5TH ANNUAL R & M FAR FARM M AND RANCH CONSIGNMENT MONDAY, MARCH 30, 20 2015 15 at 10 a.m. LOCATED: 12808 S. Broadway, Arlington, KS or 1 mile NE of Arlington on K-61 Hwy to Broadway and ½ mile North TRACTORS 2000 J.D. 8110 FWA -1000 PTO-Duals-Quick HitchHydraulic Return-4 SCV’s-16 Spd. Powershift9600 +/- Hrs. 1997 J.D. 6400 FWA- Powerquad-3 Pt.-3 SCV’s- sells with J.D. 640 Loader w/ Premium Joystick-7300 +/- Hrs. 1988 Versatile 936– 4 SCV’s– 855 Cummins– 8700 +/- Hrs.– 18.4-42 Tires 1982 IH 5288 3 -SCV’S-1000 PTO-3 Pt.-Duals8070 +/- Hrs with 5300 Hrs on Overhaul 1981 Ford TW 10 Tractor- Cab- 3 Pt.-2 SCV’s- sells with G.B. 880 Loader (Complete overhaul 300 Hrs. Ago) 1978 J.D. 4630 – Powershift-3 Pt.-1000 PTO-20.8-38 Duals-2-SCV’s-New A-C – New Starter and Batteries 1978 Steiger PT 225 – 7,200 Actual Hrs.-3206 Cat. Motor-18-4-38 Duals-24 Spd. J.D. 5020 w/ Cab-PTO- 2 SCV’s-8 Spd. Syncro Range HARVESTING 1998 IHC 2388 Combine-Bin Ext. 3,000 Rotor Hrs.3 Spd. Rotor- Lots of Recent Shop Work- call 620-491-3324 for more information A & L 500 Bu. Grain Cart Hillsboro 1200 –650 Bu.-1000 PTO – Good Rubber J.D. 650 Grain Cart w/ Tip Tops Hutchinson 41x 6” PTO Auger Hutchinson 53x 8” PTO Auger 27’ Mayrath Auger w/ Briggs Engine SPRAYING & TILLAGE 1991 Terra Gator Model 1804-1600 Gal. Tank8.3 Cummins Motor- 18 Spd. -New Trimble SM 550 – Air Valve System- Raven 5CS 440 Sprayer ControllerHas only been Insectide-Herbacide-and Lime Willmar E 87 Combo Lime-Fert. Spreader-Hyd. Drive Spinner Home Made 1000 Gal. Sprayer- Pull Type- 1000 Gal. Tank60’ Booms-Hyd. Drive Pump 1000 Gal. Nurse Trailer- Honda 5 Hp. Motor 1000 Gal. G/N Water Trailer 1974 IHC Wheat Truck w/ 1600 Gal. Water Trailer J.D. 1610 27’ Shank Chisel- 3 Coil Harrow Krause Mod. 744 A. 32’ Chisel Plow 2008 Baker 1100 30’ Tandem Disk9” Spacing – 24” Blades Shedded M-F 880- 8-18” Plow (Good) 16’ Wilbeck Offset Disk Martins 30’ Folding Harrow J.D. 8300 Double Disk Drills – Sells Together with J.D. Hitch J.D. 230 24' Disk 15’ JD Batwing Mower- 540 PTO Drive 5’ 3 PT. Bush Hog Mower 5 Shank Ripper 6’ Ford Box Blade 6’ 3 Pt. Ford Rear Blade 5’ J.D. Loader Bucket from 500 Series Loader Frontier AB13 D Bale Spear Frontier AB13 P Pallet Fork HAY & FORAGE EQUIPMENT 2003 Case IH RBX 562 Round Baler-1000 PTO 12,000 Bales-Net Wrap and Twine-Wide Pickup-Hyd. Lift- All New Belts -Recent Rebuilt Pickup 8- Bale Inline Hay Trailer (Like New) CATTLE EQUIPMENT 1974 Ford F-600 Truck (Recent Motor Work) w/ N-H Ensilage Box 550 Farm Aid Mixer Wagon w/ Scales Gooseneck Gravity Wagon w/ Hyd. Auger 125 Bu. Hopper Bin 100 Small Sq. Bales Prairie Hay 40- New Cont. Fencing Panels 350-10 Roto Mix Stationary Mixer– New scale– Rebuilt In last two years FARM & SHOP RELATED ITEMS Trailer load of New Nuts Bolts (Standard and Metric) 2-3 Trailer Loads of Farm Related Items TRUCKS & VEHICLES 1976 GMC 6500 Sierra Tandem Axle Truck – 20 Ft. – 5 and 2 Spd.- Westendorf Drill Auger – Good Rubber1993 Ford F-250 4x4 Pick Up w/ Flat Bed 460 Gas NOTE: Many more consignments expected by sale time. Demand is strong for all types of farm and ranch equipment. Call us to consign today! TERMS: Cash or Good Check. Not responsible for accidents. Many other items too numerous to mention. Lunch served. All titles will be held for up to two weeks from purchase for processing. R &MikeMFloydCONSIGNMENT AU AUCTION CTION (620) 532-1887 Rod Bergkamp (620) 960-0351 Kingman, KS www.floydsells.com Mike Floyd, Real Estate Broker (620) 532-1887 or 532-4144 Rod Bergkamp, Auctioneer (620) 960-0351 Lon Floyd, Auctioneer (785) 587-7833 (VM) Matt Clouse (620) 532-4325 www.floydsells.com
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