Journal E-Link 2 FKIP AN ERROR ANALYSIS OF THE ENGLISH WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT TASK Lilik Uzlifatul Jannah Universitas Islam Lamongan Abstract: The objective of this research was to analyze the error on the use of simple past tense in students’ writing narrative text. Error is a wrong way on the use of language which is made or produce by a language learner. This analysis aimed at showing the types and the most dominant errors made by the seventh year students at SMPN 1 Deket Lamongan in the academic year 2012/2013. There were 25 students’ writing narrative text as the source of data and used descriptive qualitative to describe the research finding. students. The result of this research are, (1) The error made by the student can be categorized into four types of error, namely: error of omission, error of addition, error of misformation and error of misordering. (2) The total errors made by the students are 140 items. They consist of omission 19 (13,57%), addition 22 (15,71%), misformation 92 (65,71%), and misordering 7 (5%). It shows that the most dominant error is error of misformation. Key words : writing, error analysis, narrative text 58 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP means of foxing the vocabulary, spelling, INTRODUCTION : International English language as a global means of communication in numerous dialect, and also the movement and sentence pattern. It becomes an important aspect of students expression at higher stage. toward an international standar for the It means that writing is a process of language ( Patel and Jain:2008). English as gathering ideas and do them until they are global language used by people in the presented in a manner that is polished and world has an important role since it is used comprehensible to readers. In teaching in the science, technology, trade, education learning process, the students’ writing and art. English is also used for raising concerned in academic writing especially certain objective such as in economic, in writing text. The five major texts taught social to the Junior High School students are and culture, international relationship education and career. simple text in the forms of recount, Learning process has a very close relationship to the making of mistakes. narrative, procedure, descriptive, and report text. The same thing happens when someone In writing a text, we need to know the learns a language, either his first language purpose and the generic structure of the or second language. In Indonesia, English text we are going to write. In addition, as the first foreign language has an with the title of this research, a narrative important role. It can be used to help text is a text, which says what a person or students, to write the English writing. a thing is like. Narrative is one kinds of Writing is usefully described as a process, something which shows written form of composition in Junior High School. According to Reinfant continuous change in time like growth in (2012), Narrative is the recounting nature, (McDDonald,2001:7). Language is Referring to the explanation above, the primarily speech and writing is a means to researcher is going to analyze the errors preserve it. Writing is a kind of linguistic made by the eighth grade students of behaviour a picture is not. Writing may be Junior High Scholl. The analysis is very important for one group of students focused on the errors of using simple past but much less important for others. tense. In this research, the researcher tries According to Patel and Jain (2008:125), to identify and classify the error on the use writing is essential features of learning a of simple past tense made by the seventh language because it provider very good 59 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP year students in order to know the types of error and the most dominant errors. The error analysis steps applied in this research are identifying each error types, According to Richard in Hasyim classifying the errors types, counting the (2002:42), error analysis is the study of error types, analyzing the error types and errors made by the second and foreign interpreting the error types. language learners. Error analysis may be carried out in order to (a) find out how METHOD well someone knows a language, (b), find out how a person learns. In this research, researcher uses descriptive qualitative. Descriptive studies Error analysis may be defined as are designed to collect information dealing with the differences between the concerning with the current phenomenon. way people learning a language speak, and It means that descriptive studies are used the way adult native speakers of the to identify the nature of phenomenon that language use the language. According to exist at the time of study and investigate Brown (2007), the fact that learners do the causes of that phenomenon. make errors, and that these errors can be In descriptive qualitative a researcher observed, analyzed, and classified to intends reveal something of the system operating undergone by research subject such as: within the learner, lad to a surge of study behaviour, perception, action etc, by of learners’ error, called error analysis. It describing in the form of words and means that error analysis is the study of ill- languages to special natural context and by formed which produced by language using a variety of natural method. learners in an effort to discover systematically. to understand phenomena The current study tries to identify, classify and describe the error of the According to Dulay (1982:138), the writing narrative text. For this purpose, the study of the learner’s error has two mayor qualitative study is intended to analyze the purposes, First, the study can be used to errors. The procedures in this research are get the data from which interference about determining subject of the study, giving the nature of the language learning can be task to the respondent, analyzing the result made.Second, the study shows the teacher of the test, interpreting the result and and curriculum designer in what pan of the writing a report. target language that the students have errors and which error type they are weak. In this research, the researcher uses subjects as the source of data, to know the 60 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP types of error of the English writing strategy taxonomy in which error can be narrative text task made by the seventh categorized year student the at SMPN 1 Deket in the misformation, and misordering (Dulay, academic year 2012/2013. The researcher 1982). uses one class in SMPN 1 Deket to collect 3. as omission, addition, Counting the error the data, that is seventh G class, because After classifying the errors into their seventh G class is one of the seventh year types, each