MAY 2015 Peace-Tohickon Evangelical Lutheran Church 100 Old Bethlehem Road, Perkasie, Pa 18944 Office: 215-257-3294 Fax: 215-257-9143 Website: E-mail: The mission of Peace is to invite encourage and equip all people to love God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength and to go love our neighbors as God loves us. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On May tenth we will be confirming three teenage members at Peace through the rite for Affirmation of Baptism. Nathaniel Barnes, Dana Caporaletti, and Michael Gonet, have completed two years of instruction and are prepared to bear witness to a faith that has been developed through the support of their families, and through the support of this congregation in programs like Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, youth group and weekly worship. On May 24th, Pentecost Sunday, we will also be celebrating baptism and affirming the baptism of new members. Whenever someone is baptized at Peace we make a promise as a congregation to support them and pray for them in their life of faith. We have a number of programs that seek to support faith development for infants, children, teens and adults. What is faith? Where does it come from? How does it grow and develop? Many are asking these questions about faith formation. As fewer young people participate in the traditional church programs that have been the basis for faith development in the past, many are beginning to explore and experiment with ways to develop faith in a new generation. One of the leaders in this exploration is Rich Melheim. Rich is a Lutheran pastor and the founder of Faith Inkubators, a Christian education think tank. He is convinced that, since faith is about a relationship of trust and love, the best place to nurture and support the development of faith is in our households – with the people that we trust and love. He developed the “Faith 5” – a series of practices that can be done in a few minutes daily to help people grow faith in themselves and the people around them. The five steps are: Share – Read – Talk – Pray and Bless. Rich based the steps on the descriptions of faith formation in the early church (Acts). This process, when it becomes a ritual, helps us reflect on God’s presence and work in our lives with only a few minutes of daily investment. It strengthens our relationships with God and with one another. Share by telling the highs and lows of the day to one another. Read a verse of scripture. Talk about any connections you can find between the things you shared and the verse you read. Pray for one another. Bless each other –remind each other that you are loved by God. That’s it. That is the faith 5. These practices shape our faith by introducing shared reflection into the pattern of our day. As we ponder the intersection of God’s word and our experience day after day we increase our awareness of God’s presence in the midst of our daily lives. This daily exercise strengthens our faith “muscles” by putting them to work. It isn’t about coming up with profound insights each day – but making a space to hear when God speaks a word of hope, direction or encouragement into our lives. Beginning with our summer schedule in June the Faith 5 will be introduced at Peace. We will have the opportunity to see how it works, and to practice it with one another. You will be encouraged to try it out at home as well as church, because in the long run, that is where it works best. Those who are affirming their faith at Peace this month have had their faith formed through many programs of the church – but there are many more years of faith formation ahead of them. I hope that we will each continue to grow our faith, not only through the things we do at church – but by being equipped to form faith in our daily lives. Yours in Christ, Pastor Sellers May at Peace May 10 – Confirmation, Mother’s Day, Seth Rumage’s Send off, geranium orders due. May 17 – Music Sunday May 24 – Pentecost Sunday Baptisms and New Members June at Peace June 14 – Graduate Sunday June 20- Youth Lock-in June 21 – Summer Schedule, Youth Sunday, Father’s Day June 28 - Coyotes Concert on the Lawn June 28 –July 2 VBS The