The place, people, things and nature that surround any living organism is called environment. Geography deals with the various components of the environment . It also studies the interrelationship between human beings and their environment. Environment Natural element Biotic (plants,animal) Human Made (settlement,road,dam) Abiotic (air,water,land) The natural environment includes both biotic and abiotic components. The biotic components comprise plant and animal whereas abiotic component comprise air, water and soil. Four major domain of earth are• Lithosphere • Hydrosphere • Atmosphere • Biosphere The rocky outmost layer of the earth is called the lithosphere .The term lithosphere means the rocky include the crust and upper part of mantle. It is an irregular surface with various landforms such as mountains, plateaus, plains, valleys, etc. Landforms are found over the continents and also on the ocean floors. Lithosphere is very important because it provider land for building houses ,roads, factories and for agriculture. The water present on the earth’s surface is referred to as the hydrosphere . The different sources of water such as oceans, seas, bays ,lakes ,river ,etc. form hydrosphere. Along with the ground water. •The gases that envelope and surround the Earth make up our atmosphere •Protects us from UV rays •Balances the global temperature on the Earth •Made up of various gases (Nitrogen, oxygen, water vapour, Carbon dioxide, Ozone, etc...) The narrow zone where the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere meet and interact is called the biosphere. It is the regions in which life can exist, thus called the ‘living world’. All plants, animals and human beings depend on their immediate surroundings. Often they are also interdependent on each other. This relation between the living organisms, as well as the relation between the organisms and their surroundings form an ecosystem. There could be an ecosystem of large rain forest, grassland, desert, mountains, lake, river, ocean and even a small pond Human beings interact with the environment and modify it according to their need. Early humans adapted themselves to the natural surroundings. They led a simple life and fulfilled their requirements from the nature around them. With time needs grew and became more varied. Humans learn new ways to use and change environment. They learn to grow crops, domesticate animals and lead a settled life. The wheel was invented, surplus food was produced, barter system emerged, trade started and commerce developed. Industrial revolution enabled large scale production. Transportation became faster. Information revolution made communication easier and speedy across the world. Question And Answer Ques1.What is the importance of ecosystem? Ans 1. The complex system of interaction between the organism and their physical environment in a particular area is referred to as an ecosystem. Ques2.why did the Chipko movement take place? Ans 2.The Chipko movement took place to protest against the indiscriminate cutting down of tree.They did so by hugging the tree in order to save them from being cut down. Ques 3. what are the reason for environment pollution? Ans 3. the reason for the environment pollution are• Due to technology and scientific development • Overpopulation ,urbanization and industrialization • Unplanned & unwise use of technology is also the cause of environmental pollution. Ques 4. Explain the relationship between geography and environment. Ans 4. Geography deals with the various components of the environment . It also studies the interrelationship between human beings and their environment. Ques 5. how can natural environment be managed properly? Ans 5. a perfect balance is needed between the nature and human environment. A number of organization with the help of scientists ,technologists and planner are working to solve the environmental problems facing the world. Ques6. describe the main features of natural and human made environment . Ans. 6 the natural element such as mountains ,river, vegetation ,animals, are created this is called natural environment by nature .This is called natural include biotic and abiotic components. The human –made element such as agriculture ,industries , settlement are created by humans being therefore ,it is called human-made environment. have human needs undergone changes with the passage if time and technology development? Ans. 7 Early human- early human adjusted themselves with the surrounding in which they lived. Raw Materials – gradually, humans started processing various raw material to meet their needs. Industrial revolution- the industrial revolution in Europe enabled large scale production of goods. Transport and communication- the means of transport and communication improved and the world became a family. Thus many changes took place in our environment. Ques. 8 Why do you think earth is home to human and other organism? Ans. 8 The earth is the home of human beings and other organism. This is possible due to the presence of favorable living condition which make up their environment. Ques. 9 Why is the lithosphere very important for the progress of human beings? Ans. 9 Lithosphere is very important because it provide land for building house ,roads , factories and for agriculture . It is also an important source of mineral and power resources. Ques.10 Why do plants and animals depend on each other? Ans. 10 All organism ,whether belonging to the plants or animal kingdoms , interact with each other and are interdependent on one another. They also interact with their physical environment .the complex system of interaction between the organism and their physical environment in a particular area is referred to as an ecosystem. Multiple choice question (i) Which is not a natural ecosystem? (a) Desert (b) Aquarium (c) Forest (ii) Which is not a component of human environment? (a) Land (b) Religion (c) Community (iii) Which is a human made environment? (a) Mountain (b) Sea (c) Road (iv) Which is a threat to environment? (a) Growing plant (b) Growing population (c) Growing crops
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