Treatment Programs

The Eating Disorders
Treatment Center
Treatment Programs
Treatment Programs
At River Oaks Hospital, New Orleans, LA
At River Oaks Hospital, New Orleans, LA
Eating Disorders Partial Hospitalization Program
The Eating Disorders Partial Hospitalization Program offers patients a less intense
alternative to inpatient care. It serves as a transitional step to bridge the way between
inpatient and outpatient programs. Patients receive step-down treatment within the
inpatient milieu on a 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. schedule. They typically transition from seven
days per week to fewer days, until they are fully prepared for discharge to outpatient
treatment. For patients living outside the area, staff assists in coordinating convenient,
affordable housing opportunities.
Charleston, SC
December 5, 2014
Point Clear, AL
November 14, 2014
Trauma-Based Disorders,
Behavioral Addictions &
Eating Disorders
Houston, TX
August 15, 2014
The Eating Disorders Track
Trauma and abuse place an individual at risk for the development of eating disturbances,
including food restriction, binge eating, purging, compulsive exercise, and body-image
distortion. Individualized treatment is designed based on the client’s unique needs and
includes individual therapy, group therapy, expressive and movement therapies, and
nutritional guidance. Didactic modules and dialectical behavior therapy help clients
increase the ability to tolerate affect without the use of eating disordered symptoms.
Clients learn to identify hunger and healthy eating habits. Our track helps clients explore
and understand their eating disturbance in the context of trauma.
Discovery Leads
to Transformation
1525 River Oaks Road West
New Orleans, LA 70123
Compulsive Behaviors Program
Services offered address a variety of compulsive behaviors, including sexual compulsion/
addiction, paraphilias, addictive relationships, compulsive spending, obsessive relational
intrusion, gambling, and self-injury. The majority of clients co-present with other related
issues such as substance abuse, eating disorders, depression, and interpersonal difficulties. The model supports the belief that compulsions are related to identifiable sources
(e.g., family dysfunction and/or trauma), operate in a predictable pattern (cycle identification), and can benefit from behavioral management techniques (e.g., covert sensitization). Relapse prevention tools are extensively utilized.
Creating Roots
for Healing:
The Center is committed to providing patients with practical tools with which to contain
symptoms. Modifying distorted thinking, normalizing body image, correcting disordered
eating, and normalizing weight are major goals of the program. Emphasis is placed
on understanding the underlying dynamics, developing healthy coping skills, managing
stress and preventing relapse.
This program offers treatment to a diverse trauma population, which includes combat
trauma, natural disasters, existential abuse, emotional incest, and sexual abuse. The two
tracks are trauma stabilization and trauma resolution. Since trauma has a dissociogenic
force, the full spectrum of dissociation is addressed. The goal of this program is to
promote healing and recovery utilizing information reprocessing. Grief work and anger
management, as well as expressive therapies, are integral components of treatment.
Shortly after admission, an individual therapist, family therapist and nutritionist are assigned
to each patient. A thorough assessment is completed by each discipline and appropriate
diagnostic laboratory studies and psychological testing are ordered. Each patient has three
individual psychotherapy sessions and two family therapy sessions per week. If the family
resides outside of the area, which is typically the case, most of the family sessions are
conducted by way of conference calls on speaker phones.
The Eating Disorders
Treatment Center
Trauma-Based Disorders Program
Acute Eating Disorders Inpatient Program
The 16-bed inpatient eating disorders unit is located in a treatment pavilion that is
separate from all other clinical programs on the hospital grounds. The Center embraces
a comprehensive, individualized approach to patient care that is characterized by an
aggressive group therapy schedule, intense individual and family work, focused nutrition
correction, and prompt and complete discharge planning. Our ultimate treatment goal is
to eliminate the symptoms that endanger our patients’ lives while dealing with the issues
that drive the eating disordered behaviors.
With a respected national reputation, our programs have provided quality services
for individuals from Canada, South America, Europe, and every state in the United
States. The programs offer individualized treatment packages that emphasize intensive
individual psychotherapy, directive specialty groups, dialectical behavior therapy,
expressive therapies, psychoeducational modules, relapse prevention groups, and
options for EMDR. Relapse prevention includes identifying triggers, high risk situations,
balanced living, boundaries, and adaptive coping resources. Treatment is based on
psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and systemic approaches. Treatment may include
inpatient, intensive outpatient, and the specialized Impaired Professional Program.
Program selection is based on careful screening and assessment.
