3 3.1 Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity Introduction To perform satisfactorily, shallow foundations must have two main characteristics: 1. They have to be safe against overall shear failure in the soil that supports them. 2. They cannot undergo excessive displacement, or settlement. (The term excessive is relative, because the degree of settlement allowed for a structure depends on several considerations.) The load per unit area of the foundation at which shear failure in soil occurs is called the ultimate bearing capacity, which is the subject of this chapter. 3.2 General Concept Consider a strip foundation with a width of B resting on the surface of a dense sand or stiff cohesive soil, as shown in Figure 3.1a. Now, if a load is gradually applied to the foundation, settlement will increase. The variation of the load per unit area on the foundation (q) with the foundation settlement is also shown in Figure 3.1a. At a certain point—when the load per unit area equals qu—a sudden failure in the soil supporting the foundation will take place, and the failure surface in the soil will extend to the ground surface. This load per unit area, qu, is usually referred to as the ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation. When such sudden failure in soil takes place, it is called general shear failure. If the foundation under consideration rests on sand or clayey soil of medium compaction (Figure 3.1b), an increase in the load on the foundation will also be accompanied by an increase in settlement. However, in this case the failure surface in the soil will gradually extend outward from the foundation, as shown by the solid lines in Figure 3.1b. When the load per unit area on the foundation equals qu(1), movement of the foundation will be accompanied by sudden jerks. A considerable movement of the foundation is then required for the failure surface in soil to extend to the ground surface (as shown by the broken lines in the figure). The load per unit area at which this happens is the ultimate bearing capacity, qu. Beyond that point, an increase in load will be 133 134 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity Load/unit area, q B qu Failure surface in soil (a) Settlement Load/unit area, q B qu(1) qu Failure surface (b) Settlement Load/unit area, q B qu(1) qu Failure surface (c) qu Surface footing Settlement Figure 3.1 Nature of bearing capacity failure in soil: (a) general shear failure: (b) local shear failure; (c) punching shear failure (Redrawn after Vesic, 1973) (Vesic, A. S. (1973). “Analysis of Ultimate Loads of Shallow Foundations,” Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 99, No. SM1, pp. 45–73. With permission from ASCE.) accompanied by a large increase in foundation settlement. The load per unit area of the foundation, qu(1), is referred to as the first failure load (Vesic, 1963). Note that a peak value of q is not realized in this type of failure, which is called the local shear failure in soil. If the foundation is supported by a fairly loose soil, the load–settlement plot will be like the one in Figure 3.1c. In this case, the failure surface in soil will not extend to the ground surface. Beyond the ultimate failure load, qu, the load–settlement plot will be steep and practically linear. This type of failure in soil is called the punching shear failure. Vesic (1963) conducted several laboratory load-bearing tests on circular and rectangular plates supported by a sand at various relative densities of compaction, Dr. The variations of qu(1)> 12gB and qu> 12gB obtained from those tests, where B is the diameter of a circular plate or width of a rectangular plate and g is a dry unit weight of sand, are shown in Figure 3.2. It is important to note from this figure that, for Dr > about 70%, the general shear type of failure in soil occurs. On the basis of experimental results, Vesic (1973) proposed a relationship for the mode of bearing capacity failure of foundations resting on sands. Figure 3.3 3.2 General Concept 0.2 0.3 0.4 Punching shear 700 600 500 Relative density, Dr 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 135 0.9 General shear Local shear 400 300 qu qu(1) 100 90 80 70 60 50 qu 1 B 2 and 1 B 2 200 1 B 2 40 Legend Circular plate 203 mm (8 in.) Circular plate 152 mm (6 in.) Circular plate 102 mm (4 in.) Circular plate 51 mm (2 in.) Rectangular plate 51 305 mm (2 12 in.) 30 qu(1) 1 B 2 20 Reduced by 0.6 Small signs indicate first failure load 10 1.32 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 Dry unit weight, d Unit weight of water, w 1.55 1.60 Figure 3.2 Variation of qu(1)>0.5gB and qu>0.5gB for circular and rectangular plates on the surface of a sand (Adapted from Vesic, 1963) (From Vesic, A. B. Bearing Capacity of Deep Foundations in Sand. In Highway Research Record 39, Highway Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1963, Figure 28, p. 137. Reproduced with permission of the Transportation Research Board.) shows this relationship, which involves the notation Dr 5 relative density of sand Df 5 depth of foundation measured from the ground surface 2BL B* 5 B1L where B 5 width of foundation L 5 length of foundation (Note: L is always greater than B.) (3.1) 136 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity 0.2 0 Relative density, Dr 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 1 Punching shear failure Local shear failure General shear failure Df /B* 2 3 4 Df B 5 Figure 3.3 Modes of foundation failure in sand (After Vesic, 1973) (Vesic, A. S. (1973). “Analysis of Ultimate Loads of Shallow Foundations,” Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 99, No. SM1, pp. 45–73. With permission from ASCE.) For square foundations, B 5 L; for circular foundations, B 5 L 5 diameter, so B* 5 B (3.2) Figure 3.4 shows the settlement S of the circular and rectangular plates on the surface of a sand at ultimate load, as described in Figure 3.2. The figure indicates a general range of S>B with the relative density of compaction of sand. So, in general, we can say that, for foundations at a shallow depth (i.e., small Df> B*), the ultimate load may occur at a foundation settlement of 4 to 10% of B. This condition arises together with general shear failure in soil; however, in the case of local or punching shear failure, the ultimate load may occur at settlements of 15 to 25% of the width of the foundation (B). 