfer between our two ERP software systems
Ordering company apparel via PaceNet
Dynamic reporting on Entry Door Systems’ RGA Processing
With a combined 45 years of experience at DH Pace, the Process Improvement team is ready to assist your
group in the areas of process improvement, whether that’s mapping and/or leaning a process, helping to
develop standard operating procedures, or coordinating with the Information Services group to deliver a
software solution, the Process Improvement team seeks to provide solutions that address your business
Be on the lookout for future solutions delivered to your division. If you have any questions, please contact
Brad Newcomer or Kevin Dunn.
Larry Miller Retires
Larry Miller was an excellent mentor for the finance team and led Pace
through the recovery from the recession that began in late 2008.
During his tenure, Larry worked with the Finance team and operational
management to improve the budgeting processes, negotiated credit
lines and bank arrangements, and coordinated EENE recapitalization
as a SCORP. He also worked tirelessly on the search for a new location,
the move to Olathe. His retirement plans include spending time with
family, pursuing volunteering opportunities, completing honey-dos,
and probably a little golf. Congratulations, Larry!
Customer Survey Awards
On a monthly basis, the Customer Survey Awards Team recognizes employees who exemplify great customer
service within our Company, based on customer survey responses. These individuals have shown a passion for
customer service and were recommended by management. The winners have been nominated by their peers for
doing a great job, and will receive a financial gift from the Company.
broken. And the cost was way less than I anticipated, but
thank you. I don't know if I could have afforded it if it were
more. So happy I found your number on my garage door.
King Door
Walter Bond did a great job. He was efficient, knowledgeable, personable, and performed the work in a very timely
and professional manner. Over the last 15 years, I have never
been dissatisfied with Ankmar Doors.
Both Adam Tilley and Brandon Dills were very professional
and helped me decide on a new door opener. They came
the next day, were quick but efficient and got the job done. I
would definitely recommend your company to others.
Technician: Walter Bond
Technician: Adam Tilley and Brandon Dills
Technician: Chris Meredith
Chris Meredith was very knowledgeable and courteous. He
followed all of our very specific contractor procedures and
exceeded expectation. He found additional issues with the
doors and fixed them quickly and exactly as agreed upon. Wonderful service technician!
Kansas City
Technician: Phil Reichart
Honestly, it was truly one of the best service repairmen I
have ever had. The guy was super nice, knew what he was
doing, explained what he could do while he was there, and
did it in a short amount of time. I was very impressed and
will use Overhead again for any issue that I would have in
the future. Oklahoma City
Technician: Devin Simpson and Michael Tate
A bit late on this... Give high marks to Devin and Michael for
a job well done. Both men performed their tasks in a
professional manner. If I ever need garage door technicians
again, will request the services of these two men... Give
them five stars!
Four Corners
Technician: Ben Tyson
Office: Tanya Foster-McFall
First of all, the dispatcher was extremely pleasant to talk to. I
didn't expect that from this type of service. I was impressed
with how quickly the service man fixed my crooked garage
door and then he proceeded to go above and beyond by
making sure my opener was more secure and he took the
time to show me how to fix my opener if it should ever not
stay closed. I don't know if I am making sense but I was just
so impressed and grateful of the work he did. How pleasant
he was. And now I can use my garage like it was never even
Technician: John Ruble
What I hoped would be a routine maintenance call turned
out to be something more. The first repair person confirmed
my fear that my old workhorse of a unit had finally worn out
and it was time to get a new one. He quoted what I considered a very fair price and set up an appointment for the
following day. Both he and the team that installed the new
system explained everything that was going on. I felt the
entire time that they were going out of their way to make
the entire process as painless as possible for me, even to
the point of syncing the opener with my car. Small gestures
like that mean a lot, and I was most grateful. I wouldn't
hesitate to recommend DH Pace if you need their services.
Good folks.
Santa Fe
Technician: David Rodriguez
James did a superb job of diagnosing and fixing the
problem. Overhead Door is an excellent company with
which I have enjoyed a 13-year business relationship.
Technician: Jorge Acosta
Office: Denise Aragon
Sales: Korigan Payne
Everybody at OHD was excellent - Korigan, Denise and
definitely Jorge, who installed it with great precision
ensuring perfect fit, quiet operation and long life. I also
appreciate the quality and looks of the door.
Technician: Ben Gray
The guy that came out was fantastic and answered our
questions and was great help. We appreciate that OHD
serviced us immediately; it gave us relief not to have our
garage open over the weekend. Thank you!
