WE EXIST THAT ALL MAY KNOW JESUS CHRIST AND BECOME HIS FULLY DEVOTED FOLLOWERS. A Message from Pastor Sara Last weekend, we traveled to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. It was amazing and I won't bother you with travel pictures (unless you ask!) but there were breath taking waterfalls, rock scrambles, scenic overlooks, all giving glory, in their splendor, to the God who created them. It reminded me of a quote of a Wisconsin native, and the founder of the Sierra Club, John Muir, “Everybody needs beauty...places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul alike.” In the next few days the world will have celebrations for the 45th anniversary of the first Earth Day. We often in the church talk about stewardship to the congregation, or the stewardship of our time and talents, I'd encouraged you this week to also think of your stewardship of God's creation. How are you generous already to the care of God's creation? Are there ways that you would like to improve your home and natural surroundings to be places as John Muir said to play in and pray in where nature can strengthen our body and souls? God’s Peace, Pastor Sara TECH TEAM MINISTRY Do you like technology? Do you like worship enhanced with exciting screens? Would you like to be part of the team that creates visually appealing worship experiences? Bob Yatsuk is training this summer those interested to add members to the team. Contact him at 410-991-4213 or Pastor Sara if you are interested in joining this ministry! JOY KIDS FAMILY 5K FUN RUN, WALK AND CARNIVAL Please join the families and friends of Joy Kids Learning Center for our first Family 5K Fun Run & Walk on May 2, 2015. By running or walking in our Family 5K you will help us raise awareness of the importance of preschool education globally and locally. Once you have finished running or walking the course plan to stay and enjoy the carnival! Portions of the proceeds will go to help support Acres of Hope in Liberia. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JUNE 22-26 Mark your calendars for “Catch the Buzz!” for another fun week of VBS. Online registration is NOW OPEN as well as paper registrations available on the back table! April 17 — April 23, 2015 THIS WEEK’S LESSON Luke 24:36-53 CHURCH AND OFFICE 35 Mayo Road Edgewater, Maryland 21037 PHONE 410-266-5691 EMAIL info@joyreignslutheranchurch.org WEBSITE www.joyreignslutheranchurch.org PRAISE WORSHIP Sunday at 9:15 AM and 10:30 AM Nursery starts at 9:10 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday at 9:15 AM THRIFT SHOP Open Monday and Saturday 9 AM — 12 PM PASTOR The Rev. Sara Yotter MUSIC DIRECTOR Lenore Liller TRANSITIONAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATORS Jen Mabe Sonya Connolly YOUTH LEADERS Ali & Scott Purvis JOY THRIFT COORDINATOR Michelle Poole Free Registration As Host Congregation: Join the Fun Saturday, May 2! Come explore what it means to be faithful stewards in your congregation, home and the greater world on Saturday, May 2 from 10 to 2. This is a lively, fun Saturday interactive experience for all ages that will explore attitudes and behaviors around money: earning, saving, spending and sharing. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? One’s age and stage in life shapes one’s attitudes, habits and financial choices. Grounded in God’s generosity, participants are invited to explore what it means to be faithful stewards of God’s abundant grace in the congregation and in the home. This event will be led by Linda Staats from the National ELCA. Linda’s Master’s degree in Human Development and the Family from the University of Nebraska combined with her own infant baptism into Christian faith formed the foundation for nurturing faith at church and in the home. With minor degrees in Child Development and Gerontology, she brings a life-span approach to congregational ministry. Her hope is to engage, equip and empower all generations for serving like Jesus at home and in the world. Her depth of experience is impressive. Read her complete bio at http://www.homegrownfaith.net. To make this event successful for others, as host congregation, we are being asked to provide 10 families of all ages, young and old. Also we have some hosting responsibilities as well such as hospitality for meals and snacks as well as nursery care. If you are interested in participating and/or helping please contact Pastor Sara ASAP. Other Announcements UPCOMING YOUTH EVENTS * National Youth Gathering Meeting - Sunday, April 19th 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM for all participants and at least one parent NEW OFFICE HOURS The transitional office hours will be Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00 p.m. until 4 p.m. Friday hours will be by appointment. Thank you for your understanding! Prayers We keep in prayer Rita Dunbar, Connie Ward, healing prayers for Lauren and David Edwards, Tony Thurston, and for God’s beautiful creation. * If you'd like a prayer added to this list please email officejrc@gmail.com. Congregational Giving Snapshot for the Week Ending Sunday 4/12/15 General Giving received last week $2,640.00 Total General Giving received in April $7.784.35 Total needed for each month Thrift Shop received last week JOY REIGNS $18,098.00 $918.75 is an ELCA church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. For us, this faith comes through the good news of Jesus Christ and gives us the freedom and the courage to wonder, discover and boldly participate in what God is up to in the world. Liberated by our faith, we embrace everyone as a whole person—questions, complexities and all.
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