Canine Good Citizenship & Therapy Dog Testing Saturday May 2nd, 2015 Tesng offered on May 2nd from 10 AM—12 PM for dogs and handlers who would like to pracce the skills required to pass the tests. Pre-registraon is required for both tesng and workshop. Dogs must be a year old to take the TDI test. *HEALTH RECORD REQUIRED* COMMUNITY CANINE WORKSHOP Community Canine is a Workshop and the cost is $25.00. This workshop will start at 1:00 PM and you do bring a dog to work. It is NOT a test but only to prac4ce and informa4on for the test. AKC Community Canine is the third and most advanced level of the Canine Good Cizen Program. In AKC Community Canine, dogs can earn the CGCA (Advanced CGC) tle. The goal of AKC Community Canine is to test the dog’s skills in a natural seHng. For example, rather than the dog being tested in a ring, in AKC Community Canine, the “walks through a crowd” test item will involve the dog walking through a real crowd at a dog show, on a busy sidewalk, at a training club or in a local park. PLEASE REGISTER ME FOR TDI/CGC PLEASE CHECK YOUR OPTION: TEST AND/OR WORK SHOP ______ CGC Test $5.00 NAME: ______________________________ ______ TDI Test $10.00 ADDRESS: ____________________________ ______ COMMUNITY CANINE $25.00 CITY: _________________ STATE: __________ ZIP: ______________ PLEASE MAKES CHECKS TO: BON-CLYDE LEARNING CENTER CONTACT PHONE: _____________________ P.O. BOX 2208 EMAIL: ______________________________ SANFORD, N.C. 27331-2208 DOG’S NAME: _________________________ EMAIL: BON-CLYDE@WINDSTREAM.NET AGE: ________ BREED: ______________________________ WWW.BON-CLYDE.COM 919-770-4861
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