Counters will be recognizing Paul Stever for serving as a counter for 24 years on Sunday May 17. If you would like to contribute to a gift, envelopes will be available at the church. Don’t tell…. It’s a surprise! A Note From Our Church Council At February’s annual meeting, the congregation approved the budget for 2015, but with a stipulation: council would review the budget within three months time and report back to the congregation whether an adjustment to the budget providing additional compensation to our staff could be sustained. During council’s April meeting, we reviewed the revenue and expenses through the first quarter. At this point, the revenue and expenses align with the established budget parameters and thus we do not feel it is prudent to recommend to the congregation any amendments to the budget. That being said, the council will reassess this question at the end of the second quarter and again report back to the congregation. In fact, council also agreed to report the financial status of the congregation on an ongoing quarterly basis so that you will know how we as a congregation are doing. Council is elected to serve the congregation and we strive to perform this task as responsibly as we can. Your input is always welcome and appreciated. Please feel free to send an email or letter or to simply express your ideas or concerns to a council member. Contact information for council members is included in the weekly announcement pages. Also know that council meetings are generally open to all members of and you are encouraged to attend. If you cannot attend, please do take the opportunity to read the minutes of the meetings. They are filed in binders located in the Library. Calling All Youth JULY 30 - AUGUST 1 A Closer Walk is a dynamic Christian youth event designed to help young people strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ. Now in its 14th year, A Closer Walk continues to reach out to thousands of young Christians offering a weekend of fellowship and renewal. This inspiring event will touch hearts and change lives. Participants camp in tents on the beach at Wildwood, and enjoy bands and speakers that are exciting and inspirational. The worship band LEELAND and Phil King are featured performers this year. During free time we enjoy the boardwalk and a pass to three Morey’s Park amusement piers. Although this event is aimed at teens, families are welcome to participate. Youth Lock-In Saturday th June 20 7pm – SUNDAY! Join us for great food, great fun, and maybe even midnight bowling! We will wrap up our preparations for the Youth Sunday Worship on June 21 – but that will only be the start. Youth Led Outdoor Worship The $65 registration includes camping on the beach Thursday and Friday, breakfast and dinner on Friday, speaker and worship sessions, a tshirt, amusement rides and waterparks until 6pm Saturday. We need sign-ups and payment by th Sunday June 28 . Additional drivers and chaperones are welcome – but will need to pay for a ticket to attend. Sunday June 21 9am We had an awesome time last year. You won’t want to miss it! FLOWERS AND BULLETINS FOR MAY May 3rd – Honoring Kari Beck’s 32nd Birthday May 10th- Elva, Bill & Susan Groff in loving memory of Elva Forrestal and Emily Groff, our mothers, Mom-Mom & Grandma. May 17th- OPEN May 24th – Marcia Joe Kramer honoring Harper Wrigley’s Baptism May 31st - OPEN Altar Guild Altar Guild will meet on Saturday, May 23, at 8:30 am to decorate the church with geraniums for Pentecost Sunday. Please let Elva know at Many thanks to Dorrie Daikeler for her years of dedicated service on the Altar Guild! BACKGROUND CHECKS Pennsylvania now requires all volunteers that work with children and youth (18 and under) to have background checks every 36 months. The following checks are now required: Report of criminal history from the PA state Police: S001769 Child Abuse History Clearance from Dept. of Human Services: S001762 If you don’t have access to email it can be done in the church office. You will need an appointment. PEACE SOFT BALL The Peace competitive softball team is looking for players. Games are held weekday's Mon.