Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology e928305 (10 pages) ! by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2014.928305 ARTICLE THE FIRST SKULL OF SIVAMERYX AFRICANUS (ANTHRACOTHERIIDAE, BOTHRIODONTINAE) FROM THE EARLY MIOCENE OF EAST AFRICA 5 Q1 10 15 Q2 20 JOHN ROWAN,*,1 BRENT ADRIAN,2 and ARI GROSSMAN1,2 School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287, U.S.A.,; 2 Department of Anatomy, Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine, Midwestern University, 19555 N. 59th Avenue, Glendale, Arizona 85308, U.S.A.,, 1 ABSTRACT— Here we describe the first known skull and associated postcrania of the small bothriodontine anthracotheriid Sivameryx africanus, which fills an important gap in the current knowledge of morphological diversity within the Anthracotheriidae of Africa. The skull was recovered from the latest early Miocene sediments of the Kalodirr Member in the Turkana Basin of Northern Kenya, and the age is well constrained between two tephra dated to 17.5 § 0.2 and 16.8 § 0.2 Ma. A partial mandible of Sivameryx from Kalodirr is also described because it may belong to the same individual. The new anatomical data were incorporated into a genus-level phylogenetic analysis of Bothriodontinae that reveals that Sivameryx is the sister taxon to Hemimeryx and belongs to a clade of advanced bothriodontine anthracotheriids alongside the genera Merycopotamus, Libycosaurus, and Afromeryx. The new material of Sivameryx from Kalodirr greatly expands our knowledge of the cranial anatomy of the genus, because the skull of Sivameryx does not reveal any specializations for aquatic habitats, such as those seen in Libycosaurus. Here we suggest, based on the preserved cranial and postcranial evidence, that Sivameryx may have been a small browser that inhabited denser stands of vegetation at Kalodirr based on evidence from its narrow snout and well-developed labial musculature. However, its masticatory muscles were also relatively well developed, suggesting repetitive loading of the jaw when chewing tough vegetation. INTRODUCTION 25 30 35 40 45 50 The early Miocene site of Kalodirr (Fig. 1) in the OmoTurkana Basin, Kenya, is famous for its rich mammalian fauna that includes three sympatric genera of early hominoids: Afropithecus, Simiolus, and Turkanapithecus (Leakey and Leakey, 1986a, 1986b). The Kalodirr fauna, ca. 17 Ma, is critical to interpreting broader patterns of mammalian evolution and biogeography during the early to mid-Miocene of Africa because it contains a variety of artiodactyl taxa that are likely Eurasian immigrants, including listriodontine suids, giraffoids, and anthracotheriids (Grossman, 2008; Orliac, 2009). At the same time that various artiodactyl taxa were entering Africa, hominoids likely dispersed to Eurasia along with other taxa of African origin, thus initiating the ‘hominoid experiment’ in Eurasia (Pickford, 1991; Agusti et al., 2003). Consequently, clarifying the biogeographic and paleoecological links between the early Miocene sites of Africa and Eurasia, and the timing of faunal exchange between the two continents, is of great interest to both paleontologists and paleoanthropologists. Here we describe the first known cranium and partial mandible of Sivameryx africanus, which fills an important gap in our knowledge of the morphological diversity within Anthracotheriidae. The skull was recovered from the latest early Miocene sediments of Kalodirr in the Turkana Basin of Northern Kenya, and although Kalodirr is best known for its hominoid primates, the site has also produced a rich vertebrate fauna that improves our knowledge of terrestrial mammal communities during the Miocene of East Africa (Leakey et al., 2011). *Corresponding author. GEOLOGIC SETTING KNM-WK 18129 comes from the early Miocene Kalodirr Member of the Lothidok Formation in West Turkana, Kenya (Boschetto, 1988; Boschetto et al., 1992). The Kalodirr Member has been dated to the latest early Miocene, and its age is well con- 55 strained by the underlying Kalodirr tuff (17.5 § 0.2 Ma) and the overlying Naserte tuff (16.8 § 0.2 Ma) (Boschetto et al., 1992). The depositional environment at Kalodirr is characterized by gentle fluvial systems, such as small meandering stream channels (Boschetto et al., 1992). Evidence for permanent or semiperma- 60 nent bodies of water comes from the presence of crocodilian, fish, and pelomedusid turtle fossils (Grossman and Holroyd, 2009). The mammalian fauna suggests that the site likely represents a woodland community characterized by both closed and open patches of canopy and swampland (Grossman, 2008; 65 Leakey et al., 2011). SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Class MAMMALIA