DH Pace Takes Fourth!
Kansas City
As the summer months are heating up, our Olathe
office is cooling down from a successful run during the
2014 Kansas City Corporate Challenge! This was our
Olathe office’s second year participating in corporate
challenge and we moved from being in the bottom five
in 2013 to a 4th place overall finish in 2014! We also
increased our company participation by nearly 100%!
Corporate Challenge is a city-wide event that puts
companies against companies in all types of athletic
competition. We medaled in events all across the
board with Gold’s with our Co-ed bowling team (Melanie
Hunt, Stephanie Chapman, Drew Reno, and Jason Tomlinson), Men and Women’s Darts (Jason Tomlinson
and Terrie Goble) and Men’s Disc Golf (Luke Hannan and Jonathan Mulroy)! Some more memorable 2014
moments came with our Dodgeball Team (Gary Kral, Brian Fuller, Jason Tomlinson, Jared McConnell, Nick
Helming, Ashley West, Kim Niebaum, Teresa Parsons, Robyn Rogers, Angela Arcuri, and Tara Martin)
winning 3rd Place! Please help us congratulate our Olathe office with a superb finish in this year’s Kansas City
Corporate Challenge!
Table Tennis: Brad Newcomer, Kevin
Dunn, Chris Fatool, and Laurie Hall
Gary Vogel
Tug of War: Bob Amsden, Trice Alford, Kyle Pearson, Teresa
Parsons, Chad Schmidt, Angela Arcuri, Jason Tomlinson, Sara
Troll, Travis Smith Sarah Parrish, and Drew Reno
Disc Golf: Luke Hannan
and Jonathan Mulroy
Darts: Terrie Goble and
Jason Tomlinson
Bike Race: Jeana Stand, Ben
Ray, Tara Martin, Brian Fuller,
Laurie Hall, and Ashley West
Track and field: Jerry Rice, Rex Newcomer, Gary Kral,
Teresa Parsons, Michael Garten, Travis Smith, Alison
Nugent, and Robyn Rogers
Kim Niebaum
The Employee Newsletter can be found on PaceNet under Human Resources - Newsletter or
on Ultipro under My Company - Company Info.
TeamImpact’s Recent Events
Atlanta’s Pancake Breakfast and Truck Wash
The Atlanta Division held their annual Pancake
Breakfast and Truck Wash. Technicians, installers,
and office personnel enjoyed a home-cooked
breakfast of pancakes, scrambled eggs, grits,
sausage, bacon, biscuits, and gravy, while managers
were out in the parking lot washing trucks. This event was held in memory of Edgar Rieffel
who passed away in May 2010. The Atlanta Division
was happy to welcome Edgar’s 3-year old son,
Jackson, and wife, Carla (who is also Randy Batt’s
daughter), to the breakfast. They even had Jackson
helping wash the trucks and spray down a few
managers. King Door of Dalton Salesman, Chuck
Newcity, lead a team of his Atlanta-based peers
and TeamImpact members cooking in the kitchen. No one went away hungry as Atlanta employees go
the extra mile to find a way to have fun! Operation Foot Care Patrol
Atlanta’s TeamImpact held a drive for deployed
military called Operation Foot Care Patrol as a way
to contribute to the community and show support to
the troops that make daily sacrifices for our nation.
Employees brought in various foot care items,
including 232 pairs of socks, as well as contributing a
monetary donation of $330, used to purchase
additional items. Atlanta commercial installer and
active duty for the Georgia Army National Guard,
Wayne Hubbard, provided the contact for the
deployed unit receiving the goods. TeamImpact and
the Atlanta division thank the brave men and women
in service, as well as their families. Employees are glad
to be able to give back in a small way to our military.
From this succuessful and impactful event, a thank
you postcard was recieved in the mail from SFC
Christopher Pearce. It read, “Thank you so much for
all the socks and foot care products, they have been
very helpful maintaining our main mode of transportation! My men and I really appreciate your suport and
patriotism! All you and your organization have given is
more than enough. Thanks again and take care.”
You Asked, We Listened!
Save on Monthly Wireless Bills
Earlier this year we conducted a company-wide Employee Survey to solicit your feedback on how we can
improve our Organization. We have continued to review the responses and have developed initiatives in each
division based on your responses. From the responses received, it was clear that there was a consistent theme
from our field employees – our phone coverage was causing a significant number of dropped calls and poor
coverage. After reviewing our options we are pleased to announce that over the next few months we will
Continued on the next page...
