D:\Manoj\Pulmonary and Critical Care\Pulmonary and Critical Bulletin.pmd PULMONARY AND CRITICAL CARE BULLETIN Vol. XII, No. 2, April 8, 2006 Website : indiachest.org (pp. 9-16) IN THIS ISSUE THE CRITICALLY ILL PREGNANT PATIENT 1. The Critically ill Pregnant Patient Dr. A.S. Paul 2. Pathophysiology of Hypercapnic and While caring for the critically ill pregnant patient the physician is primarily looking after the mother. It is important, however, for him to be aware of any effects, diagnostic or therapeutic measures might have on the foetus. This requires an understanding of the physiological changes in pregnancy. Hypoxic Respiratory Failure and V/Q’ General changes Relationships Alok Nath Published under the auspices of Pulmonary C.M.E. Programme of The Chest (Chest Health Care, Education & Research Trust) Editorial Board Dr. D. Behera, Chief Editor Dr. S.K. Jindal Dr. D. Gupta Dr. A.N. Aggarwal Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh Progesterone causes hyperaemia and oedema of all mucosal surfaces. The resultant nasal congestion may necessitate use of a small bored nasogastric tube. The diaphragm ascends 4cm and the chest wall widens by 5-7 cm. Q waves in the inferior leads may result. Care needs to be taken not to misinterpret these findings as suggestive of cardiac disease. In case a chest tube is being placed this change in diaphragmatic position has to be taken into consideration. Respiratory changes Spirometry remains normal and so does the FEV1. Asthmatics who are pregnant show variable changes. It is said about a third improve, a third deteriorate and the remainder remain unaffected by the pregnant state. Flow volume loops and peak flow remain unchanged. TLC decreases by 4-5% and the FRC decreases 20%. These changes are because of the changed diaphragmatic position. Minute ventilation increases by 50%. This change is mediated mainly by an increase in tidal volume rather than in rate. 60 % experience dyspnoea of pregnancy. This is primarily an effect of progesterone on the respiratory centre. Direct respiratory stimulation is also mediated by progesterone. It also enhances the response to Pa CO 2. Subcription ABG Annual : Rs. 100 The normal ABG in pregnancy shows a slight respiratory alkalosis with compensatory metabolic acidosis. The normal pH lies between 7.40 to 7.47. Life Subscription : Rs. 700 Subscription should be paid through a draft drawn in favour of “The CHEST, PGI, Chandigarh: Add bank charges (Rs.50) for outstation cheques. Address all correspondence to the Chief Editor The PaCO2 level can vary between 30-32 mEq/L while the Pa CO2 maybe normal or slightly increased. Bicarbonate values vary between 18 and 21 mEq/L. Oxygen consumption Oxygen consumption increases by about 20%. This is accounted for by the increase in uterine and fetal requirements and also the increase in cardiac and respiratory 9 Ephedrine is the vasopressor of choice as it does not cause vasoconstriction in the uterine circulation. All other agents normally used in the ICU may interfere with foetal circulation. work. However, the O2 reserve is less. This is because the FRC is reduced and there is increased consumption. The practical significance of this fact is that attempts at intubation can be accompanied by rapid desaturation. The foetus is capable of high O2 extraction. The foetal haemoglobin levels are high and a saturation of 80-90% is obtained at a paO2 of only 30-35 mm Hg ie the level found at the interface with the maternal circulation in the umbilical veins. The ductus arteriosus ensures that two ventricles are available to contribute to the circulation. Cardiac changes Cardiac output increases by about 40%. There is an increase in blood volume by approximately 2 litres. The RBC mass increases by 20-30%. This explains the relatively well tolerated loss of blood during a normal delivery or LSCS (0.6l and 1l respectively). The values for CVP and capillary wedge pressure remain unchanged. Colloid oncotic pressure is decreased. The normal albumin level is slightly lower and accounts for this. There is compression of the IVC on lying down. This is significant by about 20wks and can cause a drop in the ejection fraction of about 20-30%. Lateral repositioning is an important manoeuvre which can correct this haemodynamic