Linnaeus, 1758 Order ARTIODACTYLA Owen, 1848 Family ANTHRACOTHERIIDAE Leidy, 1869 Subfamily BOTHRIODONTINAE Scott, 1940 Genus SIVAMERYX Lydekker, 1877 SIVAMERYX AFRICANUS (Andrews, 1914) Diagnosis—Modified from Lihoreau and Ducrocq (2007). Small- to medium-sized bothriodontines with pentacuspidate upper molars exhibiting a markedly reduced paraconule (sometimes referred to as ‘quasi-pentacuspidate’); protocone with cingulum developed on the lingual side and two distal crests descending from the protocone apex; loop-like mesostyles and parastyles on the upper molars. The hypoconulid of m3 is in line with the tooth’s buccal cusps. Differs from other bothriodontines 70 Q3 75 80 e928305-2 JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY Afromeryx, Hemimeryx, Libycosaurus, Merycopotamus, and Telmatodon by the presence of a paraconule on the upper molars. Differs from Bothriogenys by its long preprotocristid and prehypocristid. Differs from Brachyodus by its much smaller size and 85 loop-like mesostyles. Sivameryx africanus differs from Sivameryx moneyi by its larger size. Other African Localities—Rusinga, Kenya; Oued Bazina, Tunisia; Jebel Zelten, Libya. Dental Nomenclature—Dental nomenclature follows Lihor- 90 eau and Ducrocq (2007). Incisors are indicated by I or i, canines by C or c, premolars by P or p, and molars by M or m. Capital letters refer to upper teeth, whereas lower case letters indicate lower dentition. Specific cusp terminology is illustrated in Figure 2. 95 Institutional Abbreviation—KNM, Kenyan National Museums, Nairobi, Kenya. DESCRIPTION AND COMPARISONS FIGURE 1. Map of Kalodirr in the Turkana Basin, Kenya. KNM-WK 18129 consists of a partial cranium, mandibular fragment, and radius attributed to the small bothriodontine 100 anthracotheriid Sivameryx africanus (Figs. 3, 4, 6). During the fossilization process the skull was distorted, with the torsion occurring just anterior to the jugal bones. The snout is short; it is sheared anteriorly in a diagonal plane that extends from the canine root on the left to roughly a centimeter anterior to 105 the canine crown on the right side. As a result, the premaxilla on the right preserves only its posterior aspect and is completely missing on the left side. The nasals are also unequally preserved, extending further anteriorly on the right than on the left; neither of the nasal bones preserves its most rostral edge. The choanae 110 are dorsoventrally crushed so that there is no continuity between FIGURE 2. Dental terminology used in this work. JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY e928305-3 FIGURE 3. Cranium of Sivameryx (KNM-WK 18129). A, ventral view; B, dorsal view; C, lateral view; D, lateral view schematic; E, posterior view. Occipital fragment of Sivameryx. F, dorsal view; G, ventral view; H, posterior view. Abbreviations: buc, buccinator; fr, frontal; j, jugal; l, lachrymal; lab, levator labii; levr, levator rostri; mas, masseter; m, maxilla; n, nasal. Scale bar equals 10 mm. the anterior and posterior nasal cavities. The right maxilla is fully preserved and contains a broken canine, alveoli of P1–P3, and a complete tooth row from P4 to M3. On the left maxilla, the 115 canine root is preserved, along with a complete P1, the alveolus of P2, and the entire P3–M3 tooth row. The palatomaxillary suture is not visible, and the posterior nasal spine of the palatine is broken. Evidence of a large incisive foramen, as in Afromeryx, is absent. There is a ca. 10 mm space between the palatine and e928305-4 JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY FIGURE 4. Fragment of right anterior dentary of Sivameryx (KNM-WK 18129). A, buccal view; B, lingual view. Scale bar equals 10 mm. 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 the ethmoid bone, the latter being almost entirely preserved. The frontal bone is distorted and has collapsed to a level below the dorsal margin of the orbits; there is a conical puncture posterior to the nasofrontal junction that is ca. 10 mm wide and ca. 5 mm deep. On the left side of the skull, the orbit is well preserved and is composed externally of the frontal, lachrymal, and jugal bones; the frontal composes the dorsal portion of the orbit, and the jugal forms its ventral and lateral margins. The jugal is well preserved and exhibits a long temporal process; on the right the process is missing. Postorbital constriction is marked. Bones of the neurocranium are mostly missing; the majority of the sphenoid is missing, in addition to the vomer, temporal, and parietal bones. The skull is broken right at the level of the sphenoid-palatine junction. Part of the dorsal-most occipital was recovered, but the posterior portion of the cranium