KEEP FREMONT BEAUTIFUL! LITTER-ature NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Printed on recycled paper. Close the loop... Buy recycled Bi-monthly Newsletter • • • 402-941-6122 March/April 2015 • Keep America Beautiful Affiliate The new Keep Fremont Beautiful Billboard design features information on the NEBRASKA LITTER HOTLINE. The billboard is located across the street from Greens Florist on Bell Street and is sponsored by Waste Connections of Nebraska and Green Key II. The cute little girl driving the cardboard car is RaiLee, grand-daughter of KFB Executive Director Sue Reyzlik. Reyzlik recently explained – “I really enjoy making the props for the billboard designs. The pirate ship that I made for the billboard at 22nd and Bell was pretty difficult but the car for this board was much easier to create and it’s always fun to repurpose.” Reyzlik further explained the use of her grandchildren as models for the outdoor posters – “My grandkids are adorable and they work cheap”. We at Keep Fremont Beautiful hope that everyone will do their part to reduce littering. Put a litter bag in your car and make sure you use it. If you see someone litter from their car, please report it – call 1- 877- NO LITTR (877- 665-4887). Together, we can make Fremont a cleaner, healthier and more beautiful place in which to live! Keep Fremont Beautiful Receives a Keep America Beautiful Cigarette Litter Prevention Program Grant Keep America Beautiful announced that Keep Fremont Beautiful is a recipient of a $2,500.00 grant as one of 73 organizations receiving grants for the expanded 2015 CLPP Grants Program. Tobacco products, consisting mainly of cigarette butts, are the most littered item in America, representing nearly 38 percent of all items littered, according to “Litter in America,” KAB’s landmark study of litter and littering behavior. Since the establishment of the CLPP, communities in 49 states and the District of Columbia have implemented the program to reduce cigarette litter. For the second straight year, KAB reported an average 48 percent reduction in cigarette litter in communities implementing KAB’s CLPP. One-hundred seventeen communities that launched programs in 2013 achieved an additional 34 percent reduction when measured again in 2014. Keep Fremont Beautiful has participated in the CLPP a number of times and has placed ash receptacles in the downtown area, at Midland University Campus, in local Parks and at the entrances to public buildings. With the additional grant funds, KFB will be able to purchase six more ash receptacles for installation in the downtown area. Would you be willing to place an ash receptacle in front of your business? Would you be willing to empty the receptacle on a regular basis? If your business is located in the downtown area and you are willing to “host” a public ash receptacle, please contact Keep Fremont Beautiful at 402-941-6122 or email KFB at Mission It is the mission of Keep Fremont Beautiful to improve everyone’s waste handling practices and to engage Fremont and Dodge County citizens to take greater responsiblity for improving the enviroment. Anne Baumhover, Chariman Eileen Thornburg, Vice-Chairman Nan Pollack, Secretary Amy Cone, Treasurer Sue Reyzlik, Executive Director Cathi Sampson, Asst. Program Director KFB Board of Directors Mike Christensen Kevin Earileywine Leland Foreman Chad Fuchs Marilyn Gordon Steve Hespen Kathy Kneifl Jim Manhart Linda Martinez Dan Seder Karol Theophilus Libby Vance Mark Vyhlidal Sheri Wilberding FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY ANNUAL BOOK SALE APRIL 10-12, 2015 CITY AUDITORIUM – 925 N. BROAD KFB RECOGNITION PROGRAM Keep Fremont Beautiful awards Certificates of Appreciation to deserving homeowners who improve or maintain their residential property in an exemplary fashion. KFB also presents a “Clean Sweep Award” to those Business Owners who have displayed an “extra” effort in improving or maintaining their property or who have renovated “eyesore” structures or properties. Please nominate deserving homeowners or business owners. Nomination forms are available at the Parks Department Office, 400 East Military Ave. Or you may email the nomination information to keepfremontbeautiful@ Please include the name and address of the deserving Fremonter and a brief description of my this property/owner deserves the award. EXCITING NEWS FOR TELEVISION RECYCLING Best Buy is now accepting television sets for recycling. There is no charge for this recycling service, however, you do need to deliver your television to a Best Buy store. Luckily Best Buy stores are located conveniently in West Omaha. The procedure for recycling a TV at Best Buy isn’t complicated: You call the store on the day you are planning to deliver your TV. When you get to the store you park in front and go inside. There should be someone who greets you at the door and you tell them you have a television set for recycling. Nan Pollack (Longtime KFB Board Member) recently took her old television set to Best Buy and found the process pretty simple. She told the greeter she had a television set in her car and he grabbed a cart and came out and loaded the TV. She was on her way in no time at all. It doesn’t get much easier than that. We at KFB recommend that you go online and check out the rules for the Best Buy recycling program. For instance, Best Buy accepts 32” or less tube television sets, projectors, Flat Panel, LCD, Plasma, LED 60” and less, as well as Portable TVs. It is important to note that Best Buy will accept up to three items per household per day. They will not accept Console TVs of any size, or Tube TVs or Monitors larger than 32”. Also on the NOT Accepted List – Front Projection (Big Screen), Rear Projection (DLP) and Exposed Cathode Ray Tubes. If you have any questions, call your nearest Best Buy Store. ELECTRONIC RECYCLING AT THE FREMONT STAPLES STORE The Staples Store in Fremont will accept a number of electronic items for recycling with a limit of six items per day per household at no charge. Accepted electronics include Desktop Computers, Laptop Computers, Netbooks, Tablets, Monitors (Both new and old styles – CRT and flat panel). Staples will also accept UPS – Battery Back-ups, Computer Accessories such as: Mouse, Keyboard, PC Speakers, Modem etc. Staples will not accept floor model equipment such as the larger office copiers, however, they will accept the desk top Printers, “All-in-Ones”, Copiers, Fax Machines, and Shredders. GPS Devices, Re-chargeable Batteries, MP3’s, Digital Cameras and Cell Phones are also accepted at no charge. Call Staples for more information concerning their free electronic recycling service! ALL METALS MARKET DROP SITE SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2015 • 9:00-11:30 A.M. ILGENFRITZ PARKING LOT •LOCATED AT 4TH AND PARK AVE (JUST SOUTH OF THE KAVICH PARKING RAMP) PLEASE BRING YOUR: PIPES AND METAL TUBING • *ALUMINUM DOORS & WINDOWS • CAR PARTS • CAST IRON SINKS & TUBS • LAWNMOWERS • CLEAN TIN CANS • BROKEN BICYCLES PINNACLE BANK SPONSORS COMMUNITY SHRED DAY On Saturday, April 25th, Pinnacle Bank is offering an opportunity to have your paper shredded. Just bring your “Information Sensitive” office paper to the 23rd and Lincoln Branch from 1:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. Paper Tiger Shredding will have their paper shredding truck on hand to collect and destroy your waste paper. The shredded paper will be recycled! GROW BIG RED and KEEP YOUR NEBRASKA COMMUNITY BEAUTIFUL! We invite everyone in Fremont and the surrounding area to help Keep Nebraska Beautiful by planting red flowers from border to border all across our great state. “Grow Big Red” is a fun, beautification effort to help make our communities more vibrant and welcoming. It’s also a great way to show your Husker spirit! Keep Fremont Beautiful will have a limited supply of red zinnia seeds available for planting this spring. Call today – 402-941-6122 – to reserve your free packet of Grow Big Red Zinnia Seeds.
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