Workshop hosted by:
The New Orleans Institute
Treatment for Trauma-Based Disorders,
Compulsive Behaviors & Trauma-Related Eating Disorders
& The Eating Disorders Treatment Center
Treatment for Anorexia, Bulimia & Related Eating Disorders
About this Workshop
This workshop focuses on the theoretical and clinical advances in psychotherapy within the
trauma-based, self-psychology, developmental psychopathology, and attachment disorder
perspectives. The topics are primarily oriented to improving clinicians’ skills with patients
presenting with depression, anxiety, relationship and life-interfering behaviors, eating
disorders, paraphilias or sexual disorders and addictions.
Daniel A. Glaser, MSW, LCSW
Mr. Glaser is Program Director of the New Orleans Institute Trauma/Compulsivity Programs at
River Oaks Hospital. His national presentations have focused on family therapy, group therapy, and
healthy sexuality. Mr. Glaser received his Masters Degree in Social Work from Tulane University in
New Orleans and completed post-graduate specialty training in mental health and aging, sexual
dysfunction, and family therapy. He has served on several graduate faculties, teaching at both
the masters and doctoral levels, including teaching psychiatry residents in the Department of
Psychiatry at Tulane Medical Center. Mr. Glaser works with clients covering the developmental
spectrum – children, adolescents, and adults. Outpatient treatment includes relational therapy,
sexual dysfunction, trauma-based disorders, sexual compulsivity, and family therapy.
Jeffrey D. Thompson, M.Div., LPC
Mr. Thompson is a clinical associate of the New Orleans Institute at River Oaks Hospital in New
Orleans, Louisiana and has served as the Program Coordinator for the Trauma Based Eating
Disorders component of the program. He has been a member of the treatment team since 1999
and specializes in trauma resolution/stabilization, eating disorders and compulsive behaviors.
Mr. Thompson also specializes in the use of spiritual resources in the recovery process. He
is experienced in individual, group, couples and family modalities of therapy. Mr. Thompson
received his Masters Degree in Divinity, with a specialization in psychology and counseling,
from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Marian McGavran, MSW, LCSW, BACS
Ms. McGavran is the Program Coordinator of the Eating Disorders Treatment Center at River Oaks
Hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana. She received her Masters degree in Social Work from Tulane
University and joined Social Services at River Oaks in 2003, gaining experience in the treatment
of teens and their families on the Child and Adolescent Unit. After identifying an interest in the
field of eating disorders, Ms. McGavran was transferred to the Eating Disorders Program where
she was soon named Lead Therapist. In 2006, she was promoted to Program Coordinator.
Ms. McGavran is a member of the International Academy of Eating Disorders and her
interests include family therapy, motivation enhancement, and relapse prevention.
Marian Vigo, MSPH, RD, LDN
Ms. Vigo has been a registered dietitian for over 15 years. She is an active member of the
American Dietetic Association, the Louisiana Dietetic Association and the International
Academy of Eating Disorders. Ms. Vigo graduated from Louisiana State University with
a B.S. Degree in Biochemistry. She went on to obtain her Master of Science in Public
Health in Nutritional Sciences from the University of California at Los Angeles. Ms.
Vigo is currently employed at River Oaks Hospital as a nutritionist specializing in the
area of Eating Disorders. She is certified in Adult Weight Management. Ms. Vigo has
an outpatient practice in the New Orleans area with a focus on disordered eating and
nutritional lifestyle management.
Marie C. Robles, RD, LDN
Ms. Robles has been a registered dietitian for 10 years. She is an active member of the
American Dietetic Association. Ms. Robles graduated from Mississippi State University
with a B.S. Degree in Nutrition. She went on to complete her dietetic internship at Saint
Louis University. Ms. Robles is currently employed at River Oaks Hospital as a nutritionist
specializing in the area of Eating Disorders.
2014 Workshop Calendar
Creating Roots for Healing:
Discovery Leads to Transformation
Trauma-Based Disorders, Behavioral Addictions & Eating Disorders
Houston, TX – August 15, 2014
Point Clear, AL – November 14, 2014
Charleston, SC – December 5, 2014
8:30a.m.–9:30a.m. The Culture of Anger:
Trauma, Loss and Grief
Daniel A. Glaser, MSW, LCSW
Complex Post-Traumatic
Stress: Transformation/Resilience
Jeffrey D. Thompson, M.Div., LPC
Lunch on your own
Relapse Prevention Strategies:
Feeding the Garden of Change
Uprooting the Weeds of Despair: Developing
Spirituality to Nourish the Roots of Change
Jeffrey D. Thompson, M.Div., LPC
Masquerade or Mask:
The Changing Face of Eating Disorders
Marian McGavran, MSW, LCSW
*When making reservations, reference River Oaks Hospital.