compromise. The normal diastolic BP reading is lower. An ejection murmur is commonly heard and there often is a third heart sound. The typical ECHO study shows an increase in all chamber dimensions and the LV wall thickness.. A small effusion may be seen and a mild TR/PR is almost universal. A mild MR is seen in upto 30%. Oxygen reserve is approximately 42 ml. At a rate of consumption of 20 ml/min the foetus should be able to survive only two minutes theoretically. However, the actual value is about 10 minutes because there is shunting away from nonessential organs and perfusion to essential viscera is preserved. The practical significance of this fact is that a perimortem LSCS should be done within 5 minutes of maternal arrest. The foetus should be viable( ie at least 24 wks gestation and a weight of 750g.) ICU Admissions A few common indications for ICU admission in the pregnant state are enumerated below. Pre-eclampsia is a fairly common indication. The aim is to prevent eclampsia and ensure close observation. Delivery is always in the mother’s best interest. Renal and GI Changes The GFR increases by 50% and so does creatinine clearance. The normal creatinine is lower than 0.8mg%. Values in the higher “normal” range may indicate significant dysfunction. Amniotic fluid embolism is rare but catastrophic and treatment is only supportive. Reflux is a common complaint and the risk of aspiration is always present. There is a decrease in albumin (n 3.1 g %) due to dilution. The serum alk phos values are two to four times the normal. Appendicitis and cholecystitis are the two commonest surgical indications besides the usual obstetric causes. Tocolytic pulm oedema was common when beta adrenergic agents were frequently used to prevent labour from progressing. However, it is not seen that frequently any more, because these agents are less frequently used now. Peripartum cardiomyopathy is seen late in pregnancy or in the post-partum period. It is important to avoid ACE inhibitors in the pregnant state. Otherwise management is like any other heart failure. Foetus and placenta The placenta serves to provide gas exchange,nutrition and waste elimination. It works by a mechanism of “Concurrent exchange”. Septic shock may occur. Choice of vasopressor should ideally be ephedrine. Oxygen delivery depends on the flow in the uterine artery (increases to 600 ml/min as against a value of 50 ml per minute in the non-pregnant state), the O2 content of the maternal blood and its Hb concentration and saturation. PTE may occur with greater frequency than in the normal population. Warfarin has to be avoided and IVC filters tend to slip out of position because the venous system is dilated. ARDS is often precipitated by conditions related to pregnancy. These patients have a better prognosis than the normal population. This maybe because these patients are younger, relatively fitter and do not have co-morbidities. Asthma may Hypotension, contractions and vasoconstriction all compromise flow. 10 D:\Manoj\Pulmonary and Critical Care\Pulmonary and Critical Bulletin.pmd worsen and need ICU admission. The principles of management remain the same. of failed intubation , rapid desaturaturation during intubation, and aspiration. Pre-existing cardiac disease worsened by pregnancy may need ICU care. Hyerventilation is to be avoided as this adversely affects uterine blood flow. Plateau pressures of 30-35 cm of water are well tolerated. A PaCO2 of 60 is acceptable to both mother and foetus as long as hypoxia is corrected. In case, acidosis is marked, bicarbonate may be used in a titrated manner. In most situations delivery may improve the maternal outcome. Management issues Conventional vasopressors may impede uterine flow. Ephedrine is the pressor of choice after giving adequate volume replacement, and ensuring that the patient has been placed in the left lateral position. Further reading CPR technique remains essentially the same. Defibrillation should be done after removal of any foetal electrodes placed for monitoring. The left lateral position should not be forgotten. In case a perimortem LSCS is being considersd CPR will probably have to be interrupted to ensure that this is done on time. 1 Chestnutt AN Physiology of normal pregnancy Crit Care Clin 20 