is fragmentary and does not permit a faithful reconstruction of skull length. In anterior view, the anterior-most portion of the snout is square in cross-section but widens slightly at the palate. The jugals are mediolaterally wide and robust and are dorsoventrally thick; they make contact with the maxillae just dorsal to P3. The lateral margin of the jugal bone is angular and forms a moderate anteroposterior keel for the origin of the masseter muscle; this keel originates just above P3 and extends posteriorly along the preserved length of the jugal. Ventrally, the maxillae have slight lateral flare, giving the lateral walls of the snout a concave shape in anterior view. The maxillary and nasal bones meet at a 90! angle, forming a well-defined ridge that extends from P2 to the anterior-most portion of the skull that was preserved, probably terminating in front of the canine; however, this may be due to the distorted nature of the snout. This maxillary-nasal ridge continues posteriorly as the jugal keel. No evidence of a facial tuberosity was preserved, although there is a roughened surface anterior to the orbit that may have been the origin of the levator rostri muscle. The frontal bones are distorted. In lateral view, it appears that the dorsal margin of the orbit would have been at the same level as the top of the braincase. Thus, the orbits of Sivameryx sit level with the braincase, which contrasts to the condition seen in other bothriodontines such as Brachyodus and Libycosaurus, where the dorsal orbital margin is elevated above the braincase (Orliac et al., 2013; Lihoreau et al., 2014). In lateral view, the anterior margin of the orbit is dorsal to and in line with the distal side of M2. This differs from the condition seen in Libycosaurus petrocchii, where the anterior margin of the orbit is more posterior, because it is dorsal to and in line with the mesial side of M2 in the complete cranium from Toros Menalla, TM90-00-68. The orbit is circular in outline and was likely open posteriorly because there is no evidence of a postorbital process. There is a small angled boss at the anterodorsal margin of the orbit. Due to the poor state of preservation, no foramina inside the orbit could be identified confidently. The perpendicular plate of the palatine forms the ventromedial aspect of the bony orbit. The outline of the nasofrontal suture is not well marked, but it appears to have occurred just anterior to the orbits. The nasals are flat and show no sign of a ‘domed’ condition. No supraorbital foramina can be securely identified. The cranial vault is only slightly elevated and forwardly inclined relative to the snout in lateral view; braincase flexion is low. No welldefined temporal lines are apparent in dorsal view, unlike the condition observed in other bothriodontines such as Afromeryx and Libycosaurus. In posterior view, the anterior portion of the brain case is preserved as a relatively small depression; the cranial cavity is constricted anteriorly and widens posteriorly, forming a conical depression in the skull in posterior view. The posterior nasal spine of the palatine is partially preserved, because its dorsal-most portion is broken. The ethmoid is present and its perpendicular plate is preserved, extending ventrally towards the palatines. The dorsalmost portion of the occipital was recovered and exhibits a prominent crest across the dorsal nuchal line; the bone is robust and exhibits a shallow nuchal fossa. A sagittal crest is present. Evidence from the occipital and frontal bones suggests that the cranial vault was relatively dorsoventrally thick. The upper dental formula is ?.1.4.3., and the postcanine teeth increase in size distally. Dental metrics are given in Table 1. In ventral view, the tooth rows are parallel and remain relatively straight throughout their course. Overall, the entire palate is shallow and flat and is widest posteriorly at the level of M3. The ventral width of the snout just posterior to the canines is 39.4 mm. There is a slight depression of the palate between the canines. The palatine bones are thin and what are likely the greater palatine foramina are present just posterior to the third molar. However, the posterior extension of the palatines is unknown, because the specimen preserves little anatomy behind the level of M3. The palatomaxillary suture is not visible. The upper incisors are missing. The right maxilla is slightly distorted but preserves C, P4, M1, M2, M3, and the alveoli of P1, P2, P3; the right M3 is broken and missing most of its buccal surface. The left maxilla preserves P1, P3–M3, and the canine root. There is a diastema present just anterior to the canine; however, due to the state of