Church of the Annunciation 80 Main St., P.O. Box 136 Bloomsbury, NJ 08804-0136 Telephone: Rectory (908) 479-4905 Religious Education: (908) 479-6708 Web: In order to recognize the Kingdom of God in our midst, we, the parish community, have as our mission to unite all members in God’s name so as to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We serve the needs of a growing faith community by expanding our ministries utilizing our time, talent and treasure! MASS SCHEDULE Monday thru Thursday 8:30 AM First Friday 8:30 AM Saturday Vigil 4:30 PM Sunday 9:00 AM 11:30 AM Summer Sunday Schedule (July and August) 8:30 & 10:00 AM SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: Saturday - 4:00 PM Baptism: Second Sunday of the Month at 1:00 PM Fourth Sunday of the Month at 1:00 PM Please contact the Rectory in regards to Godparents and available times. Baptism Classes; Call the Rectory for schedule. Marriage: Contact the Rectory several months before planning a date. Sick Calls: Please contact the Rectory so that arrangements can be made to have Fr. Bert make the initial visit to the home, then the Eucharistic Ministers to bring Holy Communion on a regular basis if need be. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Grades K thru 8 Sunday 10:10 AM - 11:25 AM Preschool - 11:30 AM -12:30 PM Grades K thru 4 Monday 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM Grades 5 thru 8 Monday 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM CCD Office Hours Sunday 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Monday 3:00 PM - 8:30 PM World Day for Consecrated Life. Through baptism, we are all called to a life of holiness. Each of us has a vocation. Each year the Church celebrates and honors men and women in religious communities with the World Day for Consecrated Life, called for by Pope Francis. On this day we give thanks for the women and men who have committed their lives to living and working to and through a religious community. They do so much good in the world/ As the Holy Father has said “the consecrated life appears to us all just as it really is “a gift of God!” PARISH STAFF Rev. Roberto D. Coruña, Pastor Joyce Mahon, Parish Secretary Donna Perrone, Parish Catechetical Leader Patricia Kozlowski, Chairperson of Parish Pastoral Council Women’s Guild, Contact person, Diane Teuscher William Tighe, President of the Holy Name Society Patricia Kozlowski, President of the Legion of Mary PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - 2:00 - 6:00 PM Wednesdays & Thursdays 10:00 - 4:00 PM or by appointment 589 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2015 Mass Intentions SATURDAY 4:30 PM July 04, 2015 Kathryn Letcher SUNDAY 8:30 AM 10:00 AM July 05 - Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time Kathryn Letcher /Alan & Mary Lou Deak Bill Fitzpatrick /Mary & Greg Sumner MONDAY 8:30 AM 7:00 PM July 06 - St. Marla Goretti Terry McDevitt /Koscinski Family Novena TUESDAY 8:30 AM July 07 Mable E. Mahon /Mahon Family WEDNESDAY July 08 8:30 AM Joseph D. Mahon /Mahon Family /Gloria McGovern THURSDAY 8:30 AM July 09 - St, Augustine Zhao Rong Thomas Mahon /Mahon Family FRIDAY July 10 No Mass SATURDAY 4:30 PM July 11 - St. Benedict, Abbot Jimmy McGovern /Gloria McGovern SUNDAY 8:30 AM 10:00 AM July 12 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Helen Lake Hino /Oley Family Parishioners Scripture Readings for the Week Sunday July 05 Ez 2:2-5 ~ Ps 123:1-4 ~ 2 Cor 12:7-10 Mk 6:1-6a Monday July 06 Gn 28:10-22a ~ Ps 91:1-15b ~ Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday July 07 Gn 32:23-33 ~ Ps 17:1b-15 ~ Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday July 08 Gn 41:55-57—42:5-24a ~ Ps 33:2-19 Mt 10:1-7 Thursday July 09 Gn 44:18-29—45:1-5 ~ Ps 105:16-21 Mt 1:7-15 Friday July 10 Gn 46:1-30 ~ Ps 37:3-40 ~ Mt 10:16-23 Saturday July 11 Gn 49:29-32—50:15-26a ~ Ps 105:1-7 Mt 10:24-33 Sunday July 12 Am 7:12-15 ~ Ps 85:9-14 ~Eph 1:3-14 Mk 6:7-13 The Sanctuary Candle The Sanctuary Candle is burning continually as a sign of the continual real presence of Jesus Christ, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity under the appearance of the host kept in the tabernacle. The Candle is a sign that Jesus is truly present, looking at each person with love, listening to their prayers, and giving them the grace needed to deal with the problems of life. Do you want the light of Christ to be with you while you pray for yourself and/or loved ones, If you would like to schedule the times you want to do this, please call the rectory. Donation is $10.00 for one week. The Candle is burning July 18th thru July 24th for Ines Jerome Lopez and July 25th thru July 31st for Hermogene Jacinta Castillo; both requested by Erma Farquhar. ~~~~ SOCIAL CONCERNS ShopRite Certificates If you wish to purchase ShopRite Certificates other than the week they are on sale, please contact Terry Zvolanek (908) 479-4340. ShopRite Gift Certificates are on sale this weekend. Please place your donations in the Annex. Thank you for your continued support. ~~~~ PLEASE NOTE SUNDAY SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE Beginning July 5th, 2015 thru September 6th, 2015 our Sunday Summer Mass Schedule will be 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM. ~~~~ BUNCO NIGHT Ladies Night Out The Women’s Guild is again sponsoring a Girls Nite Out Bunco Party for our parishioners & their friends on Friday, July 10th at 7:00 pm in the Church Annex. Refreshments will be served. No experience needed! Come for a free fun nite out! 589-1 PRAYER CHAIN Barbara Studley, Edward Studley, Jody