th 415 7 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215 Phone: (718) 369-3534 Fax: (718) 832-5607 Easton G. Marks, Pastor May 16, 2015 @ 11:00 am Introit #245- “More About Jesus” Call to Worship Congregation Elder Ryan Sharpe Doxology Congregation Invocation Elder Ryan Sharpe Welcome Sis. Danielle Gibson Greetings & Emphasis Dr. Sajitha Sutton Lambs’ Corner Sis. Charmian Lewis-Watkins Intercessory Prayer Elder Kenneth Ali Musical Selection Scripture Reading Exaltation Ministries Romans 12:9-21 Sis. Adrianne Dias Offertory Elder Darren Gibson Musical Selection Exaltation Ministries Introduction of Speaker Dr. Sajitha Sutton Praise & Worship Sermon Hymn of Consecration Benediction Recessional Temple Praise “Profile of A Suicide Bomber” “I Need You To Survive” Pastor Alphod Sinclair Dr. Duane Fredericks Sis. Vanessa Fredericks 2015 THEME: “Growing God’s Way” Medical Personnel: Sis. Heather Darius, RN & Team #3 Clerk on Duty: Sis. Shanique Meyler WEEKLY REMINDERS Bulletin Information: Information for the bulletin should be submitted by 10:00 a.m. Wednesday. Morning Prayer: Join us every Sabbath morning at 8:45. More Prayer, More Power. Social Media: Like us on Follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @KingsboroTemple Children’s Church: KBT Children’s Ministries invites all children ages 4-11 to worship in the Goffe Auditorium on the 4th Sabbath of the month. Pathfinder Club: Pathfinder Club meeting every second & fourth Sabbath afternoon. UPCOMING EVENTS Bible Bowl: This Sabbath will be the next round for Bible Bowl. Our pre-juniors have 2 wins and 0 losses. Our junior team has 0 wins and 1 loss. Please come out and support them this Sabbath at South Brooklyn at 4:00 PM. Please see Sister Roseann Hazell if you have questions. Prayer Meeting: Sermon on the Mount Series continues on Wednesday. Be here to hear and share, to praise and pray. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Business Meeting: Next week after AY. Sexuality Symposium: The conversation continues after Lunch. Join us! Pathfinder Club: Pathfinder club meeting next Saturday 5/23 at 5:30pm. There will be a Pathfinder Council meeting immediately following the club meeting. Baptism: May 23 10 Days Natural Remedies Seminar: May 17-26, 2015 at the Community Worship Center (formerly Springfield Garden SDA) 145-94 176 Street, Jamaica NY 11434. This will be conducted by world renowned Medical Missionary, Mamon Wilson. There will be 2 Sessions 9am -1 pm or 6-9 pm. Indicate the session best for you. Early bird registration is $230. To register, please contact Dilma Rosales at 718-291-8008 ext. 2236 or email her at th All Night Prayer: May 30 Plan for the spiritual marathon, 10:00 pm – 5:00 am . Education Celebration: June 6. Join us in honoring the Class of 2015 Deacons & Elders Planning and Training: Sunday, June 14, 9:30am – 12:30pm Leadership Training & Communion Rehearsal: Sunday, June 14 North American Division Journey to Wholeness Addictions Training: This is the SDA 12 Steps Program which will be held June 20 & 21 at the Greater New York Community Center: 4126 58th Street, Woodside, Queens. The cost is $85 which includes Lunch on Sabbath and Sunday and Seminar Material. It will be conducted by NAD representatives. Register by May 30, 2015. For more information about the program, visit: GC Session: July 2-11, San Antonio, TX 70th Anniversary: NEC will mark its 70th year in mission with a convention in Bridgeport, CT on August 1. Each member is asked to give a $70 anniversary offering. Contributions may be given in installments. All checks should be made payable to Kingsboro Temple and noted as “NEC Anniversary” Each church’s contribution will be announced at the convention. Medical Missionary Training: NEC 10 Day Level One Medical Missionary Training, October 9-18, 2015 will be at Camp Victory Lake. Cost for Food, Seminar & Material is $325 until August 31; afterwards, it is $425. On Campus Housing (if needed) $325. You will learn how to: do natural health assessments, use simple home remedies & much more… To register, please contact Dilma Rosales at 718-291-8008 ext. 2236 or email her at PRAYER & SUPPORT Sick and the Shut-In. Sis. Mona Jackman, Bro. Henry Kench, Bro. Roy Ashmeade, Bro. Waylon Jules, Sis. Adina Maynard, Bro. Abeeku Cottoy, Sis. Louvella Simon and Bro. Winston Archer. Contact See Sis. Elaine Nelson (347) 500-7372 or Sis. Geneva Qualls (718) 756-5293 to submit names and obtain additional information. Sunset today May 16, 2015 – 8:07PM Sunset next Friday May 22, 2015 – 8:13PM WEEKLY EVENTS Wednesday 7:00 – 8:00PM - House of Prayer Experience Friday 6:30PM - Royal Priesthood Rehearsal nd th 8:00PM - Temple Praise Choir Rehearsal – 2 & 4 weeks SABBATH 9:15AM - Sabbath School 11:00AM - Worship Service 4:00PM - Exaltation Ministries Rehearsal 4:30PM – KBT Jubilees Rehearsal 5:30PM-– Adventist Youth Ministries nd th 5:30PM - Adventurers Club Meeting, 2 & 4 weeks CHURCH DIRECTORY Easton G. Marks, Pastor (917) 387-7285 Twitter: @MarksEaston Office Hours By Appointment Rhondell Alleyne, Admin. Assistant (718) 369-3534; Office Hours: Mondays- Thursdays: 10am-4pm Sajitha Sutton, First Elder (718) 216-0857; Sharron Dixon, Clerk (718) 304-6163; BAPTISM Felisa Sutton, Rhoda Jules, Marilyn Fielder-Whitley, &Shanna Little LOST AND FOUND Bro. John Watkins, Head Deacon or Sis. Suzanne Browne, Head Usher COMMUNITY SERVICES DONATIONS JoNise Caleb; AUDIO VISUAL Vanessa Blake Order for DVDs or CDs: COMMUNICATION DEPT. Jamine Hill; BABY DEDICATION(3rd Sabbath of each month) Olivia Mapp, Lianne Gabriel, Dianne Gibson, & Cassandra Michell CHURCH FACILITY RESERVATIONS Sandra Pottinger-Mitchell or (646)246-4496 TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIP Tamika Gabriel, Ashley Abraham, Suzanne Gabriel-Bowne, & Shanique Meyler PRAYER MINISTRIES Linda Matiwaza
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