You Asked, We Listened continued...
begin utilizing a new provider – Verizon! Implementation has begun but we anticipate it will take several
months before we have all company phones under the new provider. We anticipate coverage will improve
significantly and hope that this makes your job less stressful and will improve your efficiency.
Now that we have initiated a change of carriers, all employees have the opportunity to receive up to a 17%
discount on their personal Verizon bills. Please see instructions listed on this page to see how to receive
this discount.
Thank you for your participation in the survey. We are committed to continuing to improve our Company and
the survey has assisted us in determining where our efforts need to be focused moving forward. Together we
will make our Company an even better place to work and for customers to do business with us in the years to come.
Step 1: To get started, log on to www.verizonwireless.com/discounts.
Step 2: Select any combination of phones
and data devices, up to 10.
Monthly Line Access
Basic Phones
Connected Devices
(per device)
Step 3: Choose the amount of data to share, plus
get unlimited minutes and messages for all devices on your account.
Shared Data
250 MB1
500 MB2
1 GB
2 GB
3 GB
4 GB
6 GB
8 GB
10 GB
Monthly Line Access
Data overage is $15/200 MB 2Data overage is $15/200 MB
Data overage for plans with 1 GB or more is $15/1 GB.
Employees Discount up to 17%
Data Only
Validate by Paystub or Other Proof
of Your Employment or Affiliation
• Choose existing Verizon Customers and enter in
the available field either:
-Your existing mobile telephone number, or
-My Verizon user ID.
• Click Log in and Validate.
• Once logged in, click Validate by Paystub or by
Email Address.
• Complete the customer and employer
information on the Employment Validation Form
and click Continue.
• Click Choose File to select paystub or other
proof of employment or affiliation.
-The paystub may be issued within the last
60 days. Please black out any sensitive
personal information.
• Click Log in and Validate.
• Click Upload My Paystub.
• After review, a status notification will be
You can track the status of any recent validation
submission online, by going to Check My Submission Status and entering your Mobile Number and
Billing Zip Code or your Tracking Number.
More questions? Visit http://bit.ly/RegisterFAQs for Discounts and Employment Validation FAQs.
Wi-Fi encryption and Internet security measures are recommended.
Our Surcharges (incl. Fed. Univ. Svc. of 16.6% of interstate & int’l telecom charges (varies quarterly), 21¢ Regulatory & 88¢ Administrative/line/mo., & others by area) are in
addition to monthly access & not taxes (details: 1-888-684-1888); gov’t taxes & our surcharges could add 6% - 42% to your bill. Activation/upgrade fee/line: Up to $35
IMPORTANT CONSUMER INFORMATION: Employee Subscribers are subject to Customer Agmt., Calling Plan, rebate form and credit approval. Up to $175 early termination
fee ($350 for advanced devices) and other charges. Add’l $20 upgrade fee may apply. Device capabilities: Add’l charges and conditions apply. Discounts are subject to your
company’s corporate agreement, proof of employment and may only be available via online business resources. Offers and coverage, varying by service, not available everywhere. While supplies last. Shipping charges may apply. Network details and coverage maps at vzw.com. Rebate debit card takes up to 6 weeks and expires in 12 months.
Page 7 • 4th Quarter 2013
Employee Self-Identification Form
Due to new regulations put in place by the US Government, we are required to ask all of our employees to
voluntarily self-identify their ethnicity, sex, disability, and veteran status. Our status as a government
contractor necessitates that we comply with certain recordkeeping and reporting requirements. In order to do
so, we have included two forms which you may use to self-identify. Completing these forms is voluntary.
The information obtained will be kept completely confidential and will have no bearing on your employment.
Completed forms, can either be mailed to the attention of Corporate Human Resources at 1901 East 119th
St Olathe, KS 66061 or placed in a confidential envelope and returned to your local office manager.
Any questions can be directed to Kyle Pearson ext 1517 or Brenda Schindler ext 1442 in Human
Resources. If you wish to self-identify, please return the attached forms no later than 30 days. We appreciate
your help with this requirement.
The information obtained will be kept confidential and may only be used in accordance with the provisions of
applicable laws, executive orders, and regulations, including those that require the information to be
summarized and reported to the federal government for civil rights enforcement.