3.3 Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory Terzaghi (1943) was the first to present a comprehensive theory for the evaluation of the ultimate bearing capacity of rough shallow foundations. According to this theory, a foundation is shallow if its depth, Df (Figure 3.5), is less than or equal to its width. Later investigators, however, have suggested that foundations with Df equal to 3 to 4 times their width may be defined as shallow foundations. Terzaghi suggested that for a continuous, or strip, foundation (i.e., one whose widthto-length ratio approaches zero), the failure surface in soil at ultimate load may be assumed to be similar to that shown in Figure 3.5. (Note that this is the case of general shear failure, as defined in Figure 3.1a.) The effect of soil above the bottom of the foundation may also be assumed to be replaced by an equivalent surcharge, q 5 gDf (where g is a unit weight of soil). The failure zone under the foundation can be separated into three parts (see Figure 3.5): 3.3 Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory 0.3 0.2 25% 0.4 Relative density, Dr 0.5 0.6 Punching shear 0.7 Local shear 0.8 General shear 20% S B Rectangular plates Circular plates 15% 10% 5% Circular plate diameter 203 mm (8 in.) 152 mm (6 in.) 102 mm (4 in.) 51 mm (2 in.) 51 305 mm (2 12 in.) Rectangular plate (width B) 0% 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 Dry unit weight, d Unit weight of water, w 1.55 Figure 3.4 Range of settlement of circular and rectangular plates at ultimate load (Df>B 5 0) in sand (Modified from Vesic, 1963) (From Vesic, A. B. Bearing Capacity of Deep Foundations in Sand. In Highway Research Record 39, Highway Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1963, Figure 29, p. 138. Reproduced with permission of the Transportation Research Board.) B J I qu Df H 45 /2 A 45 /2 F C D q Df G 45 /2 45 /2 E Soil Unit weight Cohesion c Friction angle Figure 3.5 Bearing capacity failure in soil under a rough rigid continuous (strip) foundation 137 138 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity 1. The triangular zone ACD immediately under the foundation 2. The radial shear zones ADF and CDE, with the curves DE and DF being arcs of a logarithmic spiral 3. Two triangular Rankine passive zones AFH and CEG The angles CAD and ACD are assumed to be equal to the soil friction angle fr. Note that, with the replacement of the soil above the bottom of the foundation by an equivalent surcharge q, the shear resistance of the soil along the failure surfaces GI and HJ was neglected. Using equilibrium analysis, Terzaghi expressed the ultimate bearing capacity in the form qu 5 crNc 1 qNq 1 12 gBNg (continuous or strip foundation) (3.3) where cr 5 cohesion of soil g 5 unit weight of soil q 5 gDf Nc, Nq, Ng 5 bearing capacity factors that are nondimensional and are functions only of the soil friction angle fr The bearing capacity factors Nc, Nq, and Ng are defined by Nc 5 cot fr e2 (3p>42fr>2)tan fr C fr p 2 cos ¢ 1 ≤ 4 2 2 Nq 5 2 1 5 cot fr(Nq 2 1) S e2 (3p>42fr>2)tan fr fr 2 cos ¢ 45 1 ≤ 2 (3.4) (3.5) 2 and 1 Kpg Ng 5 ¢ 2 1≤ tan fr 2 cos2 fr (3.6) where Kpg 5 passive pressure coefficient. The variations of the bearing capacity factors defined by Eqs. (3.4), (3.5), and (3.6) are given in Table 3.1. To estimate the ultimate bearing capacity of square and circular foundations, Eq. (3.1) may be respectively modified to qu 5 1.3crNc 1 qNq 1 0.4gBNg (square foundation) (3.7) 3.3 Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory 139 Table 3.1 Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Factors—Eqs. (3.4), (3.5), and (3.6) a From Kumbhojkar (1993) a f9 Nc Nq N ga f9 Nc Nq 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 5.70 6.00 6.30 6.62 6.97 7.34 7.73 8.15 8.60 9.09 9.61 10.16 10.76 11.41 12.11 12.86 13.68 14.60 15.12 16.56 17.69 18.92 20.27 21.75 23.36 25.13 1.00 1.10 1.22 1.35 1.49 1.64 1.81 2.00 2.21 2.44 2.69 2.98 3.29 3.63 4.02 4.45 4.92 5.45 6.04 6.70 7.44 8.26 9.19 10.23 11.40 12.72 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.14 0.20 0.27 0.35 0.44 0.56 0.69 0.85 1.04 1.26 1.52 1.82 2.18 2.59 3.07 3.64 4.31 5.09 6.00 7.08 8.34 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 27.09 29.24 31.61 34.24 37.16 40.41 44.04 48.09 52.64 57.75 63.53 70.01 77.50 85.97 95.66 106.81 119.67 134.58 151.95 172.28 196.22 224.55 258.28 298.71 347.50 14.21 15.90 17.81 19.98 22.46 25.28 28.52 32.23 36.50 41.44 47.16 53.80 61.55 70.61 81.27 93.85 108.75 126.50 147.74 173.28 204.19 241.80 287.85 344.63 415.14 N ga 9.84 11.60 13.70 16.18 19.13 22.65 26.87 31.94 38.04 45.41 54.36 65.27 78.61 95.03 115.31 140.51 171.99 211.56 261.60 325.34 407.11 512.84 650.67 831.99 1072.80 From Kumbhojkar (1993) and qu 5 1.3crNc 1 qNq 1 0.3gBNg (circular foundation) (3.8) In Eq. (3.7), B equals the dimension of each side of the foundation; in Eq. (3.8), B equals the diameter of the foundation. For foundations that exhibit the local shear failure mode in soils, Terzaghi suggested the following modifications to Eqs. (3.3), (3.7), and (3.8): qu 5 23crN cr 1 qN qr 1 12gBN gr (strip foundation) qu 5 0.867crN cr 1 qN qr 1 0.4gBN gr (square foundation) (3.10) qu 5 0.867crN cr 1 qN qr 1 0.3gBN gr (circular foundation) (3.11) (3.9) 140 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity Table 3.2 Terzaghi’s Modified Bearing Capacity Factors Ncr, Nqr, and Ngr f9 N 9c N 9q N 9g f9 N 9c N 9q N 9g 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 5.70 5.90 6.10 6.30 6.51 6.74 6.97 7.22 7.47 7.74 8.02 8.32 8.63 8.96 9.31 9.67 10.06 10.47 10.90 11.36 11.85 12.37 12.92 13.51 14.14 14.80 1.00 1.07 1.14 1.22 1.30 1.39 1.49 1.59 1.70 1.82 1.94 2.08 2.22 2.38 2.55 2.73 2.92 3.13 3.36 3.61 3.88 4.17 4.48 4.82 5.20 5.60 0.00 0.005 0.02 0.04 0.055 0.074 0.10 0.128 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.30 0.35 0.42 0.48 0.57 0.67 0.76 0.88 1.03 1.12 1.35 1.55 1.74 1.97 2.25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 15.53 16.30 17.13 18.03 18.99 20.03 21.16 22.39 23.72 25.18 26.77 28.51 30.43 32.53 34.87 37.45 40.33 43.54 47.13 51.17 55.73 60.91 66.80 73.55 81.31 6.05 6.54 7.07 7.66 8.31 9.03 9.82 10.69 11.67 12.75 13.97 15.32 16.85 18.56 20.50 22.70 25.21 28.06 31.34 35.11 39.48 44.45 50.46 57.41 65.60 2.59 2.88 3.29 3.76 4.39 4.83 5.51 6.32 7.22 8.35 9.41 10.90 12.75 14.71 17.22 19.75 22.50 26.25 30.40 36.00 41.70 49.30 59.25 71.45 85.75 Ncr, Nqr, and Ngr, the modified bearing capacity factors, can be calculated by using the bearing capacity factor equations (for Nc, Nq, and Ng, respectively) by replacing fr by fr 5 tan21 ( 23 tan fr). The variation of Ncr, Nqr, and Ngr with the soil friction angle fr is given in Table 3.2. Terzaghi’s bearing capacity equations have now been modified to take into account the effects of the foundation shape (B>L), depth of embedment (Df ), and the load inclination. This is given in Section 3.6. Many design engineers, however, still use Terzaghi’s equation, which provides fairly good results considering the uncertainty of the soil conditions at various sites. 