Our Mission The mission of the Knox County Veterans Service Office is to provide eligible veterans and their families with those benefits to which they may be entitled under federal, state, and local law, in accordance with established policies and procedures. The Knox County Veterans Service Office shall take those steps necessary to ensure a well trained and professional staff that is available to advise and assist veterans, their dependents, and the widows and orphans of those veterans who, by virtue of their service in the military of the United States of America. They may be entitled to benefits provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs or any other benefit available under federal, state, or local law. The Knox County Veterans Service shall provide temporary financial assistance to those veterans or their dependents who have demonstrated a financial need due to illness, injury, lack of employment, or an unexpected hardship. Determination of financial need shall be made by the Veterans Service Commission in accordance with the guidelines it alone shall establish and oversee, in accordance with Title 59 of the Ohio Revised Code. 411 Pittsburgh Ave. Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050 Phone: 740-393-6742 Fax: 740-393-6741 E-mail: vso@kcvso.com www.kcvso.com The Knox County Veterans Service Commission shall promulgate programs as required by Title 59 of the Ohio revised Code for services not listed above, such as outreach and the transportation of veterans to and from VA medical facilities. also...FACEBOOK.COM 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Commissioners Thu 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 Meeting - 3 PM Public Welcome 5 Happy Easter 6 7 Radio Program Am. Legion Mtg. 5 PM DAV Meeting 5 PM 8 9 Vet Center on 1300 WMVO 10 AM Good Friday 10 11 Location 9am—4pm. Call for an appointment K NOX C OUNTY V ETERANS S ERVICE O FFICE V ETERANS M ONTHLY VOLUME 8, ISSUE 4 DEDICATION AND COMMITMENT A PRIL 2015 U PCOMING E VENTS : F ROM T HE D IRECTOR ’ S D ESK - K EVIN L. H ENTHORN Spring IS coming ! Believe it or not it will get here... eventually. It’s a busy, busy time here in your Veterans Office this month. There is a lot taking place behind the scenes as we are making plans for spring & summer events like the 2nd annual D-Day reenactment, Memorial Day, Veterans Picnic and even the county fair plans are beginning. It takes many months and numerous people to put together all the quality programming Knox County Veterans get to enjoy. This all in conjunction with the normal benefits and programming that takes place here. Please keep in tune with our newsletter, Facebook, website, radio program and local news for details on all that will be happening here in Knox County ! We would like to introduce to you our new QR Code !!!!! What's a QR Code? You ask. It’s a “Quick Response Code”. Those who have “smart phones” and other WIFI portable tablet type devices, are able to download a free app that allows scanning of this code. We will be featuring this code on many different publications and tools we produce here in the office. When an individual sees this code they can scan it and it will take them directly to our kcvso.com website !! Once on our website they can be linked to all the benefits that we and the VA have to offer and more. All within seconds of scanning this code. Apr. 7th, Radio Program on WMVO at 10:00 AM. Veterans Service Office Commissioners Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 3 p.m. Public Welcome Vet Center Counseling on location Apr. 9th & Apr. 23rd meetings. Call for an appointment Apr. 14th, Columbus VA Mobile Med Unit at the Shopping Plaza You can find this code every month here on our newsletter ! 12 13 14 Columbus VA Mobile Med Unit at the Shopping Plaza 15 Commissioners 16 17 18 Joint Veteran Council Mtg. 7:30 pm 19 20 21 22 23 Vet Center on T HE O HIO B ENEFIT B ANK 24 25 Location 9am—4pm. Call for an appointment 26 27 28 Easter blessings to you all and God Bless Meeting - 3 PM Public Welcome 29 30 Please Check for other organization meetings each month. Kevin Henthorn Executive Director M ELISSA W HEELER Applying for benefit programs can be confusing, time-consuming, and difficult. The Ohio Benefit Bank is an online service that simplifies the process, making it easier and faster for you to access the programs you and your family need to feel healthy and secure. At an OBB site (Knox County Veterans Service Office), or on your own from any computer with internet access, you can find out about available programs, check your eligibility, and prepare and submit applications for a variety of benefit programs. With more than 1000 sites providing counselor-assisted access across Ohio, and easy to use online service that you can access on your own, the OBB can connect you to the resources you need from wherever you live, work, play or pray! Since the program’s inception in 2006, the OBB has helped hundreds of thousands of Ohioans claim benefits that are worth millions of dollars. Each of these dollars support your local and state economies. With OBB sites in all of Ohio’s 88 counties, you can get the help you need from local organizations right in your community. The Knox County Veterans Service Office is one of these sites. Or, you may access ohiobenefits.org from any computer with internet access to complete and submit applications on your own. V ETERANS M ONTHLY P AGE 2 V ETERANS M ONTHLY Are you a Veteran and looking for a job? Free PTSD / Combat related counseling !!!! The Columbus VA Vet Center will be here at your Knox Co. Veterans Office EVERY *** 2ND and 4TH THURSDAY OF THE MONTH. *** Please call our office ASAP with any questions about this fantastic service. This is a wonderful opportunity to come into a local, comfortable, welcoming environment to just sit and share with a professional about issues you or your family may be dealing with. Not only could this make a huge difference in your quality of life, but will aid this office in the filing and advancement of disability claims. Dr. Scott Johnson has already been in the office and seen numerous veterans and is excited and eager to see more Knox County Veterans ! PLEASE HELP US HELP YOU ! CALL NOW for an appointment 740-393-6742 Knox County U.S. Military Officers Have you served as an Officer in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard or are you a retired Officer? I would like to hear from you to discuss forming an informal group to get together and enjoy reviewing our past and current activities. Additionally, all former officers are invited to attend monthly meetings of the Central Ohio Chapter of the Military Officer Association of America (MOAA). Please contact Bob Burelli, 740-397-8345 or rburelli01@ yahoo.com The Knox County Veterans Service Office CANNOT ACCEPT DONATIONS. The office appreciates the generosity towards our county veterans, but please NO DONATIONS. Here are some veteran organizations that can take donations for our veterans: Mt. Vernon American Legion Post 136 Mt. Vernon Disabled American Veterans Chapter 143 Knox County Joint Veterans Council (Military Burials) Mt. Vernon AMVETS Mt. Vernon V.F.W. P AGE 3 Thank you!
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