Dates for your Diary: Thursday Feb Our New Home for 2015. What`s

Volume 7 Issue 1 January 2015
Welcome to our 7th Volume of the Newsletter
Contact The Secretary, Tamworth
Regional U3A Inc PO Box 1558
Tamworth 2340.
Our New Home for 2015.
Dates for your Diary:
We look forward to conducting many of our courses for 2015
Launch Day for Term 1:
in the Cohen Room at the Tamworth Community College, 175
Thursday Feb
Peel St (Next to the Square Man Inn, near the Spotlight round5th 11AM Tamabout) The rooms are ground floor, air conditioned, with tea/
worth Community
coffee making facilities and easy access to toilets. Plenty of parking is availCtre
able on site.
N.B. Car access is only
available by turning left off
Peel street, while travelling
towards Oxley Vale. (See
arrow on map)
2015 Lightning Ridge Bus Trip Update
24th - 27th March 2015
Stop Press: 3, possibly 4 places are still available as some people
have not confirmed by paying their deposit. Please contact Ian
Regan urgently if you are interested: Ian Regan ph 6769 5640, mob
Launch Day Term 2:
Wednesday April 22nd
Tamworth Community Ctre
Short Talks at Diggers Long
Tan/Kokoda Room, 3rd
Wednesdays at 10.30
18th February: Eddie
Witham, “Multiculturalism”
0428 69 7274, email
18th March: Craig Benham,
Financial Planning.
All deposits should now have been paid and final payment is requested by Launch Day Term One, 4 th February, 2015 (balance
after deposit is $310)
1st Field Excursion: 4th
March, Film and Sound
Payments may be made by cheque to the Treasurer, or direct deposit to the U3A via:
Check us out on Facebook:
New England Mutual Credit Union BSB no. 932 000, Account no. 705311.
Please indicate that payment is for Lightning Ridge
On Launch Day, Ian will have information packs for all those participating in the adventure,
The packs will include the itinerary, contact phone numbers, a DVD, a Lightning Ridge
What’s Inside
Tourist Brochure plus news of a mystery tour guide with inside knowledge of local snippets.
 Brains of older people are slow because they know so much.
 People don’t decline mentally with age: they just have too much information in their
 Like a computer struggles as the hard drive gets full up, so too humans take longer to access information.
 The human brain works slower in old age, because we have stored more information over
time: we simply know more.
 When we go to another room to get something and then stand there wondering what we
came for, it is NOT a memory problem, it is God's way of making older people do more
exercise. I get a lot of exercise!
MEMBERSHIP FEES paid at the October AGM or later cover to end 2015. Please send a
cheque for $40 to the Treasurer, PO Box 1558 Tamworth 2340, or make a direct deposit to
BSB no. 932 000 Account no. 705311. (New England Mutual Credit Union 356 Peel St) For
enquiries email or phone Jan 6765 9478.
See us on the Internet:
Course News 2015
Facebook Page:
Delivering Courses in Australian History in 2015
Friday Focus: Unfortunately these sessions In 2014 an exploratory group met, discussed and then delivered a program in Term IV. The group chose the period between the Gold Rushes
will not run until next term. Christmas holiand Federation. A range of different topics was researched and finally
day communication problems do not assist
six were delivered in Term IV. A really important outcome of this exercise, is that some members delivered or at least prepared material for a
the plans of mice and men (and women)!
Travellers’ Tales: Come and share stories, session of the Term IV program.
The proposed Term 1 activity will discuss options and topics in Austradisasters, drama, laughter, photos, souvenirs lian history, select a general theme, help members select a possible
and memories. Your host, John Sharkey, is
topic for their research, discuss how the topic will be researched and
sure to be able to start the ball rolling each
how the material will be presented. There will be discussions of how to
do the research and how to present the material, eg using Powerpoint,
week!! (To keep all sane there will be a 15
and other issues raised by members.
minute gong!!)
No commitment to offering a course is required, but the hope is that
several new courses are presented
Beginners’ Bridge: Let Bridge guru Mias a result of this group activity.
chael Johnson lead you up the path of
Members thinking of joining this
enlightenment. 6 weeks initiation should have group could also consider the
courses offered in the Computer
you ready for next
section: (page 3 of the Courses and
term’s proposed Social
Activities) Effective Searching on
Bridge group.
the Internet and Powerpoint Session 1& 2.
Spanish Tapas: Enjoy a taste of Spain
without ever having to leave Margaret Lobban’s kitchen.
Bits and Pieces
 Don’t forget to bring any unwanted books to pass on.
 The “Info Centre carpark” refers to the carpark at the Paradise
Practical Ethics for the 21st Century:
end of Peel St not to the new location of the centre.
What is "The good life"? How should we
 Anzac 100 years Commemoration. John Sharkey is planning a
live? How should we treat others? Is is possi“Show and Tell” session in April: bring along WW1 memorable to live ethically? Is morality possible
bilia and tell their stories. E.g. John has a tantalus dated 1916 which
without religion?
was given by two soldiers on their departure for the front, also a handwritten letter from a loved one "My darling’s coming home......