3.4 Factor of Safety Calculating the gross allowable load-bearing capacity of shallow foundations requires the application of a factor of safety (FS) to the gross ultimate bearing capacity, or qall 5 qu FS (3.12) 3.4 Factor of Safety 141 However, some practicing engineers prefer to use a factor of safety such that Net stress increase on soil 5 net ultimate bearing capacity FS (3.13) The net ultimate bearing capacity is defined as the ultimate pressure per unit area of the foundation that can be supported by the soil in excess of the pressure caused by the surrounding soil at the foundation level. If the difference between the unit weight of concrete used in the foundation and the unit weight of soil surrounding is assumed to be negligible, then qnet(u) 5 qu 2 q (3.14) where qnet(u) 5 net ultimate bearing capacity q 5 gDf So qall(net) 5 qu 2 q FS (3.15) The factor of safety as defined by Eq. (3.15) should be at least 3 in all cases. Example 3.1 A square foundation is 2 m 3 2 m in plan. The soil supporting the foundation has a friction angle of fr 5 25° and cr 5 20 kN>m2. The unit weight of soil, g, is 16.5 kN>m3. Determine the allowable gross load on the foundation with a factor of safety (FS) of 3. Assume that the depth of the foundation (Df ) is 1.5 m and that general shear failure occurs in the soil. Solution From Eq. (3.7) qu 5 1.3crNc 1 qNq 1 0.4gBNg From Table 3.1, for fr 5 25°, Nc 5 25.13 Nq 5 12.72 Ng 5 8.34 Thus, qu 5 (1.3) (20) (25.13) 1 (1.5 3 16.5) (12.72) 1 (0.4) (16.5) (2) (8.34) 5 653.38 1 314.82 1 110.09 5 1078.29 kN>m2 142 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity So, the allowable load per unit area of the foundation is qu 1078.29 5 < 359.5 kN>m2 qall 5 FS 3 Thus, the total allowable gross load is Q 5 (359.5) B2 5 (359.5) (2 3 2) 5 1438 kN 3.5 ■ Modification of Bearing Capacity Equations for Water Table Equations (3.3) and (3.7) through (3.11) give the ultimate bearing capacity, based on the assumption that the water table is located well below the foundation. However, if the water table is close to the foundation, some modifications of the bearing capacity equations will be necessary. (See Figure 3.6.) Case I. If the water table is located so that 0 # D1 # Df, the factor q in the bearing capacity equations takes the form (3.16) q 5 effective surcharge 5 D1g 1 D2 (gsat 2 gw ) where gsat 5 saturated unit weight of soil gw 5 unit weight of water Also, the value of g in the last term of the equations has to be replaced by gr 5 gsat 2 gw. Case II. For a water table located so that 0 # d # B, (3.17) q 5 gDf In this case, the factor g in the last term of the bearing capacity equations must be replaced by the factor g 5 gr 1 Groundwater table d (g 2 gr) B (3.18) D1 Case I Df D2 B d Groundwater table Case II sat saturated unit weight Figure 3.6 Modification of bearing capacity equations for water table 3.6 The General Bearing Capacity Equation 143 The preceding modifications are based on the assumption that there is no seepage force in the soil. Case III. When the water table is located so that d $ B, the water will have no effect on the ultimate bearing capacity. 3.6 The General Bearing Capacity Equation The ultimate bearing capacity equations (3.3), (3.7), and (3.8) are for continuous, square, and circular foundations only; they do not address the case of rectangular foundations (0 , B>L , 1). Also, the equations do not take into account the shearing resistance along the failure surface in soil above the bottom of the foundation (the portion of the failure surface marked as GI and HJ in Figure 3.5). In addition, the load on the foundation may be inclined. To account for all these shortcomings, Meyerhof (1963) suggested the following form of the general bearing capacity equation: qu 5 crNcFcsFcdFci 1 qNqFqsFqdFqi 1 12 gBNgFgsFgdFgi (3.19) In this equation: cr 5 q5 g5 B5 Fcs, Fqs, Fgs 5 Fcd, Fqd, Fgd 5 Fci, Fqi, Fgi 5 Nc, Nq, Ng 5 cohesion effective stress at the level of the bottom of the foundation unit weight of soil width of foundation (5 diameter for a circular foundation) shape factors depth factors load inclination factors bearing capacity factors The equations for determining the various factors given in Eq. (3.19) are described briefly in the sections that follow. Note that the original equation for ultimate bearing capacity is derived only for the plane-strain case (i.e., for continuous foundations). The shape, depth, and load inclination factors are empirical factors based on experimental data. Bearing Capacity Factors The basic nature of the failure surface in soil suggested by Terzaghi now appears to have been borne out by laboratory and field studies of bearing capacity (Vesic, 1973). However, the angle a shown in Figure 3.5 is closer to 45 1 fr>2 than to fr. If this change is accepted, the values of Nc, Nq, and Ng for a given soil friction angle will also change from those given in Table 3.1. With a 5 45 1 fr>2, it can be shown that Nq 5 tan2 ¢ 45 1 fr p tan fr ≤e 2 (3.20) 144 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity and Nc 5 (Nq 2 1) cot fr (3.21) Equation (3.21) for Nc was originally derived by Prandtl (1921), and Eq. (3.20) for Nq was presented by Reissner (1924). Caquot and Kerisel (1953) and Vesic (1973) gave the relation for Ng as Ng 5 2 (Nq 1 1) tan fr (3.22) Table 3.3 shows the variation of the preceding bearing capacity factors with soil friction angles. Table 3.3 Bearing Capacity Factors f9 Nc Nq Ng f9 Nc Nq Ng 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 5.14 5.38 5.63 5.90 6.19 6.49 6.81 7.16 7.53 7.92 8.35 8.80 9.28 9.81 10.37 10.98 11.63 12.34 13.10 13.93 14.83 15.82 16.88 18.05 19.32 20.72 1.00 1.09 1.20 1.31 1.43 1.57 1.72 1.88 2.06 2.25 2.47 2.71 2.97 3.26 3.59 3.94 4.34 4.77 5.26 5.80 6.40 7.07 7.82 8.66 9.60 10.66 0.00 0.07 0.15 0.24 0.34 0.45 0.57 0.71 0.86 1.03 1.22 1.44 1.69 1.97 2.29 2.65 3.06 3.53 4.07 4.68 5.39 6.20 7.13 8.20 9.44 10.88 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 22.25 23.94 25.80 27.86 30.14 32.67 35.49 38.64 42.16 46.12 50.59 55.63 61.35 67.87 75.31 83.86 93.71 105.11 118.37 133.88 152.10 173.64 199.26 229.93 266.89 11.85 13.20 14.72 16.44 18.40 20.63 23.18 26.09 29.44 33.30 37.75 42.92 48.93 55.96 64.20 73.90 85.38 99.02 115.31 134.88 158.51 187.21 222.31 265.51 319.07 12.54 14.47 16.72 19.34 22.40 25.99 30.22 35.19 41.06 48.03 56.31 66.19 78.03 92.25 109.41 130.22 155.55 186.54 224.64 271.76 330.35 403.67 496.01 613.16 762.89 Shape, Depth, Inclination Factors Commonly used shape, depth, and inclination factors are given in Table 3.4. 3.6 The General Bearing Capacity Equation 145 Table 3.4 Shape, Depth and Inclination Factors (DeBeer (1970); Hansen (1970); Meyerhof (1963); Meyerhof and Hanna (1981)) Factor Shape Depth Relationship Reference B Nq Fcs 5 1 1 a b a b L Nc B Fqs 5 1 1 a b tan fr L B Fgs 5 120.4 a b L Df 1 B For ⫽ 0: Df Fcd 5 1 1 0.4 a b B DeBeer (1970) Hansen (1970) Fqd ⫽ 1 F␥d ⫽ 1 For ⬘ ⬎ 0: Fcd 5 Fqd 2 1 2 Fqd Nc tan fr Fqd 5 1 1 2 tan fr (1 2 sin fr) 2 a Df B b F␥d ⫽ 1 Df B 1 For ⫽ 0: Df Fcd 5 1 1 0.4 tan 21 a b B ('')''* radians Fqd ⫽ 1 F␥d ⫽ 1 For ⬘ ⬎ 0: Fcd 5 Fqd 2 1 2 Fqd Nc tan f9 Df Fqd 5 1 1 2 tan fr (1 2 sin fr) 2 tan 21 a b B ('')''* radians F␥d ⫽ 1 Inclination Fci 5 Fqi 5 a1 2 Fgi 5 a1 2 b f9 b° 2 b 90° b  ⫽ inclination of the load on the foundation with respect to the vertical Meyerhof (1963); Hanna and Meyerhof (1981) 146 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity Example 3.2 Solve Example Problem 3.1 using Eq. (3.19). Solution From Eq. (3.19), qu 5 c9NcFcsFcdFci 1 qNqFqsFqdFqt 1 1 gBNgFgsFgdFgt 2 Since the load is vertical, Fci ⫽ Fqi ⫽ F␥i ⫽ 1. From Table 3.3 for ⬘ ⫽ 25°, Nc ⫽ 