Hastings Middle School Friday Flier A Week Week of April 27 – May 1, 2015 Calendar for April 27 – May 1, 2015 Monday, April 27 Tuesday, April 28 Wednesday, April 29 Thursday, April 30 Friday, May 1 6th Grade Parent/Student Meeting for 7th Grade Trip Next Year, 6:30pm Tyler’s Light Parent Presentation, 7:15pm (see attachment) Chicago Parent/Student Required Meeting, 7:30pm Service Hours Due Calendar for May 4 – May 8, 2015 Monday, May 4 Tuesday, May 5 Wednesday, May 6 Thursday, May 7 Friday, May 8 DC Parent/Student Meeting, Required, 7:30pm AIR Testing, 8th Grade Science Grades 7 & 8 Choir Concert, 7:30pm Air Testing, 6th Grade Social Studies 8th Grade Orchestra to UA Elementary Schools, All Day 7th Grade Parent Network Meeting @ Giant Eagle, 8:30am 8th Grade Honors Dessert, 7:30pm 6th Grade Social, 3:30 – 5:00pm 6th Grade Parent Meeting: Please note the time for the 6th grade parent meeting concerning the Pittsburgh trip on Monday, April 27, has been changed to 6:30pm to accommodate the Tyler’s Light Presentation at 7:15pm on the same night. Thank you! Cheerleading Tryouts: All 6th and 7th graders interested in trying out for cheerleading should attend an informational meeting on Monday, April 27 in room 201 from 3:30-4:00. AIR Testing: The third round of state required testing will occur on May 5 for 8th graders and May 6 for 6th graders. All students will report to first period then report to their testing locations. Please make every attempt to have your children in school and on time on these days. Please see your grade level counselor with questions or concerns. Thank you! Follow-up To Shadowing Day: Parents please remind your son/daughter to write and mail a thank you letter to his/her Shadowing Day host. Students received a model in a packet of materials that they were to take on April 23 as they shadowed. Service Club: There will be a Service Club meeting Thursday, April 30 in room 106 from 3:30-4:30. We will be finalizing our plans for Burbank Early Childhood School. Tyler’s Light: Tyler's Light will be speaking to all 8th graders on Monday during enrichment. For more information on Tyler's Light please go to tylerslight.com. Sixth Grade Social: The sixth grade NEON social is on May 8th from 3:30-5:00. PLEASE note this is a new time to accommodate students who also want to attend the Wickliffe Celebration with their families. In addition, it gives parents the opportunity to volunteer at both events. Parents we need your help. You will be receiving an email with a link to Sign Up Genius. Please consider volunteering. We couldn't have class parties like this without you. 2014-2015 Service Hours: Service hours are due on Friday, May 1. The expectation is that all students complete 10 hours of service each school year. Service hours should be submitted online at https://webapp.uaschools.org/community/. Questions should be directed to Leslie Wilson (lwilson@uaschools.org). From the Nurse: Attention parents of students attending the upcoming Chicago and DC school trips. There is considerable preparation involved when planning for the various health and medical needs of ~ 500 students. Your cooperation in completing the Medical Information form as soon as possible is greatly appreciated. Thank you! Student International Travel-Italy/Greece 2016! I have an exciting and important announcement! We have many students enrolling on the educational tours that were offered to our community last week in anticipation of the deadline tomorrow. As our tours are filling, and EF is beginning to make our travel arrangements, it is imperative that we know who is committing to the 2016 tours th by midnight, Friday April 24 . This will also ensure you are getting the lowest possible price and lowest monthly payments offered by EF. Please know that we are available to answer any questions you may have and we plan to hold a parent meeting once the full tour group is set after this deadline. Here is how to sign up for the trip and secure your spot. Simply enroll with a $95 deposit to lock in your pricing. • Enroll online: enter tour website • OR enroll over the phone: 800-665-5364 Payment Options 1.) Pay in Full at enrollment 2.) Automatic Payment Plan – Free 3.) Manual Payment Plan - $50 plan fee All the best! Eric Wylie Dear 7th Grade Students & Parents, Please join us on May 15th, 2015 from 6:30-8:30 at HMS for the 1st annual Empty Bowls Celebration! This event is hosted by Hastings Middle School 7th grade Art students as a culminating event for their service learning about HUNGER in our community. Donate to the Mid-Ohio Food Bank and enjoy soup and bread in a ceramic bowl handmade by our students! The bowl is yours to keep and will serve as a reminder to those who go hungry in our community. *One bowl per family please *Suggested donation is $5-$10 per person Special thanks to Panera Bread for providing the soup and Huffman's Market for providing the bread! Please RSVP by May 1st using the link to Sign Up Genius below: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0a4dadad29a7fb6-empty We hope to see you there! Laura Tobin and Elizabeth Egbert HMS Athletics HMS Spring Sports Recognition Night is May 26, 7pm, HMS Auditorium. Spring Coaches: Baseball 7/8 Brad Piunno, bpiunno@uaschools.org Softball 7 Diane Balog, dbalog@uaschools.org Softball 8 Emily Hollett, emhollett@gmail.com Boys Lax Dan Hendrickson, dhendrickson@uaschools.org Girls Lax Rebecca