5 01 2 , 16 h c Mar AY 1 D JPPSS TESTING TIMES 2015 PARCC PBA Testing Inside this issue: TESTING TIMES GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL TESTS 2 3 The Testing Times is a daily e-paper containing step-by-step directions and reminders for the day. The Testing Department will email it daily to principals, assistant principals, school test coordinators, and test monitors. It can also be found at on the JPPSS website, in the Statewide Testing section. Please email jolynn.tompson@jppss.k12.la.us or call 655-2846 if you have any questions or concerns. There are no test materials due for return today! Please inform the home school and nonpublic school parents that they must wait for the class to complete testing before the students can be dismissed. Have a successful testing day. CLASSROOM REMINDERS Door windows must be uncovered. Seating for state or district test monitor must be at the front or rear of the classroom. Directional symbols must be posted on the board. Timing box must be posted on the board. TAs must announce when 10 minutes remain in the testing window. MONDAY March 16, 2015 PARCC Unit 1 Grades 3—8 Unit 1 - Literary Analysis Reminders for Test Administrators SIGNS SCRATCH PAPER All rooms where testing is occurring must have a “Testing— Do Not Disturb” sign on the door. Scratch paper must be distributed to the students during all testing sessions. Students are allowed to write in their consumable test booklets. Mark responses with a no. 2 pencil. CELL PHONES All cell phones belonging to students, test administrators, proctors, and hall monitors must be turned off and be placed out of sight. Collect student cell phones and make sure they are turned off. PARCC - PBA Testing Time Task Time to be Allotted for Test Administration Preparation after students arrive (includes reading instructions to students and answering questions). 10 minutes Distribute test materials to students. 5 minutes Administer unit. Subject and Grade Unit Unit Testing Time (Actual Minutes) ELA/Literacy Grade 3 Unit 1 (Literary Analysis) 75 ELA/Literacy Grade 4 ELA/ Literacy Grade 5 Unit 1 (Literary Analysis) 75 ELA/Literacy Grade 6 ELA/ Literacy Grade 7 ELA/Literacy Grade 8 Unit 1 (Literary Analysis) 75 End-of-unit activities, including closing units and collecting test materials. 5 – 10 minutes Page 2 General Instructions for Testing A S SIGN rring occu isturb” s i g estin Not D ere t ng - Do h w esti oms All ro have a “T . r t o mus n the do o n g si CCOM Test acc MODA ommod TIONS a t io n s should are doc umented be given on the s if the ac be prov commo tudent’s ided in r dations IE P, IAP, o egular c r la A s C s r E form a New ac oom ins commo nd truction d a a t n io d ns or ch a be made s s e ssment. anges to to a stu an acco dent’s IE the star mmodat P, IAP o t of test ion mus r ACE fo ing. t rm 30 d ays prio r to CELL PHONES All cell phones belonging to students, test administrators, proctors and hall monitors be turned off and be placed out of sight. Collect student cell phones and make sure they are “To catch the reader's attention, place an turned off. Inside Story Headline interesting sentence or quote from the story here.” If a student’s cell phone or other electronic devices are seen, ring, or have any activity while the student’s possession and the student is testing, the test is voided. Test Booklets umable. Booklets are cons Students may mak All stray marks ne Yellow highlights oklet e notes in the bo mpletely. ed to be erased co are allowed The student must leave the testing room for the rest of the subject’s test. The test administrator must alert the School Test Coordinator. The test administrator must complete and irregularity report. The School Test Coordinator must complete a Void Notification Form. The School Test Coordinator must notify the Accountability department. If a student’s cell phone rings and the test administrator CIRCULATE Monitor the students closely to make sure they are working on the correct section. GO ON directions appear on the bottom of the of test booklets to help determine whether the students are working the correct testing session. has the phone, students continue testing, and an investigation is conducted. If a test administrator’s cell phone rings during testing, the students continue testing, and an investigation will be ERASURE ANALYSIS IRREGULARITIES WHEN IN DOUBT, FILL IT OUT! 3 Student answer documents are scanned for excessive wrong to right erasures. Tests with excessive wrong to right erasures will be voided for accountability if erasures are determined to be a violation.
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