type of the error is counted in are good enough to be used as research order to be analyze then. subject. They consist of 25 students from 4. Analyzing the error seventh G class as the subject of this After classifying and counting, they research. In this research is also to know are analyzing. Based on the error of the most dominant error that has been classification made by the students. occurrence of error previously identifying This research is used to analyze the above, the frequency will be counting. Thus, each error type is students’ errors on writing simple past made tense of text at the eighth grade students. calculation is as follows : in form of percentage. The The types of errors which are used in this research just limited to surface strategy taxonomy which includes omission, addition, misformation, and misorderings types of grammar. In analyzing the data the researcher uses some steps as follows: 1. Identifying error After collecting the data, the researcher identifies the students’ errors by underlining the wrong sentences. The researcher identifies the errors only on the The researcher classifies the error in each type of error to make the researcher to analyze the evaluates the findings and makes the discussion of the prediction causes of the errors. From the result of data analysis and the discussion, the interpretation is made. It is based on the number counting and previous discussion. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS into four steps. They are identification of Classifying error easier percentage of error type, the researcher The result of data analysis is presented use of simple present tense. 2. After the researcher calculating the data. The classification of error is based on surface error, classification of error, counting the error, and analyzing the error. Identifying the error was focused on any deviation on the use of simple present tense. The writing text which appropriate with the 61 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP pattern of simple past tense was bear and rabbit. it could be inferred that considered correct, while the writing text the students add words (to be, preposition, which inappropriate with the pattern of or ed ). These errors made the sentences simple past tense was considered an error. can not be understood and translate well. The researcher found 140 errors on students’ writing narrative text. The Misformation errors are characterized by the use of the wrong form of the classification of error into types of error morpheme was conducted under the basic of surface supplies something although it is incorrect. strategy taxonomy, in which error can be For example: Sangkuriang has traveled divided into error of omission, error of many places. In this sentence traveled addition, error of misformation, and error must be changed intotravel, because the of misordering (Dulay, 1982). sentence is past tense where there is 1. usually as time signal of past tense. Types of Error or structure, the learner Omission errors are characterized by The errors categorized as error of the absence of an item that must appear in misordering are characterized by the a well-formed utterance. This theory is incorrect placement of a morpheme or appropriate with the finding of this group of morphemes in an utterance. A research, where the students writing omit little poor boy come into village litte, as in some item there must be adding in their this sentence, the student placed object sentence such as the verb be, the adding –s before verb, while object sentence should in the verb for the third singular person be placed after the verb. subject as in their writing: He very hungry, 2. Counting the error Many friends like her. Other omission The following step is counting the errors made by students as the omit of errors. Based on the classification, the total auxiliary for number of error are 140 erros. They example: Many friends like her ,The bear consist of omission 19 items, addition 22 was very gluttonous and not want the items, rabbit. misordering 7 items. and subject sentence, misformation 92 items and Error categorized as errors of addition From the table above, it can be see occurs because of the presence of item that the highest error made by students is which must not appear in a well-formed error misformation. To make clear, it can utterance as can be found in following be seen on the table of summary of all type sentences: of error made by the student below : it change into a woman , a 62 Journal E-Link 2 FKIP Type of error Omission Addition Misformation Misordering Total Number of error 19 22 92 7 140 From the result, it is known that the most dominant error made by the students of SMPN 1 Deket is error of misformation, it means there are problems which are still faces by students in learning target in Analyzing the error simple past tense. It is clear that the errors To analyze the data , the researcher are made by the students is causes by lack found the errors in the test by using of knowledge about the rules of using formula: tenses especially simple past tense. 3. Besides, all the errors mention above, Types of error Omission Addition Misformat Misorderi ion ng many students still made mistakes in their writing narrative text. They sometimes still use simple past tense that really forbidden in writing narrative text. Other errors made by the students are they sometimes put From the data it shows that the highest “Him” in a subject of sentence and so do errors is error of misformation, it happens her, and they still confuse to change VI 92 errors (65,71%) as the most dominant into V2. So it can be concluded that they error made by the seventh students of still confuse in using pronoun correctly. SMPN 1 Deket in the academic year 2012/2013. In writing narrative text, the tenses focus on the simple past tense. But the The data that are obtained from the students still made mistakes. In this case, students’ work are then analyzed by they sometime uses "were" for the third focusing on the error in writing narrative singular person also sometimes wrote text. After the data are analyzing based on incorrect form of verb 2. the linguistic category taxonomy and To overcome the problems in learning surface strategy taxonomy, they shows that as the target language, it is important for they addition, students to pay attention to the rule how to misformation and misordering. Those are write in the target language and also for found that there are 140 errors and those the English teacher should more pay consisting of omission 19 errors (13,57%), attention in teaching and learning process error of addition 22 errors (15,71%), error especially in writing narrative text using of misformation 92 errors (65,71%) and simple past tense. 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