Phone - 323-7271 881 Tamworth Road Tamworth, NH 03886 March 18, 2015 Special points of interest! 3/18 ~ Week 6 Afterschool Program Last Week for the Programs 3/19 ~ Tamworth School Board Meeting 5:30pm 3/19 ~ Parent/Student Orientation KHS 6pm 3/20 ~ No School 3/23 ~ Lego Club & Advanced Cooking Afterschool Last Week 3/27 ~ Family Fun Dance 68pm in the Café 3/31 ~ Louis Fuchs Concert Kennett Middle School 6pm 4/1 ~ PTA Meeting 6pm The Yearbook Committee will not be meeting in the computer lab this Thursday after school. Happy St. Patrick’s Day KENNETH A. BRETT SCHOOL PTA News ~ SAVE THE DATE ~ KA Brett School 6th Annual Tamworth PTA Golf Tournament, May 16, 2015!!! For more information check the PTA website: Operation Gratitude ~ We received a letter this week thanking the students and families from the K.A. Brett School for their generous care package donations and cards for our service men and women. Our contributions were part of an effort to send over 100,000 care packages this past year to the tens of thousands of brave men and women still deployed overseas. A Big Thank you ~ to King Pine ski Area and Purity Spring Resort for hosting the Brett School Cross Country Skiing group for Snow Day. We had a great time and appreciate your hospitality. The Purity Spring XC & Snowshoe Reserve features 28km of scenic trails that wind through the forests around Purity Lake, traverse through the grounds of Purity Spring Resort and twist through tall pines in the adjacent Hoyt/Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary. MWV School to Career Summer Camps for Middle School Youth (entering grades 7, 8, or 9) Camp information and applications are available in the guidance office. This year includes CSI Health Camp, Construction Camp, Culinary Camp I and II, Photography/Video, Robotics Camp. Programs fill up fast and scholarships are available on a limited basis. Call Mrs. Ulitz at 323-7271 ext. 304 if you have any questions or need more information. Kindergarten Registration ~ If your child will be 5 years old on or before September 30, 2015, please call to make an appointment for registration at 323-7271. Registration will take place on Monday, May 4th and Tuesday, May 5th. There will be NO KINDERGARTEN CLASSES on both of those days. 8th Grade Parent/Student Orientation at Kennett High School ~ This annual event for incoming freshman students/parents will be held on Thursday, March 19th at 6 PM in the Loynd Auditorium. A letter has been sent home to all 8th grade parents outlining the details for the evening. Reading Rockets for Title 1 ~ Reading Rockets is rolling along! Come join us on Monday afternoons 3:15-4:30 for reading and writing. Please call or email Carolyn Hemingway at 323-7271 x364 or chemingway Reading Rockets will continue until April 13th. Parent pick-up only, there is no late bus. Art News ~ Due to student interest, I’m going to continue to offer an after school art club on Wednesdays from 3:15-4:30. I’m going to open up the art club to students in grades 4-8. Students must be self-motivated as I would like this time to be devoted to students pursuing their own specific artistic interests. I will offer suggestions, materials, and guidance during this time. Parents will need to pick up their children as there is no late bus offered at this time. I would like a note from parents giving their student(s) permission to stay and making note of who will be picking the student(s) up. Limited to 12 students. Mrs. McBrian Music News ~ Band / Chorus ~ Band and Chorus - Grades 5/6 and 7/8: We are preparing once again for the Louis Fuchs Concert on Tuesday, March 31 at the Kennett Middle School Gym at 6:30. Permission slips for that day's rehearsal are going home this week and are due Thursday, March 19. Save the Date ~ On March 27th, from 6-8, there will be a Family Dance held at the school. This is an all family event and this years theme is Disney! Fancy dress or costumes are encouraged. If anyone has Disney decorations we could kindly borrow for the dance please drop off to the office. Thanks so much!!! Library News ~ I heavily debated this outpouring; hence last weeks’ silence. There’s a lesson to be learned in every endeavor. This weeks’ news doesn’t come easy for me, for students, or for you reading this. A harsh reality speaks: technology sometimes/always/ never fails us. Confession: student book trailers crashed & burned. Credit to less-thancontrollable, unforeseen circumstances (we’ll call them technological flaws) coupled with my personal ignorance steeped a perfect recipe with less-than-perfect results. This of course, is the poor news. Brace yourselves…I will end this in a major chord! Naturally hidden in every obstacle is light & learning. The skills students have learned because of this endeavor easily translate to every other discipline in both their present & future schooling. This now friends, is worth imparting times over! Amazingly, students have handled this with grace & beauty, fearlessly embracing that sometimes you cannot control outcomes, no matter how much one tries. So we plow forward, full-steam ahead, with fresh eyes, new energy, & a skill set worth bragging about. “Tally Ho!” Leslie Thurston, Librarian 323-7276 x 306 Nurse News ~ The Injury Prevention Center at the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth is offering low-cost helmets as part of the Children-N-Safety Program. Please contact the school for more information and/or an order form. All orders must be placed by March 27th in order to insure May delivery. Ellen Blanchard, School Nurse 323-7271 ext 307 Community Events Naturalist Our own Matt Krug tells stories March 19th at the Corner House ~ A native son of New Hampshire and founding member of the Mountain Storytellers’ Guild, Matt has – according to his siblings – been telling stories all his life. His stories are sprinkled with humor and New England common sense. Matt is best known for