KRESO 50 WG Reg. No.: L 8266 Act /Wet No. 36 of/van 1947 A water dispersible granular contact and translaminar fungicide for the control of certain fungal diseases on apples, citrus, cucurbits, grapes, mangoes, pears and roses. FRAC FUNGICIDE GROUP CODE: ‘n Waterdispergeerbare korrel kontak- en translaminêre swamdoder vir die beheer van sekere swamsiektes op appels, druiwe, mango’s pampoengewasse, pere, sitrus en rose. 11 FRAC SWAMDODERGROEP KODE: ACTIVE INGREDIENT/AKTIEWE BESTANDDEEL: Kresoxim-methyl (strobilurin) / kresoksiem-metiel (strobilurien) ……………………. 500 g/kg Registration holder / Registrasiehouer: ARYSTA LifeScience South Africa (Pty) Ltd Co. Reg. No./Mpy. Reg. Nr.: 2009/019713/07 7 Sunbury Office Park, Off Douglas Saunders Drive, La Lucia Ridge, South Africa, 4019 Tel: 031 514 5600 Contents/Inhoud kg Batch No. / Lot Nr.: Date of manufacture: / Datum van vervaardiging: U.N. No. 3077 READ THE LABEL IN DETAIL BEFORE OPENING THE CONTAINER. / LEES DIE ETIKET VOLLEDIG VOORDAT DIE HOUER OOPGEMAAK WORD. For full particulars, see enclosed leaflet. / Vir volledige besonderhede, sien ingeslote pamflet. KRESO 50 WG/02/03/2011.1 1 KRESO 50 WG Reg. No.: L8266 Act/Wet No. 36 of/van 1947 A water dispersible granular contact and translaminar fungicide for the control of certain fungal diseases on apples, citrus, cucurbits, grapes, mangoes, pears and roses. ‘n Waterdispergeerbare korrel kontak- en translaminêre swamdoder vir die beheer van sekere swamsiektes op appels, druiwe, mango’s pampoengewasse, pere, sitrus en rose. FRAC FUNGICIDE GROUP CODE / FRAC SWAMDODERGROEP KODE: 11 ACTIVE INGREDIENT / AKTIEWE BESTANDDEEL: Kresoxim-methyl (strobilurin) / kresoksiem-metiel (strobilurien) ……………………. 500 g/kg Registration holder / Registrasiehouer: ARYSTA LifeScience South Africa (Pty) Ltd Co. Reg. No./Mpy. Reg. Nr.: 2009/019713/07 7 Sunbury Office Park, Off Douglas Saunders Drive, La Lucia Ridge, South Africa, 4019 Tel: 031 514 5600 CAUTION / VERSIGTIG WARNINGS: Withholding periods: Allow the following minimum number of days between application and harvesting, baleing or grazing: Apples & Pears: 45 days Citrus: 56 days Cucurbits: 4 days Mangoes: 48 days Table & Wine Grapes: 14 days The recommended withholding period between last application and harvest meets the local residue requirements but may not meet export requirements. • Handle with care. • Harmful to animals. • Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals. • Store in a cool, dry place away from food and feed. • Do not apply KRESO 50 WG to lemon trees or old neglected citrus trees. Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions the registration holder does not warrant that it will be efficacious under all conditions because the action and effect thereof may be affected by factors such as abnormal soil, growth medium, climatic and storage conditions, quality of dilution water, incompatibility with other substances not indicated on the label and the occurrence of resistance of disease against the remedy concerned as well as by the method time and accuracy of application. The registration holder, furthermore does not accept responsibility for damage to crops, vegetation, the environment or harm to man or animal or for lack of performance of the remedy concerned due to failure of the user to follow the label instructions or to the occurrence of conditions which could not have been foreseen in terms of the registration. Consult the supplier in the event of any uncertainty. PRECAUTIONS: • Avoid prolonged contact with skin and protect eyes. • Do not inhale spray mist or dust. • When handling the concentrated product wear gloves, boots and face shield. • Wash with soap and water after handling of product. • Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst mixing and applying or before washing hands and face. • Prevent spray drift onto other crops, grazing, rivers and dams. • Destroy empty containers and never use for any other purpose. • Prevent contamination of food, feed, drinking water and eating utensils. • Clean applicator after use by rinsing thoroughly with clean water. Prevent wash water contaminating other areas. RESISTANCE WARNING: For resistance management, KRESO 50 WG is a group code 11 fungicide. Any fungus population may contain individuals naturally resistant to KRESO 50 WG and other group code KRESO 50 WG/02/03/2011.1 2 11 fungicide. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the fungus population if these fungicides are used repeatedly. These resistant fungi may not be controlled by KRESO 50 WG or any other group code 11 fungicide. To delay fungicide resistance: • Avoid exclusive repeated use of fungicide from the same fungicide group code. Alternate or tank mix with products form different fungicide group codes. • For tank mixing or alternation with products in fungicide group code M, refer to applicable individual product labels. • Integrate other control methods (chemical, cultural, biological) into disease control programmes. For specific information on resistance management contact the registration holder of this product. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as directed. Compatibility: • KRESO 50 WG is compatible with CungFu 538 SC (copper hydroxide 538 g/ℓ, Reg. no.: L7526, Act 36 of 1947), COPRO FLOW S (basic copper sulphate 320 g/ℓ, Reg. no.: L 8118, Act 36 of 1947) and most commonly used modern insecticides. Mixing Instructions: • Pre-mix the required amount of copper in at least 10 litres of water and add it to the spray tank, half filled with clean water. • Thereafter, measure the required volume of KRESO 50 WG, pre-mix in at least 10 litres of water before also adding to the spray tank. • For citrus only, finally add the mineral oil (e.g. HYPER MEDIUM OIL, Reg. no. L 7355, Act 36 of 1947), to the mixture. • Fill the spray tank with water to the final volume required, while maintaining agitation to ensure thorough mixing of the spray mixture before spraying commences. • Maintain agitation while spraying. • Prepared spray mixture must not be left in the spray tank for any length of time, e.g. overnight. Rain-fastness: • KRESO 50 WG is not easily washed off by rain after it has dried on the crop. • Rainfall up to 20 mm, one day after application, will normally not negatively affect the fungicidal activity of the product. Application: • With the introduction of strobilurin fungicides, such as KRESO 50 WG, a new application concept, the “block” concept, is proposed. • On this label, reference to a “block” means a series of 2 to 3 consecutive treatments with a strobilurin fungicide. • In order to optimize the fungicidal activity of the product, it is very important to apply KRESO 50 WG according to the anti-resistance strategy rules as given below. General Anti-resistance Strategy Rules: • Apply KRESO 50 WG in principle on a preventive basis. • The total number of KRESO 50 WG and other strobilurin applications should (except in the case of citrus) not constitute more than 40 % of the total number of fungicide applications made to the crop in one season. • Use other registered fungicides, with a mode of action that differs from strobilurins, for the remainder of the spray programme. KRESO 50 WG/02/03/2011.1 3 • The last fungicide application of the season should (except in the case of citrus) not be carried out with a strobilurin fungicide. APPLES AND PEARS: • KRESO 50 WG can be applied on a preventive (powdery mildew and scab) and a curative (scab) basis. • Start KRESO 50 WG applications as early in the season as possible. • Apply KRESO 50 WG in a “block” of 2 to 3 consecutive treatments. • Within a “block”, KRESO 50 WG can be applied preventively or curatively as dictated by the occurrence of infection periods. • Increase the dosage rate as recommended for curative treatments only after infection periods (within 2 days after the onset of the infection period). • Do not apply more than 3 sprays with KRESO 50 WG or any other strobilurin per season. High Volume Applications: The water volume to be applied per hectare should be calculated according to the Tree-RowVolume (TRV) formula described by Unrath (Deciduous Fruit Grower No. 1986): Litre/ha= Tree height x Tree depth x 937 Row Width The above formula indicates the required volume of water for high volume (HV) applications when the trees are in full leaf. Based on the above formula the following water volumes are recommended for the various growth stages: Growth Stage: % HV water requirement/ha: Greentip – 30% of full blossom: 60 % Full blossom – middle November: 80 % From beginning December: 100 % Low Volume Applications: When low volume sprays are applied the dosage rate of KRESO 50 WG per 100 litres water must be increased in order to maintain the same amount of fungicide applied per hectare as in the case of a high volume application. Use above formula and growth stage table to calculate the required amount of KRESO 50 WG per hectare. CITRUS (EXCLUDING LEMONS): In order to optimize the fungicidal