March - Joondalup United FC

Joondalup United Junior
Football Club Newsletter
March 2015
Join us for our first JUFC family fundraiser! Come and have a fun day out and help raise
some much needed funds for our club! Simply visit our website and follow the link to
purchase your tickets.
Facebook users! Make sure you check
out our new Joondalup United Junior
Football Club Facebook page! Keep up
to date with all the news and follow our
club's progress!
Help us raise funds with
Bankwest Easy Grants!
Awarding the grants
You are invited to vote on a monthly basis for the
community group you think should receive a grant. The
three groups with the highest number of votes will receive
$1000 each. The remaining groups will receive $200 each.
A web app version is now available
for JUFC website. Add a handy icon
to your smartphone home screen to
Voting periods
access fixtures, results, news and
Voting runs for one month starting from the first Monday
of each month, and closing on the last Thursday of each
more! Full instructions can be found
on our website.
Click here to vote.
Many hands make light work, and we are still on the hunt for volunteers! There are lots of
opportunities for you to get involved and help our club.
Some of our teams still need a manager to assist the coach on game days, and to keep your
team organised.
If you are keen to help, let your coach know, or get in touch with one of our friendly
Emma – OR Jackie –
Save the date! Joondalup United will be hosting its annual Family Day on
Sunday 29th March 2015 with plenty of exciting activities planned for club
members, families, and friends. Full details are available on our website.