Jurnal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management Vol. 3, Issue. 1,2015 The prior ship and posterity of the architectural idea and concepts sources (Essay on the Ideation Process of some of the Architects, teaching at the Faculty of Architecture, Mashhad) Atousa Ghannad, MSc student of architecture, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran Pedram Baghani MSc student of architecture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran Abstract The basic idea of design is a reflection, which is formed in designer’s mind when facing with a design problem and is not obvious in many occasions. However, "what is the prior ship and posterity of the architectural ideas' and concepts' sources?" is the one the present study seeks answer to. In order to answer the mentioned question, a survey was conducted in which data on the ideation process of some of the professors of the faculties of architecture of Mashhad city, Iran, were collected through a questionnaire during two years and the report of its results is presented in this paper. In the study data collection was conducted through some questionnaires and also interviewing the architects. 101 faculties, 60 males and 41 females, were selected to form the statistical sample about the result of the previous study. The data was analyzed according to the research hypotheses. The results show a framework that can be used to identify the architectural ideas' and concepts' sources priority that can bring a kind of knowledge and self-confidence for the students and novice designers. Keywords: Architectural design, the process of design ideation, design problem, designer Introduction The basic idea of design is a reflection, which is formed in designer’s mind when facing with a design problem and is not obvious in many occasions. However, the questions that "from where the basic idea of architectural design is stemmed? What are the sources of architectural ideation? And how much is each one’s share in it?"Are the ones that our previous study answered to them. The question of this study is "what is the prior ship and posterity of the architectural ideas' and concepts' sources". In order to answer the mentioned question, a survey was conducted in which data on the ideation process of some of the professors of the faculties of architecture of Mashhad city, Iran, were collected through a questionnaire during two years and the report of its results is presented in this paper. In the study data collection was conducted through some questionnaires and also interviewing the architects. The design situations formed by the designer’s desire and the problem and the confrontation of the designer with the design problem is the initiator of design process. Analyzing architects' answers showed that each one has focused on one of the design elements more in facing with the design problem and they find their primary idea from such an attention. So, the design situation and its elements can be initially introduced as the main source of architects’ ideation. Initial analysis of the architects’ answers showed that the origin of all the ideas provided by the architects can be followed in the design. Relying on research and related literature review and conclusions extracted from the questionnaire, a new classification of "the sources of development of ideas and Concepts" was achieved that published as "The development Sources of Architectural Design Ideas (Essay on the Ideation Process of some of 762 www.jsstm-ump.org The prior ship and posterity of the architectural idea and concepts sources the Architects, teaching at the Faculty of Architecture, Mashhad)". A deeper analysis of the interviews, showed that different design elements were obtained dividing into factors related to the design problem, factors related to design precedents, human factors and factors related to design tools. Each of mentioned sources has a proportion in ideation of the studied architects. Studying ideation process of the architects showed that they haven’t receives their primary idea from the same source and hasn't taken the same approach in dealing with the design problem. Such changes in ideation of an architect show the changeability of the proportion of each source in generation primary idea for different projects. In the previous research we had examined initial source of some architecture professors of Mashhad Faculties of architecture using survey questionnaires. At the end in order to summarize the above points and in order to represent a more appropriate classification in a tabular form we had brought “sources of development of the architectural design ideas” as bellow (Figure1). Sources of development of the architectural design ideas Design problem problem Design Design site Subject Design site Design precedents Design legislation and principles Works’ forms Works’ functionality Works’ meaning and concepts Nature Tools Available technological facilities Using sketches, diagrams and Marquette’s Design place quality The type of design process Human Factors Designer Designer’s experiences Designer’s viewpoints and ideology Architect’s special style Academic power Creativity and talent Taste Others User’s viewpoints or opinions Employer’s viewpoints or opinions Planner and policy makers’ viewpoints or opinions Figure1: sources of development of the architectural design ideas