2004 609-615 2 Cohen R,Talwar A, Efferen L, Exacerbation of underlying pulmonary disease in pregnancy Crit Care Clin 20 (2004) 713-730 3 Lapinsky SE Cardiopulmonary complications of pregnancy Crit Care Med 2005 Vol 33 No 7. Ventilation may be either invasive or non-invasive. Vomiting and aspiration are real risks in case of non invasive ventilation. Problems with invasive ventilation include a greater frequency Dr. A. S. Paul PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HYPERCAPNIC AND HYPOXIC RESPIRATORY FAILURE AND V/Q RELATIONSHIPS CONTROL OF VENTILATION INTRODUCTION Before going into the details of mechanisms involved in respiratory failure lets have a brief overview of the pathways involved in breathing. The process starts from the higher CNS centers from where neural signals are delivered to respiratory muscles and chest wall which initiates airflow from airways into the alveoli, sum total of which is the minute ventilation. The part of minute ventilation, which takes part in gas exchange, is alveolar ventilation that is responsible for determination of partial pressures of O2 and CO2. Now these values send feedback signals back to CNS via chemoreceptors (central and peripheral). The function of respiratory system is divided broadly in two main groups i.e ventilation which is responsible for removal of waste carbon dioxide and oxygenation which responsible for adequate delivery of O2 from atmosphere to blood. Dysfunction of ventilatory apparatus leads to hypercapnic respiratory failure and of gas exchange leads to hypoxic respiratory failure. Respiratory failure is one of the most commonly encountered clinical condition in specialty of critical care and is defined as failure of adequate oxygenation or removal of waste carbon dioxide due to dysfunction of one or the other components of respiratory system and is characterized by PaO2 < 60mm of Hg and PaCO2 > 45 mm of Hg dividing it into hypoxic and hypercapnic respiratory failure respectively. In clinical practice hypoxemic and hypercapnia do not occur in watertight compartments and mostly coexist. Each of these subtypes of respiratory failure is further classified into acute which develops in minutes to hours and chronic which can take days or even longer to develop. The neural signals from higher centers descend in the dorsal and ventral respiratory group of neurons in the spinal cord. The dorsal respiratory group is responsible for the involuntary or the metabolic respiratory control system and the ventral respiratory group is involved in the voluntary or the behavioral control system. These neurons descend in the cord and supply main and accessory respiratory muscles at their 11 respective level. The generation of the respiratory rhythm starts in dorsolateral pons at nucleus parabrachialis. Some authors have also termed this area as the Bottzinger or the prebottzinger complex. The inspiratory motoneurons activate the process of inspiration however expiratory neurons deactivate in inspiratory neurons so that the process of expiration takes place passively. 3) Muscular dystrophy, respiratory muscles fatigue 4) 5) 6) Amount of dead space ventilation 3) CO2 production But here we must consider that the mechanisms of hypercapnic respiratory failure obstructive airway disorders like COPD is much more complex and will be dealt with, later. INCREASED DEAD SPACE We know that dead space ventilation is the amount of air inhaled which does not take part in gas exchange .It is divided into two parts that is anatomical and alveolar. Again dead space ventilation can increase and lead to hypercapnia due to 1) Increase in RR 2) Vascular occlusion 3) Inequalities of ventilation ( physiological and pathological) INCREASED CO2 PRODUCTION This is one of the less commonly recognized but clinically significant modes of hypercapnia. This can occur in various conditions like fever, anxiety, stress, sepsis and very high carbohydrate diet. This usually is taken care by the body but may become clinically significant in patient s with underlying obstructive airway disease. So any factor that causes increase in CO2 production and amount of dead space ventilation or decreases total minute ventilation will cause hypercapnic respiratory failure. DECREASED MINUTE VENTILATION Described