Accredited riding clubs/schools should be able 10 show you: BRITISH There II somr()(lc you can lum (0. 0liId ProlectlOrl Policy dDctmcnIlOd You un Speil~, fo '" ac.Jull yuu kll(M' such as it parent. a It.1di~ )'OUl" AccredIt3tion ~nl dub weHare officer. a schools nunc, or ilf1 okler friend EQUESTRIAN plkkhnes. trOtll ., IItlialed OEF member orpnisation, FEDERATION inSl.Qncc prmoi$iOrl. The o..m:nl quaitflcanons of !her 1OStn.e1Ol'S and roaches. Examples of educ.-I()tl and training. They 3l'l: aI!here to help. II you led you wanl. 10 talk to S'Ol'lleOlle else you call cal CNIdIioe, Contacl del.alls: 08001111 W""",,, Mort dctab OIl: The Rollih (questnan Fcr.tQl1QI1, Slanctelgh Pin. ~.W~CVa2RH T"''' (0)20&76 6'J811i'1 r to&4(0)20&76696484 ( .•JP T 0800 1111 WW'W, TOMS SOO 5000 ParYntlinc • Scolland T 0808 SOD 2222 _.dliknn1SLOra._ -i I :? ~~- .1"'-- _.----NSK:C. WWW.childpfolecllonlNportOf&-uk __ ••.••• ""•.__ .•••• "".~'11 .•.• _ clllll,k1tA ••Itd'-I~. Ifllonn/lllon'" SO ~ \'CV cooch ~ s,)lC hdpyoull'llf YoW"dub/sdMaollC lhe«: 10 hefp you IcMI1 wftty ,rid 0Ilf0J'1f b" Trul"'t nt:: III JIlruMJwL HeIIW~ me. bull1i)1 bull)'wlg me 10 maLe me do Ih••~ bplMllI1i*.'85 cl~I,.1of me...tD1 r OIml:angcooched SpclIklng 10 lilt' wIth rcspec1 Makll"S s~e the equpmcnlls Yle for me 10 Ullt. Being a good role IT'DlleI &I).l h3w1g Iun. All personnel should adhere to the following principles: ~ posII~ cfleetscanonlylakepIace,~. Respecungpeople •• II eque~ 'lJllI1 i$ I' the nghl har1lJs.lhmic of probsioUIb: who !vole the wetI¥e of you'lgpecple. heart. MId who operate WIlhIn III Krepled e1hk:a1 framt'WOfl The Bntlsh f~ FtdmIlon (Bm pIaca!he hlghest pklrItyon safelYllOde~ d tecogfli~ hat Ithis a ~ of CIrt' IIJllll¥rl5 cb1rJrenW1lhmthe horse~. ~ organ~iDn, or horse~tll ~ estabbsnmc:nf ~ po5IlbIest3l'ldanJ of en. JU5I• yow coxh '- rupomllliltid and fUll; 10 do youl1N1 meanl, 01"f'dovkLaI povidlrlg ndu1& mustdDsowih lhe Ensute expencnce II EqueslNn (YeO" Is fun and enjoyable. Be an excellclll roIc rnodrl. do not when working WIIh )OU08 people. m. alcohol Of Inrie Treill II )1XIJg people and vulncral:Jlc <Klulu cqualy. AcceplBI8 Whilll am rikttllO do to ~ and keep fldlflg sale. Iklng prepared and on lime: Jes ""'& I Tell Respecllhe dcYelopmenlai 51. of each young penon, ~ possible COIlI.h1 31 tralr*1gand In an open cnwormc:nl fflCC'mp Build retJllOIIstups based 011 mull .•••' trust iIfld respecL "\IOkIl.I'W1eCCSsary ~ COlI\3CCWith young people. 'Mere $UpCMSIOfl IS~, ItNOIYe parents....tletever posstie lnl tftSln thaI aduIls WOIkill pairs, COffIJllJOICalecb1y 80d fCgli.lrty wllh parents. Be lIWaf"Cof any nc:cessaty phySlCaIlfilormiIloo. medical cordllOrlS Of keep l.,:J 10 ddlc toilh!he techlilcal sUb, lfJo'kficallom and Imu~ 1.\5tIeS wlllwllheRff. ''''' •••• to ",*, rid•• e!here 10coech me, my tUng saf, Code of Conduct for Club Officials and Volunteers The essence of good ethical conduct and practice is summarised below. All volunteers must: • Consider the wellbeing and safety of participants before the development of performance. • Develop an appropriate working relationship with participants, based on mutual trust and respect. • Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part. • Promote the positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play/responsibility for animals). • Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance. • Follow all guidelines laid down by the national governing body and the club. • Hold appropriate valid qualifications and insurance cover. • Never exert undue influence over performers to obtain personal benefit or reward. • Never condone rule violations, rough play or the use of prohibited substances. • Encourage participants to value their performances and not just results. • Encourage and guide participants to accept responsibility for their own performance and behaviour. BRITISH J ' EQUESTRIAN . FEDERATION Code of Practice for Junior Members NAME OF CLUB is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all its members. The club believes that it is important that members, coaches, volunteers and parents associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with NAME AND POSITION. As a member of NAME OF CLUB, you are expected to abide by the following junior code of practice: • All members must ride within the rules and respect officials and their decisions. • All members must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, gender, ability, race, cultural background or religious beliefs or sexual identity. • Members should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions or inform their coach or team manager if they are going to be late. • Members must COMPULSORY wear ITEMS suitable - for safety training equipment sessions, and as clothing agreed with LIST the coach/team manager. • Members must pay any fees for training or competitions promptly. • Junior members are not allowed to smoke on club premises or whilst representing the club at competitions. • Junior members are not allowed to consume alcohol or drugs of any kind on the club premises or whilst representing the club. BRITISH EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION
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