preservation, an accurate measurement could not be taken. The canine is circular in cross-section at its base but tapers ovately to become buccolingually compressed distally. In midsection, the canine is oval and buccolingually compressed. A diastema (ca. 8 mm) separates the canine from the first premolar. On the left side, the crown of P1 is broken, but the tooth appears to have been buccolingually compressed 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY e928305-5 FIGURE 5. Fragmentary right lower jaw of Sivameryx (KNM-WK 18124). A, occlusal view; B, medial view; C, lateral view. Scale bar equals 10 mm. and mesiodistally long; its main cusp runs at a 45! angle with respect to the long axis of the maxilla. The alveolus of P2 is 220 poorly preserved, and nothing can be said about its morphology. P3 has a large central cusp with a buccodistally descending crest and a much smaller cusp on the lingual side of the tooth; the tooth is rectangular in occlusal view. P4 is bicuspidate and is trapezoidal in occlusal view; the buccal cusp is slightly taller than 225 the lingual cusp and possesses two crests that descend distally and one that descends buccally. There is no cingulum present on any of the premolars. The quasi-pentacuspidate upper molars are buccolingually wider than mesiodistally long and are relatively brachyodont. 230 The selenodonty is advanced, and the tall cusps give the teeth high relief. In all molars, the paraconule is significantly reduced. The mesostyle forms a smooth loop towards the buccal side of the teeth, and the parastyle is relatively more angular in its overall course. The metastyle is present and projects distally. The preparacristule is shelf-like and wraps around the mesiolingual 235 side of the paracone; the rib of the paracone is bulbous and descends buccally. The median transverse valley is narrow at its base and is level with the cervix; it is open lingually but closed buccally because of contact between the postparacrista and the mesostyle. A shelf-like cingulum is present on M3 and covers the 240 mesial, lingual, and distal portions of the tooth; it is most prominent lingually. A prominent cingulum is also present on the palatal side of M2. e928305-6 JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY FIGURE 6. Right radius of Sivameryx (KNM-WK 18129). A, B, anterior view; C, D, posterior view; E, distal view; F, proximal view. Scale bar equals 10 mm. 245 250 255 260 265 270 The anterior portion of the right dentary bone was preserved in association with the cranium (Fig. 4). This bone exhibits a shallow and dorsoventrally long canine fossa, suggesting long upper canines. The root of the lower canine is present, but because of its fragmentary nature, nothing can be said about its morphology except that it appears to have been buccolingually compressed. The angle of the ventral margin of the dentary is steep and suggests that the mandible deepened posteriorly. Despite evidence of posterior deepening, the anterior dentary is relatively mediolaterally thin. A partial dentary bone (KNM-WK 18124; Fig. 5) may belong to the same individual, although its association with the skull KNM-WK 18129 is more tentative than the other elements. The hemimandible is from the right side and preserves m2 and m3; the root of m1 is present, but the crown has been broken off. Dental metrics are given in Table 2. The selenodonty is more advanced than the condition observed in teeth of Afromeryx. The mandibular body is deep and robust, and it is mediolaterally widest just below m3. Prominent shelving of the mandibular body starts just anterior to m3 and widens posteriorly, a condition that is more pronounced relative to Afromeryx specimens from Jabal Zaltan that are comparable in size, such as X-57 (Pickford, 1991:1504). There is a retromolar space between the m3 and the anterior margin of the ascending ramus. In lateral view, the ventral margin of the mandible exhibits gradual curvature from m1 to m3 and then becomes depressed dorsally just posterior to the end of the tooth row. Due to the state of preservation, nothing can be said about the crown morphology of m1. On m2, the hypoconid projects more buccodistally relative to the protoconid; both cusps are equal in length and height. The m2 metaconid is the tallest cusp on the tooth, whereas the entoconid is level with the hypoconid and protoconid. A cingulum is present on the buccal surface of m3 extending from the metaconid to the entoconid. As in m2, the m3 hypoconid projects more buccodistally relative to the protoconid. A hypoconulid is present and is bulbous, sloping forward anterolingually but in line with the buccal cusps. The entoconid is the tallest cusp of the m3. In all lower