Studies have shown that all the architects have not received their primary ideas from the same source and have not taken a consistent approach in dealing with the design problem. Such changes in ideation of an architect, in different design situations, indicated the changeability of proportion of the sources in generating the primary idea. So in the second phase aims to evaluate the classified sources in the process of ideation of architects, in order to determine each factor’s proportion in another survey questionnaire, with the same respondents. The statistical population of this research includes 101 people who have occupied faculty post in university in Mashhad city in Iran. After setting the number of population at 100 people as minimum sample, 101 faculties, including 41 females, were selected to form the statistical sample. Finally, 101 questionnaires were randomly distributed among the faculties and 50 accurate questionnaires have been analyzed. Method, research hypothesis and measures The study is conducted in a two years of research. In order to research we have studied the ideation process of 100 architects (professors of architecture in Islamic Azad University of Mashhad city and some other institutes of higher education). We should explain that the process is done in two phases; in the first phase we have examined the results of other researches. According to what was said, 100 information packets were collected during the 762 Jurnal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management Vol. 3, Issue. 1,2015 study, each packet containing the documentation of answers to the questions in the questionnaire and interviews. In the questionnaire all architects answered to seven main questions. Then they were invited to explain the ideation process of themselves at the bottom of questionnaire and explain what had been neglected about ideation sources. Then, the key propositions were put together in order to extract common concepts within them. Effective samples in this research are 101 universities faculties at architectural universities in Mashhad city in Iran, including 60 males (58.8%) and 41 females (41.2%). Participants completed a short demographic information form and a questionnaire about the sources of development of the architectural design ideas. This questionnaire includes questions about the Design problem (2 questions), Design precedents (5 questions), Human Factors (10 questions), Tools (4 questions). This questionnaire measures the proportion of sources of development of the architectural design ideas using Likert's five-point rating scale. In this research a survey was done to investigate architectural university faculties' viewpoints in different architectural universities in Mashhad city in Iran to understand the proportion of sources of development of the architectural design ideas. Results and discussion 8% Design problem 18% 44% Human Factors Design precedents Tools 30% Figure 2: The proportion of each factor in the development of the architectural design ideas In this research Figure 2 indicates the frequency of responses to different choices. As seen in Figure 2, the majority of the respondents (44%) selected "Design problem", and 30% "Human Factors" and 18% of respondents "Design precedents" and only 8% chose "Tools" as the sources of development of the architectural design ideas. It means that from the point of view of the respondents, "Design problem" as equally essential for revising and refining ideas and generating concepts. The factors related to "design problem" are divided into two general groups of "design subject" and "site". "Site” takes into account just the features, such as geometry, topography, etc. “design subject” includes all those things that always come to design situation with the problem but aren’t considered in the definition of "site” (Nadimi and Shariatrad, 2012: 9). On the other figure (figure 3) the results of the respondents to the question about the Design problem illustrated. 769 www.jsstm-ump.org The prior ship and posterity of the architectural idea and concepts sources 18% 44% Human Factors 52% 48% Design precedents 30% Subject 8% 54 52 50 48 46 Design site Design problem Tools Figure 3: the frequency of responses to Design Problems' question. As it can be seen from the Figure 3, there isn’t distinct variation between the answers about the impressments of the two sections in architects' ideation. So we can consider both "Design Site" and "Subject" as the main elements of "Design Problem" for choosing idea and concept for different project. Some researchers believe that utilizing design precedents and patterns especially in the initial phases of the design is so beneficial and increases the designer’s ability in solving the design problem (Schon, 1983, p: 185, Gelemter & Payne, 1997; Ledewitz, 1985, p: 5). As a result of this research, from viewpoint of faculties, "Design Precedents" divided to 5 sections and "Precedents Works' Form" has the most significant role in the idea and concept that choose for a specific project. And as it can be foreseen, the impact of "Design Principle" is neglected (Figure4). Design problem 0 Tools 30% Nature Design precedents 16% 10% Precedents Works’… 10 26% 20% Precedents Works’… 44% 28% 20 Human Factors Precedents Works’… 18% 30 Design legislatio… 8% Figure 4: the frequency of responses to Design Precedents' question. Figure 5 indicates the frequency of responses to different choices and the results of the questionnaire about the use of categories named as "Tools" in the architects ideation process. We notice that "Available technological facilities" is the main source to give architects enough space to choose their ideas which most often because of lack of the building technology, many ideas become neglected. Human Factors Design precedents Tools 18% 12% The type of design process 30% 44% 32% Design place quality 18% 38% Using sketches, diagrams… 8% 40 30 20 10 0 Available technologic al facilities Design problem Figure 5: the frequency of responses to Tools' question. 