- Thurs. nights at 6:30pm in the Perkasie/Souderton areas. Generally there is one game per week. Minimum age is 15years old. Previous baseball/softball playing experience is required. Full time and/or part time players are welcome. Season runs the end April thru July. Contact Nate Ritter at 215-7407946 or A Very Grateful Thank You to all who donated clothing, blankets, shoes and coats to Swaziland Relief! What a wonderful outpouring of love and compassion. Many Swazi's will feel warmer and cozier because of your generosity and caring. Thank you for being a part if this mission. A special THANK YOU to the ladies of WELCA who donated a very large number of reading glasses and whose enthusiasm has inspired many others! If anyone is interested in helping to pack the sea container feel free to contact Khara Woehr. MAY BIRTHDAYS 2 Sydney Bara 3 Kari Beck Dorothy Kasper Doris Renner 4 Sue Keen 5 Laurie Sparango 6 Lucy Hankins-Susi 7 Heather Lindsay Gavin Stassi 8 Ruth Cook Shay Hutton 9 Alexander Bara Denise Wrigley 10 Ashley Michener Herman Slozer Ashley Stranges 11 Jennifer Bara Kristina Doherty Carol Heverly 12 William Baldwin Brian Gonet 13 Tara Grace Tyler Heverly Elaine Sipes Diane Stump 14 Daniel Harris 15 Jean Scholl 16 David Bryde Frank Pudnick 18 Frank Kerrigan Dana Miller 19 Mason Bauder Daniel Bryde 21 George Pester 22 Jayden Rivera 24 Diana Long 25 Michael Bartosiewicz 26 Jillian Dages 27 Jillian Coughlin Joyce Schneider 29 Madison Bauder Erik Schneider HAPPY MAY ANNIVERSARIES th 5 – Beth & Earl Anders Ronald & Jean Scholl th 13 – Dawn & Chris Lutz th 19 - Tom & Jana Hamilton st 21 – Leon & Marie Miller nd 22 – Justin & Linda Bast th 24 – Herbert & Grace Laird Gregory & Donna Benner th 30 – Anthony & Sharon Sandor Christopher & Laura Sipes Walter & Helen Stever 31 – Chip & Teresa Kramer WELCA (Women of the ELCA) News Thank you to all who helped in any way and to those who attended our Ladies' Spring Tea on April 26th. It was a wonderful afternoon and we were honored to have Susie Woodland portray Pearl Buck. Please join us at our next meeting on May 18 at 7:00 PM, when we will have a fun, game night. SAVE THE DATE - Our end of the year picnic will be on Monday, June 1 starting at 6:30 PM at Nancy Cygan's home. All Women of Peace are invited to join us when you can. Bring a friend. May 17 Service Sunday at 2 pm Join us at the Lutheran Community at Telford Chapel as we transport people to and from worship. A signup sheet is available on the bulletin board at the church entrance. SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE Begins on June 21 8:00 am Brief Order of Communion 9:00 Celebration Worship Sunday School and our regular schedule resume RALLY DAY September 13, 2015 All ages are welcome! Thirsty Thursday Bible Study Becker’s Corner (originally Cappies), located at 110 Old Bethlehem Rd. and Rt. 563 in Quakertown. Bring your bible, your friends, your questions, and your thirst for biblical knowledge to this informal gathering! Our next session will be on Thursday, May 21 at 7:30 pm. Tuesday Group “Practicing the Way of Jesus: Join us at Luke Stever’s for our Annual Church Picnic July 25 At 2- 6 pm. Swimming, Softball, Fun and Games for all ages! Life Together in the Kingdom of Love” Join us May 5th, 12th & 26th at 7:30 p.m. at Peace to explore experiments in practicing faith! DEAD LINE FOR JUNE NEWSLETTER The Peace Men’s Group meets on Saturday, May 9 at 8:00 am in the Church Library Join us! Please contact Bruce Bachman call 215-257-5319 or The dead line for June’s newsletter will be May 22nd. In order to get it out in a timely manner, please send all items to the secretary by then. Our Shut in Members Anna Bishop Rockhill Mennonite Community Personal Care – Room 105 3250 State Road Sellersville, PA 18960 Richard Bradish Lutheran Community – Healthcare Pavilion 12 Lutheran Home Drive Telford, PA 18969 Mary Dunlap 401 Three Mile Run Road Sellersville, PA 18960 Evelyn Fretz 521 Arch Street Perkasie, PA 18944 George Heverly 482 Covered Bridge Drive Quakertown, PA 18951 Leon Miller Solana of Doylestown, Rm 216 Warrington, PA 18976 April 26 Elizabeth Mae Thomas Grace Ann Hill Call the Pastor When… A member becomes hospitalized or shut-in Someone you know needs