Friends of the Library Non-Profit Org. c/o Fremont Area District Library U. S. POSTAGE 104 E. Main Street PAID Fremont, MI 49412 Fremont, MI Spring 2014 Friends turn 50! Permit No. 106 Return Service Requested Inside: LIBRARY HOURS M,T,TH 10:00 am—7:00 pm W,F 10:00 am—5:00 pm Ages 3-5 — Our preschool storytimes will run through Thursday, April 17th. Join us for great times with stories, movies, songs and crafts. Sat. 10:00 am— 1:00 pm LIBRARY CLOSED Babies and Toddlers (up to age 2) — Toddler Time runs through April 16th. Join us for stories, lapsits, fingerplays, music and movement activities. Wednesdays @ 10:30 am Carolyn Comden Happy Birthday! Children’s Events Give Newaygo! Storytimes Book Groups So much more… 104 East Main Street Fremont, MI 49412 Tuesdays @ 1:30 pm Thursdays @ 10:30 am Friends of the Fremont Area District Library (231) 924-3480 It’s never too late to express gratitude to someone, so on behalf of the Friends of the Fremont Area District Library, thank you, Nancy Johnson, for your leadership in starting our Friends organization 50 years ago! In 1964, Nancy was on the library board when she was encouraged by a friend to start a Friends group. Nancy says it was easy to get others to join; all she had to do was ask! The primary goal back in 1964 was simply to support the library. With Nancy as the first president, they held meetings and helped in any capacity where they were needed. When asked what changes she is most proud of, Nancy responds, “our Gift Shop.” In 2013, the Friends provided over $8,000 to support the library. The moneys helped to purchase books and AV materials as well as subsidizing the annual summer reading program for children, teens, and adults. Friends also continued the “baby’s first book” program, which gives a new board book and other “goodies” to mothers of new babies at Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial Health Services. Nancy Johnson is still an active member of the Friends, helping out with many social events and volunteering in the Gift Shop. Our members work hard at our annual book sale held in conjunction with the Gerber Baby Food Festival, host the Writer’s Live at the Library, and read to residents at the Newaygo Medical Care Facility. Many of our members have specialty collections that we display on a monthly basis in the display case just outside the Gift Shop. Membership applications are available in the Gift Shop. If you have a friend or family member who would be interested in joining the Friends, they can stop in there or contact Sandy Luchies, Membership Chair at 231-924-4767. Plans are under way to celebrate our 50th anniversary. Watch for details in the newspaper, and be sure to join us at our meeting in April to meet Nancy Johnson “up close and personal!” Memorial Day Monday, May 26, 2014 Save the Date! It is with great sadness that we note the death of Carolyn Comden. Carolyn was a long-time employee of the Library, working in the Circulation Department for 24 years before her retirement in 2011. She passed away on February 14, 2014. Friends of the Fremont Area District Library Annual Meeting Writing Workshop - February 27 & March 6 @ 7:00 p.m. Local authors Esther Jiran and Wendy Sinicki share tips about active vs. passive voice, showing vs. telling, developing new word choices, and more. Come for one or both sessions. Carolyn enjoyed reading and playing the piano. She was also an avid NASCAR fan who loved cheering for her grandchildren at their sporting events. A full obituary can be viewed in the Grand Rapids Press. Memorial contributions can be made to the library or the West Michigan Miracle League. Fremont Area District Library Wednesday, April 23, 2014 Bluebirds in Your Backyard - March 8 @ 10:30 a.m. Jim and Carol McGrath of Nature Discovery will present tips on how to successfully attract these beautiful birds, who are voracious insect-eaters, to your yard or garden. Nesting boxes will be available for purchase. From Flames to Freedom - March 27 @ 7:00 p.m. Jean Schuler, President of the Friends of the Library presented Library Director Ray Arnett a check in the amount of $6,520 in January. Each year the library staff gives the Friends a “Wish List” of items that they would like to purchase for the library. This year, the Children’s Department received money to purchase new books, AV materials and a new toy train. They also received money for prize books for the summer reading program. In addition, the Teen and Adult Departments received money to purchase books including graphic novels, large print, non-fiction, and audio books. During the year, the Friends help the library in other ways - including the Live at the Library program. Since the Friends’ Room opened in 2000 the total amount of donations given to the library has exceeded $135,000. Michigan author Skaidrite “Rita” Sparks shares her experience as a girl growing up in Latvia during World War II. An “inspirational, beautifully written and heart-warming” story. Michael Spradlin - April 24 @ 7:00 p.m. Michael Spradlin is the author of over a dozen books for children. When asked about a common theme in his stories, he replies “Stuff blows up!” Great program for aspiring authors, especially boys. Books will be available for purchase. Snowbirds... We want to keep in touch! Please let us know if you have a “southern” address, as well as when you leave and when you return so we can get your newsletter to you on time. Newsletters are mailed in March, June, September, and December. A Thousand Letters Home - April 30 @ 12:00 noon Author Teresa Irish discovered nearly 1,000 letters written by her father and compiled them into this fascinating story. Drinks and desserts provided; bring your lunch. Books will be available for purchase. Fremont Area District Library ∙ 104 East Main Street ∙ Fremont, MI 49412 ∙ (231) 924-3480 ∙ Fremont Lions Club After School Read-Aloud Give Local, Newaygo County! Members of the Fremont Lions Club will be doing afterschool reading sessions twice a month at the Fremont Area District Library. For more information, contact Roxanne Landin in the Children’s Room at 231-928-0249. On Tuesday, May 6th, 2014, the Fremont Area Community Foundation will be hosting a Match Day in honor of the 100th anniversary of community foundations. The location of the event is still to be determined, so watch the paper for the exact place. The event will be held from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm; the Foundation will match all gifts given on that day! The match will be up to 50 cents for every dollar contributed with a maximum match to the library of $25,000 and a total maximum for all non-profits of $250,000. Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 3:30 – 4:00 Wednesdays March 5th April 2nd May 7th Mondays March 17th April 21st May 19th Who’s on Board? Mary Thomas ………………. President Lorna Hoppa ……………….. Vice President Judy Alderink ……...……… Secretary Candee Parkhurst ……… Treasurer Marcia Eib …………………… Trustee Beth Mooy …….…………….. Trustee DuWayne Schuler ..…….. Trustee Raymond Arnett - Library Director This is a unique opportunity for the library to raise funds while also building our endowment fund at the Community Foundation! Friends of FADL Board Directory: FADL Board Members: Please mark your calendar and plan to support the library during this special fund drive. By giving to the library, you will help support programs like Live @ the Library and Summer Reading, as well as good books and other library materials. In addition, this special match will help build the library’s endowment fund for the future and provide a “for good, for ever” gift to the library. Jean Schuler Karla Johnson Mary Butterick Peg May Marcia Eib Sue Delaney Rosemary Tittle Arleen Frost Sandy Luchies Gloria Helgemo Marjorie Salata Lorna Hoppa President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Book Sale Director Collections / Decorating Friends’ Room Director Membership Director Outreach Director Social Committee Director Representative to Lib. Bd. WRITERS GROUP March 5th & 19th 2:30 pm April 2nd & 16th 2:30 pm May 7th & 21st 2:30 pm Join us as we discuss the writing process and assist fellow authors. We meet in the upper level conference room of the library. Call the Reference Department at (231) 928-0256 for questions and more information. Help Wanted The Friends of the Fremont Area District Library turns 50 this year! FADL Board Meeting Dates - 2014 All meetings are held at 4:00 p.m. in the Conference Room on the third Tuesday of each month. ** Meetings are open to the public. ** January 21 February 18 March 18 April 15 July 15 May 20 August 19 June 17 September 16 October 21 November 18 December 16 We will kick off the anniversary celebrations with a party at our meeting in April. Additionally, we would like to do more by having a party for the whole community. If you are willing to help with planning and/or working on a community event, or if you have ideas that you would like to share…. Please contact Karla Johnson at 231-924-6978. CHILDREN’S EVENTS Adult Department, on the fourth Thursday of each month. Books will be available at the Circulation Desk a few weeks before the meeting. Everyone is welcome. Storytimes - Preschool The Spring session of our Preschool (ages 3 - 5) storytimes runs through Thursday, April 17th. Join us for great times with stories, movies, songs and crafts. Tuesdays @ 1:30 p.m. Daytime Book Discussion — Meets at 11:30 a.m. by the north fireplace in the ∙ Thursdays @ 10:30 a.m. Storytimes - Toddler Time March 27th -- An Irish Country Doctor, by Patrick Taylor April 24th -- Title will be determined at March meeting May 22nd -- Title will be determined at April meeting Call Susan Herrick at the Reference Department, (231) 928-0257, for more information. The Toddler Time (up to age 2) program Spring session ends on April 16th. Join us until then for stories, lapsits, fingerplays, music and movement activities. Wednesdays @ 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Readers Book Discussion Read to Pluto - Wednesday, March 12th -- 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Practice your reading skills with Pluto the Saint Bernard! Pluto’s coming with his friends from The Farm to enjoy an afternoon of book sharing and listening. Bring your favorite story, or read one of ours! Afterschool Movie - Thursday, March 20th -- 3:30 pm Frozen. Rated PG; 102 minutes. Anna and Kristoff journey to save Anna’s sister. Based on “The Snow Queen,” by Hans Christian Andersen. Snacks will be provided. In the Children’s Department. Spring Craft Make & Take - Saturday, April 12th -- 10 - 11:30 a.m. Welcome in spring with some great crafts! In the Children’s Department. All are welcome! Wednesday Readers – Meets at 7:00 in the Community Room on the second Monday of every month. Books are available at the circulation desk. Everyone is welcome. Contact Jill Hansen for more information, (231) 928-0256. March 10 -- Flight Behavior, by Barbara Kingsolver April 14 -- Language of Flowers, by Vanessa Diffenbaugh May 12 -- Annie’s Ghosts, by Steve Luxenburg (Great Michigan Reads) Afterschool Movie - Thursday, April 17th -- 3:30 pm It’s a mystery movie! We’ll be showing a great movie for afterschool, but we’re not sure which one yet. So, save the date, and call the Children’s Department as the time gets closer for more information. As always, refreshments will be served, and everyone is welcome! COMPUTER CLASSES (ALL CLASSES ARE HELD IN THE UPSTAIRS TRAINING ROOM) Mother’s Day Craft Make & Take - Saturday, May 10th -- 10 - 11:30 a.m. Make a gift for Mom for Mother’s Day! In the Children’s Department. All are welcome! Afterschool Movie - Thursday, May 22nd -- 3:30 pm It’s another mystery movie! We’ll be showing a great movie for afterschool, but we’re not sure which one yet. So, save the date, and call the Children’s Department as the time gets closer for more information. As always, refreshments will be served, and everyone is welcome! Contact the Children’s Department by calling (231) 928-0249. March 9th - Introduction to Computers April 17th - Basic Excel March 11th - Basic Word April 22nd - PowerPoint Contact Susan Herrick, (231) 928-0257, for more information.
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