Crawford, Susan Ortega, Kim Kireg, Darlene Gilmartin, Stephen Mackenzie, Caroline Batchelor, Mary Korab, Taresa Harvey, Stephanie Poltrack, Andre Dercqu, James Jurgensen, John Darianka, Jaime DeVito, Sean Joseph Flannery, Frank Archinaco, Debbie Archinaco, Simranjeet Singh, James Strohm, Jessica Wallner, Ryan Hudak, Thomas Curran, Rosemarie Hall, Louis Costello, Richard Smith, Joe Johnson, Lisa Sinise, Marie Smith, Stanley Topor, Stanley Kraszewski, Sierra Brooks, Bill Varga, Jacob Green, Charlene Pels, Ann Fennelly, Marcy Mendoza, Kevin Barry, Marilu Lewandowski, Nancy Viscari, Chuck Troutman, Cheryl Smith, Sue Slack, Michael Sciotto, Jay Sciotto, Missy Sinise, Ursula Hayman, Charles Lawson, Fred Benson, Carol Bagnato, Richard C. Bello, Patrick Cooney, Robert Papielarski, Frederick Mollard, Bob Emmons, Karen Beattie, Julie Segreaves, Borin Family, Bob Brown, Jennifer Schulz, Troy Petros, Annmarie Frendak, Mike Fekete, Melody Sethman, Phyllis Pacenti, Gianna Torgrimsen, Joseph Perrotti, James G. Pavlis, Richard Bello, Sr., John Letcher, Tammy Sassaman, Peggy & Eric Koonce, George Pavlis, Jean Connolly (deceased), Mary Ann Fitz (deceased), Kathryn Letcher (deceased). ~~~~ CHOIR Choir practice takes place every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm. Please contact Tina Spadafora, Choir Director, at if you are interested in singing at weekend masses and/or special events within the Parish. New members are always welcome. ~~~~ VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL We are planning on having Vacation Bible School the week of July 13th thru July 17th. The theme will be: Savior Stadium: Playing for God’s Team. Please call Donna Perrone at 479-1043 for more information. ~~~~ THE ART OF CELEBRATING SUNDAY Each Sunday the people of God gathers to celebrate and remember the extravagant love of God. This info is offered by the Diocesan Worship Office and explores how all of the baptized participate in the great weekly feast. Participants can learn what the Church envisions for the Sunday celebrations. Please contact Sandi Osmun, 908-479-4355. ~~~~ WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES Lord God, by the creation of the first Eve and her spouse, you made marriage and the family the foundation of all human community. By the birth of your Son, Jesus, to the new Eve, Mary, our mother, and her most chaste spouse, Joseph, you radically altered human history. Through this Holy Family you made a path for our salvation. May the upcoming World Meeting of Families with the Holy Father serve to give you glory and bring strength and fortitude to families who are being assaulted by evil from every direction. May the meeting be a source of light and hope to all the world. Amen Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2015 Ez 2:2-5 God wanted to speak in Old Testament times, he sent prophets. Then he sent his Son. Now he is sending us as his messengers. It’s a safe conclusion that God really wants to speak to his people! His longing to connect with us can’t be contained. Today’s first reading also tells us that our disposition doesn’t change God’s desire to speak to us. He sent Ezekiel to speak his word to a people he knew was hard-hearted. He didn’t tell his prophets to avoid them. He didn’t send them just to the holy, the expectant, and the receptive. We see this also in today’s Gospel reading. Jesus spoke to the people in his hometown, even though many of them rejected him. You can be sure that God will be sending you messages today, so keep your eyes open! Look in the usual places like Mass and your loved ones. Let his word break into your heart. Allow the wave of his desire for you wash away any obstacles. He is sending his word to you. Receive it and let it lift you up! ~~~~ July 4th Independence Day Prayer O God, you willed that the Jewish people be free from slavery by their Egyptian captors. You will that all people should be free to worship you without fear and to celebrate their religious beliefs freely, even if they have not yet found you. Grant that those of us who live in this great nation will thank you daily for our freedom, and work for the freedom of others around the world that do not yet have the freedom to practice their faith openly and proudly. We seek your wisdom where hatred abounds, and ask for humility to offer our good works to others who live in fear and bondage. We ask all this through Christ our Lord, who frees us from sin and death through the wood of the cross. Amen ~~~~ ANNUNCIATION WEB SITE The complete weekly Bulletin has been entered on the Web Site by the Office . If you go to our Web Site, you will see the word “Bulletin” at the very top righthand corner. Click on this, and the Bulletin will appear. Our Web address is : 589-2 Coins American & Foreign Christopher J. Knoll, Manager, NJ Lic. No. 4460 1761 Rt. 31 • Clinton, New Jersey 08809 (908) 735-7180 SUPREME Christopher J. Butler The Realtor For All Fellow Annunciation Families Parishioner Scrap Gold Gold & Silver Paper Money Tues-Fri 10am-5pm Old Jewelry Saturday 10am-3pm Estates or By Appointment Collections Truck Caps • Liners Bed Mats • Truck & Camping Accessories • Utility Trailer Open & Enclosed Sales & Rentals QUALITY, VARIETY & SERVICE Shop Rite of Flemington 1074 Rt. 173 E. 908-735-5995 Parishioners ( Rt. 31 & Commerce St.) Shop Rite of Clinton ( 50 Wal-Mart Plaza) Shop Rite of Greenwich ( 1207 Rt. 22, Phillipsburg) 56 Main Street, Flemington, NJ 800-819-9875 908-782-0840 908.285.0534 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. 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