molars, linguobuccal compression of the lingual cusps is exhibited. A near-complete right radius was found with the skull (Fig. 6). The midshaft of the diaphysis is missing, but the proximal and distal ends were recovered and are well preserved. In articular view, the proximal end is rectangular in outline and has a wide and shallow articulation posteriorly to accommodate the lateral facet of the ulna. The neck is anteroposteriorly compressed, and there is a prominent tuberosity on the anterior surface. The diaphysis is oval in cross-section and is proximally mediolaterally wide in its proximal end, but it tapers to become anteroposteriorly wide in its distal end. A broad posterolateral groove on the diaphysis permits contact with the ulna. The distal surface is roughly circular in articular view. A shallow scaphoid articular surface is present on the medial side. The centrally placed lunar articular surface is deep and well defined by its posterior margin. A shallow extensor tendon groove is present anteriorly, with a wide and robust lateral ridge; the medial ridge is less 275 280 285 290 295 JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY e928305-7 FIGURE 7. Consensus tree of Bothriodontinae based on 51 craniodental characters. 300 pronounced, although this may be related to the preservation of this particular fossil. PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS In order to determine the phylogenetic relationships of Sivameryx africanus, a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of 12 anthra305 cotheriid genera was constructed in MrBayes version 3.2.2. using the data set provided by Lihoreau and Ducrocq (2007) with the recent character updates of Rincon et al. (2013). A representative species for each genus was chosen based on the completeness of data. New data from KNM-WK 18129 were coded for the 310 skull of Sivameryx and are given in Appendix 2; additional data on the mandible of Sivameryx were collected from Pickford (1991) and Holroyd et al. (2010). The data set contained 51 TABLE 1. Dental metrics for the skull of Sivameryx (KNM-WK 18129). Tooth Right P1 Right P2 Right P3 Right P4 Right M1 Right M2 Right M3 Left P1 Left P2 Left P3 Left P4 Left M1 Left M2 Left M3 Mesiodistal length Buccolingual length — — — 9.7 12.4 13.6 19.9 11.2 — 9.5 9.7 11.6 14.6 16.6 — — — 13.1 14.7 18.3 20.3 5.9 — 12.5 14.2 15.5 18.7 18.9 craniodental characters as given by Lihoreau and Ducrocq (2007) and included the majority of bothriodontine genera. Preliminary analyses using the complete data set of all 27 taxa provided by Lihoreau and Ducrocq (2007) did not change the topology of the tree, so only an analysis of Bothriodontinae is presented here using a microbunodontine taxon as the outgroup. Microbunodon was designated as the outgroup for the bothriodontine analysis presented here because its character matrix had no missing data. The analysis was run for 2,500,000 generations, and trees were sampled every 100 generations; the first 25% was discarded as burn-in. The consensus tree is shown in Figure 7. The basal split in Bothriodontinae is between a clade uniting Bothriogenys C Brachyodus and all other bothriodontines; within the latter clade, Aepinacodon and Bothriodon are sister taxa and are separate from all other genera. Arretotherium is the next genus to diverge, and the remaining phylogeny is a split between Elomeryx and a clade of the other advanced bothriodontines Hemimeryx, Sivameryx, Merycopotamus, Libycosaurus, and Afromeryx. Afromeryx is the first to diverge within this clade of advanced bothriodontines, followed by the divergence of two lineages, one of which leads to Merycopotamus C Libycosaurus and the other to Sivameryx C Hemimeryx. These results replicate the phylogeny of Bothriodontinae by Lihoreau and Ducrocq (2007); therefore, the inclusion of new cranial characters for Sivameryx does not alter the tree topology. TABLE 2. Dental metrics for Sivameryx lower jaw fragment (KNMWK 18124). Tooth Right m2 Right m3 Mesiodistal length Buccolingual length 20 33 18 20 315 320 325 330 335 e928305-8 JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY DISCUSSION 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 375 380 385 390 395 400 405 The Anthracotheriidae are a diverse family of artiodactyls with a fossil record spanning the Eocene to the Pliocene throughout Eurasia, Africa, and the Americas (Holroyd et al., 2010; Rincon et al., 2013). We attribute the Kalodirr specimens to Sivameryx and not to Afromeryx, Libycosaurus, and other quadricuspidate bothriodontines based on the presence of a paraconule, making the upper molars pentacuspidate, and not to Brachyodus based on its much smaller size and loop-like styles on the