ANS Female Student Member - Committees

Application for Supplemental Funding for ANS Female Student Members
to attend American Nuclear Society National Meetings
The Professional Women in the American Nuclear Society (PWANS) is committed to encouraging women to enter and
flourish in the field of nuclear science and technology. In fulfilling this commitment, PWANS awards supplemental funding
(up to a maximum of $550 per meeting) to current female student members in reimbursement of travel, hotel, and meal
expenses in attending the ANS Annual Meeting in June or the Winter Meeting in November. Awards may not be made in all
years, depending on the applications received and the availability of funds for any given year.
The application is for current student members of ANS only. Previous receipt of PWANS travel funding, though not a
disqualifying factor, will be taken into consideration.
First Name
Mailing Address
Phone (
Status (e.g., junior or MS candidate)
Last Name
Expected Year of Graduation
Academic and Professional Honors
GPA (on 4.0 scale):
4.0-3.5 [ ]
3.49 – 2.51 [ ]
Is there a student or local section in your geographic area?
Are you a student or local section Member?
2.49 – 1.51 [ ]
Yes [ ]
1.5 or below [ ]
No [ ]
Yes [ ] No [ ]
Describe any ANS local, national, student activities/participation, including offices held, committees, etc.
Describe one professional development or outreach activity you engage in to promote nuclear science and/or engineering.
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Explain why you want to participate in the ANS national meeting and what benefits you hope to glean as a result of
attendance: (i.e. presenting a paper, serving on a committee, division meetings).
Briefly describe your career goals, including any obstacles encountered or overcome on your path to achieving those goals.
Have you previously attended a national meeting of the ANS?
Yes [ ]
Have you previously attended a PWANS meeting at a national meeting?
No [ ]
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Have you previously received funding from PWANS to attend a national ANS meeting?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
Do you expect to have, or have you applied for, any other funding for attending this meeting?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
If yes, how much and from where? (Other funding does not disqualify you from consideration. We understand that any
funding we offer must be supplemented.)
How and where did you learn about PWANS supplemental funding to attend an ANS national meeting?
I certify that the information given in this application is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief:
Faculty Advisor
Email Address
Print form and obtain required signatures. Scan and email completed application to:
Deadlines to submit emailed application: by May 15 for the Annual Meeting, and by September 15
for the Winter Meeting
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