prayer You are having a baby You have spiritual questions you want to explore You are curious about God’s call to you You need to talk something through Church Office: 215-2573294 Cell: 267-377-6138 (Emergency only) Helen Poust 4596 CR # 305 Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538 Jean Scholl 2301 North Fifth Street Perkasie, PA 18944 Pauline Texter Atria Woodbridge Place P.O. Box 879 Kimberton, PA 19442 Cancer Run THANK YOU Harold Myers Clare Bridge of Dublin 160 Elephant Road Dublin, PA 18917 Marlene Shilling The Birches 691 Main Street, Room 28 Harleysville, PA 19438 Dawn Herrmann Memorial CONGRATULATIONS Thanks to everyone who helped raise $5000 for cancer research! -John Lindsay who arranged for our Fire Police. -Bill Groff, Tom Smith, Bruce Bachman and Phil Deck who set-up and manned our water stations and assisted with the route clean up. -Walt Herrmann, Tom O’Donnell, Melissa Yates, Grace Lloyd and Pastor who prepared the tags and bags for race day. - Walt Herrmann, Joe O’Donnell, Melissa Yates, Grace Lloyd and Cheryl SaintPol who handled registration. - Barb Bachmann & Grace Lloyd who were timing assistants. -Chip Kramer for setting up the sound system, bringing some rocking tunes, and clean-up. -Cheryl Saint- Pol for being chief cook and bottle washer! - Joyce and Eric Schneider for directing racers into the finish. -Janice & Bob Propsner for all the leg work! To Nathaniel Barnes, Dana Caporaletti, and Michael Gonet PEACE MEMBER RIBBON WINNERS! Beth Anders, Rachel & Ryan Canning, Gary & Roxane D’Aprile, Kathy Deck, Teresa & Krystie Kramer, Greg & Walt Herrmann. CONGRATS! Geraniums for Pentecost We invite you to order a geranium in honor or remembrance of loved ones for Pentecost, May 24th Sunday The price is $3.50 per plant. Cash or checks made payable to Peace Lutheran Church along with this order form. Please place your order in an envelope clearly marked for flowers. Then return your order to the church office or place it in the offering plate. Deadline for Orders is Sunday, May 10th Your Name__________________________________ In Memory of________________________________ In Honor of _________________________________ Number of Plants _____ Total Paid _________________ ______ I wish to leave my flowers to be planted on the church property. Paid Check # ____________ Paid Cash____________ Music Notes May 2015 He is Risen indeed, Alleluia! April was wonderful. The end of Lent brought us into a beautiful Easter season. Jen, Linda, and I would all like to thank our musicians for their hard work and joyous spirit that helped make our worship so meaningful. May will be just as wonderful! We celebrate Mother’s Day, Confirmation, Pentecost, and Music Sunday! The third Sunday of May will bring out all of Peace’s musical offerings to share in a festival of sounds. Cherubs, Youth, Bells, New Spirit, Senior Choir… you name it. Music has always had a strong presence at Peace, and this is one of the days when it all comes together at once. Bring a friend! We also have special music for every Sunday, so bring a friend then too :) We are going to be adding some more opportunities for the congregation to sing, so keep your eyes on the bulletin. You may be asked to sing along with a communion hymn, or at other times with the choir - perhaps even a congregational anthem! Looking ahead just a little, we will be welcoming Re-Creation to host the third Sunday in July (New Spirit Sunday). We’ve had them here a few times in the past and it is always a moving presentation. These young people dedicate their time and energy to serving God above and God’s people below. Mark your calendars! In Peace and Music, Ed Bara, Director of Music Ministries THANK YOU Thanks to all who made our Holy Week and Easter so memorable! -For a beautiful sanctuary: Altar guild (Jan Abate, Sue Keen), Flowers (Sponsors, Elva Groff & WELCA) -For awesome music: Ed, Jen, Linda, choir, cherub choir, bell choir & soloists! - Palm Crosses Cheryl Moyer and her nimble volunteers. -Participants in reading of Christ's passion on Palm Sunday. -Maundy Thursday participants, especially our Apostle impersonators and our leader Chip Kramer. -Our Prayer Vigil