The Keighley & Bradford Pensioner The Official Newsletter of Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) control of their own care. The Act makes it clear what the Council has to provide. The Act focuses on: March 2015 Welcome to issue 26 of “The Keighley & Bradford Pensioner”, the newsletter from Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) which is the Informing and fighting for the rights of pensioners now and in the future in the Bradford District. Our membership is continuing to grow and we welcome new members, please see page 10 for more information and our membership form. We also have website, so why not visit: Giving information which will help people to make better choices for care and support Carers will be entitled to an assessment and some will be entitled to support A change in how people are assessed for care and support. This follows a standard criteria so that anyone in England will follow the same eligibility rules In April 2016 a second phase of the Care Act will be introduced which will including: A cap on care costs for those will fund their own care You can view the latest Care Acts factsheet by visiting: care-act-2014-part-1-factsheets The next Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association will be held on Wednesday 18th March 2015 at 11:15am at: Keighley Shared Church Hall, Market Street, Keighley, BD21 5AD From April 2015, care and support is changing for the better. The Care Act is a new law that makes care and support more consistent across England. The Act covers care and support for adults and clearly states what a Council will have to do and what support people can expect. Wellbeing is at the centre of the Care Act places and makes sure that people can be in More than a third of people aged 65 years and over (nearly 4 million) believe Britain has become a worse place to live over the past 12 months, according to research for Age UK. Informing and fighting for the rights of pensioners now and in the future in the Bradford District. Website: Copyright © 2015 Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) 1 The findings are published in the Charity report entitled ‘A great place to grow older. Age UK’s ambition for the next Parliament 2015 - 2020’ it is inspired and informed by the views of older people from across the country, the report presents the Charity’s priorities and calls for Government action to transform Britain into a great place to grow older for everyone by the end of the next Parliament in 2020. With 1.6 million older people still living below the poverty line and many more only just getting by, affording daily essentials remains a challenge for millions of pensioners living on low fixed incomes. According to Government statistics nearly a million pensioners (9%) would be unable to replace a cooker if it broke down, and one in eight (1.25million) over-65s couldn’t pay an unexpected £200 bill PRIORITY 1: Quality health and care In its new report Age UK is calling for pensioner poverty to be halved by 2020 and action so all older people eligible for extra financial help due to low income actually receive it – at present about 1 in 3 don’t[ix]. The Charity is also calling for the ‘triple lock’ to be put into law now, to ensure the state pension maintains its value, giving more financial security for this and future generations. New findings for the Charity reveal that nearly three quarters (71%) of older people said poor standards of care and support – in care homes or their own homes – make them feel that the government treats older people badly. Between 2005/06 and 2013/14, spending on older people’s social care was reduced by 18 per cent while at the same time the number of people aged 65 and over increased by 15.6 per cent. The number of older people receiving social care as a proportion of all, has dropped by 40 per cent from 2005/6 to 2013/14. That’s why Age UK is calling for the new Government to plug the funding gaps in health and social care, and give older people with multiple long term health problems a ‘coordinator’ to ensure they receive the joined up health and social care they need. PRIORITY 2: Enough money The new research found that one of the biggest worries for the over-65s is paying for energy to heat their home (39%), closely followed by the general cost of living (32%) and the cost of food (24%). Almost one in five (19%) reported feeling worse off financially compared to this time last year. PRIORITY 3: Safe and comfortable at home At present only 3% of housing in England is accessible to people with restricted mobility[x] and nearly a million older people are living in fuel poverty. The Charity believes that all older people should be able to live safely and with dignity in good quality, warm, comfortable housing In its new report, Age UK is calling for a much wider range of affordable housing options for older people by 2020 and long term investment in an ambitious