JUDGING STANDARDS IN YEAR 4 ENGLISH Reporting against the Achievement Standard YEAR 4 ENGLISH ACHIEVEMENT STANDARD These assessment pointers are for judging standards of student performance in Year 4 English. They are examples of what students may demonstrate rather than a checklist of everything they should do. For reporting, they are used to make on-balance judgments about achievement based on what has been taught and assessed during the reporting period. They can also be used to guide the pitch of assessment tasks, develop marking keys and inform assessment feedback. These are the assessment pointers for the Reading and viewing and Writing and creating modes. Additional assessment pointers for the Speaking and listening mode are currently being developed. (organised by modes from The Australian Curriculum version 6.0) Reading and viewing By the end of Year 4, students understand that texts have different structures depending on the purpose and audience. They explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to engage the interest of audiences. They describe literal and implied meaning connecting ideas in different texts. They express preferences for particular texts, and respond to others’ viewpoints. Writing and creating Students use language features to create coherence and add detail to their texts. They understand how to express an opinion based on information in a text. They create texts that show understanding of how images and detail can be used to extend key ideas. Students create structured texts to explain ideas for different audiences. They demonstrate understanding of grammar, select vocabulary from a range of resources and use accurate spelling and punctuation, editing their work to improve meaning. Speaking and listening Students listen for key points in discussions. They use language features to create coherence and add detail to their texts. They understand how to express an opinion based on information in a text. They create texts that show understanding of how images and detail can be used to extend key ideas. Students create structured texts to explain ideas for different audiences. They make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, varying language according to context. 2013/36589v9 [PDF 2013/37340] Published: 22 May, 2015 YEAR 4 ENGLISH ASSESSMENT POINTERS – READING AND VIEWING A B C D E Excellent achievement High achievement Satisfactory achievement Limited achievement Very low achievement Meaning and interpretation Explores content and links ideas in a text to explain literal and implied meaning. Explains content and links key ideas in a text to explain literal and implied meaning. Describes content and identifies key ideas from a text to comment on literal or implied meaning. Identifies some key points from a simple text. Recalls some literal information from a text. Text structure Explains how different text types are structured to suit purpose and audience. Describes how texts are structured to suit purpose and audience. Identifies how a text is structured to suit purpose and audience. Identifies aspects of simple text structures. Identifies a few aspects of simple text structures. Language and conventions Discusses the effectiveness of language features and images used to engage the audience, and provides evidence from the text. Explains how language features and images are used to engage the audience, and uses a relevant example from the text. Describes how language features and images can be used to engage the audience. Locates image or vocabulary used to engage the audience. Recalls an image or simple, familiar vocabulary from the text. Context, audience and purpose Identifies the possible audience for a text, providing details from the text and own context to justify ideas. Identifies the possible audience for a text, referring to the text to support ideas. Identifies the audience for a text, using an example from the text. Provides simple ideas for a possible audience for a text. Provides a brief personal response to a text. Response and evaluation Explains and justifies personal response, providing specific examples from the text and own wider reading. Explains personal response, providing an example from the text and from own reading. Describes personal response giving an example from the text to support opinion. Provides brief reason for liking or disliking the text. Refers to detail from the text, without explanation. Reads a wide range of varied texts with fluency and expression, and uses relevant text processing strategies. Reads texts with fluency and expression, and uses some text processing strategies. Reads texts, using text processing strategies to maintain fluency. Reads aloud but needs frequent prompting. Requires assistance to read aloud. Reading aloud YEAR 4 ENGLISH ASSESSMENT POINTERS – WRITING AND CREATING Text structure Language features Spelling A B C D E Excellent achievement High achievement Satisfactory achievement Limited achievement Very low achievement Creates an engaging imaginative text for the intended audience and purpose. Selects and uses the appropriate text structure. Writes a coherent and engaging imaginative text using appropriate text structure that considers audience. Writes a coherent imaginative text using appropriate text structure that considers different audiences. Attempts to write an imaginative text using some elements of text structure. Attempts to write an imaginative text using a framework. Constructs an accurate and detailed informative text, uses appropriate text structure and includes relevant detail to extend key ideas. Ideas are organised and logical. Constructs an informative and accurate text, uses appropriate text structure and includes relevant detail to support key ideas. Constructs an informative text, uses appropriate text structure and includes relevant detail to support key ideas. Writes a simple informative text, uses some elements of text structure and includes some key ideas. Attempts to write an informative text, with little or no text structure. Creates a cohesive persuasive text for a specific audience. Selects key information, with supporting detail and elaborations. May consider an alternative point of view. Creates a persuasive text for a specific audience. Uses key information and supporting detail to express an opinion with some elaborations. Creates a persuasive text for a specific audience. Uses key information and supporting detail to express an opinion. Writes a simple persuasive text. Uses some key information to state an opinion; however, uses little or no supporting detail. Attempts to present an opinion. Writes simple, compound and complex sentences, varying the structure and/or length for effect. Writes simple, compound and complex sentences, varying length and/or sentence beginnings. Uses simple, compound and complex sentences to develop ideas. Uses simple sentences, with little variation in structure and/or length. Uses simple and run-on sentences. Selects a range of topic-specific and complex vocabulary to enhance meaning appropriate to the audience and purpose. Uses a range of topic-specific vocabulary to enhance meaning and suit the purpose. Selects vocabulary from a range of resources. Uses simple vocabulary to express ideas. Uses simple vocabulary. Consistently spells a range of common and difficult words accurately. Integrates a range of strategies to correctly spell most common and difficult words accurately. Spells most common words accurately. Spells some common words. Relies on using sound-letter relationships. Spells simple words incorrectly. Punctuation Editing A B C D E Excellent achievement High achievement Satisfactory achievement Limited achievement Very low achievement Uses complex punctuation to suit the purpose, enhance meaning and for deliberate effect. Uses appropriate and accurate punctuation relevant to the purpose and context to enhance meaning. Uses accurate punctuation relevant to the purpose and context, such as quotation marks for dialogue, titles and quotes. Uses boundary punctuation which may be relevant to the purpose and context. Uses punctuation inconsistently. Monitors and edits work to enhance meaning, punctuation and spelling. Edits work for meaning and accuracy, making changes to clarify content. Edits to improve meaning. May identify some simple errors. Makes minimal or no attempt to check work.
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