20.72, Nq ⫽ 10.66, and N␥ ⫽ 10.88. Using Table 3.4, B Nq 2 10.66 Fcs 5 1 1 a b a b 5 1 1 a b a b 5 1.514 L Nc 2 20.72 B 2 Fqs 5 1 1 a b tanf9 5 1 1 a b tan 25 5 1.466 L 2 B 2 Fgs 5 1 2 0.4a b 5 1 2 0.4a b 5 0.6 L 2 Fqd 5 1 1 2 tanfr (1 2 sinfr) 2 a Df B b 5 1 1 (2) (tan 25) (1 2 sin 25) 2 a Fcd 5 Fqd 2 1 2 Fqd Nc tanf9 5 1.233 2 c 1.5 b 5 1.233 2 1 2 1.233 d 5 1.257 (20.72) (tan 25) Fgd 5 1 Hence, qu ⫽ (20)(20.72)(1.514)(1.257)(1) ⫹(1.5 ⫻ 16.5)(10.66)(1.466)(1.233)(1) 1 1 (16.5) (2) (10.88) (0.6) (1) (1) 2 ⫽ 788.6 ⫹ 476.9 ⫹ 107.7 ⫽ 1373.2 kN/m2 qall 5 qu 1373.2 5 5 457.7 kN>m2 FS 3 Q ⫽ (457.7)(2 ⫻ 2) ⫽ 1830.8 kN ■ 3.6 The General Bearing Capacity Equation 147 Example 3.3 A square foundation (B 3 B) has to be constructed as shown in Figure 3.7. Assume that g 5 16.5 kN>m3, gsat 5 18.55 kN>m3, fr 5 34°, Df 5 1.22 m, and D1 5 0.61 m. The gross allowable load, Qall, with FS 5 3 is 667.2 kN. Determine the size of the footing. Use Eq. (3.19). D1 Water table ; ; c 0 sat c 0 Df BB Figure 3.7 A square foundation Solution We have qall 5 Qall B2 5 667.2 kN>m2 B2 (a) From Eq. (3.19) (with cr 5 0), for vertical loading, we obtain qall 5 qu 1 1 5 ¢ qNqFqsFqd 1 grBNgFgsFgd ≤ FS 3 2 For fr 5 34°, from Table 3.3, Nq 5 29.44 and Ng 5 41.06. Hence, Fqs 5 1 1 B tan fr 5 1 1 tan 34 5 1.67 L Fgs 5 1 2 0.4 ¢ B ≤ 5 1 2 0.4 5 0.6 L Fqd 5 1 1 2 tan fr (1 2 sin fr) 2 Df B 5 1 1 2 tan 34 (1 2 sin 34) 2 4 1.05 511 B B Fgd 5 1 and q 5 (0.61) (16.5) 1 0.61 (18.55 2 9.81) 5 15.4 kN>m2 148 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity So qall 5 1 1.05 B(15.4) (29.44) (1.67) ¢1 1 ≤ 3 B 1 1 ¢ ≤ (18.55 2 9.81) (B) (41.06) (0.6) (1) R 2 5 252.38 1 (b) 265 1 35.89B B Combining Eqs. (a) and (b) results in 667.2 265 5 252.38 1 1 35.89B 2 B B By trial and error, we find that B < 1.3 m. 3.7 ■ Case Studies on Ultimate Bearing Capacity In this section, we will consider two field observations related to the ultimate bearing capacity of foundations on soft clay. The failure loads on the foundations in the field will be compared with those estimated from the theory presented in Section 3.6. Foundation Failure of a Concrete Silo An excellent case of bearing capacity failure of a 6-m diameter concrete silo was provided by Bozozuk (1972). The concrete tower silo was 21 m high and was constructed over soft clay on a ring foundation. Figure 3.8 shows the variation of the undrained shear strength (cu) obtained from field vane shear tests at the site. The groundwater table was located at about 0.6 m below the ground surface. On September 30, 1970, just after it was filled to capacity for the first time with corn silage, the concrete tower silo suddenly overturned due to bearing capacity failure. Figure 3.9 shows the approximate profile of the failure surface in soil. The failure surface extended to about 7 m below the ground surface. Bozozuk (1972) provided the following average parameters for the soil in the failure zone and the foundation: • • • • Load per unit area on the foundation when failure occurred < 160 kN>m2 Average plasticity index of clay (PI) < 36 Average undrained shear strength (cu) from 0.6 to 7 m depth obtained from field vane shear tests < 27.1 kN>m2 From Figure 3.9, B < 7.2 m and Df < 1.52 m. cu (kN/m2) 40 60 20 0 80 100 1 Depth (m) 2 3 4 5 Figure 3.8 Variation of cu with depth obtained from field vane shear test 6 50 Original position of foundation 1.46 m 0 22 2 1m m 30 0.9 4 6 Paved apron Original ground surface 7.2 Depth below paved apron (m) 1 2 Collapsed silo 50 Upheaval 22 45 m 1. 60 8 10 12 Figure 3.9 Approximate profile of silo failure (Adapted from Bozozuk, 1972) 149 150 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity We can now calculate the factor of safety against bearing capacity failure. From Eq. (3.19) qu 5 crNcFcsFcdFci 1 qNcFqsFqdFqi 1 12 gB NgFgsFgdFgi For f 5 0 condition and vertical loading, cr 5 cu, Nc 5 5.14, Nq 5 1, Ng 5 0, and Fci 5 Fqi 5 Fgi 5 0. Also, from Table 3.4, Fcs 5 1 1 a 7.2 1 ba b 5 1.195 7.2 5.14 Fqs 5 1 Fcd 5 1 1 (0.4) a 1.52 b 5 1.08 7.2 Fqd 5 1 Thus, qu 5 (cu ) (5.14) (1.195) (1.08) (1) 1 (g) (1.52) Assuming g < 18 kN>m3, qu 5 6.63cu 1 27.36 (3.23) According to Eqs. (2.34) and (2.35a), cu(corrected) 5 l cu(VST) l 5 1.7 2 0.54 log 3PI(%)4 For this case, PI < 36 and cu(VST) 5 27.1 kN>m2. So cu(corrected) 5 51.7 2 0.54 log 3PI(%)46cu(VST) 5 (1.7 2 0.54 log 36) (27.1) < 23.3 kN>m2 Substituting this value of cu in Eq. (3.23) qu 5 (6.63) (23.3) 1 27.36 5 181.8 kN>m2 The factor of safety against bearing capacity failure FS 5 qu 181.8 5 5 1.14 applied load per unit area 160 This factor of safety is too low and approximately equals one, for which the failure occurred. Load Tests on Small Foundations in Soft Bangkok Clay Brand et al. (1972) reported load test results for five small square foundations in soft Bangkok clay in Rangsit, Thailand. The foundations were 0.6 m ⫻ 0.6 m, 0.675 m ⫻ 0.675 m, 0.75 m ⫻ 0.75 m, 0.9 m ⫻ 0.9 m, and 1.05 m ⫻ 1.05 m. The depth of of the foundations (Df) was 1.5 m in all cases. Figure 3.10 shows the vane shear test results for clay. Based on the variation of cu(VST) with depth, it can be approximated that cu(VST) is about 35 kN/m2 for depths between zero to 1.5 m measured from the ground surface, and cu(VST) is approximately equal to 24 kN/m2 for depths varying from 1.5 to 8 m. Other properties of the clay are • • • Liquid limit ⫽ 80 Plastic limit ⫽ 40 Sensitivity ⬇ 5 3.7 Case Studies on Ultimate Bearing Capacity 151 cu (VST) (kN/m2) 0 10 20 30 40 1 2 Depth (m) 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 3.10 Variation of cu(VST) with depth for soft Bangkok clay Figure 3.11 shows the load-settlement plots obtained from the bearing-capacity tests on all five foundations. The ultimate loads, Qu, obtained from each test are shown in Figure 3.11 and given in Table 3.5. The ultimate load is defined as the point where the load-settlement plot becomes practically linear. From Eq. (3.19), qu 5 c9NcFcsFcdFci 1 qNqFqsFqdFqi 1 1 gBNgFgsFgdFgi 2 For undrained condition and vertical loading (that is, ⫽ 0) from Tables 3.3 and 3.4, • • • • • • Fci ⫽ Fqi ⫽ F␥i ⫽ 1 c⬘ ⫽ cu, Nc ⫽ 5.14, Nq ⫽ 1, and N␥ ⫽ 0 B Nq 1 Fcs 5 1 1 a b a b 5 1 1 (1) a b 5 1.195 L Nc 5.14 Fqs ⫽ 1 Fqd ⫽ 1 Df 1.5 Fcd 5 1 1 0.4 tan 21 a b 5 1 1 0.4 tan 21 a b B B (3.24) 152 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity Load (kN) 0 40 0 200 160 120 80 Qu (ultimate load) Settlement (mm) 10 20 B = 0.675 m 30 B = 1.05 m B = 0.6 m B = 0.75 m B = 0.9 m 40 Figure 3.11 Load-settlement plots obtained from bearing capacity tests (Note: Df /B ⬎ 1 in all cases) Thus, qu ⫽ (5.14)(cu)(1.195)Fcd ⫹ q (3.25) The values of cu(VST) need to be corrected for use in Eq. (3.25). From Eq. (2.34), cu ⫽ cu(VST) From Eq. (2.35b), ⫽ 1.18e⫺0.08(PI) ⫹ 0.57 ⫽ 1.18e⫺0.08(80 ⫺ 40) ⫹ 0.57 ⫽ 0.62 From Eq. (2.35c), ⫽ 7.01e⫺0.08(LL) ⫹ 0.57 ⫽ 7.01e⫺0.08(80) ⫹ 0.57 ⫽ 0.58 Table 3.5 Comparison of Ultimate Bearing Capacity—Theory versus Field Test Results B (m) (1) Df (m) (2) 0.600 0.675 0.750 0.900 1.050 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Fcd (3) qu(theory)‡‡ (kN/m2) (4) 1.476 1.459 1.443 1.412 1.384 158.3 156.8 155.4 152.6 150.16 ‡ Qu(field) (kN) (5) qu(field)‡‡‡ (kN/m2) (6) qu(field) 2 qu(theory) (%) qu(field) 60 71 90 124 140 166.6 155.8 160.6 153.0 127.0 4.98 ⫺0.64 2.87 0.27 ⫺18.24 Eq. (3.24); ‡‡Eq. (3.26); ‡‡‡Qu(field)/B2 ⫽ qu(field) ‡ (7) 3.8 Effect of Soil Compressibility 153 So the average value of ⬇ 0.6. Hence, cu ⫽ cu(VST) ⫽ (0.6)(24) ⫽ 14.4 kN/m2 Let us assume ␥ ⫽ 18.5 kN/m2. So q ⫽ ␥Df ⫽ (18.5)(1.5) ⫽ 27.75 kN/m2 Substituting cu ⫽ 14.4 kN/m2 and q ⫽ 27.75 kN/m2 into Eq. (3.25), we obtain qu(kN/m2) ⫽ 88.4Fcd ⫹ 27.75 (3.26) The values of qu calculated using Eq. (3.26) are given in column 4 of Table 3.5. Also, the qu determined from the field tests are given in column 6. The theoretical and field values of qu compare very well. The important lessons learned from this study are 1. The ultimate bearing capacity is a function of cu. If Eq. (2.35a) would have been used to correct the undrained shear strength, the theoretical values of qu would have varied between 200 kN/m2 and 210 kN/m2. These values are about 25% to 55% more than those obtained from the field and are on the unsafe side. 2. It is important to recognize that empirical correlations like those given in Eqs. (2.35a), (2.35b) and (2.35c) are sometimes site specific. Thus, proper engineering judgment and any record of past studies would be helpful in the evaluation of bearing capacity. 3.8 Effect of Soil Compressibility In Section 3.3, Eqs. (3.3), (3.7), and (3.8), which apply to the case of general shear failure, were modified to Eqs. (3.9), (3.10), and (3.11) to take into account the change of failure mode in soil (i.e., local shear failure). The change of failure mode is due to soil compressibility, to account for which Vesic (1973) proposed the following modification of Eq. (3.19): qu 5 crNcFcsFcdFcc 1 qNqFqsFqdFqc 1 12 gBNgFgsFgdFgc (3.27) In this equation, Fcc, Fqc, and Fgc are soil compressibility factors. The soil compressibility factors were derived by Vesic (1973) by analogy to the expansion of cavities. According to that theory, in order to calculate Fcc, Fqc, and Fgc, the following steps should be taken: Step 1. Calculate the rigidity index, Ir, of the soil at a depth approximately B>2 below the bottom of the foundation, or Ir 5 Gs cr 1 qr tan fr where Gs 5 shear modulus of the soil q 5 effective overburden pressure at a depth of Df 1 B>2 (3.28) 154 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity Step 2. The critical rigidity index, Ir(cr), can be expressed as fr 1 B Ir(cr) 5 bexp B ¢ 3.30 2 0.45 ≤ cot ¢ 45 2 ≤ R r 2 L 2 Step 3. (3.29) The variations of Ir(cr) with B>L are given in Table 3.6. If Ir $ Ir(cr), then Fcc 5 Fqc 5 Fgc 5 1 However, if Ir , Ir(cr), then Fgc 5 Fqc 5 exp b ¢ 24.4 1 0.6 (3.07 sin fr) (log 2Ir ) B ≤ tan fr 1 B Rr L 1 1 sin fr (3.30) Figure 3.12 shows the variation of Fgc 5 Fqc [see Eq. (3.30)] with fr and Ir. For f 5 0, Fcc 5 0.32 1 0.12 B 1 0.60 log Ir L (3.31) For fr . 0, Fcc 5 Fqc 2 1 2 Fqc (3.32) Nq tan fr Table 3.6 Variation of Ir(cr) with ⬘ and B/L Ir(cr) ⬘ (deg) B/L ⴝ 0 B/L ⴝ 0.2 B/L ⴝ 0.4 B/L ⴝ 0.6 B/L ⴝ 0.8 B/L ⴝ 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 13.56 18.30 25.53 36.85 55.66 88.93 151.78 283.20 593.09 1440.94 12.39 16.59 22.93 32.77 48.95 77.21 129.88 238.24 488.97 1159.56 11.32 15.04 20.60 29.14 43.04 67.04 111.13 200.41 403.13 933.19 10.35 13.63 18.50 25.92 37.85 58.20 95.09 168.59 332.35 750.90 9.46 12.36 16.62 23.05 33.29 50.53 81.36 141.82 274.01 604.26 8.64 11.20 14.93 20.49 29.27 43.88 69.62 119.31 225.90 486.26 3.8 Effect of Soil Compressibility 1.0 1.0 500 100 250 0.8 250 0.8 50 50 0.6 10 0.4 100 F c Fqc F c Fqc 155 25 5 2.5 0.2 0.6 25 10 0.4 5 2.5 0.2 Ir 1 0 500 Ir 1 0 0 10 20 30 50 40 Soil friction angle, (deg) L (a) 1 B 0 10 20 30 50 40 Soil friction angle, (deg) L (b) 5 B Figure 3.12 Variation of Fgc 5 Fqc with Ir and fr Example 3.4 For a shallow foundation, B 5 0.6 m, L 5 1.2 m, and Df 5 0.6 m. The known soil characteristics are as follows: Soil: fr 5 25° cr 5 48 kN>m2 g 5 18 kN>m3 Modulus of elasticity, Es 5 620 kN>m2 Poisson’s ratio, ms 5 0.3 Calculate the ultimate bearing capacity. Solution From Eq. (3.28), Ir 5 Gs cr 1 qr tan fr However, Gs 5 Es 2 (1 1 ms ) So Ir 5 Now, qr 5 g ¢Df 1 Es 2 (1 1 ms ) 3cr 1 qr tan fr4 B 0.6 ≤ 5 18 ¢0.6 1 ≤ 5 16.2 kN>m2 2 2 156 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity Thus, Ir 5 From Eq. (3.29), 620 5 4.29 2 (1 1 0.3) 348 1 16.2 tan 254 fr 1 B Ir(cr) 5 bexp B ¢3.3 2 0.45 ≤ cot ¢45 2 ≤ R r 2 L 2 1 25 0.6 5 bexp B ¢ 3.3 2 0.45 ≤ cot ¢45 2 ≤ R r 5 62.41 2 1.2 2 Since Ir(cr) . Ir, we use Eqs. (3.30) and (3.32) to obtain Fgc 5 Fqc 5 exp b ¢ 24.4 1 0.6 5 exp b ¢ 24.4 1 0.6 1 c (3.07 sin fr)log(2Ir ) B ≤ tan fr 1 B Rr L 1 1 sin fr 0.6 ≤ tan 25 1.2 (3.07 sin 25)log(2 3 4.29) R r 5 0.347 1 1 sin 25 and Fcc 5 Fqc 2 1 2 Fqc Nc tan fr For fr 5 25°, Nc 5 20.72 (see Table 3.3); therefore, 1 2 0.347 Fcc 5 0.347 2 5 0.279 20.72 tan 25 Now, from Eq. (3.27), qu 5 crNcFcsFcdFcc 1 qNqFqsFqdFqc 1 12gBNgFgsFgdFgc From Table 3.3, for fr 5 25°, Nc 5 20.72, Nq 5 10.66, and Ng 5 10.88. Consequently, Nq B 10.66 0.6 Fcs 5 1 1 ¢ ≤ ¢ ≤ 5 1 1 ¢ ≤¢ ≤ 5 1.257 Nc L 20.72 1.2 Fqs 5 1 1 B 0.6 tan fr 5 1 1 tan 25 5 1.233 L 1.2 Fgs 5 1 2 0.4 ¢ B 0.6 ≤ 5 1 2 0.4 5 0.8 L 1.2 Fqd 5 1 1 2 tan fr (1 2 sin fr) 2 ¢ Df 5 1 1 2 tan 25 (1 2 sin 25) 2 ¢ Fcd 5 Fqd 2 1 2 Fqd Nc tan fr 5 1.311 2 B ≤ 0.6 ≤ 5 1.311 0.6 1 2 1.311 5 1.343 20.72 tan 25 3.9 Eccentrically Loaded Foundations 157 and Fgd 5 1 Thus, qu 5 (48) (20.72) (1.257) (1.343) (0.279) 1 (0.6 3 18) (10.66) (1.233) (1.311) (0.347)1( 12 ) (18) (0.6) (10.88) (0.8) (1) (0.347) 5 549.32 kN , m2 3.9 ■ Eccentrically Loaded Foundations In several instances, as with the base of a retaining wall, foundations are subjected to moments in addition to the vertical load, as shown in Figure 3.13a. In such cases, the distribution of pressure by the foundation on the soil is not uniform. The nominal distribution of pressure is qmax 5 Q 6M 1 2 BL BL (3.33) qmin 5 Q 6M 2 2 BL BL (3.34) and Q Q e M B B BL For e < B/6 qmin qmax L For e > B/6 qmax (a) Figure 3.13 Eccentrically loaded foundations 2e B (b) 158 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity where Q 5 total vertical load M 5 moment on the foundation Figure 3.13b shows a force system equivalent to that shown in Figure 3.13a. The distance e5 M Q (3.35) is the eccentricity. Substituting Eq. (3.35) into Eqs. (3.33) and (3.34) gives qmax 5 Q 6e ¢1 1 ≤ BL B (3.36) qmin 5 Q 6e ¢1 2 ≤ BL B (3.37) and Note that, in these equations, when the eccentricity e becomes B>6, qmin is zero. For e . B>6, qmin will be negative, which means that tension will develop. Because soil cannot take any tension, there will then be a separation between the foundation and the soil underlying it. The nature of the pressure distribution on the soil will be as shown in Figure 3.13a. The value of qmax is then qmax 5 4Q 3L(B 2 2e) (3.38) The exact distribution of pressure is difficult to estimate. Figure 3.14 shows the nature of failure surface in soil