energy efficiency programme to help keep them safe and well through the winter. And as an immediate step Age UK wants all new housing to be built to ‘lifetime’ home standards so it can be easily adapted for people with reduced mobility. Informing and fighting for the rights of pensioners now and in the future in the Bradford District. Website: Copyright © 2015 Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) 2 PRIORITY 4: Active communities New findings show that among the 50+ age group, 19 per cent are worried about losing their jobs and income over the next six months. Older people contribute a massive £61 billion to the economy each year through work, caring and volunteering, but barriers such as ageism and digital exclusion can prevent many from enjoying a fulfilling, independent later life. Getting back into employment after losing a job is especially tough for the over 50s; 47% of over 50’s who are unemployed have been out of work for a year or more, the highest proportion for any age group. Age UK wants to see long term unemployment among older workers halved by 2020, and every older person able to access essential services, including banking, whether they are online or not. As an immediate step the Charity is calling for the next Government to improve job support and training opportunities for the unemployed over 50s. PRIORITY 5: Feeling well We are living longer but often with disability and long-term health conditions, and dementia and loneliness are big and growing threats to older people’s wellbeing. Recent research for Age UK found that around a million (10%) older people are ‘chronically lonely’ at any given time in the UK, increasing their risk of mental and physical illness. By 2020 the Charity wants all public and essential private services like banks and post offices to be ‘dementia friendly’, plus concerted local action to prevent and tackle loneliness. As an immediate step the Charity wants the next Government to fund a public health campaign on how to stay fit and well in later life. Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK said: “We are not surprised that a third of over-65s in our research, equivalent to some 4 million older people overall, think Britain has become a worse place to live during the last year. Easy headlines about a fortunate minority living on good incomes and in sound health should not blind us to the reality facing considerably more people in their 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond, for whom life is not nearly so rosy and the future a source of constant concern. 'Age UK wants the next Government to be ambitious and aspire to transform this country into ’a great place to grow older’ for every older person today and tomorrow. And with the right policies, like those we propose in our new report, we think it can be done – not straight away we accept, but by the end of the next Parliament, if the political leadership is there and a good start is made. 'Age UK’s top priority for the next Government, bar none, is action to plug the growing social care funding gap. The two big social care media stories in the last week have been about 5 minute care visits and official advice to families considering putting cameras in care homes to try to protect loved ones. Nothing could demonstrate more powerfully what a sorry state social care is now in – despite the efforts of many dedicated frontline staff. Addressing the funding shortfall in social care would do more to improve older people’s lives than any other single action the next Government could take. Informing and fighting for the rights of pensioners now and in the future in the Bradford District. Website: Copyright © 2015 Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) 3 'If we want to create a society that gives older people the dignity, respect and care they need and deserve the next Government will need to tackle some entrenched problems, such as fuel poverty and the lack of suitable housing for an ageing population, as well as the state of social care, and implement long-lasting solutions. You can view the note published by House of Commons Library by visiting: ‘Accessing and sharing confidential patient information’ 'Our ambition is to make Britain a great place to grow older by 2020 and with imagination and political will we believe it can be achieved.' The Charity toured the country with the Age UK sofa to film older people about what they think will make the UK a great place to grow older. To hear their views and add their own people can visit:\votelaterlife You can read the full report by visiting: ‘A great place to grow older. Age UK’s ambition for the next Parliament 2015 - 2020’ In February 2015, the House of Commons Library published a note ‘Accessing and sharing confidential patient information’ This gives a short summary (in just 11 pages) of the Data Protection Act 1984, Access to Health Records Act 1990, DH Records Management