415 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215 Phone: (718) 369-3534 Fax: (718) 832-5607 www.kingsborosda.org Easton G. Marks, Senior Pastor Edsel B. Cadet, Assistant Pastor NOVEMBER 15, 2014 Introit Call to Worship Elder Ryan Sharpe Doxology Congregation Invocation Elder Ryan Sharpe Affirmation of Faith Titus 3:5, 6 Congregation Welcome Dr. & Sis. Duane Fredericks Pastoral Greetings Pastor Edsel Cadet Hymn of Praise 12- Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Elder Clyfford Hazéll Intercessory Prayer Elder Kenneth Ali Musical Selection Exaltation Ministries Lambs' Corner Sis. Carine St. Jean Allen Baby Dedication Pastor & Families Offertory Elder Darren Gibson KBT Musicians Musical Selection Exaltation Ministries Scripture Reading OT- 2 Kings 11: 4, 9-12 NT- Revelation 5: 1-12 Praise & Worship Sermon Song of Consecration Benediction Recessional Bro. Bryce Edwards Sis. Yanoska Sarazin Temple Praise “Fire & Lightning Pt. 2” “The Anthem” Pastor Edsel Cadet Dr. Sajitha Sutton Elder Veronica White-Farrell 2014 THEME: “MADE TO BE…” 5 Not Affirmation of Faith – Titus 3:5, 6 by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; 6 Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; Medical Personnel: Sis. Olivia Mapp, LPN Clerk on Duty & Temple Notes: Sis. Vanessa Fredericks ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bulletin Information: Information for the bulletin should be submitted by 10:00 a.m. Wednesday. KBT Prayer Line: Every Thurs. 9-10pm. Dial-In number (605) 475-4700 pin#256092. Let’s stay prayer centered. Baptismal Certificates: If you were baptized at KBT and did not receive your Certificate of Baptism, please give your name to Sis. Sharron Dixon. Square Up: Let’s meet our 2014 commitments. Square up with your Tithes and Offerings before the year ends. Condolences: We express sincere condolences to Sis. Avery Jiminez and family as they mourn the passing of her brother. Funeral arrangements will be announced. Sick and Shut-In Please continue to pray for and visit the Sick and the Shut-In. Sis. Mona Jackman (347) 957-0989, Bro. Henry Kench, Bro. Roy Ashmeade, Bro. Waylon Jules, Sis. Mary Townsend, Bro. Abeeku Cottoy and Sis. Claudine Faison. See Sis. Elaine Nelson (347) 500-7372 or Sis. Geneva Quall (718) 756-5293 to submit names and obtain additional information. CHURCH CALENDAR: Morning Prayer: Join us every Sabbath morning at 8:45. More Prayer, More Power. Spartan Sundays Fitness Club: Sundays, 9:30am -11:30am in Goffe Auditorium Prayer Meeting: This is our midweek oasis. Come at 7:30 pm each Wednesday for the refreshing. Youth Day: November 22 is a special day for our Youth! The Guest Speaker will be Pr. David Arrington. Guest Day: Save the Date – Dec. 6 is an extra special day. We encourage you to invite friends, family and neighbors. Workshop: NEC's Annual Clerks and Treasurers' Workshop will be held Jan. 16-18, 2015. Sunset Calendar Sat 11/15/14- 4:38PM Fri 11/21/14 – 4:34PM WEEKLY EVENTS Wednesday 7:30PM - Prayer Meeting Friday 6:30PM - Royal Priesthood Choir Rehearsal 8:00PM - Temple Praise Choir Rehearsal – 2nd & 4th weeks SABBATH 9:15AM - Sabbath School 11:00AM - Worship Service 4:00PM - Exaltation Ministries Choir Rehearsal 4:30PM - Jubilees’ Choir Rehearsal 5:30PM - AY– Adventist Youth Ministry 5:30PM - Adventurers Club Meeting, 2nd & 4th weeks CHURCH DIRECTORY Easton G. Marks, Senior Pastor (917) 387-7285 kbtsnr.pastor@gmail.com Twitter: @MarksEaston Office Hours Mondays: 11:00am – 3:00pm Wednesdays: 4:00pm – 7:00pm BABY DEDICATION Olivia Mapp, Lianne Gabriel, Yvonne Alexis-Cherenfant, Cheryl Baptiste Held 3rd Sabbath of each month. kbtbabydedication@gmail.com TRANSFER of MEMBERSHIP Vanessa White, Cassandra Michell, Claudette Jackson Edsel B. Cadet, Assistant Pastor (718) 938-9476 edsel.cadet@gmail.com Twitter & Instagram: @MrEdselPretzel Office Hours Tuesdays: 11:00am-3:00pm Thursdays: 4:00pm-7pm BAPTISM Keisha Edwards, Tamika Gabriel, Felisa Sutton, Ashley Abraham Rhondell Alleyne, Admin. Assistant (718) 369-3534; admin@kingsborosda.org Office Hours: Mondays- Thursdays: 10am-4pm COMMUNITY SERVICES DONATIONS kbtcommunityservices@gmail.com LOST AND FOUND Bro. Huggins Michell, Head Deacon or Sis. Suzanne Browne, Head Usher Clyfford Hazéll, First Elder (908) 531-2053; cdkh22@gmail.com AUDIO VISUAL To order DVD's or CD's of the service: kbtorders@gmail.com Sharron Dixon, Head Clerk (718) 304-6163; dixons187@gmail.com COMMUNICATION DEPT. Advertising and PR: kbtcommunciation@gmail.com CHURCH FACILITY RESERVATIONS Sandra Pottinger-Mitchell - spmitchell1@gmail.com or (646)246-4496
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