upper molars. KNM-WK 18129 further differs from Afromeryx by possessing a cingulum that extends onto the metaconule and a median transverse valley that is level with, instead of elevated above, the cervix of the upper molars. KNM-WK 18129 further differs from Brachyodus by molars that are considerably more selenodont. Additionally, the Kalodirr specimen possesses four upper premolars, whereas Libycosaurus possesses five. The paraconule is markedly more reduced than in specimens of Elomeryx from Eurasia and secures the generic identification as Sivameryx. We follow the most recent taxonomic revision of African Anthracotheriidae (Holroyd et al., 2010) and attribute the Kalodirr specimen to Sivameryx africanus. Earlier classifications of Lihoreau (2003) and Lihoreau and Ducrocq (2007) supported the synonymy of S. africanus with S. palaeindicus by noting that the Asian and the African specimens of Sivameryx are morphologically and metrically similar in dental characters and may represent a single, widely dispersed species. Given the lack of cranial material for Asian specimens of Sivameryx, the cranial evidence is too scanty to bear on this issue in the present work, and we follow Holroyd et al. (2010) in recognizing Sivameryx africanus as a valid taxon. The recovery of KNM-WK 18129 from the latest early Miocene of Kenya clarifies the anatomy of Sivameryx africanus and permits inferences about the paleoecology of the genus during the early Miocene of East Africa. A semiaquatic niche has historically been suggested for anthracotheriids based on contextual and morphological evidence. For example, Pickford (1983) noted that anthracotheriids were among the most common fossils recovered from fluvial and lacustrine deposits, particularly those representing lake margins, in association with fish and aquatic reptiles, and suggested that this revealed a semiaquatic lifestyle analogous to modern hippopotamids. Similarly, with respect to cranial anatomy, elevation of the dorsal rims of the orbits above the frontal bone is often taken as evidence for partial submersion of the skull, an aquatic adaptation similar to the condition seen in the skull of Hippopotamus (Orliac et al., 2013). In contrast to the condition of taxa such as Brachyodus, Merycopotamus, and Libycosaurus (Orliac et al., 2013; Lihoreau et al., 2014), the dorsal rim of the orbits are level with the braincase in the Kalodirr specimen of Sivameryx, suggesting a primarily terrestrial lifestyle. The Kalodirr skull is robust, and the muscle markings on it suggest that the individual possessed equally robust musculature, despite the small size of the specimen. For example, the widely flared and keeled jugals offer a large origin area for the masseter muscles. The well-developed sagittal crest, as evinced in the occipital fragments, reveals strong posterior fibers of the temporalis muscle. Both masseter and temporalis are chewing muscles; thus, the relatively large insertion and origin areas on the skull of Sivameryx suggest that the taxon engaged in repetitive loading of the jaw musculature when chewing vegetation. There is a deep groove along the lateral surface of the snout where buccinator would have run anteroposteriorly along the skull. The anterior portion of the snout preserves evidence of relatively large insertion areas for the muscles of labial elevation, suggesting that the lips of Sivameryx were suited to selectively crop vegetation, presumably browse. Evidence for a narrow anterior snout also suggests selective feeding and a browsing niche. The canine fossa of the Kalodirr skull is deep, and from this it can be inferred that the specimen most likely represents a male, because Sivameryx is known to be sexually dimorphic in canine size (Holroyd et al., 2010). Furthermore, poorly defined sutures and a fully erupted M3 suggest that the specimen is an adult individual; however, assessment of suture morphology may be affected by the state of preservation. Despite the fact that the Kalodirr skull most likely represents an adult male, the associated radius indicates a small and relatively gracile postcranial skeleton. Unfortunately, the fragmentary nature of the radius prevents any detailed ecomorphological comparisons that would permit inferences of locomotion. However, what is clear is that the limb elements of Sivameryx clearly differed from other taxa such as Merycopotamus and Libycosaurus, both of which possess massive limb bones (Lihoreau and Ducrocq, 2007). The early Miocene habitats of Kalodirr have been reconstructed as a mosaic of woodlands characterized by both closed and open patches of canopy, with the presence of some swampland (Grossman, 2008; Leakey et al., 2011). Based on the Kalodirr