a ne way w thin of king caring for others democracy equity social responsibility honesty self responsibility equalityself help openness solidarity A new way of thinking Welcome This prospectus has been designed to give you an insight into the wide range of opportunities on offer at The John Curwen Co-operative Primary Academy. We aim to provide a secure, friendly yet disciplined environment in which every individual child is able to develop their full potential and thrive under the Y-OUR Co-operative values. We expect high standards of work, behaviour and dress from all our children. I am very proud of the way they represent the academy in so many areas of excellence; within and beyond the curriculum. We are also fortunate to have a well-qualified and committed staff who create a high quality learning environment and the benefit of a strong tradition of partnership with the local community and our parents. In return, the academy strapline Y-OUR, clearly states what we stand for and offer you: Yorkshire and Humberside, Open to all, Unlocking potential, Raising aspirations. I hope you will find this prospectus informative. If you want to find out more about The John Curwen Co-operative Primary Academy, I am more than happy to speak to you either on the phone or meet you personally. I look forward to welcoming you to The John Curwen Co-operative Primary Academy and working with you all in the future. Sue Balfour-Bellamy Acting Principal The John Curwen Co-operative Primary Academy g n i p o l e dev ir full the ntial e t o p www.johncurwen.coop 03 A new way of thinking Y-OUR Co-operative values Co-operative schools are about developing a balanced set of values that will help young people become the good citizens our society needs. Our Co-operative Values Self-help Encouraging all within the organisation to help each other, by working together to gain mutual benefits. Helping people to help themselves. Self-responsibility To take responsibility for, and answer to, our actions. Democracy To give our stakeholders a say in the way we run our schools. Equality Equal rights and benefits according to their contribution. Equity Being fair and unbiased. Solidarity Supporting each other and those in other co-operatives. Our Ethical Values Consistent with the values of the founders of the Co-operative Movement, we believe in the ethical values of: • Openness • Honesty • Social responsibility • Caring for others strong traditions 04 The John Curwen Co-operative Primary Academy Part of Y-OUR Co-operative Academies Trust Sharing our values We are proud that The John Curwen Co-operative Primary Academy is part of the expanding national network of almost 800 co-operative schools. All co-operative schools share values which are incorporated into our curriculum. The key drivers for our children are self-responsibility and social responsibility. We share in the belief that a strong partnership between children, parents, teachers, support staff and the wider community is needed to ensure that every child can be given the help and support they need to unlock their full potential. We want our children to take self-responsibility for their own learning and behaviour. This will enable them to build their life skills to become the good citizens of the future and to make the most of what the world can offer them. Schools Co-operative Society Sponsors of The John Curwen Co-operative Primary Academy g n i d l i bu kills s life www.johncurwen.coop 05 A new way of thinking Achievement for all Our academy will be a place where everyone fosters a love of learning through strong partnerships within the school community. We will provide a welcoming, caring and stimulating environment where learning is an enjoyable and happy experience. Our children will be equipped with the skills and knowledge for life in an ever-changing world so they become confident, responsible and enquiring citizens. Your child will be involved with many varied activities within our academy, all of which are carefully planned and structured to meet their needs and National Curriculum requirements. We recognise that every child has individual needs and that children learn at different rates. The National Curriculum includes Mathematics, English (including: reading, writing, spelling 06 and handwriting) Science, Design & Technology, Computing, History, Geography, Art, Music, PE, RE and French. We also focus on the Co-operative values of self-responsibility and social responsibility as well as listening, thinking and speaking skills as drivers for our curriculum. These were identified by our staff as important qualities for our children. School visits are linked to topic work and have included visits to Standedge Tunnel, Eureka, The National Coal Mining Museum and Spen Valley swimming gala as well as the Robinwood residential trips. These are valued and enjoyed by children, parents and teachers alike. We also have visitors into school to enhance topics. These have included Roman and Viking experience days, exotic animals and theatre productions. The John Curwen Co-operative Primary Academy r o f love g n i n lear Part of Y-OUR Co-operative Academies Trust Care for all We are committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all children in our academy. All schools in Kirklees, including our academy, follow the Kirklees Safeguarding Children Board procedures. The academy will, in most circumstances, endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents about their children. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the academy will discuss concerns with Duty and Assessment and/or the Police without parental knowledge (in accordance with Safeguarding procedures). The academy will, of course, always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents. The academy’s safeguarding policy is available upon request and can be viewed on our website. As an academy, we have close contacts with the School Health Service, Family and Community Services and the Police, any or all of whom may become involved in supporting the school community. Should you wish to discuss Child Protection and the safety of your child, or indeed any topic involving your child, please feel free to contact the office who will direct you to the appropriate person. We have qualified registered nurses linked to the academy who work with school age children. They carry out routine screening of vision, hearing, growth and general health. They encourage and promote good health and are pleased to see and discuss this with children and parents. Our School Nursing team is part of Locala. If you have any medical concerns about your child, for whatever reason, do not feel you have to wait for a routine check to be undertaken before speaking to us. If you have any queries about the School Health Service and what it offers please contact the academy office. positive policies www.johncurwen.coop 07 A new way of thinking Home learning Our academy is committed to ensuring that learning continues beyond the classroom and views home learning as an important part of a child's education. Studies have shown that parental participation at home enhances the child’s ability to learn and also promotes the work we do in school. We therefore encourage work to be undertaken at home. In the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 this includes phonics work, number work and reading books. doing within school is preparing them for the wider world, we provide home learning that extends their knowledge and skills in a variety of creative ways. Our academy website also has learning areas in which children can participate. In Key Stage 2 children are still encouraged to read at home. However, as the work they are 08 The John Curwen Co-operative Primary Academy e r a p pre e h t r fo d l r o w r e wid Part of Y-OUR Co-operative Academies Trust Behaviour and discipline We expect the highest standards of behaviour and therefore we have class rules appropriate to the age of the children. These are developed and agreed in consultation with the children and are clearly visible. We believe that children have a right to learn and teachers have a right to teach. We operate a restorative practice behaviour policy which aims to teach, encourage and reward good behaviour and sanction inappropriate behaviour. We believe that children should be aware of how others have been affected by inappropriate behaviour. This is done by engaging those involved in an adult-led non-judgemental and structured approach. Therefore it is important that parents are familiar with the policy. Copies of the academy's restorative practice behaviour policy are available from the academy office and can be viewed on the academy’s website. a right to learn www.johncurwen.coop 09 A new way of thinking Behaviour and discipline We have a Learning Mentor and an Educational Teaching Manager as part of our compliment of staff. They are specifically trained to work with children with emotional or social difficulties. Their specialised role is to work on individual and group programmes which support the children’s development both emotionally and socially. By working closely with external agencies, we are proactive and help promote positive relationships. 10 t h g i r a h c a e t to The John Curwen Co-operative Primary Academy Part of Y-OUR Co-operative Academies Trust Partnership with parents At The John Curwen Co-operative Primary Academy we view your child’s education as a partnership between the academy and yourselves, with both sides working together to support and develop children academically and socially. Parents, or prospective parents, can call into the academy office at any time and be given a warm welcome. By telephoning in advance we can guarantee to put you in touch with the best person to answer your questions. We strive to increase pupil attendance in the academy as research shows this significantly increases the child’s learning journey. We politely ask parents to adhere to the start and finish times of our academy. It is disruptive to lessons and can be upsetting for children to enter class late. It is equally upsetting for children who are not collected on time. open door policy www.johncurwen.coop 11 A new way of thinking Activities to enhance the curriculum At The John Curwen Co-operative Primary Academy we offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities particularly in sport and music. Comic Relief, Red Nose Day, Sports Relief, Macmillan Cancer Research, Children in Need and the British Legion Poppy appeal. These have included dodgeball, rollerskating and multisports. These are all highly popular with our children as they are different to National Curriculum sports. We encourage children to participate in activities to help raise funds for the academy. These funds are always used to the direct benefit of the children, for example school trips and theatre productions. We also support charities which have included 12 The John Curwen Co-operative Primary Academy e d i v o r p e c i o h c Part of Y-OUR Co-operative Academies Trust Physical education Sporting activities allow our children to develop self-confidence and self-esteem, with opportunities to take part in competitive sport or develop a leisure interest. We aim: • To encourage the development of positive attitudes to sporting activities in general, including the enjoyment of participating in sport. • To develop the abilities of all children across a wide range of sporting activities. • To offer opportunities to all children for involvement in sporting activities ‘over and above’ those identified in the National Curriculum. • To develop concepts such as fair play, self-discipline, respect for others, playing within set rules, co-operation, team work, effort and dedication. • To help children understand the benefits of exercise and a healthy lifestyle. positiv attitu e des www.johncurwen.coop 13 caring for others democracy equity social responsibility honesty self responsibility equalityself help openness solidarity w e n a y of wa ng i k n i th The John Curwen Co-operative Primary Academy Leeds Old Road, Heckmondwike. WF16 9BB 01924 326708 • www.johncurwen.coop • office@johncurwen.coop
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