Code of Practice,, Summary Care Records, Caldicott Review 2013, Health and Social Care Information Centre guidance, statutory disclosures and public interest disclosures. Informing and fighting for the rights of pensioners now and in the future in the Bradford District. Website: Copyright © 2015 Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) 4 Why not visit and take time out: Keighley Third Age Group meets on the first Wednesday of the month at The Temple Row Centre, Temple Row, Keighley, at 10.30am, for a social gathering and/or speaker. Also our programme has the following interests and activities for the over 50’s and retired people. Monday - English, History of England, Tai Chi type exercise. Tuesday - Bookworms, Crafts, French Conversation, Scrabble. Wednesday - Gardening, In My Opinion, Quiz, Science &Technology, Spanish. Thursday - Music Appreciation, Popular Music. Informing and fighting for the rights of pensioners now and in the future in the Bradford District. Website: Copyright © 2015 Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) 5 Saturday - Walking Group. Sunday - Lunch Club. The Theatre Group see shows in Bradford, Bingley and Keighley. For more information telephone: Joan Rye 01535 642136. Fresh, home prepared food including soup, sandwiches and snacks are on offer at very reasonable prices. Activities and trips are also often arranged. For more information about the drop-in contact: John Hanson, the Keighley Over 50s Co-ordinator on 07954 376644. Keighley Third Age website: Drop-in Open House for Seniors, meeting at The Alhambra Theatre, Morley Street, Bradford Horton Outreach/The Restaurant in the Church Social Day Care for the over 55s with up to 25 places per day and provides lunches for the retired and disabled at St. Columba's Church, St. Margaret’s Place, Bradford BD7 3AW. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am - 2pm. (excluding Bank Holidays) Meets on Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30pm, transport is available on request. Alternating Mondays and Tuesdays; light refreshments at affordable prices; occasional speakers on relevant subjects for older people; occasional arts/ crafts/ creative writing/ reminiscences. Tel: 01274 502536 or email: For more information about Open house contact: Mrs Pam James on 01274 564075 Bradford University of the Third Age (U3A) - Offering a range of social, intellectual; and physical activities and interests for retired and semi-retired people. Meets at the Bradford Club, Piece Hall Yard, BD1 1PJ at 10.30am for a coffee morning, guest speaker (and maybe even lunch!) on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. All Over 50’s are welcome. Why not visit: Bradford Third Age Group meets at the Bradford Club, Piece Hall Yard, BD1 1PJ for coffee mornings and a talk by a guest speaker on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. All Over 50’s are welcome. Contact Brian Bartle on 01274 670953 or email: Contact Angela Curtis on 01274 394676 or email: Project Gold is an older person’s project in Baildon. Providing services for socializing, education, hobbies and health for people aged 50+. Zumba Gold classes are held at St John’s Church Hall, Hall Cliffe on Mondays at 9:45am. Keighley Over 50s is a drop-in centre and cafe that is open every Monday and Wednesday from 10am to 2pm at the Keighley Shared Church Hall. Informing and fighting for the rights of pensioners now and in the future in the Bradford District. Website: Copyright © 2015 Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) 6 We have a Book Club, Board Games Afternoon and Saunterers Walking Group. Contact: Sarah Baxter for more information on 07717 011102. Active Seniors Club, meet once a fortnight on a Thursday Afternoon, 2pm – 4pm for tea, coffee and home baked cakes Come along and meet new people and have a chat, take part in activities such as games, entertainment, knitting & crafts all just for £1.00 per session. Contact St Peters Church, Moorhead Ln, Shipley, BD18 4JH on 01274 400 381 or email: New Hey Road Methodist Church, East Bowling - Day Centre for the over 60's every Friday from 10.00am to 3.00pm, cost £4.50. Warm Lunch, refreshments, chairobics, games, quizzes and a chance to chat and make new friends. Silver Liners - aim to have a varied schedule and this is made up of movie time (we will watch a movie of our choice). Information afternoons, we invite speakers to come and share useful information with us, quizzes and games and finally at the end of the month we try and have a monthly trip out. Meet: Church of Nazaree, Oakworth Road Keighley, BD21 1QS Time: 2:00pm Contact: 01535 608100 Hope House is running a 50+ Games afternoon on Mondays 1:15 p.m – 2:15 p.m. Free admission and free refreshments. Games include pool, draughts, chess, dominoes, yahtzee, cards or just come and chat. Phone for more details. Hope House, 16 Wood Street, Bradford BD8 8HY, just of White Abbey