above are the various mechanisms involved in development of hypercapnia but to under stand the basic pathophysiology behind hypercapnic respiratory failure an important concept is that of ventilatory supply and ventilatory demand. As told above that integrity of ventilatory apparatus is responsible for the removal of excess CO2 produced in the body. So whenever ventilatory demand increases than ventilatory supply or vice versa ventilatory failure develops. Minute ventilation is the product of respiratory frequency and inhaled tidal volume. So in condition which causes decrease in inhaled tidal volume or relative decrease in alveolar ventilation (or increase in dead space) due to increase in respiratory rate or airway obstruction will lead to hypercapnia. Various conditions which can lead to hypercapnic respiratory failure due to this mechanism are; 1) CNS disorders Ventilatory supply depends on Respiratory drive, motor neuron/nerve function, muscle strength and respiratory mechanics and this is responsible for the Maximal sustainable ventilation. Maximal sustainable ventilation is the maximum amount of ventilation achieved without development of respiratory muscle fatigue. In health ventilatory supply exceeds than Stroke, brain tumor, spinal cord lesions, drug over dose 2) Airway obstruction Upper airway obstruction, Asthma, COPD If we look at the alveolar ventilation equation, PaCO2 = K · VCO2 / VA , we can see that the partial pressures of CO2 depends on three main factors; 2) Metabolic abnormalities Myxedema, hypokalemia HYPERCAPNIC RESPIRATORY FAILURE Total minute ventilation and alveolar ventilation Chest wall abnormalities Scoliosis, kyphosis, obesity The stimulus for regulation of respiration are the partial pressures of O2 and CO2, pH of blood and CSF and hydrogen ion and bicarbonate ion concentration of blood. The peripheral chemoreceptors, which are situated in carotid bodies and aortic bodies, respond predominantly to partial pressures of O2 and to some extent to other stimuli however central chemoreceptors mainly respond to hydrogen ion concentration and pH of the extracellular fluid. One point which needs consideration here is that for the same amount of change in pH the response to respiratory acidosis is much more than metabolic acidosis because CO2 crosses the blood brain barrier much more readily than hydrogen and bicarbonate ions. 1) Muscle disorders Peripheral nerve disease Guillain Barre syndrome, botulism, myasthenia gravi 12 D:\Manoj\Pulmonary and Critical Care\Pulmonary and Critical Bulletin.pmd not be considered as respiratory failure and hence will not be discussed here. ventilatory demand so much so that in conditions of physiological stress respiratory failure does not develop. Ventilatory demand on the other hand depends on O2 demand, CO2 production and dead space ventilation. The major mechanisms involved in development of hypoxia will now be discussed one by one. So Ventilatory demand >>> Ventilatory supply = Hypercapnic respiratory failure. SHUNT Shunt is blood pathway that does not allow any contact between alveolar gas and red cells and hence there is no gas exchange. One of the prototypes of hypercapnic respiratory failure is COPD but the pathophysiology of hypercapnic respiratory failure in COPD is multifactorial and is due to: 1) Decreased FEV. But the relationship between FEV1 and CO2 curvilinear and CO2 retention does not occur unless FEV1 < 20 – 30 % of normal 2) Altered lung mechanics 3) Increased dead space ventilation 4) Expiratory air trapping due to obstructive physiology 5) Respiratory muscle fatigue Shunt can be physiological which comprises of some of blood from the coronary venous circulation and bronchial arterial connections. Pathological shunt can be at pulmonary level or extrapulmonary level. Extrapulmonary shunt is at the level of heart leading direct mixing of blood from the right side of heart to the left side and subsequent development of hypoxemia. We are here concerned only with pathological pulmonary shunts and etiologies of shunt development are: 6) Decreased muscle blood flow 1) 7) Increased CO2 production Diffuse alveolar filing diseases like ARDS, Pulmonary edema 2) Massive collapse 3) Abnormal arteriovenous connections at the level of lungs (PAVM) So, we can