participants. -Kolby Kramer for manning the special effects on Good Friday (strobe lighting, etc.) -Donna Benner and all who assisted with the Easter Egg Hunt (especially Jillian Dages who made sure the Easter Bunny arrived!) -Sandy and Cindy Miller and Pancake Breakfast crew for a delicious breakfast! -Seth Rumage (real great "He is risen!") -Gary Schott and the Ushers -Grace Lloyd and her proofreader and folders for many, many Bulletins! -Our Assistant Ministers, Acolytes, Crucifers and Lectors. -Our sexton and cleaning team who made us shine. -Bear Creek, Khara Woher for purchasing the food, Chip and Tamara for chaperones, Chip for the amazing stilts, Carole Brackman and Grace Lloyd for the juggling bags, and all our amazing youth who helped make it a fantastic time! -The Brass Concert- our great committee, Elva Groff & Nancy Frank and all who assisted with the lovely reception. - The Blood Drive, Wanda and Joe O’Donnell & donors. -For all who Hosted, served and prepared food for the WELCA Tea. It was wonderful! Take Me Out to the Ball Game… Peace Softball It is that time of year again! The Peace Softball Season has begun. Come on out to support our team as they compete with a new league this year. Our up-coming games will be: April 30 against Line Lexington at May 4 against First Baptist at May 11 against Calvary 2 at May 14 against Liedy's / Penn Valley at May 18th against Covenant Church at May 21st against Fairview Village at May 28th against Grace Community at “Lake Lenape” “Centennial Park” “Centennial Park” “Penn Valley” “Franconia Park” “Branchwood Park” “Centennial Park” All games start at 6:30 pm. The Peace team consists of ball players from Peace, St. Matt’s at St. Andrews UCC. It is a great time for families with lots of little people in attendance. The schedule for the entire season is available on the bulletin board. BALL PARK LOCATIONS: Lake Lenape (By Landis's Perkasie) 543 Constitution Ave Perkasie, PA 18944 Franconia Park 671 Allentown Road Telford, PA 18969 Line Lexington Menn. 80 Hilltown Pike Line Lexington, PA 18932 Centennial Park 44 Church Rd Telford, PA 18969 Branchwood Park Camp Road Telford, PA 18969 Penn Valley 320 North 3rd Street Telford, PA 18969 EDUCATION FUND APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE These materials may be found on the tract rack located in our church entryway or downloaded from our website. Applications for the scholarships MUST be received by June 1st so that they may be processed by the scholarship committee. They will be presented to the Church Council at their June meeting. Considering the costs of higher education today, these limited moneys are a welcome assistance to our young adults and families. Questions… please contact Debbie Bagg at 215-538-2679 or email ARE YOU OR YOUR CHILD GRADUATING? We would like to recognize everyone who has reached this special milestone in their life! Graduation Sunday is June 14th . Please contact the church office by May 24th with your graduates’ name. Lehigh Valley IRON PIGS Join us for a fun night at the ball park on Faith Night, June 15! A $15 ticket includes a field level seat, a “Hog with a Halo” baseball cap and a $2 credit for purchasing concessions in the ball park. Game starts at 7:05 pm and carpooling is encouraged. Sign-up on the bulletin board by June 7th. Questions? Call Nate Ritter at (267)354-1669. …At The Old Ball Game! FISH NEEDS Current needs at the food pantry: Pancake mix, pancake syrup, toothpaste/shampoo/soap, detergent, sugar, flour, cake, cookie & brownie mixes, canned potatoes, canned beans (all types), canned sweet potatoes, pudding & Jell-O, cream soups, canned pineapple, spaghetti & spaghetti sauce, diapers& wipes (sizes 3-6) A NOTE FROM THE MUTUAL MINISTRY COMMITTEE To the People of Peace, Within every organization, public or private, there is the need for a group of concerned and empowered individuals to ensure open communication among all members, to resolve conflict and to help manage the needs of the staff. The Mutual Ministry Committee comprised of Heidi Gerth (chair), Bruce Bachman, Kathleen Deck and John Lindsay, serve in this capacity for the people of Peace. Our purpose is to: Ensure open communication between pastor, staff and the congregation Be a “listening post” for the pastor, staff and congregation Manage and diffuse conflict Act as a sounding board for the pastor and staff Identify helpful continuing education needs Maintain concern for the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of the pastor and staff We do this, in partnership with Church Council, through a few primary functions: 1) HR Committee – Mutual Ministry will make recommendations to Council on the selection of staff, job descriptions, interviews, exit interviews and annual review of staff benefits. 