Have you ever asked yourself these ques U3A CONFERENCE
Mittagong 29, 30 April, 1 May 2015
tions? Have you asked anyone else? Who
U3A Southern Highlands will be hosting the 2015 NSW Network conknows the answers? Do you think you do?
ference. Keynote speaker, Hugh Mackay, will speak on the subject of
Come along and join this group for opportu- his new book and the theme of the conference, “The Art of Belonging”
nities to listen to a range of views, to quesOther speakers and workshops will be equally thought provoking and
allow you to participate and share ideas.
tion, to discuss, to think and, perhaps, even
The Southern Highlands offers a wide range of accommodation options
to change your mind.
and much in the way of tourist attractions, so we encourage you to
come early and/or stay later. Full details and registration are available
Marco Polo: The
on the website:
13th Century explorer
who opened Europe’s
Tamworth Film Society
eyes to China and CenIf you are interested in Art house films,
tral Asia
mainly of the foreign variety then for $60
per year you can join the Tamworth
Ibn Battuta: Ibn Battuta was the only me- Film Society, which has been in exisdieval (14th Century) traveller who is known tence since last century. The films aim to enlighten and amuse; many
to have visited the lands of every Muslim
are guaranteed to promote vigorous discussion afterwards. The first
ruler of his time. He also travelled in Ceylon film for the year will be on the first Sunday in March at 7 pm at our
local Forum 6 Cinema. Thereafter on Wednesday morning, usually
(present Sri Lanka), China and Byzantium
10.30 and in the evening at 7pm. Eager and curious people please
and South Russia.
contact Veronica on: 0417 253 075 or 67665386.
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V o lu me 7 Issu e 1 Ja n ua ry 20 15
Term 1
Wed 18th Feb
Members free
Non-members $5.00
March 18th
Eddie Whitham will talk to us on the subject of
"Multiculturalism". I am sure most of us would know of
Eddie's involvement in last years "Fiesta la Peel" event and
also his role in welcoming newcomers from other countries
to Tamworth. Eddie is also the author of "Double Distraction" and "I Tell Tales". Recognised as Tamworth's migrant
advocate, this warm and welcoming man has been identified as a local hero according to NBN news 28th October
2012. I’m pretty sure Eddie will be a man with many stories to tell.
Craig Benham of Forsyths Chartered Accountants, who
will give talk similar to that which he did for the U3A Finance Group last year. He covered financial planning basics for retirement and understanding the Stock Market
 Our 1st term excursion is one of film and sound which I am sure we will find very interesting. The two venues
are not physically able to take the group as a whole, so we will split into 2 groups and then swap over.
 Venue 1: ABC Radio Studio in Peel Street where Jennifer Ingall will meet and greet and show us how the station
operates. We may see Kelly Fuller doing the morning program, or we will be able to take over the on-air studio.
 Venue 2: Tamworth Regional Film and Sound Archive in the rear of Ray Walsh House. Ian Austin and crew
will inform us of the workings of the Archive and even show some vintage film that may bring back memories. As
these venues are relatively close, we can walk from one to the other. Both have ramp access. About 30 minutes
would be spent at each location, then the groups would swap . If numbers are high, we may split into 3 groups. As
usual we will lunch at the Tamworth Hotel. Meet at Ray Walsh House forecourt 10.30am.
Field Excursions
Bookings should be made on Launch Day or as early as possible thereafter.
Film and Sound in Tamworth:
The ABC Radio Studio and the Tamworth Regional Film and Sound Archive
Meet at Ray Walsh House forecourt 10.30am
Lunch will be at the Tamworth Hotel. Total cost $15 per person (meal - tea / coffee extra cost )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tamworth Regional U3A Excursion Program
Wednesday 4th March 2015
I/We__________________________________________________________________ wish to participate
in the excursion to be held on March 4. I/We enclose the sum of $15
(includes transport and
I enclose $40.00 per head for the Tamworth Regional U3A 2015 Membership
Send to: The Treasurer, Tamworth Regional U3A, PO Box 1558, Tamworth 2340
or hand in an envelope bearing name and membership no. on Term 1 Launch Day
Direct Deposit to BSB 932000 Account No. 705311 (New England Mutual Credit Union 356 Peel St)
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See us on the Internet
Or on Facebook
An active mind for a healthy retirement
Learning for pleasure
Sharing your knowledge
Making new friends
Members enjoying the Christmas Luncheon at Calala Inn on December 10th. Our special guest was again the irreplaceable, irrepressible
Margaret Keane from UNE whose assistance is invaluable.
More Christmas fun at the Tennis Christmas windup at West Tamworth Tennis Club. Many thanks to
the club for their ongoing assistance.
FREE to a good home:
Short Story Competition By unanimous decision of the independent adjudicators, our hardworking Treasurer Jan Morris was the winner. She read her story: “Oh, no, not Again” to great
acclaim at the Christmas luncheon.
Warning to Members: Be Alert, not Alarmed Recently, one of our members fell victim to a nasty
XCEED electric lawn mower that is excess to requirements and needs a new
home. I'll include the heavy duty power cord, if someone comes and takes it, so I have more room in the little
See Nancy Sayer on Launch Day.
blackmailing scam. He received an email supposedly informing him of a traffic infringement. He clicked on
the link, which took him to a website which looked like a genuine NSW Government site, complete with
Waratah logo. Sadly he then fell foul of the Cryptolocker malware which locks you out of files on your computer, and demands payment to decrypt them. Apparently, similar emails have surfaced supposedly from
Australia Post and other bodies. Traffic fines only arrive in the mail; Australia Post leaves missed
articles notices in your mailbox or under the door. It is wiser to use your browser (Internet Explorer
or Firefox) to go to websites – not links in unsolicited emails.
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