see that many factors come into play among which the decrease in FEV1 and altered lung mechanics due to flattening of diaphragm and hyperinflation are the primary abnormalities which contribute to the development of chronically increase CO2 tensions in blood and lead to development of chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The amount of hypoxemia contributed by development of shunt depends on shunt fraction, which is the percentage of cardiac output, which is going from right to left side of the heart without oxygenation. Shunt becomes clinically important when it is more than 30% of the cardiac output. The hallmark shunt physiology is poor or no response to increased inspired O 2 concentrations and it usually results in hypoxemic respiratory failure but it can cause hypercapnia when shunt fraction is more than 60% of the cardiac output. This happens due failure of ventilatory compensation, increase in dead space due to tachypnoea, decrease in total alveolar ventilation and development of respiratory muscle fatigue. HYPOXIC RESPIRATORY FAILURE The partial pressure of oxygen in blood depends basically on the concentration of O2 in inspired gas, and alveolar arterial gradient. The basic mechanisms causing hypoxia can be easily enumerated as we look on to the alveolar gas equation i.e PaO2 = [FiO2 (PATM-PH2O) – PaCO2/R] – [A-a gradient]. They are: 1) Low inhaled FiO2 VENTILATION PERFUSION RATIO (V/Q RATIO) 2) Conditions which lead to widening of the alveolar arterial gradient viz a) Presence or absence of shunt physiology Now what exactly this V/Q is? To understand this we must undergo through some simple derivations of equation b) Ventilation perfusion mismatch c) Diffusion limitation CO2 lost in alveolar gas from capillary is given by: VCO2 = Q (Cvco2-Ccco2) In clinical practice low inspired concentration of oxygen is not encountered but may occur only in situation like high altitude, which is physiological maladaptation and can CO2 lost from exhaled gas into air is given by equation; VCO2 = VA x PACO2 xK 13 In steady state CO2 lost from capillary and alveoli is same So Va x Paco2 x K = Q (Cvco2-Ccco2) i.e. VA/Q= (Cvco2-ccco2/ PACO2)x K…….(1) Similarly for O2: VO2= VI x Fio2 – Va x FAO2 And.. VO2= Q( Cco2 – CvO2) Now, as Inspired VA = Expired VA So, We can see that in low V/Q areas i.e between 10 and 1 there is significant fall in alveolar and endcapillary O2 levels but above V/Q of 10 the effect not as significant. For CO 2 the effects are quite different, In low V/Q areas CO2 levels increase but only slightly but between V/Q areas 1 and 10 the fall is clinically significant. Logically speaking there should be actually an increase in the CO2 levels in high V/Q areas because of creation of large alveolar dead space but this does not happen practically. This is because for CO 2 to rise in high V/Q areas the V/Q should alter in a magical way so that rest the parameters and compensatory changes do not take place. But in practice the disproportionate increase in ventilation is responsible for the decrease in CO2 levels. VA/Q = CcO2 - CvO2 / FIO2- FAO2..... (2) Now we can easily see that gas exchange is determined by three major factors 1) V/Q ratio 2) Composition of inspired gas 3) Slopes and position of the relevant blood gas dissociation curves In normal lungs 5-10 mm of Hg difference in alveolar and arterial oxygen partial pressures is due physiological inequality of ventilation and perfusion, which can be, 1) Gravitationally based inequality based on “West’s lung model” 2) Fractally based inequality 3) Anatomically based inequality 4) Collateral ventilation 5) Reactive vaso and bronchoconstriction The difference in effects on the levels of O2 and CO2 is due the difference in slopes and positions of dissociation curves of O2 and CO2. Unfortunately neither equation 1 or 2 is amenable for simple mathematical calculations but results can be derived from computerized analysis. Figure 1 shows the effects development low and high V/Q areas on alveolar and endcapillary O2 and CO2. Now what is the effect of increase in inspired concentration of O2 on Alveolar and endcapillary blood O2 levels. Figure 2 demonstrates these effects. We can see in high V/Q areas (more than 10) that as we go on increasing the FiO 2 the O2 levels keep on increasing. In areas with very low V/Q areas which more or less start behaving like shunt there is no effect of increasing the FiO2. Increase in FiO2 most significantly effects the areas with V/Q ratios between 1 and 10and this again in part is due to the position of dissociation curve of O2. 