Smock, rsmock@uaschools.org Girls Lax Asst. Laura Kunkle, lkunkle@uaschools.org Tennis Boys, Jeff Shapiro, jmshapiro@live.com Boys Track Dana Flowers, dflowers@uaschools.org Girls Track Bryn Rohlck, brohlck@uaschools.org Please remember that the spring athletic season can be and will be affected by weather. What is a beautiful day one moment can quickly turn into a terrible one. In most cases we must make game cancellation decisions by 1:30 p.m. as many of our opponent schools dismiss earlier than we do. We will make every effort to make the best decisions for everyone involved. All decisions on game/practice cancellations will be based on the best information we have available, and with student safety at the forefront. Our coaches will notify parents by email and text message before 2pm, when games are cancelled. If you don't hear from the coach, the game is on. You may also utilize the Hastings Athletics Hotline 487-5100 ex. 4060 for game day cancellations. Football and basketball Cheerleader Tryouts are May 18-22, 3:30-5:30 in the HMS gym. Fall Sports begin Monday August 3. Any 8th grade boy interested in playing golf at UAHS next fall should attend the pre-season informational meeting, Wednesday, May 6, at 7pm in the upstairs learning center at UAHS. HMS PTO Dear Hastings Families, If you would kindly help serve Rita's Ice following any of the spring concert events like orchestra, band or choir please sign up at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f49adab28a4fc1-ritas The Adopt-a-Chair committee will be at the spring concert events as well doing their dollar campaign. This helps spread the information about our large scale refurbishing project. If you'd like to help any evening during any spring concert event please go to http://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040d4ea4a62ca64-adoptachair HOOPS for the Cure is this Friday April 24th. Game Time 7 pm at UAHS. This is a HMS and Jones Teaching Staff event but PTO just helps them run the concession stand that night. All $ goes to their charity. If you would like to help contribute to the concession stand please sign up at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0a48a4a628a20-hoops/ FUTURE EVENTS: Staff Appreciation Luncheon is Tuesday May 5th this year. If you'd like to participate- it takes a village:) http://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050a4bafab23a31-hastings The Book Fair will take place May 11-15th this spring and we would greatly appreciate your orders for the summer reading we all want the kids to do! ALL REQUIRED READING IS AVAILABLE ONLINE for delivery ON THE PTO WEBSITE http://hastingspto.org/books-hms-required-reading/ * incoming 6th graders need Rules & Touching Spirit Bear * incoming 7th graders need Freak the Mighty *incoming 8th graders need a fiction book (student choice) and an award winning (if at all possible) nonfiction book (also student choice) see website for list of recommendations from our Language Arts department. *incoming 9th grade Honors FLC Language Arts need A SEPARATE PIECE - an essay on this book will be required over summer with the date TBD *Outgoing 8th graders/incoming freshmen for Language Arts will read a self-selected book this summer to fulfill the summer reading requirement. Ms. Tobin and the 7th grade Arts department would like to pass along their spring charity event for The Mid Ohio Food Pantry. for details please email Laura Tobin a ltobin@uaschools.org Any 7th grader who wants to participate the details are here; Empty Bowls Project for MID-OHIO Foodbank COMING SOON: The Bear Splash Bash.... a PTO end of the year celebration at the Reed Road Water Park June 3rd from 810 for current Hastings Students. Sign ups coming next week for this inaugural event!! 8th Grade Slide Show/Video will be available to order by next week. PTO, teachers and parents have graciously given us pictures that they children will see that last day of school. I know they will want it! This will be available on flash drive and DVD for you! Many thanks to Margaret Kennedy and Betsy Bowen for putting this all together. Next PTO meeting Monday May 11th at 8:30 am, anyone welcome! Any Questions? Please email me at hastingspto@gmail.com Upper Arlington Speech & Debate Summer Camp When: Monday June 8th through Friday June 12th. Time: 9 am – Noon Where: UAHS Who: Middle School Students (rising 6th graders to rising 9th graders) What: Individual attention from the UAHS Speech & Debate Team Why: Have something to say? Not comfortable speaking in public? Developing communication skills helps young people succeed in a world that demands confidence, articulation and the ability to clearly communicate ideas. By building superior speaking skills, students will prepare to excel in school, attain their dream jobs, be able to defend their beliefs and values, and become leaders in their schools and communities. Questions? Email: debate@uaschools.org Call: 487-5240 ext. 7641 Registration: $100 – checks made out to: UAHS Debate Detach below and mail to: Chris Goddard – Upper Arlington High School, 1650 Ridgeview Rd, Upper Arlington OH 43221 -----------------------------------------------------------------Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Grade (Fall 2015)________________ Phone: _____________________________ Parent email: _____________________________________________________
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