for a surface strip foundation subjected to an eccentric load. The factor of safety for such type of loading against bearing capacity failure can be evaluated as FS 5 Qult Q (3.39) where Qult 5 ultimate load-carrying capacity. The following sections describe several theories for determining Qult. Qult e B Figure 3.14 Nature of failure surface in soil supporting a strip foundation subjected to eccentric loading (Note: Df 5 0; Qult is ultimate load per unit length of foundation) 3.10 Ultimate Bearing Capacity under Eccentric Loading—One-Way Eccentricity 3.10 159 Ultimate Bearing Capacity under Eccentric Loading—One-Way Eccentricity Effective Area Method (Meyerhoff, 1953) In 1953, Meyerhof proposed a theory that is generally referred to as the effective area method. The following is a step-by-step procedure for determining the ultimate load that the soil can support and the factor of safety against bearing capacity failure: Step 1. Determine the effective dimensions of the foundation (Figure 3.13b): Br 5 effective width 5 B 2 2e Lr 5 effective length 5 L Note that if the eccentricity were in the direction of the length of the foundation, the value of Lr would be equal to L 2 2e. The value of Br would equal B. The smaller of the two dimensions (i.e., Lr and Br) is the effective width of the foundation. Step 2. Use Eq. (3.19) for the ultimate bearing capacity: qur 5 crNcFcsFcdFci 1 qNqFqsFqdFqi 1 12 gBrNgFgsFgdFgi (3.40) To evaluate Fcs, Fqs, and Fgs, use the relationships given in Table 3.4 with effective length and effective width dimensions instead of L and B, respectively. To determine Fcd, Fqd, and Fgd, use the relationships given in Table 3.4. However, do not replace B with Br. Step 3. The total ultimate load that the foundation can sustain is Ar & $'%' Qult 5 (3.41) q ru (Br) (Lr) where Ar 5 effective area. Step 4. The factor of safety against bearing capacity failure is Qult FS 5 Q Prakash and Saran Theory Prakash and Saran (1971) analyzed the problem of ultimate bearing capacity of eccentrically and vertically loaded continuous (strip) foundations by using the one-sided failure surface in soil, as shown in Figure 3.14. According to this theory, the ultimate load per unit length of a continuous foundation can be estimated as 1 Q ult 5 B ccrNc(e) 1 qNq(e) 1 gBNg(e) d 2 (3.42) where Nc(e), Nq(e), N␥(e) ⫽ bearing capacity factors under eccentric loading. The variations of Nc(e), Nq(e), and N␥(e) with soil friction angle ⬘ are given in Figures 3.15, 3.16, and 3.17. For rectangular foundations, the ultimate load can be given as 1 Q ult 5 BL ccrNc(e)Fcs(e) 1 qNq(e)Fqs(e) 1 gBNg(e)Fgs(e) d 2 where Fcs(e), Fqs(e), and F␥s(e) ⫽ shape factors. (3.43) 160 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity 60 40 e/B = 0 Nc (e) 0.1 0.2 20 0.3 0.4 f9 5 408 0 0 10 20 Friction angle, (deg) 30 40 e/B Nc(e) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 94.83 66.60 54.45 36.3 18.15 Figure 3.15 Variation of Nc(e) with fr Prakash and Saran (1971) also recommended the following for the shape factors: Fcs(e) 5 1.2 2 0.025 L (with a minimum of 1.0) B Fqs(e) 5 1 (3.44) (3.45) and Fgs(e) 5 1.0 1 a 2e B 3 e B 2 2 0.68b 1 c0.43 2 a b a b d a b B L 2 B L (3.46) Reduction Factor Method (For Granular Soil) Purkayastha and Char (1977) carried out stability analysis of eccentrically loaded continuous foundations supported by a layer of sand using the method of slices. Based on that analysis, they proposed 3.10 Ultimate Bearing Capacity under Eccentric Loading—One-Way Eccentricity 161 60 40 e/B = 0 Nq (e) 0.1 20 0.2 0.3 f9 5 408 0.4 0 0 10 20 Friction angle, (deg) 30 40 e/B Nq(e) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 81.27 56.09 45.18 30.18 15.06 Figure 3.16 Variation of Nq(e) with fr Rk 5 1 2 qu(eccentric) qu(centric) (3.47) where Rk ⫽ reduction factor qu(eccentric) ⫽ ultimate bearing capacity of eccentrically loaded continuous foundations qu(centric) ⫽ ultimate bearing capacity of centrally loaded continuous foundations The magnitude of Rk can be expressed as e k Rk 5 aa b B where a and k are functions of the embedment ratio Df /B (Table 3.7). (3.48) 162 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity 60 40 e/B = 0 N(e) 0.1 20 0.2 f9 5 408 0.3 0.4 0 0 10 20 Friction angle, (deg) 30 40 e,B Ng(e) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 115.80 71.80 41.60 18.50 4.62 Figure 3.17 Variation of Ng(e) with fr Table 3.7 Variations of a and k [Eq. (3.48)] Df/B a k 0.00 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.862 1.811 1.754 1.820 0.73 0.785 0.80 0.888 Hence, combining Eqs. (3.47) and (3.48) e k qu(eccentric) 5 qu(centric) (1 2 Rk ) 5 qu(centric) c1 2 aa b d B (3.49) 1 qu(centric) 5 qNqFqd 1 gBNgFgd 2 (3.50) where 3.10 Ultimate Bearing Capacity under Eccentric Loading—One-Way Eccentricity 163 The relationships for Fqd, and F␥d are given in Table 3.4. The ultimate load per unit length of the foundation can then be given as Qu ⫽ Bqu(eccentric) (3.51) Example 3.5 A continuous foundation is shown in Figure 3.18. If the load eccentricity is 0.2 m, determine the ultimate load, Qult, per unit length of the foundation. Use Meyerhof’s effective area method. Solution For c⬘ ⫽ 0, Eq. (3.40) gives qu9 5 qNqFqsFqdFqi 1 1 grBrNgFgsFgdFgi 2 where q ⫽ (16.5) (1.5) ⫽ 24.75 kN/m2. Sand 40 c 0 16.5 kN/m3 1.5 m 2m Figure 3.18 A continuous foundation with load eccentricity For ⬘ ⫽ 40°, from Table 3.3, Nq ⫽ 64.2 and N␥ ⫽ 109.41. Also, B⬘ ⫽ 2 ⫺ (2)(0.2) ⫽ 1.6 m Because the foundation in question is a continuous foundation, B⬘/L⬘ is zero. Hence, Fqs ⫽ 1, F␥s ⫽ 1. From Table 3.4, Fqi ⫽ F␥ i ⫽ 1 Fqd 5 1 1 2 tan fr(1 2 sin fr) 2 Df B 5 1 1 0.214a 1.5 b 5 1.16 2 F␥d ⫽ 1 and qur 5 (24.75) (64.2) (1) (1.16) (1) 1 1 a b (16.5) (1.6) (109.41) (1) (1) (1) 5 3287.39 kN>m2 2 Consequently, Qult ⫽ (B⬘)(1)(qu⬘) ⫽ (1.6)(1)(3287.39) ⬇ 5260 kN ■ 164 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity Example 3.6 Solve Example 3.5 using Eq. (3.42). Solution Since c⬘ ⫽ 0 1 Qult 5 B cqNq(e) 1 gBNg(e) d 2 e 0.2 5 5 0.1 B 2 For ⬘ ⫽ 40° and e/B ⫽ 0.1, Figures 3.16 and 3.17 give Nq(e) ⫽ 56.09 and N␥ (e) ⬇ 71.8. Hence, Qult ⫽ 2[(24.75)(56.09) ⫹ (12)(16.5)(2)(71.8)] ⫽ 5146 kN ■ Example 3.7 Solve Example 3.5 using Eq. (3.49). Solution With c⬘ ⫽ 0, 1 qu(centric) 5 qNqFqd 1 gBNgFgd 2 For ⬘ ⫽ 40°, Nq ⫽ 64.2 and N␥ ⫽ 109.41 (see Table 3.3). Hence, Fqd ⫽ 1.16 and F␥d ⫽ 1 (see Example 3.5) 1 qu(centric) 5 (24.75) (64.2) (1.16) 1 (16.5) (2) (109.41) (1) 2 5 1843.18 1 1805.27 5 3648.45 kN>m2 From Eq. (3.48), e k Rk 5 aa b B For Df /B ⫽ 1.5/2 ⫽ 0.75, Table 3.7 gives a ⬇ 1.75 and k ⬇ 0.85. Hence, Rk 5 1.79a 0.2 0.85 b 5 0.253 2 Qu ⫽ Bqu(eccentric) ⫽ Bqu(centric)(1 ⫺ Rk) ⫽ (2)(3648.45)(1 ⫺ 0.253) ⬇ 5451 kN ■ 3.11 Bearing Capacity—Two-way Eccentricity 3.11 165 Bearing Capacity—Two-way Eccentricity Consider a situation in which a foundation is subjected to a vertical ultimate load Qult and a moment M, as shown in Figures 3.19a and b. For this case, the components of the moment M about the x- and y-axes can be determined as Mx and My, respectively. (See Figure 3.19.) This