14 D:\Manoj\Pulmonary and Critical Care\Pulmonary and Critical Bulletin.pmd DIFFUSION LIMITATION Summarizing, the principal effects V/Q inequality on O2 and CO2 exchange are 1) It affects both gases no matter what the pathological basis of inequality is. 2) Causes hypoxemia and hypercapnia 3) Causes more severe hypoxemia and hypercapnia 4) Affects O2 more than CO2 in low V/Q areas 5) Affects CO2 more than O2 in very high V/Q areas 6) Impair total O2 and CO2 exchange by the lungs 7) Creates alveolar arterial difference for both the gases. One of less common mechanisms of hypoxemic respiratory failure is diffusion limitation. Diffusion capacity of a gas depends on: RESPONSE OF THE BODY TO V/Q MISMATCH Changes in the mixed venous oxygen saturation 2) Changes in ventilation 3) Changes in cardiac output Thickness of the alveolar basement membrane. 2) Avidity of the gas to bind to hemoglobin 3) Hemoglobin concentration 4) Alveolar partial pressures of O2 5) Capillary transit time 6) Lung volumes Normally diffusion limitation does not cause significant hypoxemia at rest but during exercise the time required for uploading of O2 to red cells is markedly decreased and leads to hypoxemia. Only when the diffusion is severely limited (<0.25 normal) or the transit time is markedly shorten (<0.25 seconds) is it possible to have a PaO2 less than PAO2.This holds true in conditions like ILDs and to extent in DPLDs and ARDS. The body responds to V/Q mismatch by three main mechanisms in the acute phase: 1) 1) The only short term compensatory changes are in mixed venous blood, total ventilation and changes in cardiac output. If it assumed that there is no limit to how much O2 can be extracted from arterial blood by the peripheral tissues, it is evident that V/Q inequality will passively lead to reduced venous PO2 and increased venous PCO2. If venous PO2 falls indicates that alveolar PO2 will fall an each V/Q compartment. The prototype of hypoxemic respiratory failure is acute respiratory distress syndrome and the major mechanisms involved in its development are the same which have been described above. For the sake of enumeration they are; Thus a circle of events is set up so that if a single red cell was followed around the circulation, at each passage through the lungs and then tissues, PO2 would fall progressively with each circuit of the body. 1) Maldistribution of ventilation 2) Shunt physiology 3) Alveolar hypoventilation 4) Diffusion limitation In severe degrees of ARDS hypercapnia ca also supervene and this due to the imbalance between ventilatory supply and respiratory demand. Ventilatory supply decreases because of; Both arterial and venous PO2 will restabilize at new lower values (PO2 values will be higher) than were present immediately after the V/Q insult developed. In doing so VO2 and VCO2 will be restored to normal values. CHANGES IN VENTILATION In low V/Q areas increase in ventilation leads to significant drop in CO2 but O2 is barely affected if at all and in high V/Q areas both O2 and CO2 usually come to nearly normal levels. 1) Increased lung compliance 2) Decreased FRC 3) Increased air flow resistance 4) Respiratory muscle fatigue, And ventilatory demand increases because of; CHANGES IN CARDIAC OUTPUT In low V/Q areas increase in cardiac output improves O2 which may or may not be clinically significant however in high V/Q areas there is no significant effect. 1) Increased dead space 2) Decreased total alveolar ventilation 3) Increased O2 consumption by lungs And this contributes to hypercapnia. So to conclude we can say that the basic pathophysi15 and predominant type of respiratory failure as that is going to ology of both types of respiratory failure may be different but actually in practice both hypoxemia and hypercapnia can coexist. It is very important to recognize the main mechanism decide the mode of therapy and formulation of treatment plan. Alok Nath 16
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