Spring 2015 Metropolitan Community Service Program Cleans Up Prospect In the Fall of 2014, Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission received a grant from Greater Kansas City LISC to expand their Adopt Prospect Litter Abatement Program to focus on the Blue Hills neighborhood, more specifically 50th Street to 63rd Street along Prospect until March 31, 2015. In that short time the community service workers and Adopt Prospect manager, Jim Johnson, have made great strides to clean up this major thoroughfare every Saturday from 1:00—5:00 pm. The MCSP worksite is located at Blue Hills Community Services at 5008 Prospect. From there the community service workers make their way along this corridor cleaning the litter that accumulates during the week. Over the last three months, Adopt Prospect has made a huge impact that includes: 13 Clean Ups 55 Tires Collected 17,540 lbs of litter/debris collected 774 hours worked that equals $15,480 in cost free labor In February, the Crime Commission received word that Jackson County COMBAT will assist in sponsoring MCSP Adopt Prospect clients who are unemployed/ underemployed yet still need to work off community service hours. The COMBAT Trash & tires collected by MCSP along Prospect for pick-up by City of KCMO, February 2015 grant will also assist in providing employment assistance to these MCSP clients through its Second Chance Program Job Club. MCSP will continue litter abatement up and down the corridor every Sunday morning. The Crime Commission will continue to seek additional funding to be able to add work days for special Adopt Prospect projects like Blue Hills. C.A.N. CORNER BY OFFICERS PALMER & KING The Blue Hills CAN (Community Action Network) is represented by two KCPD officers assigned to our neighborhood. The primary responsibility of the officers is to work proactively with community groups and law-abiding members of the community to identify and solve problems that are related to crime and/or disorder in order to improve the quality of life within the community. Our CAN Officers are Bobbie King and Justin Palmer. “CAN Corner” will be their forum to pass on safety tips and give you a Blue Hills activity updates. Since becoming the CAN officers for the Blue Hills neighborhood, we have been excited to become more proactive instead of reactive when it comes to police work. In the past recent months, we've been working closely with PO Defreece and PO Morales in the neighboring 49/63 to actively seek out crimes in progress in the Metro Patrol division. We've had success in locating numerous violent offenders, last month alone the following arrests were made: State Arrest-38, Recovered Stolen Autos-21, Agg Assault Suspects Apprehended-1, Robbery Suspects Apprehended-9, Drug Arrest-2, Burglary Suspects-7, Stealing Suspects-5, Search Warrants Executed-2 All of this was done in connection with answering CAN police complaints. Safety Tip: One of the concerns that was expressed in a community meeting and something Bobbie and I see as an issue, is an increase in stolen license plates in the Blue Hills neighborhood. The good news is there is a simple and easy way to combat license plate theft and it requires minimal effort. Simply replace the cheap plastic or metal screws with bolts. Criminals are going to actively target license plates with a Phillips head screw driver and if you only have 2 screws fastening the plate to a vehicle. If you replace the screws with bolts that requires a socket wrench or even pliers, you will drastically reduce the probability of license plate theft. Criminals will not want to spend the time and effort to remove bolts. I've never seen a burglar walking around with a socket wrench, but a Phillips/common screwdriver is a commonly carried tool of burglars. Please continue to call with any tips on crime or issues in your neighborhood. Our CAN Office phone number is 816-719-8328. Blue Hills Neighborhood Association Newsletter, Spring 2015 - Page 2 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Hello, Blue Hills Neighbors. Let’s enjoy the coming of spring! This is our first newsletter of the year. We look forward to publishing more frequently and to grow our social media presence. We have a Facebook page, a new logo, and we are a NextDoor.com neighborhood. Soon, we will debut our new BHNA website. In 2014, we accomplished a lot, especially the building repairs at our Resource Center at 5309 Woodland. This year brings many promising opportunities for our Blue Hills Neighborhood. We are blessed to have collaborative relationships with Blue Hills Community Services, the KCMCC and our Youth Program, LISC, The Upper Room plan for Blue Hills and Town Fork Creek, The Mary L. Kelly Center, the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce and its Urban Neighborhood Initiative, Legal Aid of Western Missouri, and, of course, the City of Kansas City, Missouri. Please support them as they support us. Blue Hills retains its well-earned reputation as an organized and active group of good people working together. This year we will schedule cleanups with Redeemer Church and dumpster days with our Blue Hills CAN Center. Pending city approval, dumpster days should be the second Saturday of every month from May-October. Thanks to our great volunteers for making this valuable activity work so well. Hopefully, you will enjoy Pancake Day and all of our events. This year will be the KCMO municipal