Quintec® Fungicide is All Over Powdery Mildew U N D E R O V E R I N A R O U N D Quintec Fungicide for Powdery Mildew Quintec® fungicide, a unique product for control of powdery mildew, offers benefits you’ve never experienced. If you’re in the business of producing high-quality crops, Quintec will be an important part of your powdery mildew management program. Quintec can be used on melons, strawberries, leafy vegetables and peppers. Superior Fruit, Foliage Protection Re-adsorption Desorption University field trials show that Quintec provides superior performance under high and low pressure situations. It controls powdery mildew for up to 14 days, depending on rate. Commercial use since 2007 has shown excellent powdery mildew control and has validated the university trial work. Quintec has the unique ability to redistribute across leaf and fruit/ vegetable tissues after application, forming a protective barrier as it moves. That redistribution process is not a substitute for proper coverage, but the movement helps Quintec reach areas that are out of the direct line of spray. Totally Unique Class of Chemistry Quintec is the only member of the quinoline class of chemistry (FRAC Group 13). Its active ingredient, quinoxyfen, provides a mode of action unlike any other fungicide used in vegetables – making it ideal for resistance management programs. Quintec is an excellent rotation partner with other fungicide classes, such as sterol inhibitors (e.g. Rally® fungicide), strobilurins and sulfur. Excellent Crop Safety Commercial use in all crops since 2007 has shown a high level of crop safety. Quintec has been included in university trials since 1999 and there have been no issues with crop safety when applied according to the label. Worker & Environmental Considerations Quintec was reviewed and registered under the U.S. EPA’s Reduced Risk Pesticide Program. The product label carries the signal word, “Caution,” the lowest human hazard signal word available. Trial Results Since 1999, Quintec has been included in dozens of university field trials in vegetable/fruit crops. Those trials were conducted by university cooperators, independent researchers and Dow AgroSciences. In those trials, Quintec was a consistent, top–performing product. University Trials n The 2009 Yuma Ag Center melon trial included 39 different fungicide treatments. The top treatment, Quintec at 5 oz/A, zeroed-out powdery mildew on upper leaf surfaces. n In the 2008 Yuma Ag Center melon trial, Quintec was (numerically) the top treatment on lower leaf surface ratings. n In the 2007 Yuma Ag Center melon trial, three programs that included Quintec zeroed-out powdery mildew on upper and lower surfaces. Yuma Ag Center: http://ag.arizona.edu/aes/yac n A pumpkin field trial in Solano County in 2009 by UC Davis, Dept. of Plant Pathology evaluated 20 different fungicide programs. Researchers found that “Quintec applications at 4 oz/A gave the best results with 0% upper leaf surface incidence and no observable colonies in the central lobe of leaves.” A similar trial was conducted in 2008 with eleven treatments. Researchers found that “maximum disease reduction on the upper surface of leaves was achieved with Rally alternated with Quintec.” Eleven fungicide treatments were evaluated. Full results of both trials at http://plantpathology.ucdavis.edu/ext/ n In 2002, a Santa Maria strawberry trial conducted by Dr. Doug Gubler showed Quintec as (numerically) the top treatment based on percent disease severity on leaves. That trial included three strobilurins and two sterol inhibitors. n Quintec was the top treatment – based on percent disease incidence on fruit – in a 2004 university trial in Santa Maria strawberries. The trial was conducted by Dr. Doug Gubler and included five other fungicide treatments. n A 2006 UC Extension-Imperial trial in lettuce showed Quintec as statistically equal to the top treatment in the trial. Thirteen different treatments were in that trial. Apply Quintec, Rally by air Rotate with Rally Fungicide ® Rally® fungicide is labeled for powdery mildew in cucurbits, strawberries, leafy vegetables, peppers and many other vegetable crops. Its locally-systemic activity provides protective, curative and eradicant activity, making it especially valuable when crops are growing fast. Studies have shown that Rally has the innate ability to move in the direction of new growth, meaning emerging and expanding leaves are protected. As a member of the sterol inhibitor class of chemistry (FRAC Group 3), Rally is an excellent rotation partner with Quintec. Quintec Rally Active Ingredient quinoxyfen myclobutanil Class of Chemistry quinoline (FRAC Group 13) sterol inhibitor (FRAC Group 3) Formulation flowable water soluble packets Method of Application ground, NEW air label ground, air Re-entry Interval (REI) 12 hours 24 hours Pre-harvest Interval (PHI) 3 days – melon, peppers 1 day – strawberries, lettuce none To Learn More Contact your PCA or Dow AgroSciences representative. John Reding, AZ & Imperial Harry Peck, Tulare Nick Higgins, Fresno 602/370-4294559/730-3304 559/289-1586 jfreding@dow.comhlpeck@dow.com nn/ahiggins@dow.com Jill LeVake Scott, Sacramento Jennifer Crawford, Bakersfield Dwain Morton, Central Coast 530/713-2565661/303-2071 805/878-7149 jlevakescott@dow.comjjcrawford@dow.com demorton2@dow.com Daniel Abruzzini, Turlock Jim Matsuyama, South Coast Rick Geddes, Yuba City 209/338-7405805/794-3017 530/632-8828 dlabruzzini@dow.comjimatsuyama@dow.comrdgeddes@dow.com Labels: www.dowagro.com, www.agrian.com, www.cdms.net ® Trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC Always read and follow label directions. www.dowagro.com L01-136-037 (4/11) EF 010-33513 1059 Court St, #104 Woodland, CA 95695 PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID SACRAMENTO, CA PERMIT NO. 195
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