722 Jurnal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management Tools 13% 16% 4% Planner and legislator Design precedents 0 17% Employer 30% 44% Human Factors 40 30 20 10 User 18% Design problem Designer 8% Vol. 3, Issue. 1,2015 Figure 6: the frequency of responses to Human Factors' question. Lawson believes that human factors influencing the ideation process include the designer, the employer and the legislator. In the modern world we cannot ignore the role of planners in creating different architectural and urban laws. Thus, instead of "legislator" we have used "planners and legislators". From viewpoint of faculties, "Human "Factors" are the second sources that all the architects insist on as a source of their ideas and concepts. What is presented in a certain project shows the designers’ way in observation, understanding and explaining that project and is based on his/her accepted values in life and his/her design viewpoints (White, 2011, p: 46 - 38). The design problem doesn’t usually stem from employer’s mind but from designer’s mind, and sometimes the designer faces an employer and in some cases faces the employers Board. "Michael Whilford" emphasizes the importance of the role of employers in the design process: “There is a great employer behind a great building that spends his/her time and energy on understanding the ideas of designer (Lawson, 2005, P: 9998). So both "Designer" and "Employer" are the main source of the ideation.Based on the results of the factor analysis; the proposed framework is presented in Table 1 with 4 dimensions and 15 factors in descending order. This model can be used to rethink about the idea and concept sources of project. And especially it can help students in architecture design workshops to know that from which point the design process should be started and from where stems the basic design idea. References on inspiring nature of design expertise show that most professionals access different types and amounts of knowledge during the process of reinterpretation (Suwa and Tversky, 1997; Casakin and Goldschmidt, 1999; Kokotovich and Purcell, 2000; Kavakli and Gero, 2001, 2002). It appears that these sources may not be as helpful for novices as it is for expert designers in the development of new concepts (Goldschmidt, 1991; Lawson, 1994; Goel, 1995; Suwa and Tversky, 1997; Verstijnem et al., 1998; Casakin and Goldschmidt, 1999). This is probably so for several reasons. At least one important reason is the dependence of designers on episodic knowledge rather than theoretical knowledge to create design solutions (Visser, 1995; Lawson, 2004) but after all they would be helpful for architectural student to practice the process of ideation. 722 The prior ship and posterity of the architectural idea and concepts sources www.jsstm-ump.org Table 1: descending order of measures for sources of development of the architectural design ideas. Dimension Factors and variables Design problem - Subject - Design site Human Factors - Designer - Employer - User - Planner and legislators Design precedents - Precedents works' forms - Nature - Precedents works’ functionality - Precedents works’ meaning and concepts - Design legislation and principles Tools - Available technological facilities - Using sketches, diagrams and Marquette’s - Design place quality - The type of design process Conclusion The study examines what the architectural universities faculties think about the sources of development of the architectural design ideas. This research summarizes some of key findings indicating a relationship of great significance between the "Design problem", "Human factors", "Design precedents" and "Tools". The results of this study confirm previous researchers’ studies. Finally, Understanding the pros and cons of the process of designers’ ideation process can bring a kind of knowledge and self-confidence for the students and novice designers. References 1- Casakin, H., and G. Goldschmidt (1999), Expertise and the use of visual analogy: implications for design education Design Studies Vol. 20 (2),pp 153~175. 2- Gelemter, M & Payne. , (1997), Alternative concepts in architectural design education, proceeding of the environmental design & research association conference, Urbana, Illinois. 3- Goldschmidt, G. (1991), The dialectics of sketching Creativity Research Journal Vol 4 (2), pp 123-143. 4- Goel, V. (1995), Sketches of thought MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 5- Kavakli, M., and J. Gero (2001), the structure of concurrent cognitive actions :a case study on novice and expert designers Design Studies Vol.23 (1), pp 25-40. 6- Kokotovich, V., and T. 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