activity of the product and ensure sustainable use of strobilurins, it is very important to apply KRESO 50 WG in a programme with basic copper sulphate or copper hydroxide according to a resistance management programme. To maintain a high level of control, correct timing of applications is critically important. • Apply KRESO 50 WG as part of a programme. The first application being copper, starting at fruit set (100 % petal drop), at the registered rate, followed by two KRESO 50 WG applications, as recommended in the table below. A final spray of at least one copper application, as recommended, must complete the spray programme. • Do not apply KRESO 50 WG to lemons or old, neglected citrus trees, as they are extremely prone to fungicidal resistance. • KRESO 50 WG should always be applied as a preventive treatment with limited curative abilities (maximum 3 days). • Refer to the respective copper and light narrow mineral oil labels for directions regarding their applications. • Apply as a medium or full cover spray. GRAPES: • Start KRESO 50 WG applications as early in the season as possible. KRESO 50 WG/02/03/2011.1 4 • Apply preventively before an infection period occurs. • In a spray programme, apply KRESO 50 WG in a “block” of maximum 3 applications containing FRAC fungicide group code 11 fungicides, per season. • Alternate with products in the spray programme with products from different group codes. Table grapes: KRESO 50 WG may be applied as a high or a low volume application. The dosage rate per 100 litres as recommended in the “Application Table” below, is meant for a high volume application. In case of low volume applications the dosage rate per 100 litres should be increased in order to apply the same amount of product per hectare as in the case of the high volume application. Wine grapes: KRESO 50 WG may be applied as indicated for table grapes. It is also possible to lengthen the spray intervals while spraying at increased rates as indicated in the “Application Table”. High Volume Applications for Table and Wine Grapes: Spray to the point of run-off ensuring even coverage. depending on the leaf area present: Growth Stage Apply the following water volumes Water volume in ℓ/ha Shoots 2 to 5cm long up to before blossom: 350 – 500 ℓ/ha Blossom to pea-size of the berries: 500 –1000 ℓ/ha Berries at pea-size up to harvest: 1000 – 1500 ℓ/ha Low Volume Applications: • The amount of product needed per hectare should be calculated from the corresponding high volume application. • The concentration of the spray mixture should not exceed four times (4x) the concentration as recommended for the high volume application. • Apply in at least 250 litres water per hectare. • Ensure even coverage. ROSES: • KRESO 50 WG must be applied on a preventive basis. • Start KRESO 50 WG applications as early in the season as possible. • Apply KRESO 50 WG in up to two “blocks” of 2 to 3 consecutive sprays each. • Do not apply more than 3 consecutive sprays with KRESO 50 WG or any other strobilurin per “block”. • Separate the first and second KRESO 50 WG “blocks” by spraying at least twice with registered fungicides with modes of action which differ from the mode of action of strobilurins, e.g. REPUTE (Reg. no. L 6824, Act 36 of 1947). • Do not apply more than 6 applications with KRESO 50 WG or any other strobilurin per season. • Apply KRESO 50 WG as a medium to high volume application in 750 to 1500 litres water per hectare. • Ensure even coverage of the crop. GENERAL: • KRESO 50 WG is characterized by a special mode of transport and uptake action with long lasting effect and translaminar activity. • KRESO 50 WG can also be sprayed once infection has occurred in the case of scab on apples and pears (up to 72 hours after the onset of infection). • KRESO 50 WG is not harmful to bees. KRESO 50 WG/02/03/2011.1 5 APPLICATION TABLE: CROP & DISEASE DOSAGE RATE: DIRECTIONS FOR USE: 6,5 g/100 ℓ water Preventive: Start spraying from the green tip stage until 75 % petal fall at 7 to 10 day intervals. Choose the shorter interval in cases with high infection pressure and favourable weather and growth conditions, and the longer interval when conditions are less favourable for disease development. Spray with 14 day intervals from 75 % petal fall. Do not apply KRESO 50 WG later than the end of December. It is recommended to spray other products, e.g. SYLLIT ( L 7423, Act 36 of 1947) after December to prevent residues at harvest time. Apply as a high volume spray. APPLES & PEARS Scab (Venturia spp) KRESO 50 WG/02/03/2011.1 6 CROP & DISEASE DOSAGE RATE: 10 g/100 ℓ water APPLES Powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha) CUCURBITS Powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca fuliginea) ROSES Powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca pannosa) CITRUS Black spot (Guignardia citricarpa) Do not use on lemons. GRAPES Powdery mildew (Oidium tuckeri) KRESO 50 WG/02/03/2011.1 6,5 g/100 ℓ water 200 g/ha 20 g/100 ℓ water (150 – 300 g/ha) 150 mℓ copper hydroxide or 250 mℓ basic copper sulphate/100 ℓ water 20 g KRESO 50 WG + 150 mℓ copper hydroxide or 250 mℓ basic copper sulphate + 0,5 ℓ light mineral oil/100 ℓ water 150 mℓ copper hydroxide or 250 mℓ basic copper sulphate/100 ℓ water DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Curative: Use KRESO 50 WG (only after the occurrence of infection periods) in addition to a preventive program with other registered products. Apply within 2 days after infection has occurred (maximum 72 hours) as a high volume spray. Commence applications at the pink stage and apply in a preventive program at 7 to 14 day intervals. Applications as recommended for scab control. Will also control powdery mildew. Commence applications at the onset of the disease (less than 1% infection). Apply in a preventive program at 14 day intervals in at least 500 litres water per hectare. Ensure good coverage of all plant parts. Do not apply more than ⅓ of the total number of applications per season with KRESO 50 WG or any other Group Code 11 fungicides (see “RESISTANCE WARNING” above). Apply as full cover spray with the first appearance of mildew symptoms and repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals. Use the shorter intervals in cases where climatic conditions are favourable for development of powdery mildew. Do not apply more than three consecutive treatments within one ‘block’. Alternate treatments in ‘blocks’ with at least two applications of alternative registered products, e.g. REPUTE. Refer to “Applications” above for explanation of the “block” concept. First application of programme: Refer to comments under “CITRUS” above. Apply one copper application at fruit set (100 % petal drop). Refer to the relevant copper label for further details. Second and Third application of programme: Apply KRESO 50 WG 21 to 24 days after the first copper application, as a preventive treatment. Ensure good coverage of all fruit with a medium to full cover spray. Apply a second KRESO 50 WG application 6 weeks later. Final application of programme: Apply copper 6 weeks after the second KRESO 50 WG application. Repeat the copper spray 21 to 24 days later if an infection period occurs in February. Apply as a medium or full cover spray. Commence spraying when shoots are about 2,5 cm long. High volume application: Apply 350 to 1500 litres spray mixture per hectare depending on the leaf area present. Low volume application: Apply at least 250 litres spray mixture per hectare and increase the KRESO 50 WG concentration as indicated 7 CROP & DISEASE Table & Wine Grapes Wine Grapes MANGOES Powdery mildew (Oidium mangiferae DOSAGE RATE: DIRECTIONS FOR USE: under “Applications”. Additional products: Sulphur should be used at least three times in the normal spray programme. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals. Use the higher dosage rate in case of longer intervals or when conditions are highly favourable for disease development. 10 – 15 g/100 ℓ water (35 – 225 g/ha) 22,5 g/100 ℓ water Repeat at 18 to 21 day intervals. (79 - 337,5 g/ha) Commence application at 20 to 50 % flowering. Repeat applications at 2 to 3 week intervals until 100% petal fall. Do not apply more than three KRESO 50 WG applications, or any other Group Code 11 fungicide per season. 20 g/100 ℓ water The last fungicide application in a season should not be of the Group Code 11 fungicides (see “RESISTANCE WARNING” above). Apply as a full cover spray, directed at the inflorescence. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF TRADE NAMES: CungFu 538 SC: L7526, Act 36 of 1947, Registration holder: Gouws and Scheepers (Pty) Ltd, t/a Plaaskem, contains copper hydroxide 538 g/ℓ (copper equivalent 350 g/ℓ). COPRO FLOW S: L8118, Act 36 of 1947, Registration holder: Arysta Lifescience South Africa (Pty) Ltd, contains basic copper sulphate 320 g/ℓ (metallic copper equivalent 180 g/ℓ). KRESO 50 WG/02/03/2011.1 8
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