elections for Mayor and City Council. Please make sure to vote, no matter who you vote for or who wins, a good turnout of Blue Hills voters on election days always helps to make sure our concerns are heard. The year 2015 will be a year of great progress for Blue Hills and BHNA. Please pitch in. Let us get busy and make Blue Hills better day by day. Thank You, HOUSE FOR SALE 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms garage FULL renovation Paul Tancredi BHNA President BHNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Paul Tancredi 4947 Olive, Kansas City, MO 64130 Price: $72,000 Agent: Cliff Pouppirt bryantrealestatekc.com MLS#1874720 816-769-6811 816-523-1990 Vice President - Toi Wilson Treasurer - Marjorie Lue Secretary - Mary King Asst. Treasurer - Linda Brown Board Member - Linda Brown Board Member - William Hart Board Member - Eddie Robinson Board Member - Elbert Hicks HELPFUL NUMBERS BH Neighborhood Association: 333-7232 KCPD non-emergency: 234-5111 City Services/Information: 3-1-1 KCPD Metro Patrol: 581-0700 United Way Services: 2-1-1 Report a crime tip: 474-TIPS Community Police: 719-8328 Codes (Mike Simmons): 719-0641 Blue Hills Neighborhood Association Newsletter, Spring 2015 - Page 3 BLUE HILLS 2015 SPRING CALENDAR All events held at 5309 Woodland unless otherwise noted. MARCH 3/17/15 - Block Contact/CAN Meeting 3/21/15 - BHNA Pancake Breakfast/BHNA General Meeting @ St. Therese, 5814 Euclid 3/24/15 - Prospect Corridor Stakeholders Meeting @ 5008 Prospect 3/26/15 - Build day with KCCG & AmeriCorps for new raised beds for Prospect Community Garden @ 5008 Prospect* APRIL 4/1/15 - Prospect Community Garden/Blue Hills Community Garden Open 4/7/15 - Primary Election 4/8/15 - Take Your CAN to Work Day w/Harvesters @ 5008 Prospect 4/8/15 - Family Computer Day w/Connecting for Good @ 5008 Prospect* 4/14/15 - Money Smart Month Event: WEN/Credit Building @ 5008 Prospect* 4/21/15 - Block Contact/CAN Meeting 4/23/15 - Money Smart Month Event: Prosperity Center/Budgeting & Retirement @ 5008 Prospect* 4/25/15 - BHNA General Meeting MAY 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, & 5/27 - Eating Healthy Series w/UM Extension Office @ 5008 Prospect* 5/9/15 - Neighborhood Cleanup w/Redeemer followed by Cookout @ BH Park, 53rd & Brooklyn, Contact 333-7232 5/16/15 - BHNA General Meeting/Plant Sale 5/19/15 - Block Contact/CAN Meeting 5/29/15 - Blue Hills Tire Clean-Up (will continue on 5/30 if necessary) 5/30/15 - ABOPT Event (Hazardous Waste Drop Off) - new location to be determined soon *RSVPs required for these events. Contact Leigh@bhcsmo.org or 816.333.7870 ext.203 to register for classes. SIDE NOTES The Blue Hills Neighborhood Association Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser will be held Saturday, March 21 at St. Therese Little Flower Church, 5814 Euclid from 9:00—Noon. Ticket Price: $6.00 for all you can eat pancakes and sausages, drinks included. Come enjoy breakfast with your fellow residents and mingle with city officials and election candidates. Please join us on Saturday, May 9 for a neighborhood clean-up. Blue Hills residents and volunteers from Redeemer Fellowship Church will be clearing trash and brush from 9:00—12:00 to be followed by a cook-out at Blue Hills Park, 53rd & Brooklyn. Call 333-7232 on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 10:00 and 2:00 pm for more information. Calendar listings for the Quality of Life Series workshop offerings by Blue Hills Community Services (5008 Prospect) can be viewed at http://5008kc.org or contact Leigh Blumenthal, Blue Hills Community Organizer, at Leigh@bhcsmo.org or 816.333.7870 ext.203. BHCS provides free educational opportunities for residents on many topics, such as leadership, computer skills, financial literacy, personal health, etc. Check us out! Nextdoor.com is a great way to stay in the loop for community events and notices. This on-line social networking site is specifically for neighborhoods at no cost and is ad free. Just enter and confirm your address to sign up today! BLUE HILLS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION 5309 Woodland Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64110 Phone: 816-333-7232 Email: bluehillsresource@sbcglobal.net Web: facebook.com/BlueHillsKC BHNA MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS 4th Saturday of every month except for May, Nov. & Dec. (3rd Sat.) due to the holidays 5309 Woodland Avenue 11:00 am Newsletter Design & Editing by Blue Hills Community Services BLUE HILLS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Please select one: Individual Membership, $15/YR Senior Membership (65 & older), $12/YR Business Membership, $50/YR Name ___________________________________________ Date___________ New/Renewal________ Business Name (if applicable) _______________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________ City _________________________ State ____ Zip __________ # of persons in household _____ Phone ________________________ E-mail _______________________________________________ Yes! I would like to volunteer to help the neighborhood association. Please make checks payable to: Blue Hills Neighborhood Association Mail or deliver applications & payment to: BLUE HILLS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION 5309 WOODLAND AVENUE, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64110
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