For more Objective questions on this topic order our Books CIRCUIT SWITCHING For more Objective questions on this topic order our Books Q-1. What are the three basic steps involved in data communication through circuit switching? Ans: The steps are: Circuit establishment (before data transfer Circuit maintenance (When data transfer is going on) Circuit disconnect (When data transfer is over) Q-2. Mention the key advantages and disadvantages of circuit switching technique. Ans: Advantages: After path is established, data communication without delay. Very suitable for continuous traffic. It establishes a dedicated path. No overhead after call setup. It is transparent and data passes in order. Disadvantages: Provide initial delay for setting up the call. Inefficient for bursty traffic. Data rate should be same because of fixed bandwidth. When load increases, some calls may be blocked. Q-3. Why data communication through circuit switching is not efficient? Ans: In data communication, traffic between terminal and server are not continuous. Sometimes more data may come or sometimes there is no data at all. Circuit switching is not efficient because of its fixed bandwidth. Q-4. Compare the performance of space-division single-stage switch with multi-stage switch. Ans: Space-division single-stage switch requires more number of crosspoints, nonblocking in nature but provides no redundant path. On the other hand multi-stage switches require lesser number of crosspoints, blocking in nature but provides redundant paths. For more Objective questions on this topic order our Books Q.. Busy hour traffic is the (A) maximum average simultaneous traffic. (B) traffic during peak hour. (C) traffic when all subscribers are engaged. (D) the duration of maximum calls. Ans: (B) Q. The final selector is connected to the (A) calling subscriber. (B) switching network. (C) called subscriber. (D) line finder. Ans: (C) Q. In a DTMF phone a dialling of 8 generates (A) 1336 Hz- 770 Hz (B) 1209 Hz - 1477 Hz (C) 1209 Hz- 941 Hz (D) 1336 Hz-852 Hz Ans: (D) Q. SPC stands (A) Standard Protocol Control (B) Stored Program Control (C) Signaling and switching Centre (D) Signaling Process Center Ans: (B) Q. For two stage network the switching elements for M inlets with r blocks and N outlets with s blocks is given by (A) Ms + Nr (B) Mr + Ns (C) (M + N) (r + s) (D) (M + N)rs Ans: (A) For more Objective questions on this topic order our Books Q. As per Nyquist criterion the sampling rate is (A) 2fs (C) (1/2fs) (B) (1/2)fs (D) (2/fs) Where fs is the signal frequency Ans: (A) Q.36. Common channel signalling in SS7 is (A) out band control channel. (B) in band control channel. (C) speech control channel. (D) none of the above. Ans: (B) Q. Broad Band ISDN handles data rate of about (A) 64 kbps (B) 100 mbps (C) 5.4 mbps (D) 2.048 mbps Ans: (A) Q. MAC address helps in (A) multimedia access control. (B) media access control. (C) mobile access control. (D) master access point control Ans: (B) Q. Telex is a (A) Telephone Service between various subscribers (B) Tele printer Service between various subscribers (C) Television Service between various subscribers (D) Telegraph Service between various subscribers Ans: (B) For more Objective questions on this topic order our Books Q. The bandwidth requirement of a telephone channel is (A) 3 KHz (B) 15 KHz (C) 5 KHz (D) 25 KHz Ans: (A) Q. Distortion caused on telephone line by an adjacent one is called (A) Cross Fire (C) Cross Talk (B) Inductive Disturbance (D) None of these Ans: (C) Q. Erlang is used to (A) Measure busy period (B) Give total busy period in minutes (C) Measure average call rate (D) Indicate total call period Ans: (A) Q. The grade of service is measured in (A) Percentage (B) Number (C) Fractional Number (D) Logarithmic Number Ans: (C) Q. Network with point-to-point link is known as (A) Fully Connected Network (B) Half Connected Network (C) Duplex Connected Network (D) None of these Ans: (A)
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