[ ] WHITE (not Hispanic or Latino)
[ ] BLACK or AFRICAN AMERICAN (not Hispanic or Latino)
[ ] ASIAN (not Hispanic or Latino)
[ ] AMERICAN INDIAN/ALASKA NATIVE (not Hispanic or Latino)
[ ] NATIVE HAWAIIAN or PACIFIC ISLANDER (not Hispanic or Latino)
[ ] TWO or MORE RACES (not Hispanic or Latino)
This employer is also subject to the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended
by the Jobs for Veterans Act of 2002, 38 U.S.C. 4212 (VEVRAA), which requires Government contractors to
take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment protected veterans in the following categories:
A “disabled veteran” is one of the following:
o a veteran of the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service who is entitled to
compensation (or who but for the receipt of military retired pay would be entitled to
compensation) under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs; or
o a person who was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected
A “recently separated veteran” means any veteran during the three-year period beginning on the
date of such veteran's discharge or release from active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval, or
air service.
An “active duty wartime or campaign badge veteran” means a veteran who served on active duty
in the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service during a war, or in a campaign or expedition for
which a campaign badge has been authorized under the laws administered by the Department of
An “Armed forces service medal veteran” means a veteran who, while serving on active duty in
the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service, participated in a United States military operation
for which an Armed Forces service medal was awarded pursuant to Executive Order 12985.
Protected veterans may have additional rights under USERRA—the Uniformed Services Employment and
Reemployment Rights Act. In particular, if you were absent from employment in order to perform service in
the uniformed service, you may be entitled to be reemployed by your employer in the position you would
have obtained with reasonable certainty if not for the absence due to service. For more information, call the
U.S. Department of Labor's Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS), toll-free, at 1-866-4-USADOL.
As a Government contractor subject to VEVRAA, we are required to submit a report to the United States
Department of Labor each year identifying the number of our employees belonging to each specified
“protected veteran” category. If you believe you belong to any of the categories of protected veterans listed
above, please indicate by checking the appropriate box below.
[ ] I am a protected veteran, but I choose not to self-identify the classifications to which I belong.
[ ] I am NOT a protected veteran.
If you are a disabled veteran it would assist us if you tell us whether there are accommodations we could
make that would enable you to perform the essential functions of the job, including special equipment,
changes in the physical layout of the job, changes in the way the job is customarily performed, provision of
personal assistance services or other accommodations. This information will assist us in making reasonable
accommodations for your disability.
Submission of this information is voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse
treatment. The information provided will be used only in ways that are not inconsistent with the Vietnam Era
Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended.
The information you submit will be kept confidential, except that (i) supervisors and managers may be
informed regarding restrictions on the work or duties of disabled veterans, and regarding necessary
accommodations; (ii) first aid and safety personnel may be informed, when and to the extent appropriate, if
you have a condition that might require emergency treatment; and (iii) Government officials engaged in
enforcing laws administered by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or enforcing the
Americans with Disabilities Act, may be informed.
DH Pace Company, Inc.
1901 E. 119th St.
Olathe, KS 66061
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Congratulations to these employees celebrating
five years or more with the Company.
35 Years
David Hallauer • Kansas City
30 Years
Debbie Allen • Kansas City
Richard Gilbert • Kansas City
Steve Holden • Kansas City
Steve Pascuzzi • Kansas City
25 Years
Larry Nagy • Tempe
Page 8 • 4th Quarter 2013
20 Years
Brian Gillespie • Kansas City
Bonnie Jones • Kansas City
Dave Linn • Kansas City
Greg Mott • Kansas City
Richard Neuhalfen • Denver
Todd Oser • Kansas City
Martin Ruffing • Atlanta
Tom Upchurch • Atlanta
Filberto Zuniga • Denver
15 Years
Phil Baker, Jr. • St. Louis
Ed Forsyth • Kansas City
Robert Hubbard • Atlanta
TJ Justus, Jr. • Atlanta
Shawn Merideth • Kansas City
10 Years
Dave Bodewitz • St. Louis
Ryan Daniel • Kansas City
Eric Farley • Kansas City
10 Years Continued
Keith Green • St. Louis
Tim Lower • Springfield
Mike Palominos • Atlanta
Jeff Rowan • Kansas City
Gordy Turk, Jr. • Denver/Loveland
Sue Wendelbo • Kansas City
Jason Young • Tempe
5 Years
Timothy Arnold • St. Louis
Jaime Dearborn • Denver
David Hall • Kansas City
Randy Kerr • Denver
Rickie McGouirk • Atlanta
Mark Meister • Atlanta
Matt Miller • Atlanta
Alex Newcomer • Kansas City
Justin Richey • Atlanta
Tara Rowland • Kansas City