his “Stories Behind the Stars”, an introduction to the night sky astronomy/ storytelling program. Besides “Star Stories” Matt spins traditional folk tales and personal adventures. He has told stories in schools, libraries, alongside trails and campfires, aboard ship in the Mediterranean Sea, on skis and in canoes. He has appeared at the Granite State Story Swap, Story Fest in Claremont, and regularly presents his Stars program for the Appalachian Mountain Club, Tin Mountain Conservation Center, and many Mt. Washington Valley civic groups and fundraisers. Thursday Storytelling Dinners are held each week at the Corner House from late October through May and begin at 6:30 pm. The price is $19.95 per person. For more information and reservations contact the Corner House Inn in Center Sandwich at 284-6219 or online at The Cook Memorial Library ~ Everyone is welcome to join our reading clubs meeting in April and May!! Bookworms (ages 7-8) will meet on Monday, April 6th at 5:00. RATs (ages 9-11) meet on Friday, May 1st at 5:00. Bibliomaniacs (ages 12 and up) meets Monday, April 13th at 5:00. The RATs and Bibliomaniacs are reading different books for the meeting. Stop in the library to pick up a copy! Please call, or email to sign up so we have enough pizza. Arts Council of Tamworth ~ WEDNESDAY, March 18: Arts Council of Tamworth presents “In Search of Air: Growing Up Dyslexic,” 7:30 PM at Runnells Hall, Chocorua, NH. In this dance and theater performance based on her experience growing up with a learning disability, Vermont dancer, choreographer and spoken word artist Lida Winfield shares the gifts and heartache that accompanied her struggle to learn to read—which did not occur until her early twenties. This show is a mixture of funny, sad and ironic moments strung together in a creative and captivating format. Lida’s presence on stage expresses her life so clearly that it brings us closer to our own. Tickets will be available at the door. Choose Your Own Ticket Price: Adults, $5-$30, Kids to 18, $0-$5. 2 Proceeds support free workshops and performances in school & community. More info about the performance and residency workshops at, 603-323-0104. World Water Day 2015: Water and Sustainable Development ~ Each year, World Water Day highlights a specific aspect of freshwater. Under the theme ‘Water and Sustainable Development’, the year 2015 provides an important opportunity to consolidate and build upon the previous World Water Days to highlight water's role in the sustainable development agenda. UN-Water supports the World Water Day campaign and sets the theme each year. At the World Water Week 2014, UN-Water presents the plan for the World Water Day 2015 campaign, which is coordinated by UNDP with the support of WWAP, UNESCO, HABITAT, UNEP, The World Bank and UN-DESA. Participants will get an opportunity to learn more about the theme of World Water Day, get the latest update on how the international community perceives water's role in the post-2015 framework and will be invited to get involved in the campaign. In addition, participants will also discover the logo of the World Water Day 2015. Resources: Tamworth Cal Ripken Baseball Sign-Ups ~ Sign ups will be at the K A Brett School on March 18th from 4:30-6:30pm, March 23rd from 5:30-6:30pm, & March 27th from 5:30-6:30pm in the hallway by the Main Office. Any player born prior to May 1, 2011 and on or after May 1, 2002 will be eligible for Cal Ripken Baseball League competition. Please bring a copy of legal birth certificate (if new to program or not already on file). Contact Mark Anthony at 662-7846 for more information. 2015 Kennett High School Drumline Show ~ Random Acts of Drumming, please come, “Join us!” Friday, March 20—6:30pm, Saturday, March 21—6:30pm and especially for the matinee on Saturday, March 21 (postponed from March 14) at 3:00 pm. If we can fill the house, we would make $2500 for the elementary instrumental music program. $5 Suggested Donations/5 and under free Tamworth Recreation Department ~ 21st Annual Hoop Shoot Saturday, March 21st Noon-1pm 4, 5, 6 Girls, 1pm-2pm 4, 5, 6 Boys, 2-3PM Junior High Boys, 3-4PM Junior High Girls. Open to all Tamworth children grades 4-8. No need to be on a basketball team to participate. Hoop shoot will take place at Brett School gym. Trophies will be awarded for the top 3 scores in each divisions. For more information call 323-7582. Tamworth Community Nurse Association ~ 2015 Get healthy Tamworth Series ~ Join your community as together we learn more about taking an active part in improving out own health. Being held at the Tamworth Lyceum, Tamworth Village on Saturday, April 11th at 10:00am. This month’s topic “Childhood Obesity” preseted by Deborah Horner, Senior Manager, Field consultation State Advocacy, Voices for healthy Kids, American Heart Association. Call 603-323-8511 or email for more information. The Mill Pool and Fitness Center at Purity Spring Resort ~ Swim lessons Ages 6 months up through life guarding certification (offered in June). Youth classes start the week of 4/6 and end week 5/18 cost is $70 for 7 weeks. For more information please contact The Mill at 603-367-4014. *Information contained in or with this newsletter from other organizations is not necessarily endorsed by the Administration or the staff of K.A. Brett School. You are highly encouraged to investigate these organizations on your own. 3 Family Dance!!! When? March 27, 2015 What Time? 6:00-8:00 pm Where? K.A. Brett School Who? All Community Families!! Dance to the tunes of DJ Rob Troon Our theme this year: Disney!!! Come in “fancy dress” or costume. Participate in the CAKE WALK and perhaps win a cake to take home!! All children must be accompanied by an adult-no drop offs. Admission Fee: $3.00 per person / family price for families of 4 or more: $10.00 Proceeds to benefit the 8th grade class trip to Washington, DC 4
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