Environmental Law Enforcement Training Workshop Registration Cost: FREE Agenda An Informative W orkshop for Law Enforcement Officials, Sanitarians, Solid W aste Management Districts, Environmental Managers, and Decision Makers basic training on topics that include how to respond when confronted by environmental crime scenes involving illegal dumping, scrap tire dumping, and the safety surrounding of meth labs. The workshop provides attendees with important information regarding the laws and effects that littering, including illegal dumping and scrap tire dumps, has on the quality of life and the money it costs. CEU’s and CLE’s available – see page 2. WHY ATTEND? To bring environmental crime impact to the attention of the local judicial system and identify resources for improving local enforcement programs To network with others involved in environmental enforcement. To identify resources for improving local enforcement programs This workshop is funded from a grant by the What is an Environmental Crime? - Case Studies Dangers at Environmental Crimes Scenes Meth Lab Training Environmental Enforcement Hazardous Materials How to Form a Local Environmental Coalition & Community Policing BMP’s Plus Many More Topics... Friday, May 1, 2015 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. OSU Marion, Guthery Room in Maynard Hall 1461 Mt Vernon Avenue Marion, OH 43302 Registration Form Clip and mail or Fax or Email to: Keep Ohio Beautiful / P. O. Box 13135 / Fairlawn, OH 44334 P: 330-338-8328 / F: 330-752-2616 / Email: mmennett@keepohiobeautiful.org Environmental Law Enforcement Training Workshop—FREE Name (Last) (First) Agency / Organization Mailing Address Phone ( ) Email Registration Online at www.keepohiobeautiful.org Environmental Law Enforcement Training Workshop Continuing Legal Education Available—can receive 5.0 CLE credits Registered Sanitarians and Sanitarians in Training—can receive 5.0 CEU credits Registered Solid Waste Professionals, SWANA Certification Program—can receive 5.0 CEU credits 8:30 am – 9:00 am Registration 9:00 am – 9:15 am Welcome - Michael Mennett, Keep Ohio Beautiful - Angela Carbetta, Keep Marion County Beautiful - Jenna Hicks, DKMM Solid Waste Management District 9:15 am – 10:15 am Environmental Enforcement - OEPA-OSI Ron Bonner/Bill Palmer, OEPA Office - SA Brad Ostendorf, USEPA CID - SA Rich Brownley, Ohio BCI Environmental 10:15 am – 10:25 am Break 10:25 am – 11:30 am A Prosecutor’s Perspective - Gene Crawford, Assistant US Attorney Central District - Ken Egbert, Assistant Attorney General, Ohio Attorney General’s Office Environmental Enforcement Section 11:30 am – 12:00 pm Lunch 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Meth Lab Training - Dwight Aspacher, Special Agent –Clandestine Lab/Cannabis Suppression Unit, Ohio BCI Environmental 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm Overview of Ohio’s Scrap Metal Law and Why Homeland Security is Involved - Marni Hollman, ODPS/Ohio Homeland Security - Robert Schlicher, ODPS/Ohio Homeland Security 2:00 pm – 2:45 pm The Ohio Scrap Tire Program - Janice Church, Scrap Tire Guidance, Ohio EPA - Barry Chapman, Scrap Tire Guidance, Ohio EPA 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm Examples of a Local Environmental Law Enforcement Coalitions - 3:00 pm – 3:15 pm TBD Conclusion and Q & A
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