condition is equivalent to a load Qult placed eccentrically on the foundation with x 5 eB and y 5 eL (Figure 3.19d). Note that My eB 5 (3.52) Qult and eL 5 Mx Qult (3.53) If Qult is needed, it can be obtained from Eq. (3.41); that is, Qult 5 qur Ar where, from Eq. (3.40), qur 5 crNcFcsFcdFci 1 qNqFqsFqdFqi 1 12 gBrNgFgsFgdFgi and Ar 5 effective area 5 BrLr As before, to evaluate Fcs, Fqs, and Fgs (Table 3.4), we use the effective length Lr and effective width Br instead of L and B, respectively. To calculate Fcd, Fqd, and Fgd, we do Qult M (a) BL B y eB Mx L Qult M Qult x Qult eL My B (b) (c) (d) Figure 3.19 Analysis of foundation with two-way eccentricity 166 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity not replace B with Br. In determining the effective area Ar, effective width Br, and effective length Lr, five possible cases may arise (Highter and Anders, 1985). Case I. eL>L $ 16 and eB>B $ 16. The effective area for this condition is shown in Figure 3.20, or Ar 5 12B1L1 (3.54) where B1 5 B ¢1.5 2 3eB ≤ B (3.55) L1 5 L ¢1.5 2 3eL ≤ L (3.56) and The effective length Lr is the larger of the two dimensions B1 and L1. So the effective width is Br 5 Ar Lr (3.57) Case II. eL>L , 0.5 and 0 , eB>B , 16. The effective area for this case, shown in Figure 3.21a, is Ar 5 12 (L1 1 L2 )B (3.58) The magnitudes of L1 and L2 can be determined from Figure 3.21b. The effective width is L1 or L2 Ar (whichever is larger) (3.59) Lr 5 L1 or L2 (whichever is larger) (3.60) Br 5 The effective length is Case III. eL>L , 16 and 0 , eB>B , 0.5. The effective area, shown in Figure 3.22a, is Ar 5 12 (B1 1 B2 )L Effective area B1 eB eL Qult L1 L B Figure 3.20 Effective area for the case of eL>L > 16 and eB>B > 16 (3.61) 3.11 Bearing Capacity–Two-way Eccentricity 167 Effective area B eB L2 eL Qult L1 L (a) 0.5 eB /B 0.4 0.167 0.1 0.08 0.06 eL /L 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 L1 /L, L2 /L (b) 2 2 0.0 0 For obtaining L2 /L 01 0 0. 4 0.0 6 8 0.0 eB /B 0.0 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.1 0.0 4 0.0 0. 0 0.8 1 1.0 For obtaining L1 /L Figure 3.21 Effective area for the case of eL>L , 0.5 and 0 , eB>B , 16 (After Highter and Anders, 1985) (Highter, W. H. and Anders, J. C. (1985). “Dimensioning Footings Subjected to Eccentric Loads,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 111, No. GT5, pp. 659–665. With permission from ASCE.) The effective width is Ar L (3.62) Lr 5 L (3.63) Br 5 The effective length is The magnitudes of B1 and B2 can be determined from Figure 3.22b. Case IV. eL>L , 16 and eB>B , 16. Figure 3.23a shows the effective area for this case. The ratio B2>B, and thus B2, can be determined by using the eL>L curves that slope upward. Similarly, the ratio L2>L, and thus L2, can be determined by using the eL>L curves that slope downward. The effective area is then Ar 5 L2B 1 12 (B 1 B2 ) (L 2 L2 ) (3.64) 168 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity B1 eB eL Qult L Effective area B2 B (a) 0.5 eL /L 0.4 0.167 0.1 0.08 0.06 eB /B 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 B1 /B, B2 /B (b) 2 2 0.0 0 For obtaining B2 /B 01 0 0. 4 0.0 6 8 0.0 eL /L 0.0 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.1 0.0 4 0.0 0. 0 0.8 1 1.0 For obtaining B1 /B Figure 3.22 Effective area for the case of eL>L , 16 and 0 , eB>B , 0.5 (After Highter and Anders, 1985) Highter, W. H. and Anders, J. C. (1985). “Dimensioning Footings Subjected to Eccentric Loads,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 111, No. GT5, pp. 659–665. With permission from ASCE.) The effective width is Ar L (3.65) Lr 5 L (3.66) Br 5 The effective length is Case V. (Circular Foundation) In the case of circular foundations under eccentric loading (Figure 3.24a), the eccentricity is always one way. The effective area Ar and the effective width Br for a circular foundation are given in a nondimensional form in Table 3.8. Once A9 and B9 are determined, the effective length can be obtained as Lr 5 Ar Br 3.11 Bearing Capacity–Two-way Eccentricity 169 B L2 eB eL L Qult Effective area B2 (a) For obtaining B2 /B 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.20 0.10 0.15 0.08 eB /B 1 0. 0.06 0.0 0.10 0.1 4 8 0.04 0.0 6 0.05 0.04 0.02 eL /L eL/L 0.02 For obtaining L2/L 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 B2 /B, L2 /L (b) 0.8 eR Qult R Figure 3.24 Effective area for circular foundation 1.0 Figure 3.23 Effective area for the case of eL>L , 16 and eB>B , 16 (After Highter and Anders, 1985) (Highter, W. H. and Anders, J. C. (1985). “Dimensioning Footings Subjected to Eccentric Loads,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 111, No. GT5, pp. 659–665. With permission from ASCE.) 170 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity Table 3.8 Variation of Ar>R2 and Br>R with eR>R for Circular Foundations eR9 , R A9 , R 2 B9 , R 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.61 1.23 0.93 0.62 0.35 0.12 0 1.85 1.32 1.2 0.80 0.67 0.50 0.37 0.23 0.12 0 Example 3.8 A square foundation is shown in Figure 3.25, with eL 5 0.3 m and eB 5 0.15 m. Assume two-way eccentricity, and determine the ultimate load, Qult. Solution We have eL 0.3 5 5 0.2 L 1.5 and eB 0.15 5 5 0.1 B 1.5 This case is similar to that shown in Figure 3.21a. From Figure 3.21b, for eL>L 5 0.2 and eB>B 5 0.1, L1 < 0.85; L L1 5 (0.85) (1.5) 5 1.275 m L2 < 0.21; L L2 5 (0.21) (1.5) 5 0.315 m and From Eq. (3.58), Ar 5 12 (L1 1 L2 )B 5 12 (1.275 1 0.315) (1.5) 5 1.193 m2 3.11 Ultimate Bearing Capacity–Two-way Eccentricity Sand 18 kN/m3 30 c 0 0.7 m 1.5 m 1.5 m eB 0.15 m 1.5 m eL 0.3 m Figure 3.25 An eccentrically loaded foundation 1.5 m From Eq. (3.60), Lr 5 L1 5 1.275 m From Eq. (3.59), Br 5 Ar 1.193 5 5 0.936 m Lr 1.275 Note from Eq. (3.40) with cr 5 0, qur 5 qNqFqsFqdFqi 1 12gBrNgFgsFgdFgi where q 5 (0.7) (18) 5 12.6 kN>m2. For fr 5 30°, from Table 3.3, Nq 5 18.4 and Ng 5 22.4. Thus from Table 3.4, Fqs 5 1 1 ¢ Br 0.936 ≤ tan fr 5 1 1 ¢ ≤ tan 30° 5 1.424 Lr 1.275 Fgs 5 1 2 0.4 ¢ Br 0.936 ≤ 5 0.706 ≤ 5 1 2 0.4 ¢ Lr 1.275 Fqd 5 1 1 2 tan fr(1 2 sin fr) 2 Df B 511 and Fgd 5 1 (0.289) (0.7) 5 1.135 1.5 171 172 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity So Qult 5 Arqur 5 Ar(qNqFqsFqd 1 12gBrNgFgsFgd ) 5 (1.193) 3(12.6) (18.4) (1.424) (1.135) 1(0.5) (18) (0.936) (22.4) (0.706) (1)4 < 606 kN ■ Example 3.9 Consider the foundation shown in Figure 3.25 with the following changes: eL ⫽ 0.18 m eB ⫽ 0.12 m For the soil, ␥ ⫽ 16.5 kN/m3 ⬘ ⫽ 25° c⬘ ⫽ 25 kN/m2 Determine the ultimate load, Qult. Solution eL 0.18 5 5 0.12; L 1.5 eB 0.12 5 5 0.08 B 1.5 This is the case shown in Figure 3.23a. From Figure 3.23b, B2 < 0.1; B L2 < 0.32 L So B2 ⫽ (0.1)(1.5) ⫽ 0.15 m L2 ⫽ (0.32)(1.5) ⫽ 0.48 m From Eq. (3.64), 1 1 Ar 5 L2B 1 (B 1 B2 ) (L 2 L2 ) 5 (0.48) (1.5) 1 (1.5 1 0.15) (1.5 2 0.48) 2 2 5 0.72 1 0.8415 5 1.5615 m2 Br 5 Ar 1.5615 5 5 1.041m L 1.5 L9 5 1.5 m From Eq. (3.40), 1 qur 5 crNcFcs Fed 1 qNqFqsFqd 1 gBrNgFgsFgd 2 3.12 Bearing Capacity of a Continuous Foundation Subjected to Eccentric Inclined Load 173 For ⬘ ⫽ 