PLEASE POST A - School District 63

School District No. 63 (Saanich)
Stelly’s Secondary
Deadline for Applications:
Tuesday May 19, 2015 at 2:00 pm
School District No. 63 (Saanich) invites applications for the position of Vice-Principal with an initial
appointment to Stelly’s Secondary School, effective August 1, 2015. This posting is open to
internal candidates only. Interested candidates are invited to review School District No. 63 Policy
5010 (Assignment and Selection of Principals and Criteria for Principals), available through the
District’s website (
Located on the Saanich Peninsula near Victoria, School District No. 63 serves approximately
7,000 students in eight elementary, three middle and three secondary schools, as well as two
Individual Learning Centres (ILC), the South Island Distance Education School (SIDES), the
Children’s Development Centre (CDC) and the Saanich International Student Program (SISP).
The Saanich School District has a well established reputation of excellent student achievement
as well as a culture of caring and respect. The collaborative working environment in Saanich is a
core strength; it has been and continues to be a foundation for ongoing school improvement and
meeting the diverse needs of all students. Parent and community satisfaction with Saanich
schools is extremely high.
The major areas of responsibilities for Vice-Principal are:
Assisting the Principal in the organization and development of educational programs in
support of student achievement
Enhancing a consultative, collaborative, teamwork approach in the school, the district, the
community and with parents
Co-leading the Secondary Graduation Program
Sharing administrative and leadership responsibilities with the Principal
Promoting and implementing the Principles of Inclusive Schools, including strong
advocacy for First Nations students and students with special needs
Providing leadership in curriculum, instruction, assessment, and evaluation for grades 9
to 12
Implementing new directions in comprehensive school health and literacy
Supporting a positive, cooperative and caring environment in the school
Sharing responsibility within the administrative team for organizational issues such as
emergency procedures, graduation events, exam schedules etc.
Assuming classroom teaching responsibilities for approximately 0.125 FTE
The successful candidate will have the following qualifications:
A valid B.C. Teaching Certificate
A Master’s Degree in Education (Administration, Leadership, Curriculum or Counselling)
or working towards a Master’s Degree
An extensive background in successful secondary school teaching, instructional
leadership and working with diverse learners including First Nations students and their
Skills and Qualities:
In addition, the successful candidate will demonstrate that he/she:
Has strong and respectful interpersonal and communication skills with staff, parents,
students, district staff, and the Board of Education
Is a strong advocate for students with diverse needs and abilities, including mentoring
student leaders
Has strong collegial, conflict resolution and consensus-building skills
Practices a collaborative approach to decision making
Is a team player comfortable working with the staff and the other administrators at the
Has experience implementing the principles of restitution and restorative practices
Advocates for responsible student behaviour that helps students take ownership for their
Has strong organizational and management skills
Is confident and skillful in dealing with crisis and emergency situations
Has facility and skill using technology for instructional, planning and administrative
Is familiar with cultural diversity and with local First Nations culture, or demonstrates a
strong desire to learn about First Nations’ history, culture and values
Stelly’s Secondary School has an impressive tradition of academic excellence with high numbers
of students receiving scholarships to post-secondary institutions. The school’s wide-ranging
offerings include French Immersion, dual-credit courses, an advanced technology education
program and a very strong athletic program.
Highly successful educational leaders are invited to consult the Saanich School District’s
website at to learn more about the District and Stelly’s Secondary School.
Potential candidates can also call the office of the Superintendent of Schools for further
information (250-652-7332).
Interested candidates are invited to submit an application to:
Leigh Glancie, Senior Executive Assistant
School District No. 63 (Saanich)
2125 Keating Cross Road
Saanichton, BC V8M 2A5
Phone: 250-652-7332
Deadline date for the receipt of applications is Tuesday May 19, 2015 at 2:00 pm.