Road. Contact: Eileen Barratt 01274 591591 Also Hope House is running a craft afternoon. Shipley – TLC (Tuesday Lunch Club) at Westcliffe Road Chapel (next to Westcliffe Medical Centre) Roseland Crafts will come each Thursday 12.30-2.30 p.m. and there will be a different craft activity to do every week. For 55+ people, every Tuesday between 11: 45a.m. and 1:15p.m. Cost is £2 for materials, refreshments are free. Soup and a pudding with teas and coffees served by church volunteers for £2 per person. We would love to see you. Tel: 01274 735344 for more details All abilities welcome. Drop in or phone for more details; Margaret 01274 586465. West Lane 50+ Social Group at Farish House Community Room, South Street, Keighley Meets second Tuesday every month 1.30 3.30pm for Bingo, socialising and refreshments. Everyone welcome. Ilkley Senior Citizen’s Club meets every Tuesday at 2pm in the Clark Foley Centre, Cunliffe Road, Ilkley for entertainment, outings, games and talks. New members are always welcome. Greengates over 60’s Club meets at the Parish Church Hall, Harrogate Road, Bradford. We are a friendly welcoming club who meet every Thursday afternoon from 1.45pm– Informing and fighting for the rights of pensioners now and in the future in the Bradford District. Website: Copyright © 2015 Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) 7 3.45pm for games, entertainment, bingo and light refreshments. A small charge applies and everyone welcome. Help Getting Out Dial-a-Ride - Transport for those people in Keighley who are unable to access public transport due to physical or mental health. They have 2 vehicles that are accessible to wheelchair users. Charges are subsidised and start at £3 for a single journey and £4 for a return journey. Tel: 01535 611101 Volunteer Centre (Bradford) - Community Transport Scheme a volunteer driver service for older people operates Monday Friday 9:30am - 5:00pm (but, if available, volunteer drivers can provide their services outside these hours). C/o Volunteering Bradford, 19-25 Sunbridge Road, Bradford BD1 2AY. Tel: 01274 725434 or email: Bradford Council Help Line: 01274 431000 Bradford Council’s Adult Protection Unit: 01274 434442 contact_us_by_telephone/adult_protection_u nit_contact_details Carers' Connection Bradford: 01274 323323 Carers’ Resource: 01274 449660 WY MetroLine: 01132 457676 National Rail Enquires: 08457 48 49 50 Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) purpose is to: Useful Numbers & Website Improve the welfare of people over retirement ages who reside in the Bradford Metropolitan District Council area. Provide facilities and opportunities in the Borough for retired people to meet, discuss matters of common interest and undertake action to advance their well-being. Disseminate information on and seek support for campaigns in the interest of retired people of the area of Bradford District. Bradford Royal Infirmary: 01274 364024 St Luke’s Hospital: 01274 734744 Bradford District Care Trust: 01274 228300 Airedale Hospital: 01535 652511 Informing and fighting for the rights of pensioners now and in the future in the Bradford District. Website: Copyright © 2015 Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) 8 Proactively engage with retired people in the Borough whatever their age, gender, sexuality, race, ethnic origin, culture, religion, means, background or abilities Membership shall be people who support the work of the association and are aged 18 or over. So why not join Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) and make your voice heard with our existing members for a fairer Bradford, Keighley & District and share in our demand for better services for all. All members will receive our informative “Keighley & Bradford Pensioner” newsletter every month. Please print and complete the membership form on page 10 or you can download it by visiting: 6334/kbpa_membership_form_2014.pdf Informing and fighting for the rights of pensioners now and in the future in the Bradford District. Website: Copyright © 2015 Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) 9 Why not join Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) & make your voice heard, for a fairer Bradford, Keighley & District. Share in our demand for better services for all. Please print and complete the form below, enclose your £5 yearly membership fee and donations are welcome, sending them to: Mr Cyril Davies, Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) 72 Colne Road, Oakworth, Keighley, BD22 7PB Got a question or comments? Then please email us at: Website: . Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) Membership Title & Name: Address: Postcode: Telephone: Email Address: Informing and fighting for the rights of pensioners now and in the future in the Bradford District. Website: Copyright © 2015 Keighley & Bradford Pensioners Association (KBPA) 10
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