Topics for all Workshops are:
Creating Roots for Healing: Discovery Leads to Transformation
Trauma-Based Disorders, Behavioral Addictions & Eating Disorders
Jan. 31 & Feb. 1
The Rocky Road to Recovery
from Exercise Addiction:
Discovering the Balance Within
Marian Vigo, MSPH, RD, LDN (Houston, TX/Charleston, SC)
or Marie C. Robles, RD, LDN (Point Clear, AL)
For more information call 1-800-598-2040
or visit our web site at
Room Rate
Hotel Reservation Deadline
Houston, TX
August 15, 2014
The Westin Oaks at the Galleria*
5011 Westheimer Rd. at Post Oak
Houston, TX 77056
$139 Single or Double
July 21, 2014
Grand Hotel Marriott*
Point Clear, AL
November 14, 2014 1 Grand Blvd.
Point Clear, AL 36564
$179 Single or Double
September 13, 2014
Charleston, SC
December 5, 2014
Call for rates and
New Orleans, LA
Trauma/Compulsivity/Eating Disorders
Preferred Provider
March 14
Nashville, TN
One Day
April 4
Indianapolis, IN
One Day
May 28
New Orleans, LA
One Day
Name_______________________________________________________ Discipline________________
June 27
Atlanta, GA
One Day
July 18
Coral Gables, FL
One Day
City_________________________________ State______________________Zip____________________
August 15
Houston, TX
One Day
September 19
Philadelphia, PA
One Day
November 14
Point Clear, AL
One Day
December 5
Charleston, SC
One Day
Daniel A. Glaser, MSW, LCSW
Planters Inn
112 N. Market St.
Charleston, SC 29401
E-Mail Address________________________________________________________________________
City_________________________________ State______________________Zip____________________
•To recognize the impact of anger on self/others.
•To identify the ingredients in developing an anger coping plan.
•To explain the potential impact of complex post-traumatic stress and the
•To list tools and techniques to address the associated symptoms of complex
post-traumatic stress reactions.
Workshop Fee: $90 (For payments made at the door, fee is $110.)
Charge $_______________ to my
•To utilize skills to assist client in identifying Target One behaviors.
•To utilize skills to assist client in developing an effective relapse prevention
•To explain the role of culture in the development and maintenance of
eating disorders.
•To apply cultural considerations into assessment and planning.
American Express
Credit Card #_______________________________________ Exp. Date_________ Security Code_______
Make checks payable to River Oaks Hospital • Payments made at the door must be by cash or check only
Workshop Registration Deadline:
Houston, TX – August 15, 2014
August 12, 2014
Point Clear, AL – November 14, 2014
November 11, 2014
Charleston, SC – December 5, 2014
December 2, 2014
Register: Online:
•To recognize the difference between spiritual advising and spiritual integration.
•To learn strategies to identify and challenge spiritual wounds related to
traumatic experiences.
By mail: River Oaks Hospital
1525 River Oaks Road West
New Orleans, LA 70123
Refund Policy: It is the policy of River Oaks to honor requests for refunds of fees paid by participants for any seminar if the
following conditions have been met: The cancellation of participant must be received in writing postmarked at least 2 weeks
prior to the date of the seminar if sent by mail, or received at least 1 week prior to the date of the seminar if sent by fax or
e-mail. No requests for refunds will be honored if received within 1 week of the date of the seminar. If a participant does
not cancel within the time frames specified in order to receive a full refund, that participant will be offered the opportunity
to attend a comparable seminar hosted by River Oaks. In the unlikely event of River Oaks Hospital having to cancel the
workshop, it is our policy to refund the fee in full.
Continuing Education Credits: River Oaks Hospital is an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP)
and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP solely is responsible for all
aspects of the program. River Oaks Hospital is approved by American Psychological Association (APA) to offer continuing
education for Psychologists. River Oaks Hospital maintains responsibility for the program. Approval for 6 clinical contact
hours by the National Association of Social Workers, Louisiana Chapter as authorized by the Louisiana State Board
of Social Work Examiners has been applied for. This course meets the qualifications for 6 hours of continuing education
credit for LMFTs, LPCCs, LEPs and/or LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences (PCE 2597).
•To identify characteristics of compulsive exercise.
This program has been approved by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors, Provider # 142.
This program has been approved by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists # 194.
Approval by the Texas State Board of Social Workers Examiners has been applied for.
•To summarize recommendations for exercise balance in individuals with
eating disorders.
A Certificate of Attendance from The New Orleans Institute will be provided to all workshop attendees for 6 Clock Hours.
Florida: Certification Board Approval # 5023-A
If you are seeking continuing education credits for a specialty not listed above, it is your responsibility to contact your
licensing/certification board directly to determine eligibility of this training to meet your CEU requirements.