anthracotheriid’s relatively small size and apparent terrestrial adaptations, Sivameryx africanus may have filled an ecological niche similar to modern tragulids or duikers during the early Miocene of East Africa, a suggestion previously made by Lihoreau and Ducrocq (2007). Thus, Sivameryx, at least in Africa, might have been a relatively small and cryptic animal that foraged and sought refuge in denser stands of vegetation. The puncture present on the top of the braincase is likely the result of predation from a Kalodirr crocodilian, or a member of Kalodirr’s particularly rich carnivore guild that includes amphicyonids (e.g., Cynelos), barbourofelids (e.g., Afrosmilus), and hyaenodontids (e.g., Hyainailouros) (Grossman, 2008). CONCLUSIONS We describe new material of a bothriodontine anthracotheriid from the early Miocene of Kalodirr, Kenya, and attribute the specimen to the genus Sivameryx based primarily on its small size and its upper molar structure. We use the species Sivameryx africanus and not S. palaeindicus for the Kalodirr specimen based on the most recent revision of African Anthracotheriidae. A phylogenetic analysis with new data for the skull of Sivameryx does not change the tree topology recovered by Lihoreau and Ducrocq (2007) because Sivameryx is recovered as the sister taxon to Hemimeryx. The new material of Sivameryx from Kalodirr greatly expands our knowledge of the cranial anatomy of small African representatives of Bothriodontinae, because the skull of Sivameryx does not reveal any specializations for aquatic habitats, such as those seen in other African taxa, such as Libycosaurus. Here we suggested that Sivameryx may have been a small browser that inhabited denser stands of vegetation at Kalodirr based on evidence from its narrow snout and welldeveloped labial musculature. However, its masticatory muscles were also relatively well developed, suggesting repetitive loading of the jaw when chewing tough vegetation. 410 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 460 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank E. Mbua and staff at KNM for access to specimens in their care, M. G. Leakey for encouragement and information about the Kalodirr fauna, and H. Glowacka and E. R. Miller for helpful comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. We 465 thank JVP technical editor J. M. Harris, JVP editor G. W. Rougier, and the reviewers of this manuscript, S. Ducrocq and M. Pickford, for their most helpful comments. Q4 JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY LITERATURE CITED 470 475 480 485 490 495 500 Agusti, J., A. Siria, and M. Garc!es. 2003. Explaining the end of the hominoid experiment in Europe. Journal of Human Evolution 45: 145–153. Boschetto, H. B. 1988. Geology of the Lothidok Range. M.Sc. thesis, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 203 pp. Boschetto, H. B., F. H. Brown, and I. McDougall. 1992. Stratigraphy of the Lothidok Range, Northern Kenya, and K/Ar ages of its Miocene primates. Journal of Human Evolution 22:47–71. Grossman, A. 2008. Ecological and morphological diversity in catarrhine primates from the Miocene of Africa. Ph.D. dissertation, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, 430 pp. Grossman, A., and P. A. Holroyd. 2009. 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The first skull of Sivameryx africanus (Anthracotheriidae, Bothriodontinae) from the early Miocene of East Africa. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2014.928305. Q5 e928305-10 535 540 545 550 555 560 565 570 575 580 585 590 595 JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY APPENDIX 1. Characters and character states for 51 craniodental characters of Anthracotheriidae from Lihoreau and Ducrocq (2007) and Rincon et al. (2013). (1) Lower incisors: three (0); from two to three (1); two (2). (2) Upper incisors: three of equal size (0); three with I3 reduced to 60% or less (1); two (2). (3) Lower incisor morphology: not caniniform (0); one caniniform incisors (1). (4) Relative dimension of lower incisors: all equal size (0); i2 larger (1); i3 larger (2). (5) Wear on lower canine: distal wear facet caused by the contact with upper C (0); mesial wear facet cause by contact with I3 (1). (6) Upper canine morphology: strong with subcircular crosssection (0); strong and laterally compressed (1); premolariform (2). (7) Lower canine in males: premolariform (0); large (1); evergrowing (2). (8) Lower canine cross-section at cervix: subcircular (0); elliptical with rounded mesial margin and distal keel (1); elliptical with a mesial and a distal crest (2); elliptical with a concave buccal margin and a distal keel (3). (9) Accessory cusps on the mesial crest of