2) Education – Should training or continuing education needs be identified for a staff member, Mutual Ministry will make a recommendation to Council for endorsement. 3) Evaluations – Every paid member of the staff should benefit from an annual review of their performance, partnership in setting yearly goals and regular reviews of their terms of employment (if applicable). Mutual Ministry will lead these processes in close collaboration with Council. Any outcomes such as goals or recommended pay changes will be presented to Council for decision. There is a final function of Mutual Ministry that is done independently from Council and all other church groups and staff. We serve in a Support capacity and are a confidential, neutral communication channel that can be used to raise church related concerns, listen to an issue, offer advice or resolve a conflict. Any member of the congregation, staff or church group may approach any member of the team for this kind of assistance. So far this year, the Mutual Ministry team has had our initial meeting to establish goals for 2015 and discuss ways to improve communication and connections with Council, staff and the congregation. This letter is one such outcome. We have also clarified lines of authority with Council and communicated directly to each member of staff. Some of our other priorities for 2015 will be a review of job descriptions, annual evaluations, setting 2015 goals with staff and engaging in other avenues to make this team more accessible for Pastor, staff and the congregation. We look forward to serving and offering this important service to Peace. Please feel free to reach out and engage any member of the team for assistance. Mutual Ministry Contact Information: Heidi Gerth (chair) 267-424-4893 Bruce Bachman 215-257-5319 Kathy Deck 267-241-8197 John Lindsay 267-446-0199 MAY 2015 Peace-Tohickon Lutheran Church 215-257-3294 (Office) 215-257-9143 (Fax) SUNDAY 3 5th Sunday of Easter 8:15 & 10:15am Communion Jim Heckman preaching 9:00am Sunday school MON 4 7pm Outreach 6pm Brownies TUE 8:00pm Senior Choir 11 12 6:30pm Daisies 7:30pm Tues. Group 18 7PM WELCA 25 31 - Judy Hamilton 2 7 8 7:30pm Mutual Ministry Synod Assy 9 8:00am Men’s Study Group Synod Assy 13 Choirs 6:45pm Youth 7 - 9 All Choirs 14 20 21 7:30pm Senior Choir 6:30pm Daisies 15 16 1:30pm To Live Again 22 23 8:30 Altar Guild to decorate church for Pentecost 7:00pm Thirsty Thursday. 27 28 29 30 7:30 Senior Choir 7:30pm N/A Sophia Hughes 17th - Scott & Kathy Dages st 19 7pm Church Council meets 26 7:30pm Tues. Group Maddie Gerth 24th - Debbie Bagg 1 6pm Brownies rd 10 - Linda Gonet SAT 6:30pm Daisies 7:30pm N/A ACOLYTE th FRI 7:30pm N/A GREETERS 3 - John & Kathy Lindsay THUR 5 6 7:30pm Tues. Grp. 1:30pm Staff 7:00pm 7:30pm N/A Confirmation Rehearsal Bells 6:00pm N/A 10 Confirmation Day 6th Sunday of Easter 8:15am Comm. 10:15am worship Farewell for Seth 9:00am Sunday school 6:00pm N/A Deadline for Geraniums 17 7th Sunday of Easter Music Sunday 8:15,Communion 10:15 am worship 9:00am Sunday school 2:30pm Lutheran Community 6:00pm N/A 24 DAY OF PENTECOST 8:15am & 10:15 Communion 9 am Sunday school Baptism & new members N/A 6pm Parish nurse 31 Pastor Away WED CRUCIFER Tom Smith Michael Gonet NEW Ashton Muhlig Courtney Steiner LECTOR Dick Burkett ASSISTANT MINISTER Holly Grace Phil Deck Michael Cygan Michael Cygan Nancy Cygan Dwight Dulsky Kathy Lindsay SPIRIT SERVICE TBD Luke Stranick Head Usher –Phil Deck Nurse – Elaine Sipes Altar Guild – Nancy Frank & Judy Hamilton Nursery - Elaine Miller
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