25°, Table 3.3 gives Nc ⫽ 20.72, Nq ⫽ 10.66 and N␥ ⫽ 10.88. From Table 3.4, Fcs 5 1 1 a Br Nq 1.041 10.66 ba b 5 1 1 a ba b 5 1.357 Lr Nc 1.5 20.72 Fqs 5 1 1 a Br 1.041 b tanfr 5 1 1 a b tan 25 5 1.324 Lr 1.5 Fgs 5 1 2 0.4 a Br 1.041 b 5 120.4 a b 5 0.722 Lr 1.5 Df 0.7 Fqd 5 1 1 2 tan fr(1 2 sinfr) 2 a b 5 1 1 2 tan 25(12sin 25) 2 a b 5 1.145 B 1.5 Fcd 5 Fqd 2 1 2 Fqd 9 Nc tan f 5 1.145 2 1 2 1.145 5 1.16 20.72 tan 25 Fgd 5 1 Hence, qru 5 (25) (20.72) (1.357) (1.16) 1 (16.5 3 0.7) (10.66) (1.324) (1.145) 1 1 (16.5) (1.041) (10.88) (0.722) (1) 2 5 815.39 1 186.65 1 67.46 5 1069.5 kN>m2 Qult ⫽ A⬘qu⬘ ⫽ (1069.5)(1.5615) ⫽ 1670 kN 3.12 ■ Bearing Capacity of a Continuous Foundation Subjected to Eccentric Inclined Loading The problem of ultimate bearing capacity of a continuous foundation subjected to an eccentric inclined load was studied by Saran and Agarwal (1991). If a continuous foundation is located at a depth Df below the ground surface and is subjected to an eccentric load (load eccentricity 5 e) inclined at an angle b to the vertical, the ultimate capacity can be expressed as 1 (3.67) Qult 5 B ccrNc(ei) 1 qNq(ei) 1 gBNg(ei) d 2 where Nc(ei), Nq(ei), and Ng(ei) 5 bearing capacity factors q 5 gDf The variations of the bearing capacity factors with e>B, fr, and b derived by Saran and Agarwal are given in Figures 3.26, 3.27, and 3.28. 174 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity 100 60 =0 80 50 = 10 40 Nc (ei) Nc (ei) 60 e/B = 0 40 30 0.1 0.2 20 20 0.3 e/B = 0 0.1 0.2 10 0 0 10 20 30 Soil friction angle, (deg) 0.3 40 (a) 0 0 10 20 30 Soil friction angle, (deg) 40 (b) 40 = 20 30 30 20 e/B = 0 Nc(ei) Nc (ei) = 30 0.1 20 e/B = 0 0.2 10 10 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0 0 10 20 30 Soil friction angle, (deg) 40 (c) Figure 3.26 Variation of Nc(ei) with fr, e>B, and b 0 10 20 30 Soil friction angle, (deg) (d) 40 3.12 Bearing Capacity of a Continuous Foundation Subjected to Eccentric Inclined Load 175 50 80 = 10 40 60 =0 Nq (ei) Nq (ei) 30 40 e/B = 0 20 e/B = 0 0.2 0.1 0.2 20 0.1 10 0.3 0.3 0 0 0 10 20 30 Soil friction angle, (deg) 0 40 10 20 30 Soil friction angle, (deg) 40 (b) (a) 30 30 = 20 = 30 e/B = 0 10 Nq (ei) 20 Nq(ei) 20 0.1 10 0.2 e/B = 0 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0 0 10 20 30 Soil friction angle, (deg) 0 40 10 20 30 Soil friction angle, (deg) 40 (d) (c) Figure 3.27 Variation of Nq(ei) with fr, e>B, and b Example 3.10 A continuous foundation is shown in Figure 3.29. Estimate the ultimate load, Qult per unit length of the foundation. Solution With cr 5 0, from Eq. (3.67), 1 Qult 5 cqNq(ei) 1 gBNg(ei) d 2 176 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity 160 =0 120 = 10 80 e/B = 0 N (ei) N (ei) 80 40 e/B = 0 40 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0 0 0 10 20 30 Soil friction angle, (deg) 10 40 20 30 Soil friction angle, (deg) 40 (b) (a) 30 60 = 20 20 40 N(ei) N (ei) = 30 e/B = 0 0.1 20 e/B = 0 0.1 10 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0 0 20 30 Soil friction angle, (deg) 40 30 35 Soil friction angle, (deg) 40 (d) (c) Figure 3.28 Variation of Ng(ei) with fr, e>B, and b B 5 1.5 m, q 5 Dfg 5 (1) (16) 5 16 kN>m2, e>B 5 0.15>1.5 5 0.1, and b 520°. From Figures 3.27(c) and 3.28(c), Nq(ei) 5 14.2 and Ng(ei) 5 20. Hence, Qult 5 (1.5) 3(16) (14.2) 1 ( 12 ) (16) (1.5) (20) 4 5 700.8 kN , m Problems 177 Qult 20 16 kN/m3 35 c 0 1m 0.15 m 1.5 m ■ Figure 3.29 Problems 3.1 For the following cases, determine the allowable gross vertical load-bearing capacity of the foundation. Use Terzaghi’s equation and assume general shear failure in soil. Use FS 5 4. Part a. b. c. 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 B 1.22 m 2m 3m Df 0.91 m 1m 2m f9 25° 30° 30° g c9 2 28.75 kN>m 0 0 Foundation type 3 17.29 kN>m 17 kN>m3 16.5 kN>m3 Continuous Continuous Square A square column foundation has to carry a gross allowable load of 1805 kN (FS 5 3). Given: Df 5 1.5 m, g 5 15.9 kN>m3, fr 5 34°, and cr 5 0. Use Terzaghi’s equation to determine the size of the foundation (B). Assume general shear failure. Use the general bearing capacity equation [Eq. (3.19)] to solve the following: a. Problem 3.1a b. Problem 3.1b c. Problem 3.1c The applied load on a shallow square foundation makes an angle of 15° with the vertical. Given: B 5 1.83 m, Df 5 0.9 m, g 5 18.08 kN>m3, fr 5 25°, and cr 5 23.96 kN>m2. Use FS 5 4 and determine the gross allowable load. Use Eq. (3.19). A column foundation (Figure P3.5) is 3 m 3 2 m in plan. Given: Df 5 1.5 m, fr 5 25°, cr 5 70 kN>m2. Using Eq. (3.19) and FS 5 3, determine the net allowable load [see Eq. (3.15)] the foundation could carry. For a square foundation that is B 3 B in plan, Df 5 2 m; vertical gross allowable load, Qall 5 3330 kN, g 5 16.5 kN>m3; fr 5 30°; cr 5 0; and FS 5 4. Determine the size of the foundation. Use Eq. (3.19). 178 Chapter 3: Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity 17 kN/m3 1m 1.5 m Groundwater level sat 19.5 kN/m3 3m2m Figure P3.5 3.7 For the design of a shallow foundation, given the following: Soil: fr 5 25° cr 5 50 kN>m2 Unit weight, g 5 17 kN>m3 Modulus of elasticity, Es 5 1020 kN>m2 Poisson’s ratio, ms 5 0.35 Foundation: L 5 1.5 m B51m Df 5 1 m Calculate the ultimate bearing capacity. Use Eq. (3.27). 3.8 An eccentrically loaded foundation is shown in Figure P3.8. Use FS of 4 and determine the maximum allowable load that the foundation can carry. Use Meyerhof’s effective area method. 3.9 Repeat Problem 3.8 using Prakash and Saran’s method. 3.10 For an eccentrically loaded continuous foundation on sand, given B ⫽ 1.8 m, Df ⫽ 0.9 m, e/B ⫽ 0.12 (one-way eccentricity), ␥ ⫽ 16 kN/m3, and r ⫽ 35°. Using the reduction factor method, estimate the ultimate load per unit length of the foundation. (Eccentricity in one direction only) 0.1 m 0.8 m Qall 17 kN/m3 c 0 32 1.5 m 1.5 m Centerline Figure P3.8 3.11 An eccentrically loaded continuous foundation is shown in Figure P3.11. Determine the ultimate load Qu per unit length that the foundation can carry. Use the reduction factor method. 3.12 A square footing is shown in Figure P3.12. Use FS 5 6, and determine the size of the footing. Use Prakash and Saran theory [Eq. (3.43)]. References 179 Qu 16.5 kN/m3 Groundwater table 0.61 m 1.22 m sat 18.55 kN/m3 c 0 35 0.61 m 1.52 m Figure P3.11 450 kN 70 kN•m 16 kN/m3 c 0 30 1.2 m BB Water table sat 19 kN/m3 c 0 30 Figure P3.12 3.13 The shallow foundation shown in Figure 3.19 measures 1.2 m 3 1.8 m and is subjected to a centric load and a moment. If eB 5 0.12 m, eL 5 0.36 m, and the depth of the foundation is 1 m, determine the allowable load the foundation can carry. Use a factor of safety of 3. For the soil, we are told that unit weight g 5 17 kN>m3, friction angle fr 5 35°, and cohesion cr 5 0. References BOZOZUK, M. (1972). “Foundation Failure of the Vankleek Hill Tower Site,” Proceedings, Specialty Conference on Performance of Earth and Earth-Supported Structures, Vol. 1, Part 2, pp. 885–902. BRAND, E. W., MUKTABHANT, C., and TAECHANTHUMMARAK, A. 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