lower premolars: none (0); only one (1); several (2). (10) Presence of five upper premolars: no (0); yes (1). (11) Distolabial crest on upper premolars: simple (0); with a maximum of two accessory cusps (1); with more than two (2). (12) Accessory cusp on p4: no (0); yes (1). (13) p1 roots: one (0); two (1). (14) Mesial crests on P1–P3: one (0); two (1). (15) Number of P4 roots: three (0); two (1); one (2). (16) Accessory cusp on distolingual margin of P3: one (0); none (1). (17) Upper molar mesostyle; simple (0); ‘V’-shaped and invaded by a transversal valley (1); loop-like (2); divided into two (3). (18) Number postprotocristae: one (0), two (1). (19) Accessory cusp on upper molar mesial cingulum: no (0); yes (1). (20) Number of cristules issued from the metaconule: two (0); three (1). (21) Preprotocristids and prehypocristids on lower molars: do not reach the lingual margin of the tooth (0); reach the lingual margin (1). (22) Hypoconulid on m3: loop-like (0); single cusp (1). (23) Postentocristid on lower molars: does not reach the posthypocristid and leaves the lingual valley open (0); reaches the posthypocristid and closes the lingual valley (1). (24) Dimension of the lingual and labial cusps: equal (0); different (1). State (1): labial cusps twice as large at their base as the lingual cusp. (25) Entoconulid on m3: absent (0); present (1). (26) Number of cristids issued from the hypoconulid: three (0); two (1). (27) Position of the preentocristid on lower molars: reaches the hypoconid summit (0); reaches the prehypocristid (1). (28) Premetacristid on lower molars: present (0); absent (1). (29) Mesial part of looplike hypoconulid: open (0); pinched (1). (30) Entoconid fold on lower molars: absent (0); present (1). (31) Ventral vascular groove on mandible: slightly marked (0); absent (1); strongly marked (2). (32) Morphology of mandibular symphysis cross-section: ‘U’shaped (0); ‘V’-shaped (1). (33) Transverse constriction of mandible at Cp1 diastema: no (0); yes (1). (34) Cp1 diastema: absent (0); present (1). (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) p1‒p2 diastema: absent (0); present (1). Lateral mandibular tuberosity: absent (0); present (1). Dentary bone fusion at the symphysis: no (0); yes (1). Morphology of the symphysis is sagittal section: elliptic (0); dorsally concave (1); ventrally concave (2). Maximal thickness of the symphysis in sagittal section: in the middle part (0); in the anterior part (1); in the posterior part (2). Number and position of main external mandibular foramina: only one foramen, below the anterior part of the premolar row (0); two foramina, one below the anterior part of the premolar row, the other below its posterior part (1); one foramen, below the posterior part of the premolar row (2). Tuberosity on the dorsal border of the mandible at c–p1 diastema: no (0); yes (1). Palatine depression between the canines: no (0); yes (1). Canine fossa: short (0); long (1). Aperture of the main palatine foramen: between M3 and P3 (0); between P2 and P1 (1); between P1 and C (2). Morphology of the frontonasal suture: ‘V’-shaped (0); rounded or straight (1). Lachrymal extension: separated from the nasal by the frontal (0); in contact with the nasal (1). Supraorbital foramina on the frontal: one (0); several (1). Facial crest: horizontal (0); oblique (1). Anterior border of premaxillary in lateral view: concave (0); convex (1). Postglenoid foramen position: posterior to the styloid process of the tympanic bulla (0); anterior to the styloid process of the tympanic bulla (1). Opening of internal choanae: at M3 (0); behind M3 (1). 600 605 610 615 620 625 630 APPENDIX 2. Character matrix of 51 craniodental characters for 12 anthracotheriid genera with commands for MrBayes version 3.2.2. Microbunodon_minimum 000011010000000100000000011000011100111100001000000 Bothriogenys_fraasi 00??0202000000?110010010000000000100012000?00?000?1 Brachyodus_aequatorialis 22120202000001?110000010011100000100112000020000001 Aepinacodon_americanus 0001020200000001210000100110100011101120000000000?0 Elomeryx_crispus 000000130001000121010011011010000110021000000000001 Bothriodon_velaunus 0001020200000001210100100110100011101120000?0000000 Hemimeryx_blanfordi ??0???132??11???2200100101101000010002101?????????? Afromeryx_zelteni 10000013101101?121000001011010000100021100?11?1?0?1 Sivameryx_africanus 0?0001131011110121001001011010000100021111?????0??1 Aretotherium_acridens 00010013000000?120000011011010000110021000001?1?001 Merycopotamus_dissimilis 000000231011110130001101011111200100020200111111011 Libycosaurus_petrocchii 110000132121111120001101011111100100021101121111111 635 640 645 650 655
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